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  1. jdg345

    Will the new administration cancel American cruises for 2021?

    I think the science will be followed. It's just that the science is evolving, that's all. Like I said, I think we're still in "spaghetti mode" when it comes to this virus.
  2. jdg345

    Will the new administration cancel American cruises for 2021?

    I think you had a very good question, but we're in strange times for sure and it's pretty easy for some topics (more than others) to deviate into areas that don't really play well with the TOS. :)
  3. jdg345

    Will the new administration cancel American cruises for 2021?

    Thank you so much for your post! This is great information and lines up with a lot of what I am hearing and seeing firsthand as well, particularly since Germany has had one of the better European responses to Covid. That said, even with the new lockdowns, I believe they have shelved any attempt...
  4. jdg345

    Will the new administration cancel American cruises for 2021?

    I think so too and in the end I think it will be up to the Cruise Lines. Someone, at some point, is going to have to "go first" and I suspect what happens and what they learn from that will be closely watched by other lines before they decide to start back up.
  5. jdg345

    Will the new administration cancel American cruises for 2021?

    It was pretty restrictive still over the summer, though I would agree not as much as over the spring. I had some business travel to and through Europe and it was a terrible mess in terms of logistics, quarantines, delays, etc. I guess the answer to the OP's question is, unfortunately, we don't...
  6. jdg345

    Will the new administration cancel American cruises for 2021?

    It doesn't help that the "science" keeps changing. Different scientists are saying different things. This is true of everything from weather to diets to vaccines to education. It's kind of difficult in the US because it's just not as easy to lock down logistically as other countries. Of...
  7. jdg345

    Will the new administration cancel American cruises for 2021?

    But the Port Authority (of a jurisdiction) could be more restrictive than the guidelines presented by the CDC, correct?
  8. jdg345

    Will the new administration cancel American cruises for 2021?

    Yes, I think the goal with any administration, globally, is to eradicate the virus. The problem, unfortunately, is that a virus is going to virus. I just don't see anything really changing until we have a Vaccine and/or Therapeutic for this. My suspicion is that this is going to be just like...
  9. jdg345

    Will the new administration cancel American cruises for 2021?

    I think that in the US it would be up to the Port Authority to determine that. Also, I do watch Foreign news sources as well, and it really is quite interesting the differences not just in terms of virus coverage, but in general.
  10. jdg345

    Will the new administration cancel American cruises for 2021?

    I have to think there are just multiple strains of this thing at this point and that's why we are seeing this. I have first hand seen this happen in (3) different households with family members. In consultation with both my personal physician and my pediatrician they have also noted that just...
  11. jdg345

    Will the new administration cancel American cruises for 2021?

    Exactly this, people don't care. Certain gatherings are okay, some aren't. We cannot have that sort of inconsistency because it sends the wrong message. Some people will look at that and think it's all a hoax or a joke and they won't listen to the guidance -- this is why we get the spikes...
  12. jdg345

    Will the new administration cancel American cruises for 2021?

    I think it's been fairly civil but I understand your point. I don't think the administration will be able to cancel anything without CDC guidance -- that's where we are. It took months/years for the Trump Administration to get their nominees in place, I don't imagine it's going to look too...
  13. jdg345

    Will the new administration cancel American cruises for 2021?

    Certainly, please understand I wasn't speaking in absolutes which is why I didn't suggest "all". The news media, like any business, needs to make money and if things are boring, no one clicks. That's the world we live in. Without OpEds, I can't imagine a news outlet being profitable.
  14. jdg345

    Will the new administration cancel American cruises for 2021?

    Pretty sure we've been following the guidance of the task force since it was put into effect in January, which takes into account Scientists, CDC, etc. Again, don't forget that Europe went through mass lockdowns and mask mandates and they're having record case spikes every other day. This is...
  15. jdg345

    Will the new administration cancel American cruises for 2021?

    I hope so too and I'm hoping that the rhetoric was simply campaigning. Unfortunately, it was a dangerous position to take when the percentage of those people that trusted a vaccine was already terribly low.
  16. jdg345

    Will the new administration cancel American cruises for 2021?

    Unfortunately, most of our news media today reports opinions. I wish there was a "facts only" news source, it would be much easier to navigate ourselves through these crazy times.
  17. jdg345

    Will the new administration cancel American cruises for 2021?

    No doubt, we must get the virus under control: Either via vaccine or via therapeutics or a combination of the two. Hindsight is 20/20, so we need to deal with what we're experiencing now. But, remember that Europe had mass lockdowns and mask mandates and they're experiencing record breaking...
  18. jdg345

    Will the new administration cancel American cruises for 2021?

    Yup, exactly, it's too costly to go through the process of opening to then have to close again. They're not going to move forward until they have a *very* clear path forward.
  19. jdg345

    Will the new administration cancel American cruises for 2021?

    Correct, but based on the current counts, if they stand, that is where we would be at. They're going to move forward just like Bush/Gore in 2000. I believe that took something like 37 days to workout. In the end, I don't think anything changes, the votes are counted and co-mingled at this point...
  20. jdg345

    Will the new administration cancel American cruises for 2021?

    I agree, I don't think 2021 will be cancelled out of the gate, but I do think we will have rolling cancellations that will likely go through most of 2021 before it's all said and done. It's going to come down to the accessibility of a vaccine and how many people are willing to take it. Keep in...

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