11 nights! 3 resorts! A goose egg at Biergarten! A 9 year old IN A STROLLER! New 8/6!


DIS Veteran
Apr 22, 2009
Welcome to my first ever trip report! :thumbsup2

I mostly lurk on the DIS, but I love me some trip reports, let me tell you. And this year, I decided during our trip that I was going to write one. Not only are they fun, and hopefully informative to people planning, but I would love it as a souvenir of sorts. I obviously have no idea if anyone is going to read it :lmao: but I'll attempt to write it anyway. ;)

So. On with the show!


Since I'm writing this beauty, let's start with me. My name is Meribeth. I'm a 36 year old who, in addition to handling the day to day affairs of my family, works full time. It's a juggling act, that's for sure. I love to knit, obsess over LOST (yes I know it ended 2+ years ago thankyouverymuch), work out, and plan Disney trips, of course.

I have to say, though, that I have a terrible habit (terrible to others--not to me) of bringing just about everything around to LOST. So, if you hated that show, you'll probably hate my TR. ;)

This is me.

My hair doesn't look that good when I style it myself.

My favorite parks at Disney are Epcot and Animal Kingdom. My favorite rides are the Safari, Soarin', and BTMRR. My favorite LOST episode is The Constant.


Next up is my DH, Tim. He is a network administrator. He likes Disney, but doesn't quite love it as much as I do, but he is a good sport. He likes pirate music, watching cartoons with the kids, taking our dogs for walks, and hopes to get back into doing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (he had shoulder surgery last year that has been difficult to recover from).

Here he is, sharing his seat with everyone's favorite fruity drink from the Poly: The lapu lapu!


His favorite parks are the same as mine because I'm awesome, his favorite ride is POTC, and his favorite LOST episode is...I have no idea. He doesn't love the show like I do.

[Insert sad violin music]

The third member of our family is Liam, age 9. If Liam could do one thing for the rest of his life, it would be play games on the PS3. If I could do one thing today, I'd throw the PS3 out. You might guess that we clash over this regularly. Liam is a sweet, smart kid who does a really good job of putting up with his brother.


Liam's favorite park is the Magic Kingdom. His favorite rids are Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, and Big Thunder Mountain. His favorite LOST episode is--Okay, that joke has long run its course.

Our last (human) family member is 6 year old Quinn, who we all love dearly even though he never stops talking. Seriously, this kid spouts every thought that enters his little head. Quinn basically loves anything that Liam loves.

They fight a lot.


Quinn's favorite park is the Magic Kingdom, and his two favorite rides are Winnie the Pooh and Peter Pan. Oh, and Aladdin. And Dumbo. And Chester and Hester's Dino-Rama.

Can you tell he is feeding me this information as I type?

So, that's us.

Oh, and we also have two rescue dogs. I can't forget them. They are Moxie (2) and Doobie (3). (Before you start making assumptions here, Quinn insisted that Doobie's name be Doobie, as in Scooby Doobie Doo. Of course, he isn't the one who has to call the vet and make appointments for "Doobie" and sound like a complete imbecile, so thanks for that, there, little guy.) They spent almost two weeks boarding at the vet, but were returned none the worse for wear, and are back to their regular slothful selves.

Here is The Doob, as we lovingly call him (He's the Doob. Not Jeffrey Lebowski!)

And Moxie

Now you know the players, so let's get to the setting. We're looking at June 5 - 16, 2012. First five nights: Caribbean Beach, pirate room. Second five nights: Boardwalk Inn, club level. Last night: Animal Kingdom Lodge.

Are you with me?


Well, let's get this party started anyway!
I'm in!! Can't wait to read. I'm staying at CBR this fall.

Hi! Welcome!! :goodvibes

CBR is beautiful. Really relaxing and the grounds are simply lovely. We had a couple issues that made us not fall in love with the resort (I'm sure I'll talk about them!), but I think mostly it was just our personal preferences that clashed a bit. It really is a gorgeous resort and I bet you will really love it!
I love how you write - and your dogs name (Doobie) TOO funny LOL, all I can think is calling the vet and them thinking you are some sort of stonner (sp?) LOL, oh my word, that is just the funniest. Have a great trip!
I love how you write - and your dogs name (Doobie) TOO funny LOL, all I can think is calling the vet and them thinking you are some sort of stonner (sp?) LOL, oh my word, that is just the funniest. Have a great trip!

LOL, thanks! Yes, we often get quite a chuckle when we call to make appointments for him. I'm just so glad we caved and let Quinn have his way. God forbid we put our parental foot (feet?) down and insist on Rex or Fluffy or Lazybones or something. Nope. Doobie it is! :rotfl:
Let me preface this by saying this section is woefully inadequate in terms of pictures, and for that I apologize. There are more later, I promise!

