City, Sand, and Savanna - Link to new trip report

I have always wanted to eat at the Flying Fish.

I HIGHLY recommend staying at an Epcot resort.

I just love the Electric Water Pageant (the one Judy took a photo of). We recently stayed at Bay Lake Tower and got to watch it every night from our balcony.
Hey gang, I'll have to work on replies and sort out scores tomorrow, but I'll be in meetings so it's going to take a little bit. Please be patient. :)
(I tried to come up with a joke referencing Lew Zealand, like "Lew Zealands favorite restaurant!" But to get it, youd have to know that Lew Zealand was a character on The Muppet Show who had a stage act throwing boomerang fish (hence, flying fish). I know at least one DISer would've gotten it, but it seemed like a stretch, so I'm sorry, no Lew Zealand jokes will be used in this chapter. As long as you don't count this long diatribe as a joke, which I know most of you won't. Even though you should.)

Well, of COURSE I would have gotten it. But I'm a little confused here. Do we make up our own joke? Or do we just need Statler and Waldorf to stop by and poke fun at the TR? :confused3:rotfl:

If I had known, I could've encouraged the people to chew faster, or at least started bussing their plates and silverware.

No taunting the guests, please.

And if you take a picture of the floor, you can't leave out the ceiling.

Whoops. I didn't catch Judy's reflection earlier. C'est la vie.

Here, Marlene is, let me rephrase that. Here, Lauren is passing the cheese plate to Marlene.


And Lauren's plate. I'm sorry, but I have no idea what this is.

I'm thinking some kind of seafood?

I confess that I stood around eating a bite or two also. Such a classy way to dine in a nice place like that.

Ah, nobody there will see you again, anyway.

When I first started taking the pictures, I was kind of disappointed that there were lamps in the frame, but now I kind of like it. I'm not sure why. Maybe it adds "visual interest".

I think the lamps are cool, too. The wire in between, not so much.

Still, the pictures are awesome! Much better without a tree in the way. Did you use a tripod?

When we got to the bus stop someone glanced at Gram's anniversary button and she was so used to people congratulating her that before they said anything she just blurted out, "Yep, thats right. 60 Years!" The poor guy was like, "ah, um, ah...okay." I'm not sure that he had even read her anniversary button. :rotfl: That quote was in the running for being the title of this trip report.


He was about to ask how long it would take for the next bus to arrive.


3 judys plus 1 judy plus 1 judy

oops....make that 5 + 1 + 0 judys

Make that 5 + 2 + 0 Judy's!

And ask Judy to please, the next time you guys go to a nice restaurant, don't wear the same color clothes as the restaurant features all over the table......... :faint: :rotfl2:

I'm still not sure about that one, and wouldn't really be surprised no matter what the Rules Committee says is the correct answer!!! :scratchin

I'm sure those colors drove you crazy! :crazy: Well, good!

4 Judys in the first post: 2 entering the restaurant, one foot in the floor shot, one portrait at the table.

1 Judy in the second post in the family shot.

0 in the third. Grand total of 5 Judys.

Be back to comment later...

well if you want specifics then

update 1
stairs going by the wall =1
entering the restaurant.=1
foot of the floor pic =1
reflection in the ceiling art work =1
smiling at the table =1

update 2
whole family picture =1

update 3
zero judys

some might try and argue a judy in the picture of her meal but not enough evidence to say that is a body part in the plate picture.

so my answers are up above

and since you liked your meal very much tell marv to never order it they will take it off the menu after he does.

Picture #2
#11 twice reflections

Post #2

I think the post #2 picture #'s are right

Nope the #'s are wrong #4 the plate pic and #11 the family pic

Post #3- none unless you count the picture of the electrical water parade taken by her.. :)

Now that I've had time to get home and look closely at the pictures, I will go with 6+1+0 Judy' final answer!

