Your worst Disney accident?

First story, my ex and I were at Epcot, by Mexico, waiting for the fireworks (2000?) and a dad was running by with his daughter on his shoulders. All we could do was watch as he tripped over one of those fake "prop" boxes cemented to the ground. He fell and got back up. BUT, he LAUNCHED his daughter about 10 feet and she landed face first into another box! We rushed to help, but the dad keep mumbling how they where late for the fireworks and grabbed the girl and ran off. She, by the way, was completely bloody and screaming about her teeth! :scared1: :scared1: :scared1: We never heard him ask if she was ok. It still freaks me out when I see kids on parents shoulders.

Second, same trip, I was sliding my hand along the wooden rail at BTMRR. Dumb. I got a sliver and we went on the ride. It hurt. We kept going. By the time we made it over to Main Street, my index finger was twice it's size and a little oozy. The first aid nurse gave me a clean needle and tweezers and I dug it out. She cleaned it up and gave me a Mickey sticker for "being a brave girl." I was 25 at the time.:laughing:
Me, I'm bad. I tried to reach into the back of our SUV to grab something right as my husband was slamming it shut. (why do guys have to use ALL their force on doors?) Anyway, I was knocked out and bleeding all over disney's parking lot. Even worse I was l laying in a pile of ants! Anyway I had lots of blood and I was taken to Celebration Hospital where they stapled me head together with about 10 staples and let me go on my way. We went back to Magic Kingdom and I bought a hat right away to cover my bloody hair (you should have seen the looks on the tram!) So I enjoyed the rest of my day with hat, blood soaked hair, guilt ridden hubby and a very happy 2 year old!
The only thing I've got is:
On our first trip to Orlando/Disney circa 1978 (me 13, Dsis 14, Dsis twin 14, DM, DDad): It was the first time in our lives we ever had sunburns.. and there were blisters.. on chins shoulders and noses (had spent part of day at a water park).
But our Dad got the prize: standing outside one of the stores maybe on Main Street, a bird crapped on his head & shirt! :idea: (that's something falling out of the sky, not a lightbulb!)

I'm knocking on wood that nothing worse happens! Especially after reading how easily things have happened to others here!
I have a funny story, though DH doesnt think it is so funny.:rotfl: We had spent our honeymoon at Disney and we were back at the airport to check our bags, well you kow the zipline ropes to form lines, for some reason I accidentally unhooked it and it came flying at DH and hit him in the head.

He said had it been a few centimeters closer to his temple I could of killed him!!! :faint: Thank God I didn't :angel: But now everytime we are near one of those he reminds me.

:rotfl2: I'm sorry, but this one has me laughing out loud!!! I can hear the sound of a horsewhip slapping through the air & tagging him in the forehead!!!! :rotfl2:

I feel so sorry for everyone else on here! Such horrible accidents! We will have to be SUPER careful on our next trip b/c you all have me scared to death! The worst that has happened to us is bad road rash at Typhoon Lagoon (in the wave pool!) DD has a nice round scar beside her knee from being knocked down 2 yrs ago. (It happens to us every year--you think we'd learn.)

But, there was a 20ish guy in first aid when we went in & his back was COMPLETELY SKINLESS!!!!!!!!!! It was SO gross. He said he was laying down as the waves were coming & the 1st one dragged him back the whole way ON HIS BACK!!! :eek: It makes me sick thinking about it.
My little girl's face swelled up like she had mumps and I thought for sure it was a food allergy, although she's never be allergic to anything before. Took her to the urgent care place and it was an infected salivary gland. Wild! They gave her an antibiotic and prescribed to her to eat lots of sour candy to increase saliva production. She was back to normal in two days, but her photos at Cinderella's table don't even look like her. It was so sad! princess:
Yup, no problems, they actually said that it's not uncommon during fireworks shows anywhere.

Oh, this happened to me too last September for Hallowishes. Due to bad timing on the part of some friends who were to meet us for the MNNSHP, we ended up watching Hallowishes from the center of Fantasyland, right next to the carousel. It was quite spectacular, but we had to watch looking straight up, and at some point I got some sort of ash or other debris in my eye. It felt sharp, so I knew not to rub it. Fortunately, one of our group had contact solution on her, and I was able to rinse it out enough that it stopped hurting a short while later.
For some reason, my mom and I have very bad luck with our feet while at WDW.

