13 year old into vibe


Earning My Ears
Aug 11, 2010
Would DCL let a thirteen year old, almost 14, go to vibe instead of Edge? He can handle himself in a teen environment. Compared to the other clubs Edge seems not as cool to him. Thanks!
If they stick to their own rules, then no.
But DCL is known for not sticking to the rules, so there is a chance that they might let him in. All you can do is ask. Or just send him in without asking. :confused3
Well I hope not. I have a DS13 and a DS15. I know the 15 does not want 3 yr old kids there(and he gets along with his brother) and my 13 does not wanta bunch of 10 yr old in the edge either . Most of the boys they hang with are 14 to 16 so they are both used to plder but I have let him know what age is his group and then it is up to him if he wants to try it, will like it...they are not expecting to have someone bend the rules for them. This is what happened on the Wonder last trip-may 2010 it it made it lousy for the older kids. So again, I hope not.
If they are turning 14 within 1 month, they can go to the Vibe. Otherwise they do try and limit the number of 13 year olds in the Vibe. Like the previous poster stated it sometimes ruins it for the other teens. Just like I wouldn't want a bunch of 16/17 year olds in the adult only areas, many of the 14 to 17 year olds don't want 13 year olds in Vibe. Sometimes they also have a high teen count and will not allow any 13 year olds in.

If your 13 year old is closer to being 14, all you can do is ask nicely and see what they can do. They want to make sure everyone has a good time.
My dd is 3 months shy of turning 14, but has always been around older kids. When we cruised the Wonder last week, she knew someone in the Vibe. She had to go to the tween club the first night to see if she felt comfortable there. She actually spent her whole time there talking to the counselors. The 2nd day we had to go to the supervisor of all the clubs to get permission for her to move up. One of their big concerns is making sure the parents are aware some of the kids in the teen club are almost 18 & going into their first year of college. As a parent in general, I really appreciate them taking the time to explain that. As her mom, I know that she's more comfortable with older kids.

The group on the Wonder last week clicked so quickly & strongly, they haven't stopped texting, facebooking or being on skype yet!
We are going in January and bringing my sons friend. My son is 14 and his friend will be turning 14 within a few months of our sailing. We called and were told that they will only allow a 13 year old in if we sign something stating we are OK with him being in there. I'm not sure if that will be the reality when we get there, but they said it was that simple.
My dd is 3 months shy of turning 14, but has always been around older kids. When we cruised the Wonder last week, she knew someone in the Vibe. She had to go to the tween club the first night to see if she felt comfortable there. She actually spent her whole time there talking to the counselors. The 2nd day we had to go to the supervisor of all the clubs to get permission for her to move up. One of their big concerns is making sure the parents are aware some of the kids in the teen club are almost 18 & going into their first year of college. As a parent in general, I really appreciate them taking the time to explain that. As her mom, I know that she's more comfortable with older kids.

The group on the Wonder last week clicked so quickly & strongly, they haven't stopped texting, facebooking or being on skype yet!

I had a very similar experience in June on the DREAM. My daughter was 13 and turning 14 in two weeks and entered high school this month. Went to Vibe and talked to the couselors, as she was on the Dream in Jan and went to EDGE. She had a great time there, but wanted to try Vibe this time since she would have been one of the oldest, if not the oldest, kid in Edge. They requested she go to EDGE the first night and try it. If she didn't feel like she fit in, then come back and discuss with the counselors. She tried it, but wanted to go to Vibe with kids in the same grade or older than her. Edge kids were in rising or current middle school kids. The counselors informed us that there were 17 year old boys in Vibe and wanted to make sure I was aware and okay with that. (Actually I think she said 17 & 18 year old boys, but not positive on the 18 year). I was. She then was allowed to get her Vibe card. They also made it clear that she could not go back to EDGE once she changed to Vibe. She went to Vibe the rest of the cruise and had a great time.

So our experience is that if you are within a few weeks of 14 and in high school, after trying EDGE for at least a day and with parent okay, they may allow you to go to Vibe.

I do appreciate that they try to enforce the rules and keep ages separate. The main reason my daughter wanted to move up to Vibe was because that was the age kids she goes to school with - she just has a later birthday.
Just got off the 8/16 Dream.. my son turned 13 in April and hated Edge.. thought it was way to young for him so he asked if he could go to Vibe with my DD and my nephew... they told him yes the first day would be a trial and if it went well he could come for the rest of the cruise...