The Rules Committee has made their assessment. The correct answers are:

Post 1
Pic 1 - walking down the Boardwalk steps
Pic 2 - entering the Flying Fish
Pic 10 - leg/foot in Glennbo's floor picture
Pic 11 - reflection in ceiling (But only 1 reflection. There is a second, on a tile to the right, but upon close inspection :magnify: you can see the person is wearing a gray's Lauren, not Judy)
Pic 18 - smiling, portrait

Post 2
Pic 11 - group photo

Post 3

Totals 5 + 1 + 0 = 6

The winner of this round is Dan! :cheer2:

Updated scores:
Marvin - 14 Judy-sighting wins, 7 Eagle Eye points :magnify:
Pat - 6 Judy-sighting wins, 2 Eagle Eye points :magnify:
Mark - 4 Judy-sighting wins, 1 Eagle Eye point :magnify:
Dee - 4 Judy-sighting wins, 1 Eagle Eye point :magnify:
Rosie - 4 Judy-sighting wins, 2 Eagle Eye point :magnify:
Dan - 3 Judy-sighting wins, 3 Eagle Eye points :magnify:
Kelly - 3 Judy-sighting wins
Magdalene - 2 Judy-sighting wins
Katharina - 2 Judy-sighting wins
Jenn (elphie101) - 1 Judy-sighting win, First Subscriber Honors!
Tanya - 1 Judy-sighting win
Molly - 1 Judy-sighting win
Kathy - 1 Judy-sighting win
Mary Ellen - 1 Judy-sighting win
MissLiz - 1 Judy-sighting win
sesame_123 - 1 Eagle Eye point :magnify:
I giggled at your Lew Zealand joke/diatribe.

Aw thanks. I know it was a stretch, but there had to be something there.

Your meals at the Flying Fish look good! I've always wanted to try that restaurant but I am not a lover of seafood and well, just too picky I guess! Maybe some day. Maybe I'll just go and try the artisanal cheeses. They look yummy!

Oh you should try it sometime. I can't see that menu at the moment whle I'm replying, but there might be an item or two for the non-fish person....I forget.

Great IllumiNations pics! I love that show. <3

Thank you! We enjoyed it. Every night should end with a fireworks show, don't you think?

and since you liked your meal very much tell marv to never order it they will take it off the menu after he does.

I liked the recommendation you made on his thread....he should eat at Pinocchio Village Huas. :rotfl2:

Glad to see yall enjoyed the Flying Fish! My family and I have eaten there the last several times we have gone & it has become our favorite place to dine. We'll be in Disney staying at the Boardwalk in a few weeks and have reservations for the Fling Fish!! Great trip report.

Hi and :welcome: to my trip report Discajun! Glad to have you aboard.

Yes, we thought the food there was great. I'd seen it on several trip reports and always heard that it was good, but had never made it there until this trip. I can see why you go back!


Yep. I was also thinking of Sara (Stringbean&Wingnut), who is like a muppet maniac.

Well, now that you've explained the backstory, you might as well use it. :confused3 :rotfl2:

Okay. "Hey, tonight we were going to The Flying Fish. Lew Zealand's favorite restaurant! Ba dum bum! Wocka wocka wocka!"

Or at least hover enough to make them uncomfortable.

That doesn't take a lot of hoverin', when it's me you're talking about. :laughing:

That's odd... when I have something that I like and is perfectly cooked, I tend to be a little bit greedy and defensive of my food. :rotfl2::lmao:

I'm with you. To be honest, I'm not sure what was going on there. I was too busy getting some pictures before everybody dove in. But when I was writing the update I asked James if he shared some scallops with Lauren and he said that he did. That'll end when he hits his teen-boy-growth-spurt.

I'm glad you all enjoyed it! :thumbsup2


:rotfl::rotfl2: Well, that was nice of Chris to bring a celebratory dessert, and it was nice of Gram and Poppy to share.

Didn't look like they had much choice in the matter, did it? :laughing:

They don't really take away from the fire and explosions... so I'd say it makes a nice added touch. Good job. :thumbsup2

It's hard to take away from an explosion!

Well, if you're taking the long way back, then getting to enjoy a little extra something like that makes it worthwhile.

