TTC thread take 2

Hugs to all of the girls who recently got BFNs. :hug:

Falltime - I am so sorry it didn't work out for you. I was thinking this was it for sure! I think you had an awesome response and it's great that you have some frozen - hoping your next cycle is the one!

My retrieval is tomorrow. Nervous, scared, hopeful, excited.
I was going Nov. 8-13, but I gotta change that to Oct. 28-Nov. 3. School break!

Excited for this year.

Hubs is getting more attentive. It's a good sign.

I will probably have the procedure over the summer since I am off then.

Ken is growing his hair long. He has a goatee. I asked him why. His reply, "Well, I know you like bad boys, so..." :rotfl2:

Gonna take it slow and see what happens. Who knows? Lots of changes could be in store....

IUI #1 didn't work. :sad2: I'm not surprised since it was the first time and it was done the day before ovulation instead of the day of. Hopefully the second try will work. I'm not convinced that we'll be able to try it in February because I might be ovulating on a weekend, but hopefully it will work out.

I had two of my IUIs done on weekends. My Dr sent me to the hospital and the on call OB/GYN did them.
Hugs to all of the girls who recently got BFNs. :hug:

Falltime - I am so sorry it didn't work out for you. I was thinking this was it for sure! I think you had an awesome response and it's great that you have some frozen - hoping your next cycle is the one!

My retrieval is tomorrow. Nervous, scared, hopeful, excited.

how did it go? I hope you are feeling okay!
I am so sorry!!!!! :grouphug: I hope your second try goes better and I think the timing is key here, so if they can't get the timing right, I think that is your first issue. It really is all about timing. I sometimes wonder how the general public gets pregnant at all-so many things have to go just right at the right time and the window is short. Hopefully the timing is perfect for you now and on a weekday- didn't you say your clinic/doc isn't open on weekends? If you can move to an RE, that problem will be solved usually, but I know you said you had some circumstances or something around doing that? I had a friend that had her IUI on Thanksgiving day actually. They always had a nurse on standby for things like that, even on holidays. They joked about how they could have just used the turkey baster at home instead that day! ;)

Thanks! The issue is that I don't have fertility problems. There are some genetic issues that require the use of donor sperm. The abridged version is that I gave birth to a baby who had massive heart and brain abnormalities that only lived for two weeks. We made the decision to try again and that baby had the same genetic issue so that pregnancy didn't continue. There isn't an RE near me and I'd like to avoid meds and such. As I'm sure is the case with all of you, money is an issue as well. My doctor seems confident that it'll work without meds or any major interventions. He saw me through both pregnancies and has always been honest about his concerns, so I'm hoping that's the case here. He has mentioned some kind of testing if the third iui doesn't work.

I'm so sorry, and I hope it works out for February! Are you using OPK's to detect ovulation or are they monitoring you? I didn't like OPK's because they just didn't work well for me. I also think my ovulation happened closer to the 36-48 hour mark after positive OPK rather than 24-36 hours.

I've been using the clearblue fertility monitor which I have since learned is crap. After my doctor said that the monitor is really unreliable, I started confirming the results with opks. I just started doing the opks last month and based on what my doctor said about my CM the day of my iui, they seem to agree with each other. (The cbfm, opks, and my cm) I think the timing issue is that I did the iui the day of my positive opk rather than the day after since I got the positive on a Friday.

I had two of my IUIs done on weekends. My Dr sent me to the hospital and the on call OB/GYN did them.

I was hoping that would happen, but it apparently doesn't work that way.
Hey girls, thanks for checking on me!

Retrieval went well. Had a pretty awful experience getting the IV going, but other then that it was pretty flawless and I am feeling like my normal self today.

They retrieved 10 eggs, 8 of which were mature and 7 fertilized with ICSI. I have been sad that they didn't get more since I am only 28, but I keep telling myself it is quality over quantity! Just hoping and praying that those 7 keep growing strong.

We will find out tomorrow if we will do a 3 or 5 day transfer. I have read positive and negative about both, so I am hoping whatever they pick for me is just right.
Hey girls, thanks for checking on me!

