01/02/2014 Disney Magic 3 Night - Miami

Has anyone had luck posting to the Google Doc? I can't enter information there, but there is a strong chance that it is user error ...
I'm sure Taylor will fix the google doc as soon as she gets a chance. We still have time. After all Gigi still hasn't booked yet! So we still have time.

What's everyone in the middle of for the trip and Holidays? Have some of you finished the Holiday and concentrating on the trip? or vice versa? Or like me, doing both.

Ok, fess up! Whose already packed? There's always some efficient, Type A personality whose already packed at this point! I'm actually sorting shorts and T-shirts today. Not because I'm efficient but because I'm not and they've been in piles in my bedroom to put away from the summer! :snail: Sometimes, it pays to be lazy!

However, with the hussle and bussle of doing WDW during its busiest week in our future. I'm reverting back to when the boys were little and I would space bag each days worth of their clothes so they just have to open it and get dressed. Ah space bags, a single mother's best friend on vacation. I'll be dealing with sleepy, not wanting to get out of bed so early, teens now instead of little boys, but what ever gets us to rope drop and in the park before park closures is all good!

And I'm working on cleaning my living room and moving furniture around for the Christmas Tree. This is the earliest I've done it. I'm putting Christmas up Thanksgiving Week and I'm wondering if I should take it down before we leave. We never been away Christmas time before and I don't know what our Cat, not to mention our brand new 3 month old kitten would do to the Chrsitmas decorations while we are gone. Does anyone have any experience with this? :cat: :cat:
I'm sure Taylor will fix the google doc as soon as she gets a chance. We still have time. After all Gigi still hasn't booked yet! So we still have time.

What's everyone in the middle of for the trip and Holidays? Have some of you finished the Holiday and concentrating on the trip? or vice versa? Or like me, doing both.

Ok, fess up! Whose already packed? There's always some efficient, Type A personality whose already packed at this point! I'm actually sorting shorts and T-shirts today. Not because I'm efficient but because I'm not and they've been in piles in my bedroom to put away from the summer! :snail: Sometimes, it pays to be lazy!

However, with the hussle and bussle of doing WDW during its busiest week in our future. I'm reverting back to when the boys were little and I would space bag each days worth of their clothes so they just have to open it and get dressed. Ah space bags, a single mother's best friend on vacation. I'll be dealing with sleepy, not wanting to get out of bed so early, teens now instead of little boys, but what ever gets us to rope drop and in the park before park closures is all good!

And I'm working on cleaning my living room and moving furniture around for the Christmas Tree. This is the earliest I've done it. I'm putting Christmas up Thanksgiving Week and I'm wondering if I should take it down before we leave. We never been away Christmas time before and I don't know what our Cat, not to mention our brand new 3 month old kitten would do to the Chrsitmas decorations while we are gone. Does anyone have any experience with this? :cat: :cat:

I BOOKED! I BOOKED!!!!! and now my mom might want to join us after all... sighhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! I would need to move a kid to her room to save some $$, but not sure I can since it's after PIF date... not quite sure what i'm going to do or how i'm going to do it! OY VEY!

I am doing a little vacation planning, a little holiday planning and a whole lot of procrastinating! LOL!

Re: Rope Drop... are you staying on property? look into Magic Bands... no more rope drop required!

I'm also still putting away summer clothes and have considered putting them directly into the suitcases... but the suitcases are behind the "hidden" Christmas presents, so that's a problem as long as my kids are home (and they are always home lately! LOL!)
And I'm working on cleaning my living room and moving furniture around for the Christmas Tree. This is the earliest I've done it. I'm putting Christmas up Thanksgiving Week and I'm wondering if I should take it down before we leave. We never been away Christmas time before and I don't know what our Cat, not to mention our brand new 3 month old kitten would do to the Chrsitmas decorations while we are gone. Does anyone have any experience with this? :cat: :cat:

This will be our first Christmas with a cat, and I am already thinking that I will have to limit the time we keep the tree up - first weekend in december to a day or two past Christmas. Then again, we will be on Long Island visiting DH's family for the holiday, so the tree might be completely taken down by the cat as a Christmas gift to us!:cat::eek:

As to the Type A personalities... I am not completely packed (yet). But I am definitely a list maker/everything in order kind of person. I don't like unwelcome surprises, so I try to prep as thouroughly and as far in advance as I can. I am pretty much driving everyone in my house crazy :)

This will be our first vacation with my father (he just turned 74) and my DDs are really looking forward to it. We have been watching other people's families travel with grandparents, aunts/uncles, cousins etc... for years, and we're always jealous. He hasn't taken a vacation since I was a little girl, and I am hoping that if DCL & I can both work enough magic on him, then we might convince him to do this again. I know my crazy quest for vacation perfection is unrealistic, but like my DH says, my heart is in the right place.:love:
JoTheBookish... where on Long Island will you be visiting? That's where we are from :)
Hello everyone,

havent been on the board for a longer then usual period of time, i feel like i am doing a marathon and the finish line never comes.. Oh well, only 1 month before we leave for Florida :banana::banana::woohoo::woohoo:

As you can see, i am definitely not a cold weather person ... We already had snow over the week end :scared1:

Does anyone know when we will close the FE list ? I have started and would like to be able to have everything done before we leave for Florida. Will we also get a list with ages and gender per stateroom ? Sorry if this has been answered before, i forgot and didnt take the time to go over all of our pages. The joy of getting older ... lol

Let me know,

Josee, from cold Canada !
JoTheBookish... where on Long Island will you be visiting? That's where we are from :)
DH grew up in Smithtown, but his parents just downsized and moved out to a town out east. Can't remember the name of the town off the top of my head. I'm a westchester girl originally & don't have any great love for LI (the drivers scare me) but we were married @ the Old Field Club in stony brook, so I do have a bit of affection for some of it :)
I'm not by any means a Facebook expert, but are you friended with your daughter? Is that the issue?