I suppose so. It was enough to make her get her phone out and take a picture.

Not that it really matters... :rolleyes1

Who, me?

I can't even imagine how hard it must have been to refrain from, well certain comments surrounding all that cheese.
Well done. :thumbsup2

Yeah, you saw where I had to go back and edit myself. :sad2: :laughing:

See there, I was going to say that was the TR intro photo, and then you spoiled my thunder. :rolleyes2

Oops, sorry about that. You're turning into a trip-report-aholic.

OMG that had me laughing with all the "vultures"... :rotfl2:

With their slower reflexes, my parents didn't stand a chance.

My last trip was my first time through the International Gateway and first time around the Boardwalk. I agree. I would really love to stay there.

We love AKL, but want to try the Boardwalk sometime. ::yes::
The appeals process is now open.
Time's up. The appeals process is now closed. ;)
:laughing: :lmao: :rotfl2:

I already told you how much I was going to protest in my PM............ :rolleyes2 Too much stinking blue everywhere, although I still think you lied about update three and Judy's blue dress IS reflected in SE in about 5 panels........... ;)

So glad Rosie is away on a family vacation so Dan had a chance to almost catch up to her! Now if she will only stay away a while longer he just MIGHT catch her before the end of the contest!!! :rolleyes1 :rotfl:
I found your TR last week and wanted to chime in and say that it seems like a wonderful vacation and your sense of humor is a joy to read. Can't wait to read the rest.
The winner of this round is Dan! :cheer2:
The appeals process is now open.

Time's up. The appeals process is now closed. ;)
ahh too bad marv missed that window of opportunity.


I liked the recommendation you made on his thread....he should eat at Pinocchio Village Huas. :rotfl2:

So glad Rosie is away on a family vacation so Dan had a chance to almost catch up to her! Now if she will only stay away a while longer he just MIGHT catch her before the end of the contest!!! :rolleyes1 :rotfl:

its okay marv, im not in it to win the contest just to make sure i take a few wins away from you and disrupt your sleep wishing that you had the right answer for that round.:)
Looks like a wonderful celebration! I'm glad you enjoyed your meal! We really enjoyed the cheese plate - I think there were a few more cheeses and less accompaniments for $2 less when we ordered it - such is life. I actually got all the Judies right this time, even if I am about 31 hrs late. :rotfl2:
Catching up on the Dis!!!

Hahaha you KNOW I would have gotten your Lew reference!!! Love him! :goodvibes

Your meal at FF looks really good! We're planning on going there during our honeymoon, I can't wait to try it! :thumbsup2
:laughing: :lmao: :rotfl2:

I already told you how much I was going to protest in my PM............ :rolleyes2 Too much stinking blue everywhere, although I still think you lied about update three and Judy's blue dress IS reflected in SE in about 5 panels........... ;)

So glad Rosie is away on a family vacation so Dan had a chance to almost catch up to her! Now if she will only stay away a while longer he just MIGHT catch her before the end of the contest!!! :rolleyes1 :rotfl:

Hey see if I text AND call you again whilst I am away !!! Glenn I didn't have a chance so can I have a point for agreeing with Dan before I even checked your final answer!!:worship::worship::worship::worship::stir::rotfl2:
Joke counted. And :rotfl: on Lew Zealand!

Yeah, if I type that much it probably counts.

Eric's twin, separated at birth, oh the poor people that get stuck next to that child. Mine, not yours.

I’m pretty sure this lady sat down after he was already there, so she gets what she gets.

It's still a cool picture!

I should have put in there, “I wondered if we were going the right way?”

Love the dessert and Pensive James. Nice vultures! Couldn't wait for it to be passed around huh? :lmao: You all clean up nice. I'm glad you enjoyed your dinner so much, we absolutely loved it there. I'd been thinking of it as a date night option but I suppose it could be a splurge night as well for the group. Hmnnnnn

Yes, I guess they wanted to make sure they got some and weren’t sure if Gram and Poppy were going to share without prompting. :laughing: Thanks. Oh, the food was so good there. Mmmm. Unfortunately, my kids have expensive tastes, which is the unintended consequence of making them try different foods while they were growing up. :headache:

Of course they wanted to go swimming, you had a new kid in town! Way to take one for the team.