Retrieval went well. Had a pretty awful experience getting the IV going, but other then that it was pretty flawless and I am feeling like my normal self today.

They retrieved 10 eggs, 8 of which were mature and 7 fertilized with ICSI. I have been sad that they didn't get more since I am only 28, but I keep telling myself it is quality over quantity! Just hoping and praying that those 7 keep growing strong.

We will find out tomorrow if we will do a 3 or 5 day transfer. I have read positive and negative about both, so I am hoping whatever they pick for me is just right.

Quality!!!!! glad it went well:hug:
Hey girls, thanks for checking on me!

Retrieval went well. Had a pretty awful experience getting the IV going, but other then that it was pretty flawless and I am feeling like my normal self today.

They retrieved 10 eggs, 8 of which were mature and 7 fertilized with ICSI. I have been sad that they didn't get more since I am only 28, but I keep telling myself it is quality over quantity! Just hoping and praying that those 7 keep growing strong.

We will find out tomorrow if we will do a 3 or 5 day transfer. I have read positive and negative about both, so I am hoping whatever they pick for me is just right.

Definitely Quality! I had the same feelings when they only retrieved 13 eggs as my RE had predicted they would retrieve 25 when I went in for the initial consult and was then disappointed only 6 made it but she made me realize it's quality not quantity. Got my fingers crossed for you!

I had my failed IVF consult with my RE this week. She was really pleased with how things went and said she had no concerns it just wasn't meant to be this time and had no worries that it won't work eventually given the quality of the embroys transferred and frozen. She is very straight with people and doesn't sugarcoat things so that made me feel better. We are going to try assisted hatching with the next IVF cycle as well as acupuncture as we feel we might as well try what we can if it will help. Plus if it works this time we would rather pay the little bit extra now since my insurance will cover one more cycle before we have to pay completely out of pocket. So looks like my next retrieval will be around the middle of March.

I didn't tell anybody at work last time what I was out for just that I was having surgery and I just found out yesterday that they suspected I was having a b00b job (I wondered if they would think that) Well there was no change there!! - oh well gotta keep them on their toes. I am not telling them this time either, they can just wonder and mind their own business as I work with a bunch of gossipers.
Thanks! The issue is that I don't have fertility problems. There are some genetic issues that require the use of donor sperm. The abridged version is that I gave birth to a baby who had massive heart and brain abnormalities that only lived for two weeks. We made the decision to try again and that baby had the same genetic issue so that pregnancy didn't continue. There isn't an RE near me and I'd like to avoid meds and such. As I'm sure is the case with all of you, money is an issue as well. My doctor seems confident that it'll work without meds or any major interventions. He saw me through both pregnancies and has always been honest about his concerns, so I'm hoping that's the case here. He has mentioned some kind of testing if the third iui doesn't work.
Got it- then I agree, you don't need to go the RE route. Hopefully the timing works out perfectly for you this time. I'll be sending pixie dust that it does. I am so sorry for your losses. It sounds like you have a great shot though, so keep your head up!!:wizard:

Hey girls, thanks for checking on me!

Retrieval went well. Had a pretty awful experience getting the IV going, but other then that it was pretty flawless and I am feeling like my normal self today.

They retrieved 10 eggs, 8 of which were mature and 7 fertilized with ICSI. I have been sad that they didn't get more since I am only 28, but I keep telling myself it is quality over quantity! Just hoping and praying that those 7 keep growing strong.

We will find out tomorrow if we will do a 3 or 5 day transfer. I have read positive and negative about both, so I am hoping whatever they pick for me is just right.
Yes, QUALITY!!!!! That is still a great #. I had 8 fertilize (I was 33), but only two were good enough quality to transfer, none to freeze. It is all about quality baby!!! That is still a great # regardless though. Can't wait to hear how it goes.

Definitely Quality! I had the same feelings when they only retrieved 13 eggs as my RE had predicted they would retrieve 25 when I went in for the initial consult and was then disappointed only 6 made it but she made me realize it's quality not quantity. Got my fingers crossed for you!