So, the day had finally come! I had spent weeks worrying about possible issues that would spoil the trip--illness, broken bones, meteorite hitting the Orlando area, you name it. But our travel day arrived, and no one was sick, everyone's bones were properly unbroken, and no news of a meteorite hitting Florida.

So, let's get moving, shall we? Our flight was scheduled to leave at 10:30 am from Albuquerque. We live about an hour away, so needed to be on the road by 7:30 or so. No problem. I had set the alarm for six, but Tim and I were both up before that.

My kids, though--who have some sort of unspoken contest about who can get up the earliest--were still sleeping.

Me: :eek:

We got them up and got moving. I had spent the day before cleaning and packing and we were just about ready to go. We took the dogs to the vet the day before, so they were all taken care of already.

You can tell something bad is about to happen, right? Do you feel the ominous tone emanating from my words on the screen? If this were a movie, there would be creepy music playing.

At 7:15 am, Liam uses the restroom one last time before we are going to hit the road and we hear him in there: "Mom? Dad? The water isn't up to its normal level!" :confused3

We have no idea what he means. Tim rushes in and the water is spilling out of the toilet all over the floor. :eek: He quickly turns off the water and tries to plunge, and the water level isn't really lowering, and we know what this means.

Because, you see, this has happened to us before.

(Well, not the morning we are trying to make a flight, but still.)

The septic system was backed up.

I shall spare you, my three readers, further gory detail. But let the record show that we spent fifteen minutes FRANTICALLY mopping up the water, doing our best to clean, and running out the door to make the flight.

On the way to the airport, I called the septic pump guy. He said he would come out and pump the tank later that day. Okay. Not ideal that we are leaving in this situation, and I am kind of anxious about everything, but hey, what can we do?

We make it to the airport with plenty of time (big collective sigh....NOW), park in long term parking, and haul our three huge suitcases (thank you Southwest! Bags fly free, whoop whoop!) and carry on to the terminal. The kids have their backpacks with books and their DSs and everything. Thanks to early bird check in, we are in group A, and shuffle ourselves onto the plane.

My seatmate is this little chatterbox I birthed.

We have two stops, but never have to get off the plane. At the second stop, I call the pump guy and verify that everything is fixed. He says we're good to go. Alllllrighty then. Six long hours later, we descend into Orlando where it is...

Raining? :confused:

Nevermind that foolishness. We deplane (I love writing that word), head over to the ME, and get right on the bus to CBR. Could not have been easier. We waited 15 minutes or so for some more people to get on and then we were off!


Those people don't actually look all that excited. Wake up, knuckleheads! We're on the Magical Express!! :woohoo:

We're on a brand spanking new ME bus, too. And it has seatbelts. :confused: Say what? We didn't know if we were supposed to use them. Being the awesome parents we are, we opted not to.

Uh oh. I think I just lost a reader.

Okay, well, we watch our Disney video and see the Welcome to Disney sign and hey look, we're at CBR and...It's still raining. What?

As a result, no good pics. Also we didn't have the charger for my camera battery yet. Boy, I am reeling in the readers here.

We check in and while the CM wasn't really enthusiastic, she was nice enough and we were off to catch the internal bus since Trinidad South is approximately 2,366 miles from the Custom House. But that's where the pirate rooms are, so what can you do?

A few minutes later we get off at the bus stop and walk around like idiots until some nice man tells us how to get to building 34. We find it, climb the stairs to the 2nd floor, walk around a few corners and finally see it.


Room 3437. Our home for the next five nights.

A knock on the door reveals kindly bell services delivering our garden grocer order. We get that put away and decide it's early enough to hit Downtown Disney for a bit. That will prove to be something of a mistake, but of course we don't know that yet. So we head out in the drizzle, get lost, make our way to the bus stop and after not too long a bus to DD arrives and off we go!

When we get there, we head to Cookes of Dublin. That is mistake number one because it takes nearly an hour to get and eat our food. I have the fish and chips--not bad. When we finish, Liam wants the doh bar, and that takes another ten minutes. Quinn and I head to Ghirardelli to get waffle cones. I eat much of mine. He predictably eats four bites of ice cream and is done.

It's stopped raining for the time being and so we wander around for a bit but most of the shops are closing so we decide to head back. Wait a sec. It's 11 pm!? When did that happen? We have to get back and crash so we can hit MK tomorrow!!

We open the room door to discover our luggage has made it, change, and hit the sack. Big day tomorrow and it's already really late. Oops. Parenting Fail #2 (at least) so far this trip.

Stay tuned for our first day in the Magic Kingdom, where we are almost washed away. How come no one around here thought to check the weather before we left?

:happytv: <-----That's me, laughing, the day before we leave, as I watch something that wasn't the weather on tv. If I had been watching the weather, I wouldn't have been laughing.
Haven't scared me off yet!:lmao:

Excited to see how everything goes. I guess after the septic issue it can only get better, right?
I found your TR! :) Oh my-at your departure day drama. Glad you seemed to get everything at home repaired and cleaned up!