Dumb me, I didn’t see it coming.

Pretty funny about Gram's comment.

So many people had looked at her button and congratulated her that she launched a pre-emptive strike!

And you know how I feel about the Boardwalk, we added on there :)

Smart move! If you look at the resales thread, it looks like Disney has been ROFRing BWV quite a bit.

Hey, I’ve got a technical DISboards question…you may know the answer to this. I’ve had issues where I type a chapter up in Word, copy it over to the DIS and everything works fine until I edit that post (which I always do, at least at some point, to put in a link to the next chapter). When I edit it, I lose all of the apostrophes and quote marks and some other things. Have you seen that? I wonder if a font change would take care of it?

The “sad2” emoticon? Oh man!

The whole area is so pretty. No panorama- I'm shocked. :eek:

You know what, it never even occurred to me to take a panoramic. Now I’ll pull out the “sad2” emoticon. :sad2:

What no bathroom pics??? :rotfl2: So much for being a DIS-a-holic. :sad2:

I can’t say that I’ve never taken one, can I? Let’s see Jordan’s favorite bathroom at Epcot comes to mind, as does the bathroom at the Kidani fitness center. And then of course there’s the cowboy picture in the bathroom at Hoop de Doo.

Yes that area is kind of like that- bathrooms are in "shared" areas. Kind of like ABC commisary sharing the bathroom with Sci- Fi.

It makes sense space-wise.

Thanks - I really want to try FF soon.

Do it!

Jim Gaffigan voices in your head? :scared1:

It wasn’t just me…it was mostly the kids!

:laughing: I do want to thank you for going around the table so I can see everyone and what they are wearing.:laughing:

It’s important for the Judy-game. ;)

Okay - You sold me I'll have that!!!

Good choice!

Oh Man - now I have to choose???

Stick with the red snapper. Stay on target…stay on target!

More to chosse from . :rolleyes1

Okay, come back another night.

Hmmmm-More choices. but I have to know what's in it.....:guilty:

“Chef, we’ve got a troublemaker at table 6!”

:yay: That is great when that happens.

Yep! Woohoo!

AWWWWW And now I know what I will have for dessert. But the Trio of concessions on the Boardwalk looks intriguing.

Sounds like you’re going to have to live on the Boardwalk for about a month, in order to hit everything. ;)

Holy round about way.

Yeah, I don’t know if they just took the first park bus that came along or what.

Mary Ellen and Cynthia raved about it and I will let you know when I get back in May...

All right. Looking forward to hearing about it.

This one is my favorite.

Why thank you.

She must have just caught the end. I bet she didn't beat you by much back to the room. :rolleyes:

Unless they changed the route of the EWP --- Yup I bet she waited at the Boardwalk for a bus for a bit... You probably did not arrive too much after she and James got to the resort.

I don’t think she beat us by much either. I think the EWP picture was taken at around 9:25, which would’ve been around the time IllumiNations ended.
Great update! I'm nowhere near a classy or adventurous enough eater to enjoy those tastes, but its nice to look :D

Oh c’mon Squidgy, get out there and try things! The worst that can happen is that you don’t like it, don’t eat much and are still hungry afterwards. So you just get a churro or ice cream or something. That doesn’t sound so bad does it? (And my guess is that you’ll like it. ;))

those lamps do give a nice feel to the fireworks pics, not sure why but they do...

Yeah, that’s what I thought. Well, thanks!

And I do remember that photo from the last TR, which reminds me, I should read It again! :)

If you do that, it might become apparent that I’m recycling jokes! :eek:

I have always wanted to eat at the Flying Fish.

You should book it; I don’t think you’ll regret it.

I HIGHLY recommend staying at an Epcot resort.

A lot of people do recommend it. I think we will next time.