In '93 my mom somehow managed to slice open the very top of her big toe on the corner of a glass display shelf while browsing a store at DHS. I really have no clue how it happened - she was standing there looking at something, shifted her feet forward to grab whatever it was she was buying and the next thing I knew there was blood everywhere. It was gross. IIRC, we went to first aid, they cleaned up the cut, stuck a band-aid on there and called it a day. She couldn't go in the pool or to the waterparks for a few days after it happened because the cholorine would have hurt like heck. But other than that, she was fine.

Fast forward to 2005. First day of my trip. We had just put our luggage in our room at Pop Century and were heading out to the parks. I misjudged how much room the door needed to open. Pulled it open right over my right foot (I was wearing flip-flops at the time) and ended up slicling off the skin on the top of my big toe. Just like my mom did years before. *facepalm*

Not bad accidents by any stretch of the imagination, but there you have it.
About 3 years ago my dd (now 6 then 3) burned her entire fingers and palm at Chef Mickey's Character breakfast. We were on line going through the buffet & she asked me if she could have pancakes. She then quickly reached out to get the tongs for the pancakes and her little hand went flat onto the griddle where the chef was cooking the pancakes on the line. It was a split second and her entire hand was blistered almost immediately. The handling of it by the staff was HORRIBLE and resulted in an in depth follow up by the head of guest relations at WDW resort. It was unbelievable to me that the griddle was right on the buffet line at waist level (which is child level) & there was no shield etc to block anyone from reaching out and touching it at all. In fact I had almost made the same error a split second before. This of course happened on the first day of our trip so my dd spent our entire vacation with a blistered left hand & a big fear of Chef Mickey's.
Our worst accident effected Mousekeeping more then me. We were ate a buffet, not sure which one and my son who was probably about 11 ate too much. I thought he would have a stomach ache. We were staying at the WL in a bunkbed room. At 2am I hear him shout out "MOM" I turn over and he leans over the bed and vomits 2 times on the floor and rolls over back to sleep. Thank god he was on the bottom bunk because i hate to think of what would have happen to daughter if he was on the top and she was on the bottom. We did the best to clean up and in the AM warned and apologized to mousekeeping.

Back in the day when River Country exsisted my daught tumbled face first down some rock steps. He mouth was gushing blood. We went to the nurse station. Thank goodness she had all her teeth, no stitches but ripped dug her teeth into her lips and scraped up her face. Thant night we had to have dinner with my DH boss at Ohanas and she looked a mess. The only thing that was worth eating with the pain was shrimp.
I have a funny story, though DH doesnt think it is so funny.:rotfl: We had spent our honeymoon at Disney and we were back at the airport to check our bags, well you kow the zipline ropes to form lines, for some reason I accidentally unhooked it and it came flying at DH and hit him in the head.

He said had it been a few centimeters closer to his temple I could of killed him!!! :faint: Thank God I didn't :angel: But now everytime we are near one of those he reminds me.

Sorry, I know this is old, but I just read it...
years ago the sidewalks entering the circle in front of the Castle at MK had poles in the middle of them that chains would be attached for crowd control. I was walking along with button fly jeans not paying attention and caugh one of these poles right in the braut and potatos. I eventually had kids so no harm done....but it was pretty painful down there for a while. lol pirate:

You are making my day!!!
Last Feb. in the middle of our trip DD10 & DS2.5 and went down the twisty slide in the fossil dig pit at AK. DS wimpered half way down the slide and at the bottom he wouldn't stand on his own and was sort of crabby. DH thought it was just naptime, but I had a bad feeling it was more then that from the way he was acting. We took him to the first aid station (all the way across the park), they gave us a dose of motrin and sent us on our way. DS feel asleep so we finished the park. When we got back to the hotel DS refused to move or walk on his leg. I said "that's it, we are going"...luckily we were having a grand gathering so we left DD with FIL & MIL.

So we get to urgent care, they x-ray DS, turns out he has a severe femur fracture. They can't do anything for us. (Did I mention our transport vehicle that the urgent care provided, clipped the UPS truck that was parked in front of the urgent care facility as it was dropping us off. :confused3 ). So they send us via ambulance #1 to Celebration, were we get more x-rays and lots of questions about how this "really" happen, together and seperately. We find out it is a twist fracture and that he will need a pediatric specialist, which Celebration doesn't have, so they are sending us over to Florida Hospital which is where the Children's Hospital of Florida is (that ride didn't happen until after midnight) and we will be going in ambulance #2. While we were waiting, I call my sister who is a nurse and tell her what is going on and she informs me that the reason they keep asking us what happened is because a twist fracture is a classic child abuse sign. NICE! DS has a delay in his speech and cant tell anyone what happened so DH and I are doing all the talking. :scared1:

Finally get to the right hospital, they will need to sedate him and take him into the OR to cast him, but this is no ordinary cast. DS needs a Spica cast, basically he is casted on both legs (even though he broke one, they needed to cast both to stabalize the break) from his toes to his mid chest. He spent the next 3 days in the hospital and released us an hour before we had to leave on ME to get to the airport.

