A Restful Spring Break? - A March/April 2024 Trip Report

First - I think the aging photo is Master Gracey. But I'm also sure I don't know why I think that so I COULD be making that up.

Second - how do I get you to come on my trips and give me Tinkerbell presents? Because that is truly the cutest thing ever. Gwen and Morgan - your mother is an angel. Treasure her!!

I'm impressed with how much you have gotten done already. I figured Easter would be a packed day at MK. And also, yikes on the Genie+. Since I am always going alone, I never think about how much it is for a family.
Your morning started off great so far! Those are 3 attractions that always get a long line later in the day.

I've never noticed Nana's milk before! I really want to remember to notice that next time I'm in line.

That's a really good return time for Jungle Cruise. I know we talked about it on your last report, but it's crazy how in demand that attraction is now. Alex actually agreed to skip it last month, because he knew it would always be too long a wait.

So happy to hear Andy's back did well on Thunder!
What a great morning! I love the photo of the four of you in front of the castle!
There was a family who had no idea and it was painful listening to them talk about things and be so wrong or just no know. How do you come to Disney or anywhere and not do research?
Honestly, this breaks my heart. It is SO much money to just "show up and ride" like I hear people say. But by that point, their ship has sailed on a lot of the planning to make their day go smoothly. Sad!
Today was Easter! Touring Plans had this as the lowest crowds for Magic Kingdom of our trip.

Was it low crowds? Danielle worked Easter at Studios and she said the crowds were way lower there than they predicted. She gets a prediction for crowds at DHS several days out and then a follow up after 11 am on that day with any adjustments.

Tinkerbell Easter Baskets were set out and ready to be "found"

Super cute!

They of course also had the Rice Krispie Treat, which both girls ate there Rice Krispie Treat for breakfast while waiting for the bus.

Perfect breakfast.

At 7:00 I made our first LL for the day. There was a whole bunch of people on the bus all doing the same thing. It is just such a weird thing to have so many people doing the same thing.

I've seen this before on the bus.

We discussed what to go to first. We didn’t want to do Space Mountain, as Andy wouldn’t ride with us and we wanted something we would all do. And we thought about 7 DMT but the line was clearly already an hour long, so we decided to do Peter Pan. Gwen didn’t want to but she got out voted, as her suggestion was It’s a Small World… She was out voted on that one.

Peter Pan would have been my choice too.

In the kids room area, I snapped a few pictures of some of the toys.

They look a little creepy.

And Nanna's dog house with milk. I never noticed the "milk" before.

I haven't noticed it before either. I'll have to look the next time we do standby.

We only waited a short time for them to let the our group in. Does anyone know who this is? I think Molly did a deep dive into this ride, I am sure she talks about him...

Master Gracey?

Andy Survived the ride! We snapped a photo to commemorate the moment! Brace and all.

Yeah for Andy!
What a great start! I love Peter Pan so I’d have been heading there too though I have to say I’ve always thought Neverland was just one word. Feel like I need to find a fairytale book to check that out 😜
Delighted for Andy his back held up and that Gwen got to see her goat. Hoping the rest of your day goes as smoothly as the start has 🤞
Peter Pan was a great choice for your first attraction (that queue is adorable) and hooray for a second “rope drop” with Haunted Mansion
This is the second time we did this combo and it has worked well both times!

I think the aging photo is Master Gracey. But I'm also sure I don't know why I think that so I COULD be making that up.
That would make sense...

Second - how do I get you to come on my trips and give me Tinkerbell presents? Because that is truly the cutest thing ever. Gwen and Morgan - your mother is an angel. Treasure her!!
All you need to do it pay for my flight and park tickets... that's all! My sisters BFF is starting to think about going to Disney and she is already overwhelmed. I told her if she wants to pay for me to come along, I would be there personal tour guide.

Those are 3 attractions that always get a long line later in the day
Right?! This combo has worked well for us.

That's a really good return time for Jungle Cruise. I know we talked about it on your last report, but it's crazy how in demand that attraction is now. Alex actually agreed to skip it last month, because he knew it would always be too long a wait.
We have had bad luck even with LL and waiting. But They might have fixed that.

Honestly, this breaks my heart. It is SO much money to just "show up and ride" like I hear people say. But by that point, their ship has sailed on a lot of the planning to make their day go smoothly. Sad!
I know! It's even worse when you hear someone give them bad adivse or wrong info.

