2015 Magical, Magnificent, Mighty May WISH challenge! All are welcome!

News with me - We are buying a new house (well new to us) that's only 10 mins away from where we work with a double lot and get this we are going from a 12x60 2 bed 1 bath 1972 place to a 1991 3 bed 1 bath 16x76 place.. we are soo excited.. we are waiting for the appraisal date right now, but expect to be moving in around 6/15 ish!!! Hugs and pixie dust to anyone who needs it right now.. Michelle

Congrats! That's awesome!

Good morning! Welcome to your QOTD for Thursday, May 7, 2015!!

Believe it or not, today is National Roast Leg of Lamb day!!:P We don't eat lamb at my house, but I will refrain for getting on my soapbox.... anyhooooo....

How do you make sure you get enough PROTEIN every day? Do you even check or track your protein intake? What is your "go to" protein??

I'll BBL to chat and check on you all!.........P

Baaaad topic to get me started on. Protein is the major macro I track nowadays, I aim for 100-120g a day. Most of that is from a variety of dairy: whey, greek yogurt (mixed with whey), cottage cheese (only tolerable in scrambled eggs), normal cheese and milk, etc. I use normal eggs or egg whites on days where I'm trying to keep things low calorie. Beans and lentils when I have a good recipe. I love tofu but I can never make it taste good when I make it myself. And then there's a whole host of soy products (gardn is a good one) that I'll pick up when I'm too lazy to cook for myself. Whole grains and green veggies to round things out. Things would be way easier if I just ate meat, really.

When I started losing weight, I didn't really focus on protein as much as I should have, just calories. I was probably averaging 40g per day then. I was just trying to stay low calorie without worrying much about macros. Considering that, 100-120g is a pretty big challenge, but with a bit of meal planning it's usually manageable. I have to say, since I started eating in my current range, I've stayed in a pretty consistent weight range but I'm leaning out/putting on more muscle than I was before. Now if I could just get rid of my stomach pudge before summer's over I'd be thrilled...

For anyone that's looking for targets for protein, here's a good guide to follow:

  • If you are an athlete or highly active person attempting to lose body fat while preserving lean muscle mass, a daily intake of 1.5-2.2g/kg bodyweight (0.68-1g/lb bodyweight) is a good goal.

  • If you are an athlete or highly active person, or you are attempting to lose body fat while preserving lean mass, then a daily intake of 1.0-1.5g/kg bodyweight (0.45-0.68g/lb bodyweight) is a good goal.

  • If you are sedentary and not looking to change body composition, a daily target of 0.8g/kg bodyweight (0.36g/lb bodyweight) is a good goal.

(I didn't write this and I'm too lazy to check the rules to see if I can link/source. If anyone cares I can add it later)
GOOD MORNING! Happy FRIDAY!! WOOT, WOOT! We made it through another week (almost)!

Welcome to your QOTD for Friday, May 8, 2015:

Today is NATIONAL COCONUT CREAM PIE Day! (I swear, I couldn't make this stuff up!)


But obviously I don't really want us indulging in PIE (at least, not on a regular basis). So let's talk about COCONUT.... or more specifically COCONUT OIL! Around here, it seems to be all the rage... it has supposedly been "rediscovered" as a healthy oil, despite the fact that it is saturated fat. Folks are drinking in coffee, adding it to popcorn, making into "breakfast frostings" and putting on their face, hands, and hair!

How do you feel about coconut oil? Do you try to get more into your diet or do you think this is all hype? If you are trying to add more of it to your diet, where/how are you adding it?

If you haven't really heard anything about it, go ahead and Google it and see what the chatter is all about!

BTW, it is ALSO National Military Spouse Day..... so THANK YOU to any and all military spouses we have here!

I've got to leave the house super early today to drop off my food at the high school for the teacher breakfast, so I'll say good-bye for now and try to pop on from work later! Make it a GREAT FRIDAY!................P
Popping in quickly in the middle of my mad, crazy busy week. Missed yesterday qotd but chicken is my usual protein though i don't track it. Maybe I should though?? I will confess I've never heard of coconut cream pie ( probably just as well as I'd likely love it lol). I do like coconut but tend not to buy it often. My daughter drinks coconut milk in place of cows milk as she has dairy intolerance and just yesterday there was an article on daytime TV extolling the virtues of coconut oil but I've yet to spot it in the shops though to be truthful I haven't been looking! What does everyone else think??
I am still here... Not a good day yesterday. :sad2:

Somehow I just could eat everything in my sight. And I did. I tried to stop myself, but that only worked half way. Well, today is a new day and hopefully a better day. The bad news is that I had lunch at 12pm and I am already hungry again now at 2pm.