He did just fine and liked it alot more than Edge.
My son went to the Vibe on the Dream this past July -- nearly 3 months shy of being 14. We did not have to sign anything. I should add that he is over 6' tall and looks 16 though so no one had a problem with him being younger.

He had a great time and made tons of new friends!
In looking at the web page I am concerned about the edge. It doesn't seem to have the computer labs that are available to the younger kids and at the same time none of the table games available to the older kids. Is it as boring as it looks on the web page. I don't want 2 frustrated 12 and 13 year old boys on my hands.
In looking at the web page I am concerned about the edge. It doesn't seem to have the computer labs that are available to the younger kids and at the same time none of the table games available to the older kids. Is it as boring as it looks on the web page. I don't want 2 frustrated 12 and 13 year old boys on my hands.

Which ship will you be sailing on?
I honestly don't think you will have 2 bored kids. While the space isn't as exciting on the Magic and Wonder as it is on the Dream, the programming is excellent.

The tween group was created out of a couple of concerns--bored kids in the Lab group, especially after several cruises and too wide an age/maturity gap in the teen group. It now conforms more closely to US schools with a middle school and high school group (roughly!). Yes, there are 18 year olds in the teen program--if they have not finished high school or are in the summer between high school and college, they are able to participate there. The maturity gap between a 13 year old and a 17/18 year old is huge.

Most kids look at the older program and wish they were in it; there is something to be said for waiting till you meet the requirements and then enjoy the next "special" space. DCL's rule has always been that if you are within 30 days of the "move up" age, you are able to go to the older group. Otherwise it is on a case by case basis, and they have recently become more strict about keeping kids in the age designated group.

My DD reported that younger kids who were allowed in the teen program were totally ignored. The teens didn't want them, so just chose to pretend that they weren't there. Thus, those who were allowed in to be with a brother/cousin/friend ended up with only that person to interact with. Sure, they could participate in group activities, but that was it.
From situations I have seen and comments I have heard, it is more that the older kids really do NOT like having the younger ones around - they feel they have 'earned their ears.' My friends son was in Vibe (age 16) and left and didn't go back because he said there were 'too many kids'. Hence HIS cruise was lacking because he wasn't able to be with just his age group (his opinion not mine_) Maybe that is selfish, but I guess if you expect one thing and get another there is bound to be a disappointment.
Hey guys! I am turning 13 in April 2013, and I am going on the Disney Fantasy (same as the Dream) in August! I have read what other people have posted and I see that your parents have to sign something! My friend (13) also went on the same cruise past week (march 2013) and said you have to have an older sibling (14 or older) to enter the Vibe! Is this true? My parents would be totally fine signing anything... And I am totally cool being with 17-18 year olds. I guess you could say I look 14, 15 MAX, but I definitely look older then I am. But will I by anyway be able to get into the Vibe? :guilty:
Hey guys! I am turning 13 in April 2013, and I am going on the Disney Fantasy (same as the Dream) in August! I have read what other people have posted and I see that your parents have to sign something! My friend (13) also went on the same cruise past week (march 2013) and said you have to have an older sibling (14 or older) to enter the Vibe! Is this true? My parents would be totally fine signing anything... And I am totally cool being with 17-18 year olds. I guess you could say I look 14, 15 MAX, but I definitely look older then I am. But will I by anyway be able to get into the Vibe? :guilty:

This thread was active prior to the big crack-down on the ages in the clubs. In Dec 2011, they started being more strict with ages in the clubs.

Edge is ages 11-14 and Vibe 14-17. In most cases, these guidelines will be enforced. There have been a few (very few) reports of 13 year old in Vibe since the change, but generally not.
My son has been Vibe age on both cruises. The first one had Edge visiting often. I guess both clubs didn't have many kids. Most activities were combined, but there would be special times set aside for just the Vibe age kids in Vibe.

Our second cruise, nobody underage, not even siblings, were allowed in Vibe. I think it was just too full. We had dinner with a family who had a kid in Edge and a kid in Vibe. Both were very happy with their clubs.
On the fantasy a week ago they were letting 13 yo into vibe if their parents agreed.


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