Was it low crowds? Danielle worked Easter at Studios and she said the crowds were way lower there than they predicted
It was ok crowds. We did ok with the morning but I wouldn't say it was low. It was manageable.

They look a little creepy.

I haven't noticed it before either. I'll have to look the next time we do standby.
The issue is that is a good ride to NOT do standby in.

Neverland was just one word. Feel like I need to find a fairytale book to check that out 😜
Right? Morgan was super perplexed by it!
I’m here reading along! Catching up! We stayed at YC several times and once upgraded to a room very similar to the one you have, maybe the same one, loved it!
I love your Easter shirts, very cute 🥰
There was a family who had no idea and it was painful listening to them talk about things and be so wrong or just no know. How do you come to Disney or anywhere and not do research?
I always feel bad for the families that just show up and don't realize how much planning can go into make these trips run smoothly. I'm convinced the people who are "one and done" with Disney are the ones who don't plan in advance, and as a result, end up waiting longer in lines and get to do less overall.
We were ready to ride at 7:54 AM, so just shy of 20 minutes, which wasn’t that bad.
Not bad at all for Peter Pan on standby! And it's a fun queue to get to enjoy for a little.
Andy Survived the ride!
I'm so glad to hear that!
Happy Monday Everyone! Ugh, at least that is what I am telling myself. I am not ready to do this thing called Monday.

Day Four - Second Park Day - Enjoying the last of a low crowd morning!

I left off finishing up with Big Thunder Mountain. We def could have hopped in line again, but we didn't want to tempt fate. So we moved on. Instead we decided to head to Adventureland!

We walked under the signs around 8:40.

One year, we did shirts with each of us getting a different land and we searched and searched for a frontierland sign. So, I felt the need to take a picture of this one.

We headed into Pirates of Caribbean.
Heading In

It this was listed as a 10 minute wait. But was just a walk on.

We were on in no time!

Pirates Ride Photo
We decided to do hook hands for the picture...... kind of... arrrrg



Here Doggie
Pirates was fun as always.

After Pirates, we checked out the gift shop, Gwen managed to do a little hot show.
Indiana Gwen
Indy Gwen

Pirate Gwen by Ariella Saucier, on Flickr
Pirate Gwen

While Gwen was trying on hats, I used the bathroom over there quickly.

After this, Gwen re-requested we ride It's a small world, so we headed that way next.
It's a Small World

This was posted as a 15 minute wait but there was literally no one in there! We walked directly on.
Ready to Ride

Ready to Ride

Ready to Ride

Happiest Cruise
Ready for the Happiest Cruise on Earth!

Yeah England
I noticed these 2 cuties in England! They were up high and I don't know if I have ever noticed them before.

Guitar Girl

We enjoy Small World, I know it isn't for everyone.

India Dolls

After Small World, We decided to ride Space Mountain next, so we started to make our way over there.

There was no line at Cheshire Cafe so we grabbed Cheshire Cat Tails for the girls.
Cheshire Cat Tail

Cheshire Cat Tail on the Go
Both finished them before we even got to Space Mountian.

We talked about what we wanted for our second LL in MK while we walked over. We decided to go with the LL for a viewing spot for the parade, since it was the Easter parade today.

I told Andy he might need to book the LL depending on when we got on the ride.

Andy headed to the Joffery’s stand to get a coffee while he waited for us. He has been skipping this ride for a long time, so this was a given.

Palm Trees of the Future
I never noticed these trees for the longest time and once I noticed, I feel like I always take a picture of the robot palm trees.

Heading In
I think the wait was posted at 30 minutes. We got into the que and the line was straight away and I was afraid the wait was going to be longer.
Space Mountain

But they had 2 spaceships loading at the same time, so the line moved pretty consistently.
Ready to Ride

I was able to book the LL before we got in line for the parade.

We were ready to ride exactly a half hour wait.
Space Mountian

Space was good as well. I am begining to hate the wait for this ride, though.

Met up with Andy after. He had gotten his iced coffee and just found a table to sit at and wait. Gwen used the bathroom over that way.

And then we headed to the People Mover!!! There was a tiny line but nothing much.
heading Up

People Mover

View of Tron
This was as close to Tron as we got to it this trip! Andy had already declared this a no go for him, and Morgan didn't like it. Oh well.

Tron and Train kind of
The train came by while we were passing, which was kind of cool. the picture I got wasn't great.