We upgraded to first class so we could fly home (we looked into renting a car, but they said it would be to rough on him=plus no seat restraints for him (couldn't with the cast)). He spent the next 4 months in that spica cast and then another month in a single leg cast.

When people ask about our last WDW trip, we tell them we had the Hospital Tour Package, it is a highly exclusive package that only rare individuals are allowed to book. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Note to self - No more slide at AK...:laughing:
Somehow I sliced my thumb at AK in idea how but lots of blood and OUCH!!!
DD has had 2 Celebration Hospital visits for seizures...
DD also had the flu for 5 days during our 7 day trip.

These are not really accidents but they are things that made our trips not fun!!!
Hi All, I'll share my little accident..

I was on Splash Mountain wearing flip flops , when we stopped I stood up and I felt that my foot was in water but when I looked down I was standing in a pool of blood..I popped of the nail of my big toe !! Medics were there immediately and the ride was closed for cleaning!:rolleyes1

Next time I visit Disney {August 2009:yay:} I will once again ride on Splash mountain but I will not wear FLIP FLOPS !!
my eldest son was 4yrs at the time of our first family trip to disneyworld in sept 2011....we were waiting in the line at the end of the day to catch the shuttle back to our resort when he was playing with a little girl ahead of us. they were skipping and bouncing around (we were pretty much the only ones there) when our son started running and all the while looking back at her and hit into the metal line dividers....needless to say he busted open his eyebrow....that was his one and only ride in an ambulance to celebration hospital! :headache:

disney was so accomidating....they paid for our cab ride back to the resort....gave us several fast passes for us to use to our choosing and called every day the rest of our time there to check on our son! im praying our 2nd trip back in sept 2014 with be injury free...God knows my sons are accident prone/clumsy like their momma!! :scared:
Well, DBf and I had been at Disney for two days with the mother- and sister-in-law, and the last day of our mini-vacation we decided to go to Universal. Day was awesome, got everything done at IOA and we were heading out of the Jurassic Park area in order to get to US. SIL and I notice an older lady on an ECV apparently not paying much attention to where she was going--we both had to jump out of the way as she had driven into quite a crowded area.

Two seconds and a giant 'thud' later, MIL is on the ground and Grandma is stopped short, apparently never even realized that there were people in the way. Luckily for us, her family was very kind and they didn't run away, they stayed and helped while we waited for Health Services. MIL's leg was bruised up, but other than being completely shocked she was okay. DBf, SIL, and I got to go through a backstage shortcut to get to the place where they brought her to rest--the guy that brought us took a picture because it's actually got the best view of Hogwarts in the park! :lmao:

Oh, and did I mention that DBf is from Germany and this was legitimately three days after I'd met MIL and SIL in person for the first time? Goodness, it was crazy. :rotfl:
Long day at Disney and I must have looked pretty exhausted. Rolled up to the toy story bus and waited for the ramp to come down for my WC. An older cast member was there and said he would help me get up the ramp. I was more than happy for the extra push. Poor guy misjudged and ramp and didn't realize he was half way on and half way off the ramp. The bus driver yelled to stop, I grabbed the wheels and leaned toward the ramp before I toppled out over the left side. He pulled me back in time and the bus driver came out to push me instead. I felt pretty bad for the CM ..he was just trying to help . Needless to say I received many many apologies for the near accident. Guess this is a very good reason why there is the rule that a CM shouldn't push someone in a WC for liability reasons. ;)
This very randomly bumped old thread has me panicking about our upcoming trip. My mother falls daily and my aunt falls and breaks things during major family gatherings like 4oJ and my daughter's birthday party. I thought nothing bad ever happened at Disney!!
Staying at AK Lodge, sitting at the firepit, and klutz that I am I turn around and BOOM! I fall over the huge rocks they have sitting around!

(Yes, how does one do that? I do!)

Anyway, my arm hurts! Bad, but I don't think anything about it. Spend
another two days at Disney, come home, and my arm is still bothering me...
I finally go to the doctor and my arm is broken!

Guess my Disney magic was not giving into the pain while in a magical place! :thumbsup2


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