I had my failed IVF consult with my RE this week. She was really pleased with how things went and said she had no concerns it just wasn't meant to be this time and had no worries that it won't work eventually given the quality of the embroys transferred and frozen. She is very straight with people and doesn't sugarcoat things so that made me feel better. We are going to try assisted hatching with the next IVF cycle as well as acupuncture as we feel we might as well try what we can if it will help. Plus if it works this time we would rather pay the little bit extra now since my insurance will cover one more cycle before we have to pay completely out of pocket. So looks like my next retrieval will be around the middle of March.

I didn't tell anybody at work last time what I was out for just that I was having surgery and I just found out yesterday that they suspected I was having a b00b job (I wondered if they would think that) Well there was no change there!! - oh well gotta keep them on their toes. I am not telling them this time either, they can just wonder and mind their own business as I work with a bunch of gossipers.
:rotfl: LOL at the b00b job thing. That is hilarious. How disappointed they must have been. :lmao: Maybe it will be a nose job or something this time. Don't you just love the gossip. Glad you had a good review- it sounds like your RE is a good one! I did acupuncture and loved it. I can't say if it helped or not, i guess you can never know. but it was great.
Had a check up at the doctors today and got my HIV, Hep B&C, Rubella and bloodtype tested, should get the results in a week.
Also had a chlamydia swab, regular pap smear as well as some other test she did while 'she was in there' *haha*[she mentioned it was for bacteria, so maybe Strep B?]
Hoping and expecting it all comes back negative and then I can sign up with the fertility clinic I have chosen.

Since I am not aware of any actual issues regarding my fertility(other than having a same sex partner thus lack of sperm ;-) ] I would very like to go to a midwife run clinic in denmark, much cheaper than here in the UK and the staff seemed very lovely when I met them.
Hey girls, thanks for checking on me!

Retrieval went well. Had a pretty awful experience getting the IV going, but other then that it was pretty flawless and I am feeling like my normal self today.

They retrieved 10 eggs, 8 of which were mature and 7 fertilized with ICSI. I have been sad that they didn't get more since I am only 28, but I keep telling myself it is quality over quantity! Just hoping and praying that those 7 keep growing strong.

We will find out tomorrow if we will do a 3 or 5 day transfer. I have read positive and negative about both, so I am hoping whatever they pick for me is just right.

Had a check up at the doctors today and got my HIV, Hep B&C, Rubella and bloodtype tested, should get the results in a week.
Also had a chlamydia swab, regular pap smear as well as some other test she did while 'she was in there' *haha*[she mentioned it was for bacteria, so maybe Strep B?]
Hoping and expecting it all comes back negative and then I can sign up with the fertility clinic I have chosen.

Since I am not aware of any actual issues regarding my fertility(other than having a same sex partner thus lack of sperm ;-) ] I would very like to go to a midwife run clinic in denmark, much cheaper than here in the UK and the staff seemed very lovely when I met them.
well here is wishing you and your partner great luck!!! Since you have no known issues, hopefull all will go smoothly! :goodvibes
well here is wishing you and your partner great luck!!! Since you have no known issues, hopefull all will go smoothly! :goodvibes

Thank you :)
Having a baby is all I ever wanted, I was one of those girls who answered the 'what do you want to be when you're a grown up' with 'a mum'. My mum had me when she was 21 so I always hoped to be a young mum myself.
My partner and I have been together for three years now and I remember asking her after 2 months if we could have children then ;-)

Well, I do hope it's all going to be fine. Ovulation tests at home haven't detected ovulation for this cycle(and the one I tracked last autumn) so will be asking my doctor for day 3 and day 21 bloodwork. Guess that's all I can test for now before starting IUI.
Just a quick update to say that transfer was today! We transferred two Grade A- embryos, one 8-cell and one 7-cell. The other 5 are still growing strong, with 4 Grade Bs right around 8-cells and one lagging behind a bit. Praying they all make it to freeze!
Sending out the baby dust and prayers to everyone!

just popping in to give an update on DH and I. I took my Ovidrel shots tonight. We go in for iui #3 on Tuesday. I am sooooo hoping it works this time. :woohoo:
Thank you :)
Having a baby is all I ever wanted, I was one of those girls who answered the 'what do you want to be when you're a grown up' with 'a mum'. My mum had me when she was 21 so I always hoped to be a young mum myself.
My partner and I have been together for three years now and I remember asking her after 2 months if we could have children then ;-)

Well, I do hope it's all going to be fine. Ovulation tests at home haven't detected ovulation for this cycle(and the one I tracked last autumn) so will be asking my doctor for day 3 and day 21 bloodwork. Guess that's all I can test for now before starting IUI.
yep, i was the same way, I have always wanted to be a mom!!! Well hopefully they can help on the testing to figure out the ovulation for you!