After People Mover, we headed out of Tomorrowland.
heading out of tomorrowland
Passed under the giant cup holder...
You got excellent pictures on Pirates and It’s a Small World! It’s nice that Gwen enjoys IASM - it’s the MK attraction my daughter is most looking forward to riding.

Those Cheshire Cat Tails look very tasty. I think I’ll still go for my Cream Cheese Pretzel but my kids may enjoy sharing a Cheshire Cat Tail. Especially with the pink and purple frosting/glaze!

I’m not good at waiting for any ride :rolleyes: so I’m impressed you were able to wait the 30 minutes for Space Mountain. Still, that’s not a bad wait for that ride during Spring Break!
We decided to do hook hands for the picture...... kind of... arrrrg

I try to get my family to do this too. We ended up with an interesting photo last trip.

While Gwen was trying on hats, I used the bathroom over there quickly.

This would be me too. After riding in all that water a bathroom stop is needed.

I noticed these 2 cuties in England! They were up high and I don't know if I have ever noticed them before.

Don't think I've ever seen these.

There was no line at Cheshire Cafe so we grabbed Cheshire Cat Tails for the girls.

Yum! I'll take one too.

Andy headed to the Joffery’s stand to get a coffee while he waited for us. He has been skipping this ride for a long time, so this was a given.

This would be me too. Back, neck and head does not like Space.

Passed under the giant cup holder...

I've never noticed that but it really does look like a giant cup holder.

Cute photo!
You’re having a pretty productive morning so far. Did you wait 30 minutes for SM with genie *? Only my youngest and I ride it and I always feel a wee bit guilty making the others wait for us but what can you do. I keep thinking every time I ride it might be my last as all my achey and creaky joints increasingly rebel against this ride.
You got some lovely photos of you all:goodvibes
While waiting for the bus, I purchased Genie+. It was $39 a person for the park hopper version. (we had plans to got to Hollywood Studios that night) So, $166.16 total.
I grabbed a Jungle Cruise 9:55 - 10:55. I was pleased with this time for us.
That's a great return time!
We discussed what to go to first. We didn’t want to do Space Mountain, as Andy wouldn’t ride with us and we wanted something we would all do. And we thought about 7 DMT but the line was clearly already an hour long, so we decided to do Peter Pan. Gwen didn’t want to but she got out voted, as her suggestion was It’s a Small World… She was out voted on that one.
Peter Pan is the perfect start to the day.
After Peter Pan, we headed to ride Haunted Mansion. It was right at 8:00, so we joked that we were double rope dropping. The ropes were down when we walked over but HH didn’t have a wait yet. It was listed as 13 minutes. They didn’t even have any of the que open yet.
After Haunted Mansion, we saw that Big Thunder Mountain was only a 5 minute wait. So we headed that way. I was SUPER worried about Andy's back, but he said he wanted to ride.
You're having great ride luck! And I am happy to hear BTMR did not bother Andy's back. I love sitting in the front on that ride!
We decided to do hook hands for the picture...... kind of... arrrrg
After this, Gwen re-requested we ride It's a small world, so we headed that way next.
I don't mind IASW. It's relaxing.
There was no line at Cheshire Cafe so we grabbed Cheshire Cat Tails for the girls.
And then we headed to the People Mover!!! There was a tiny line but nothing much.
People Mover is the best!

You got some fabulous photopass pictures! I love the one where you and Andy are looking towards the girls. That's a framer for sure. I am also really enjoying the photo collage preview you've added at the end of each post. That's a cool creative touch. :)
I remember your different land shirts and have debated doing something similar with our family one day!

I think Space Mtn is a young man's game. :rotfl2:Alex and I Rock, Paper, Scissored who would take Landon on it last summer. Evie wants to ride it now, and we're both dreading going on it again. :laughing:

Sorry you missed Tron this trip, but I understand when half the traveling party doesn't want to go, it's hard to fit it in.

I don't think I've noticed those puppets in IASW before. Good catch!
I’m not good at waiting for any ride :rolleyes: so I’m impressed you were able to wait the 30 minutes for Space Mountain. Still, that’s not a bad wait for that ride during Spring Break!
It def got worse laster in the week for waits But today wasn't too bad.

It’s a Small World! It’s nice that Gwen enjoys IASM - it’s the MK attraction my daughter is most looking forward to riding.
It's a Small World will always have a special place in our heart. Little Gwen just loved the "Dolly Ride" as she called it.