The good news is that the weather is lovely and I will finish work early. Might have to come in this weekend to catch up, but the forecast for the weekend is rain and rain and rain. And since I am free to do that, I just rather take this afternoon off and work when it is raining! :thumbsup2


Protein: I try to be better about protein, but WW does not really track it. I noticed that the app here in Germany recently had an update and now shows you the composition of the food you are tracking when you select the single food you tracked. I was pleased to see that I was doing not too badly with protein. My go to proteins are chicken breast, lean pork, quark (a German low fat cheese, similar to cottage cheese, but creamy in consistence) and recently canned tuna because I need to eat more fish...

coconut oil: I do consider it a bit of a fad. And I am very happy with the linseed oil that I started taking daily, so I am not going to experiment with a different type of oil just yet. But I have noticed that I lose better when I make sure to get a good amount of healthy fat into my daily diet.
Okay my WW friends....... I just ate LITERALLY 4 bites of a lemon cream cake (no frosting). How should I count it? This really isn't anything I ever eat, but it is Teacher Appreciation week and someone brought a piece and put it right on my desk. It was delicious.... I tried to stick with just 2 bites, but it was delicious! I'm thinking I'll count it for 3 PPV and move on (2 PPV seems like not enough, but 4 PPV seems like too much). Sound good??............P
Okay my WW friends....... I just ate LITERALLY 4 bites of a lemon cream cake (no frosting). How should I count it? This really isn't anything I ever eat, but it is Teacher Appreciation week and someone brought a piece and put it right on my desk. It was delicious.... I tried to stick with just 2 bites, but it was delicious! I'm thinking I'll count it for 3 PPV and move on (2 PPV seems like not enough, but 4 PPV seems like too much). Sound good??............P

Ok, I had to google lemon cream cake. Seems like a lemon pound cake (or sponge cake?) filled with a lemon cream cheese frosting? Sounds like something that I would love!!! I think 3 PPV for four bites sounds good to me. Depending on the size of your bites, you might be able to get away with only 2 PPV. But since you always struggle to use up your points... (I still can't fathom ever being in a situation like that...). It is great to hear that it was delicious, so worth the points!!
Ok, I had to google lemon cream cake. Seems like a lemon pound cake (or sponge cake?) filled with a lemon cream cheese frosting? Sounds like something that I would love!!! I think 3 PPV for four bites sounds good to me. Depending on the size of your bites, you might be able to get away with only 2 PPV. But since you always struggle to use up your points... (I still can't fathom ever being in a situation like that...). It is great to hear that it was delicious, so worth the points!!

It was pretty much like you described.... one of our PTO parents made a huge 3 tier cake.... bottom layer was a raspberry cream, center layer lemon cream, and top layer plain yellow cake (for you boring folks ;) ).... glad I was AWAY from it most of the day! Glad I tried it, but it would have been tempting to eat more and more of it!

Home from work.... not a tough job (school secretary), but crazy busy this week because all 3 office staff were out, plus the assistant principal was out half day today and the principal came in late and was tied up with interviews and observations all afternoon.... so I was kind of flying solo! But I enjoy the work and it keeps the day moving fast.... but that last hour is CRAZY! Glad to be home and doubly glad it is FRIDAY! That being said..... I forgot I hadn't done a menu for tonight, there is nothing defrosted, so I guess I'll be winging it! I have a new faux potato salad recipe (uses cauliflower instead of potato) that I am tempted to make tonight along with some veggie burgers and roasted broccoli.... that is sounding pretty delish right now!

Good morning and HAPPY SATURDAY! Welcome to your QOTD for Saturday, May 9, 2015:

Imagine this.... today is NATIONAL BUTTERSCOTCH BROWNIE DAY!! Sounds yummy, doesn't it?? Looks even better!

butterscotch brownie.jpg

SWEET TREATS.... they seem to be EVERYWHERE these days..... sweet muffins and donuts in the morning when you stop for a coffee, cookies, brownies, and birthday cake in the break room at work, designer dessert "shots" on the menus everywhere..... plus the minefield of the dessert buffet at parties, weddings, church socials, and funerals!