Just a quick update to say that transfer was today! We transferred two Grade A- embryos, one 8-cell and one 7-cell. The other 5 are still growing strong, with 4 Grade Bs right around 8-cells and one lagging behind a bit. Praying they all make it to freeze!
YEAH! Great transfer. Hope you are resting and feeling good. Sending sticky thoughts for your precious little embies. :wizard:

Sending out the baby dust and prayers to everyone!

just popping in to give an update on DH and I. I took my Ovidrel shots tonight. We go in for iui #3 on Tuesday. I am sooooo hoping it works this time. :woohoo:
Best of luck tomorrow! :thumbsup2
Hey girls, thanks for checking on me!

Retrieval went well. Had a pretty awful experience getting the IV going, but other then that it was pretty flawless and I am feeling like my normal self today.

They retrieved 10 eggs, 8 of which were mature and 7 fertilized with ICSI. I have been sad that they didn't get more since I am only 28, but I keep telling myself it is quality over quantity! Just hoping and praying that those 7 keep growing strong.

We will find out tomorrow if we will do a 3 or 5 day transfer. I have read positive and negative about both, so I am hoping whatever they pick for me is just right.

that's great!!!!

Just a quick update to say that transfer was today! We transferred two Grade A- embryos, one 8-cell and one 7-cell. The other 5 are still growing strong, with 4 Grade Bs right around 8-cells and one lagging behind a bit. Praying they all make it to freeze!

prayers are with you! How are you feeling? Definitely rest up. Have your DH pamper you! :goodvibes
Definitely Quality! I had the same feelings when they only retrieved 13 eggs as my RE had predicted they would retrieve 25 when I went in for the initial consult and was then disappointed only 6 made it but she made me realize it's quality not quantity. Got my fingers crossed for you!

I had my failed IVF consult with my RE this week. She was really pleased with how things went and said she had no concerns it just wasn't meant to be this time and had no worries that it won't work eventually given the quality of the embroys transferred and frozen. She is very straight with people and doesn't sugarcoat things so that made me feel better. We are going to try assisted hatching with the next IVF cycle as well as acupuncture as we feel we might as well try what we can if it will help. Plus if it works this time we would rather pay the little bit extra now since my insurance will cover one more cycle before we have to pay completely out of pocket. So looks like my next retrieval will be around the middle of March.

I didn't tell anybody at work last time what I was out for just that I was having surgery and I just found out yesterday that they suspected I was having a b00b job (I wondered if they would think that) Well there was no change there!! - oh well gotta keep them on their toes. I am not telling them this time either, they can just wonder and mind their own business as I work with a bunch of gossipers.

I'm glad you had a positive follow-up. Sometimes you have to think of IVF as another "test". They can learn so much just from doing retrieval and fertilization in the lab! I hope that the acupuncture helps you and the assisted hatching will get the best fertilization possible! I'm glad you have such great insurance. March is really not far away! Here's to a Christmas baby for you!

Thank you :)
Having a baby is all I ever wanted, I was one of those girls who answered the 'what do you want to be when you're a grown up' with 'a mum'. My mum had me when she was 21 so I always hoped to be a young mum myself.
My partner and I have been together for three years now and I remember asking her after 2 months if we could have children then ;-)

Well, I do hope it's all going to be fine. Ovulation tests at home haven't detected ovulation for this cycle(and the one I tracked last autumn) so will be asking my doctor for day 3 and day 21 bloodwork. Guess that's all I can test for now before starting IUI.

2 months wow, LOL. Sounds like you're in a great place now after 3 years so good luck to you! Hope all the tests come back fine. I too have always wanted to be a mom.


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