I can't wait to hear how you handled a 3-resort split stay. We've managed two during a trip, but never three!
Subbing! popcorn::

My 6 year old Daughter is also a huge chatterbox. We're driving 30 hours to Disney in November, so that's going to be REAL fun. If I had a nickel for everytime she'll ask me a question along the way I would probably have enough money to pay for our entire trip.:rolleyes1 Luckily we have a dvd player in the car, so hopefully that will help a little.


I'm looking forward to reading more. :thumbsup2
Hey, you're funny. I'm in.

I'll give you a shout-out on my trip report. Maybe I can get you three more readers.



Dang it popcorn::
HEY .. we stayed in the same room at CBR !! We were there April 10th - 15th. :lmao:

I sort of hated the room (it wasn't what I had wanted .. long story .. it's in my TR) but the resort is beautiful !

Looking forward to reading more !
Reader #3 out of 3 new readers from Laura's report. Off to a great start except the whole septic tank issue.

Jill in CO
Holy moly! READERS!! I am so excited. :cool1:
Haven't scared me off yet!:lmao:

Excited to see how everything goes. I guess after the septic issue it can only get better, right?

LOL! Yes, the septic tank issues were, in hindsight, a good way to start the vacation, since that was something of a low point for us. :rotfl: When I do my Day 2 update later, though, you'll see that it was a difficult day for us. (I cried.) Things improved massively, but we had a rough start this year.

I found your TR! :) Oh my-at your departure day drama. Glad you seemed to get everything at home repaired and cleaned up!

I can't wait to hear how you handled a 3-resort split stay. We've managed two during a trip, but never three!

Hey, thanks for coming over!! Switching resorts two times was tricky. Thankfully, it didn't make us lose park time, but I think when we go back we'll just pick one resort and stay there. Unpacking and packing like that was something of a drag. And I think we may have left a pair of Tim's shoes at the Boardwalk. :eek:

Subbing! popcorn::

My 6 year old Daughter is also a huge chatterbox. We're driving 30 hours to Disney in November, so that's going to be REAL fun. If I had a nickel for everytime she'll ask me a question along the way I would probably have enough money to pay for our entire trip.:rolleyes1 Luckily we have a dvd player in the car, so hopefully that will help a little.


I'm looking forward to reading more. :thumbsup2

Thank you so much for stopping by! :goodvibes We play games with Quinn whenever we're in the car with him, even just for a few minutes. He and Liam will have these contests to see who can be quiet all the way home. Quinn has never won. In fact, I don't think he's actually ever been quiet more than thirty seconds. :rotfl: You will be in my thoughts in November!

Oh, and in July, we're driving to see my dad in AZ (7+ hours). I am...apprehensive. ;)

I'm still here!!!

Yay!! :goodvibes

Hey, you're funny. I'm in.

I'll give you a shout-out on my trip report. Maybe I can get you three more readers.

Whoop whoop!! Thanks!! I am off to visit yours as well!




Dang it popcorn::

:rotfl: :thumbsup2

HEY .. we stayed in the same room at CBR !! We were there April 10th - 15th. :lmao:

I sort of hated the room (it wasn't what I had wanted .. long story .. it's in my TR) but the resort is beautiful !

Looking forward to reading more !

Oh, I am sorry the room isn't what you wanted. I'm going to pop over to your TR later today--very interested in your stay! We did think the resort was really pretty, and I felt sad that we didn't fall in love with it. But I guess there's more to come on that!

Thank you for reading!!

Reader #3 out of 3 new readers from Laura's report. Off to a great start except the whole septic tank issue.

Jill in CO

Yeah!! So happy you're here!

LOL! We did it!

Thank you!!! :goodvibes

I feel so loved already. :goodvibes

Hope to get to Day 2 within the next couple of days. Day 2, our first park day, will have more pictures!

(Audience: Yay!)

It will have torrential downpours that close rides, for which we were sadly unprepared!

(Audience: Boo!)

It will have dinner at 'Ohana!

(Audience: Yay!)

It will have tears!

(Audience: Boo!)

It will have...Okay, that's enough, because soon I won't have anything left to say in my update. ;) TTFN, friends!
Can't wait to read more. We are thinking about staying at CBR next May in a pirate room.:thumbsup2
Joining in :)
Great Start and Very Funny :rotfl:
Can't wait to hear about your first day in the park! (good bad or ugly) lol
Hey let me guess! You were watching Lost? and not the weather.

Laura reeled me over, hooked me over, sent me, oh, she said you were funny.

I like funny.

And you are!

We were in disney right after Katrina, I have some wet photos to compare with yours. I'll wait for you to post yours first.

Hi Laura! :wave:
I survived the Oct 7-9, 2011 monsoon at WDW. ;)

Jill in CO

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