How do you navigate this world of super sugary, super fattening SWEET TREATS that seem to surround us? How do you get your "sweet fix"? Have you found the perfect easy packaged treat to satisfy the sweet tooth? Got a recipe for a delicious-but-healthy goodie you make for special occasions?
Good Morning...happy to report a 2 lb loss since May 1st so I am at 2/5 for the month so far. Thanks for doing the 10-day journal challenge for April as that really got me back on track (pun intended) :)

Sweets...hmm. I try to limit the size of the piece I have. If there are multiple choices, I try to hold myself to just one. I like the Special K crisps for a quick sweet treat. The mixed berry ones are my favorites.
Okay my WW friends....... I just ate LITERALLY 4 bites of a lemon cream cake (no frosting). How should I count it? This really isn't anything I ever eat, but it is Teacher Appreciation week and someone brought a piece and put it right on my desk. It was delicious.... I tried to stick with just 2 bites, but it was delicious! I'm thinking I'll count it for 3 PPV and move on (2 PPV seems like not enough, but 4 PPV seems like too much). Sound good??............P
Sounds delicious and 3 pps sounds about right!
I really struggle with limiting sweet/savory treats so for the last few weeks I've been making a 48pp snack bag for the week that I keep separate from everyone else's food and it does help a lot of the time :)
ne of our PTO parents made a huge 3 tier cake.... bottom layer was a raspberry cream, center layer lemon cream, and top layer plain yellow cake (for you boring folks ;) ).... glad I was AWAY from it most of the day!

This sounds delicious!! Lucky that you did not have to spend the day next to it!!

I have a new faux potato salad recipe (uses cauliflower instead of potato) that I am tempted to make tonight along with some veggie burgers and roasted broccoli

Interesting, how did it turn out?

How do you navigate this world of super sugary, super fattening SWEET TREATS that seem to surround us? How do you get your "sweet fix"? Have you found the perfect easy packaged treat to satisfy the sweet tooth? Got a recipe for a delicious-but-healthy goodie you make for special occasions? SHARE!..................P

I have to say that ever since my 10 days without sugar some weeks ago, I am far less tempted by sugary things. However, my problem is that if I want something sweet, I don't find eating fruit a substitute that will satisfy me. One thing I have found is that one piece of dark chocolate often helps with the craving for something sweet. Otherwise I try to be good to plan some treats. If I know that I have a plan for a treat for tomorrow, it is much easier to not be tempted by sweet stuff today. One thing I like is getting just one scoop of gelato. There is a small gelato place across the street from where I live and one scoop is about 2 ounces I would guess (50 grams). So today I treated myself to one scoop and that should have been 3 points. It was delicious and did not totally eat up all my points.

One thing I have noticed recently is that I am getting better at looking at things and consider whether they are really worth it. I described it to a friend recently and compared it to money. I only have a limited daily "fund" of calories to spend. So, suddenly certain things start being not worth it in my mind. The value just is not there. I rather have one really delicious cake once a month instead of eating some cheap packaged stuff, just because it smiles at me from a supermarket shelf. Hope this makes sense. However, sometimes this just does not work...

happy to report a 2 lb loss since May 1st so I am at 2/5 for the month so far.

Congratulations!! Well done! Hope the rest of the month will continue equally successfully.

've been making a 48pp snack bag for the week that I keep separate from everyone else's food and it does help a lot of the time :)

That is a neat idea! Just have your separate stash of snacks. I think this is helpful to visualize your weekly extra!
I knew yesterday's weigh in was gonna be up from water retention from TOM starting earlier this week. I won't be weighing in again until May 22nd because I'll be out of town next Friday. We leave Wednesday early in morning for South Dakota and won't be back until the 20th. I probably wont have much chance to check in if at all. Unless I find some wifi. LOL Hoping the hotel we end up staying at will have some. My friend is booking that so I don't have much say. My active phone is just calls and texts.

We are up and running at FULL STEAM AHEAD for May!! Please come join us and let me know that you plan to participate this month so I can add you to the list!! No stress, no worries if you know you won't be here every day.... feel free to join in when/where you can!!

Please read the complete instructions in post 2, and then let me know if you have any questions.

Hey there pjlla, I'm signing on for the month - newbie to the boards, also trying to get back into fitness, and so glad to find the W.I.S.H. peoples!
Hey there pjlla, I'm signing on for the month - newbie to the boards, also trying to get back into fitness, and so glad to find the W.I.S.H. peoples!

Welcome, welcome! Feel free to just jump right into the conversations and PM me if you have ANY questions or concerns! Glad to have you aboard!...............P
Good morning all! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all you Moms.... and to anyone who has ever helped raise a child.... aunts, grandmas, teachers... you name it! Celebrate yourself today!

No QOTD in honor of Mother's day! I gave myself the day off! But I'll be back in the morning, bright and early, to get you off to a great Monday and a wonderful successful weight loss week ahead!................P
Happy MONDAY friends! Welcome to your QOTD for Monday, May 11, 2015!!

Believe it or not, today is NATIONAL TWILIGHT ZONE DAY!! And I think some of us know what that is like with regards to weight loss..... you eat right on plan, get your healthy fats, stay hydrated, and hit the gym... and then you weigh in and get a big disappointment on the scale... a tiny loss, no loss, or (worst of all) even a little GAIN! Why, oh why does this happen? Has it happened to you?