Those Cheshire Cat Tails look very tasty. I think I’ll still go for my Cream Cheese Pretzel but my kids may enjoy sharing a Cheshire Cat Tail. Especially with the pink and purple frosting/glaze!
I don't blame you! There is a pepper jack cheese pretzel that is pretty yummy too!

Did you wait 30 minutes for SM with genie *? Only my youngest and I ride it and I always feel a wee bit guilty making the others wait for us but what can you do
So, no that was stand by. I would think if you get Genie + you can do the ride in 15 minutes. Today, Andy didn't do anything but he has done People Mover or Carousel of Progress. So, you could have some others go do something else.

I know! I wish we could purchase ahead of time. It just mentally hurts less. Buying the day of on a trip just makes you so aware of how much it is costing.

I think Space Mtn is a young man's game. :rotfl2:Alex and I Rock, Paper, Scissored who would take Landon on it last summer. Evie wants to ride it now, and we're both dreading going on it again
The things we do for our kids! It doesn't bother me yet but I also could do without it.
Good Morning Everyone!!! Well, I had my first life is getting in the way moment. I knew it was gonna happen. But I was trying to keep a good pace for this report. And I still want to! Hopefully I will get back on track!

The girls are finishing up school, here in Jersey we go to middle of June. So they are hitting the is school over yet phase. And it is just a flurry of end of year stuff.

Day Four - Second Park Day - Lunch?

I left us off headed to our first LL for Jungle Cruise.

We headed into the LL que at 10:48 AM and we were on a boat at 10:51!
We have had good and bad luck with LL line. Today wasn’t too bad, and we were on the ride in just a few minutes, thankfully.
Jungle Cruise Skipper

Our Skipper was pretty funny. He had a very dry delivery but when he would say something funny, it was somehow funnier.

Ready to Ride

Ready to Ride

We all got on the boat, he did the usual say goodbye to the people on the dock... but then was quiet and said.........“Disney now featuring Awkward Silence” and then he didn’t talk it was pretty funny.


Boats and Baits

At the end of the ride, there was a back up of boats, so it was time for him to go off script.... He started to point out the best rides in Disney….. Dumbo….. Magic Carpets… Tricertop Swirl…. He said they were all super unique rides. It was all in his delivery of the rides.

We decided after Jungle Cruise that we needed some food! We had a early-ish dinner reservation, so we only wanted some light snacks.

It was only 11:10 AM and there was no line at Sunshine Terrace, so I said I wanted to grab a Cirtus Swirl.
Cirtus Swirl

Morgan requested a I Lava You Float
Fanta® Strawberry Soda and Passion Fruit flavor served with DOLE Whip® Orange and topped with Popping Candy
I Lava You Float

And Gwen requested a water
Bottle of Water

With treats in hand we headed to get the next item… Egg Rolls. There of course was a line of people. Gwen watched some of the Castle show while we waited in line. Andy told Morgan and I go grab the last item of our “lunch”

Morgan just wanted Tots and Cheese Sauce. I mobile ordered from Friar’s Nook. And we hoped we could grab a table over there. And Andy would join us there.

We got her tots fairly quickly for the mobile order line. But of course there was no seating available. So, we texted Andy and started heading back towards him.

We stopped at the back of the castle because I was worried Andy wouldn’t walk the right way.
Cindarella Fountain
We sat on the wall and waited and waited.... And I was right, he walked past the front of the castle and up the side to get to Friar’s Nook!

But I walked back to friar's Nook and collected Andy.

Andy was only able to get pepperoni egg rolls. Sad. He would have had to wait 15 minutes for some cheeseburger ones. We sat on the wall behind the castle and ate our snacks. It actually wasn’t a bad place to sit and eat quickly!
Egg Roll

Lunch ended up being a little more work than it should have been but it was fine. It wasn't the focus of the day for us.

Once we were done, we went to find LL area for parade. The app was saying it was the hub down by the entrance. So, we headed that way. It was hot and crowded by then.

We got to the hub it didn’t look like there was a clear place, so we asked a CM. And they said it was the hub back by the castle! Grrr…

So we walked back to the front of the castle. Again, it was hard to see where it was, so we asked a CM who pointed us to an umbrella for check in. So, we walked around to the umbrella on the outside, where we realized we needed to be in the middle. So we walked around AGAIN.

We were getting crabby at this point. But we checked in and found a spot.

---------------------------------------------Up next.... the Easter Parade!--------------------------------------


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