You know you're Disneyholics when...


DIS Veteran
Feb 23, 2003
almost all of our family's Valentine's Day presents are Disney-related...Disney Scene-It game and Mulan II (for me, plus a gift card for a spa), Stitch plush, Disney DVD and Pooh Heffalump books for DS 2, Disney version of Sorry, Stitch plush and Disney Channel CD for DS 5. Surprisingly, DH's gifts are not Disney-related. However, I was making heart-shaped toast this morning and my 2 year old was calling it Mickey toast. I guess it is on all of our minds all of the time!!!

Happy Valentine's Day to all my DVC friends!!!!!!!!!!!
Sometimes, my DH and I will be doing something together and we will look at each other and say that makes me think of something at Disney. Either someplace we have visited or something someone as said. We can relate just about everything we do to something at Disney. It is never off my mind completely. I am either planning a trip or thinking of a way I can fit another trip in. Sometimes I think about when I can retire and spend several weeks there. How will I stretch my points, etc. Can't get enough and really don't want to. :cold: Brrr! It is still cold in Illinois. I need a Disney Fix! :moped:
When you get up early on Sunday morning to make MM pancakes for the kids, but YOU are the one who is most excited to eat them. Just looking at the plate made me smile..... :earsboy:
or when you get dressed in the morning and go downstairs. Your DH comes down a little while later and you are both wearing some type of Disney attire without knowing what the other was wearing!!!

Or you see Hidden Mickeys everwhere....

or every license plate you see has some DIS abbreviation on it!!! is so nice to have other Disney-obsessed friends!!!!
I posted this somewhere else, but it fits here too....

When your first grader when learning about compound words like downtown, asks if Downtown Disney is a triple compound word! :rotfl:
You know you're Disneyholics when your hubby drops you off at the car pool, then pulls alongside and "fires" his "cannons" at you with his Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack blaring from the stereo. pirate:
You know you're Disneyholics when.....

Every room in your house has Mickey Mouse!! Our computer desk is the worst.....I have the black and white Mickey desk set, adorable Mickey lamp, Mickey calendar, Mickey picutre frames (with pics of the DD's in WDW) and several other Mickey related items!!

My DD's had friends over last Saturday night and one of the girls said "Wow you guys really like Mickey Mouse" I just said Yes, we do....then I looked at myself and I had on a Mickey Sweatshirt, earrings, bracelet, watch and slippers!! I just chuckled to myself!!

I'm totally obsessed!!
I agree with sc9500, I too recite the monorail warning in Spanish.
When you are someplace and have the hint of a smell from Disney. DD said that she was in a friends car and it had the Monorail smell. Other times DH thinks he catches a scent of VWL.
When you can wear a different Disney shirt every day for 3 weeks.

Your license plate is 'FIGMENT'.

You've run out of room on your Tivo because you won't delete all the shows that were recorded from the keywords 'Disney World', 'Disneyland', and 'Disney Cruise'.

You have to buy a new digital SLR camera because you can't get a good picture of the cheetah in KS at AKL with the old point-and-shoot.

You know what 'KS at AKL' means.

There is a hidden Mickey painted into the faux-finished wall in the living room.

You know what time the 3:00 parade starts.

grim pirate:
You feel funny if you don't have a trip scheduled. Waiting to use our points til Sept is killing us! I'm calling to check AP/resident rates for April 8-10 cause we just can't wait that long! :earsboy:

All your sweatshirts have some sort of Disney logo 'cause they were bought at the parks when it was colder than expected ::MickeyMo
You know what your entire family looks like from behind for every year since 1971 because ALL of your family home movies contain a scene walking up Main Street, USA from each and every trip you've taken. (I was much smaller in the rump in 1991 :sad2: ).

Come to think of we even celebrate birthdays and weddings in our family. I can't find any videos/dvds of these events...just WDW home videos.

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