HOW DO YOU REACT to this "scale twilight zone"? How does it effect your mental state? What do you do to make sure that it doesn't happen again the next week?

I'll try to pop on later to chat!......................P
Good Morning...happy to report a 2 lb loss since May 1st so I am at 2/5 for the month so far. Thanks for doing the 10-day journal challenge for April as that really got me back on track (pun intended) :)

Sweets...hmm. I try to limit the size of the piece I have. If there are multiple choices, I try to hold myself to just one. I like the Special K crisps for a quick sweet treat. The mixed berry ones are my favorites.

Great job with the 2 pounds!

Sounds delicious and 3 pps sounds about right!
I really struggle with limiting sweet/savory treats so for the last few weeks I've been making a 48pp snack bag for the week that I keep separate from everyone else's food and it does help a lot of the time :)

That is a great idea!!

Interesting, how did it turn out?

I actually didn't end up making it.... it was so late I realized that by the time the cauliflower and eggs cooked and cooled, it would be well after dinner time. I'll try it another time.

I have to say that ever since my 10 days without sugar some weeks ago, I am far less tempted by sugary things. However, my problem is that if I want something sweet, I don't find eating fruit a substitute that will satisfy me. One thing I have found is that one piece of dark chocolate often helps with the craving for something sweet. Otherwise I try to be good to plan some treats. If I know that I have a plan for a treat for tomorrow, it is much easier to not be tempted by sweet stuff today. One thing I like is getting just one scoop of gelato. There is a small gelato place across the street from where I live and one scoop is about 2 ounces I would guess (50 grams). So today I treated myself to one scoop and that should have been 3 points. It was delicious and did not totally eat up all my points.

One thing I have noticed recently is that I am getting better at looking at things and consider whether they are really worth it. I described it to a friend recently and compared it to money. I only have a limited daily "fund" of calories to spend. So, suddenly certain things start being not worth it in my mind. The value just is not there. I rather have one really delicious cake once a month instead of eating some cheap packaged stuff, just because it smiles at me from a supermarket shelf. Hope this makes sense. However, sometimes this just does not work...

I came to that conclusion a while ago as well.... some things just aren't worth digging into the PPV "budget" for!! I do try to save my PPV for things that are truly worth it (either for health/energy purposes, or because they taste great!).

That is a neat idea! Just have your separate stash of snacks. I think this is helpful to visualize your weekly extra!

I knew yesterday's weigh in was gonna be up from water retention from TOM starting earlier this week. I won't be weighing in again until May 22nd because I'll be out of town next Friday. We leave Wednesday early in morning for South Dakota and won't be back until the 20th. I probably wont have much chance to check in if at all. Unless I find some wifi. LOL Hoping the hotel we end up staying at will have some. My friend is booking that so I don't have much say. My active phone is just calls and texts.

Have a great trip!!

Hope you all had a lovely Mother's Day :)

Mine was very nice.... got to spend time with my Mom... always good! Got a sweet gift from DS (Mickey necklace) and from DH (a basket full of healthy body products from Sandy Mae's Body Cure!!). Will celebrate MD with DD another time, since she is still in the middle of finals.


Hey all! I'm here at work with just a minute or two to chat. Teaching 4th grade today. The weatherman lied and told me it would be a beautiful day, but the clouds are building steadily, so I want to go out for a short walk while I can, in case it is raining when I get home later.

Had a successful day eating OP yesterday until I had a run-in with some tortilla chips and ate waaay more than I planned. Oh well.... I paid the price with a gurgly belly overnight and now have LESS of my weekly PPV to use later in the week when I am at DD's school.... my own fault.

Pam, sorry that you used up your points for something not worthy!!

I am going out to dinner with my parents on Wednesday to a very lovely place that does seasonal high end food. I have no idea how I am going to track that, but decided to just try to keep as much of my weekly extra intact to use it for that meal. Most likely it won't be too bad as the portions are not huge. But I guess if I just leave the extra cushion I should be fine. However, today I am having a hard time and am very hungry. Still have over an hour at work and already ate all my planned snacks. Am considering to run out to the bakery to get a roll or something like that to tide me over. But that would be 5 points... And with my currently planned dinner all of those 5 points had to go out of my weekly budget... But then I am afraid that if I don't get something now, I will be so hungry later on that I eat everything in sight... I guess I better go and look for the healthiest thing in the bakery.

I think I have bored people to death this month (and last) already about how I am battling the scale by ignoring it. Feels great to me and works perfectly for me. In a way it even makes me more competitive as I want to make sure that the next time I step on the scale I will see a considereable loss. In the past not weighing has happened when I knew that I was sliding back into old habits. But currently I am eating on plan, I am exercising, so I am doing everything I can to lose weight. And that is all that matters to me at the moment.


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