Yes she is friend with me on FB, therefore the reason why i dont want to joing a group called " Disney Magic cruise janaury 2nd " ... lol . It will probably ruin the xmas surpsie we have plan of telling them . I will try to come back to this board more frequently to keep up.

It would be nice to have an app that is linked to this board on our smartphone and beeps when someone writes something .. I am sure this day will come .

Thanks for your input,


ps: oh my god ... i fogot to share !!! I have the video and picture of the Magic when it was docked at port canaveral on october 20th ! We were on the dream passing by the Magic. They did a " horn" battle, it was amazing ! If anyone wants it, i dont know how to do other things but to write on this board, so email me and i will send those to you.
I know I had said earlier that we were going to stay on the ship but... I caved and booked the blue lagoon beach day. I am hoping that the weather is warm and the lagoon is a decent temp that day. We have not had the best weather on our past January cruise, too cold for swimming. We have done the Sheraton Cable Beach, Cabbage Beach and the British Colonial Hilton. Blue lagoon is new for us. Has anyone been there before?

I emailed to make a private reservation and they said we would have to book it through the ship because with DCL they have to let the ship book you. That seemed a bit weird but so be it.
I know I had said earlier that we were going to stay on the ship but... I caved and booked the blue lagoon beach day. I am hoping that the weather is warm and the lagoon is a decent temp that day. We have not had the best weather on our past January cruise, too cold for swimming. We have done the Sheraton Cable Beach, Cabbage Beach and the British Colonial Hilton. Blue lagoon is new for us. Has anyone been there before?

I emailed to make a private reservation and they said we would have to book it through the ship because with DCL they have to let the ship book you. That seemed a bit weird but so be it.

That is so funny - we did just the opposite! We had scheduled the family beach day, but then after thinking it over, we cancelled.
We have been before, and it is nice. Nothing amazing, but time we went we were one of only three families, so it was like having a private beach. No waves, so it was great for my little ones, who were not strong swimmers at the time. Very mellow.
This time around though... The 7:45am start time was bothering me. Pirate night is that night & I don't want us all to be falling over exhausted and miss the fireworks (again). I spoke with the shoreside concierge & we chatted about time actually spent on the excursion and it will basically go like this: Meet up at 7:45 on the ship, figure that we will be off the ship around 8, there is a 15 minute walk to the boat, and a 40 minute boat ride there. So arrival around 9ish. All aboard is at 1:45 that day, so working the timing backwards (40 minute boat ride-15 minute walk) we would be leaving the island around 12:30ish so as not to cut it too close. For 3.5 hours of beach time (including lunch) just didn't seem worth the hustle for us this go around. Especially since the avg temperatures in Nassau in January are around 75F.

We would definitely do it again in the future, but this time we are going to stay on the ship. This is our first time on the Magic & since we have no day at sea to explore the ship, we will consider "ship exploration" our excursion for Nassau :)
DH grew up in Smithtown, but his parents just downsized and moved out to a town out east. Can't remember the name of the town off the top of my head. I'm a westchester girl originally & don't have any great love for LI (the drivers scare me) but we were married @ the Old Field Club in stony brook, so I do have a bit of affection for some of it :)

East of Smithtown, is likely very near me! Cue the music... It's A Small World After All! I look forward to meeting you in Jan, I may be your in-laws neighbor!
We were undecided as to what to do on our Nassau day also... opted for Sheraton Cable Beach, only to just find out they no longer can be booked on points (we have a lot of points!) and were exploring other options when I looked to see how many people/ships would be in port with us...

Found this on cruisett.com

03-Jan-14 18980 Carnival Sensation, Celebrity Constellation, Disney Magic, Disney Dream, Norwegian Epic, Carnival Breeze

That 18,980 is the number of people! (On all ships combined)
Ergo, we will stay on board!
Ya the 7:45 start time has me reconsidering. We are going to reflect a little bit more on our priorities for this trip. I didn't even think about the pirate party, we are always exhausted at the end of that night. I think a relaxing day on board sounds better. That was our original plan anyway... :scratchin
Yay! More people for Mixology! I'll ask for more details as we get closer to 25 people. Yeah, I cancelled Blue Lagoon weeks ago after I heard how many boats would be in Port. I'm thinking Key West is my get off the boat day, maybe. I'm planning, planning, planning right now. What to pack, what to leave home. Next project is to clean and organize my bathroom. I always end up buying stuff unnecessarily at the end of packing (band aids razors cold med. sun burn stuff etc) when I know I have it but have run out of time to find it! Not this year! Since I'm driving and not flying, I'm bringing all that medicinal stuff so I don't have to buy it in Florida! I'm even bringing full size beach towels! Disney ones, of course! I collect them. They are my fav Wdw souvenirs. I still have the Castaway Club beach towel from our second cruise!
We were undecided as to what to do on our Nassau day also... opted for Sheraton Cable Beach, only to just find out they no longer can be booked on points (we have a lot of points!) and were exploring other options when I looked to see how many people/ships would be in port with us...

Found this on cruisett.com

03-Jan-14 18980 Carnival Sensation, Celebrity Constellation, Disney Magic, Disney Dream, Norwegian Epic, Carnival Breeze

That 18,980 is the number of people! (On all ships combined)
Ergo, we will stay on board!

Holy cannoli! That's a lot of people!
Okay - totally not regretting our decision to cancel Blue Lagoon.

Re: Nassau & cruise crowds in general - We were in Atlantis this past May, and the crowds from the cruises the first few days made it impossible to relax. I can't imagine that the cruisers felt any better. Too bad they can't stagger the ships' port days to spread out the guests.


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