I just love the Electric Water Pageant (the one Judy took a photo of). We recently stayed at Bay Lake Tower and got to watch it every night from our balcony.

Very nice. Did you like BLT?

Well, of COURSE I would have gotten it. But I'm a little confused here. Do we make up our own joke? Or do we just need Statler and Waldorf to stop by and poke fun at the TR? :confused3:rotfl:

Somehow I feel like my very own version of Statler and Waldorf just showed up.

No taunting the guests, please.

It would’ve just been some friendly encouragement for them to get on out there and find some Disney fun (elsewhere)!

Whoops. I didn't catch Judy's reflection earlier. C'est la vie.

That may have been the one and only time that I purposely intended to capture a Judy-reflection.

I knew you’d like that one.

I'm thinking some kind of seafood?

Cool…thanks for helping to narrow it down. You got me so close, but I still can’t get it.

Ah, nobody there will see you again, anyway.

No, not since the Flying Fish banned me for improper table manners. ;)

I think the lamps are cool, too. The wire in between, not so much.

Can you get working on that wireless-electricity-delivery project?

Still, the pictures are awesome! Much better without a tree in the way. Did you use a tripod?

No, I didn’t use a tripod. I can’t remember how I did it exactly…if I had something to lean against. Maybe I had the monopod? Dang.


He was about to ask how long it would take for the next bus to arrive.

Yeah, I think it was something like that.
I already told you how much I was going to protest in my PM............ :rolleyes2 Too much stinking blue everywhere, although I still think you lied about update three and Judy's blue dress IS reflected in SE in about 5 panels........... ;)

I didn’t know that there’d be that much blue in the décor. Well, we wouldn’t want it to be easy!

So glad Rosie is away on a family vacation so Dan had a chance to almost catch up to her! Now if she will only stay away a while longer he just MIGHT catch her before the end of the contest!!! :rolleyes1 :rotfl:

Oops, too late.

I found your TR last week and wanted to chime in and say that it seems like a wonderful vacation and your sense of humor is a joy to read. Can't wait to read the rest.

Aw, thanks cmaee! And :welcome: Thanks for your kind words.


ahh too bad marv missed that window of opportunity.

Yep, but he did have his chance.


Looks like a wonderful celebration! I'm glad you enjoyed your meal!

A memorable evening, and the food was so good.

We really enjoyed the cheese plate - I think there were a few more cheeses and less accompaniments for $2 less when we ordered it - such is life.

Oh man, just my luck.

I actually got all the Judies right this time, even if I am about 31 hrs late. :rotfl2:

Yay, good eye Tammie!

Catching up on the Dis!!!

Hahaha you KNOW I would have gotten your Lew reference!!! Love him! :goodvibes

Without a doubt! I had you in mind.

Your meal at FF looks really good! We're planning on going there during our honeymoon, I can't wait to try it! :thumbsup2

Oh, you’re going to love it. Although I shouldn’t get your expectations set too high…it’s always better to be pleasantly surprised. But I can’t wait to read your review on it, you always do a great job with your food reviews. Well, Wingnut too, I should add. You guys could teach Andrew Zimmern a thing or two -- he always just says “it has kind of a nutty flavor”.

Glenn have started my TR !!New Rosie link Go to my siggie and it's there !!!!!!!!!!!:rotfl2:

I didn’t work when I used my phone, but it works from a computer. I believe you will find me all signed-up for the wild ride that you are about to take your readers on.

Hey see if I text AND call you again whilst I am away !!! Glenn I didn't have a chance so can I have a point for agreeing with Dan before I even checked your final answer!!:worship::worship::worship::stir::rotfl2:


Another 5 seconds and Marv would have appealed :rotfl2:Oh wait a minute he did anyway!!!:lmao::lmao:He is consistant !!!!!:rotfl2:

Appeal or complain, they’re all the same, right?
I think you should have opened with the Lew Zealand joke. That's the great thing about the internet, if the joke bombs you don't have to stand there staring at your audience in awkward silence. Plus, you can pretend that everyone got it but didn't respond because they were too busy laughing.


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