Young kids and Blue Bayou???


DIS Veteran
Sep 18, 2000
We are leaving in 12 days and I'm wondering if Blue Bayou is o.k for boys ages 4 1/2 and 6? Or is this a more adult oriented restaurant? Do they have a good kids menu?
Thanks for all your help!

WDW~CBR 11/29-12/5 2000
Disneyland May 2001 !!
Oh no, kids are FINE at the Blue Bayou! Every restaurant at Disneyland is suitable for kids. They have the usual kid's menu items and a decent selection. Definitely go and enjoy the ambience of the Blue Bayou. :)

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I guess it depends on each family. We've always taken young children there. And there have always been other young children there. I think they have a kids menu, but can't remember for sure.

I say, go for it! :)


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Ate there last week with a 5 and 7 year old. It is dark but fun. The kids menu comes printed inside a pirates hat. Justin wore it all through dinner. The kids menu was upgraded too. Brandon had Mickey shaped pasta with choice of butter or red sauce and Justin had pizza I think. They got a grest jello desset in a mickey shape with gobs of whipped creme. We had grest food and felt comfortable. Not too many restaurants that kid friendly to eat prime rib and be so comfortable. ;)

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