yall look at this


<font color=blue>Is now a card carrying member of
Feb 4, 2000
we are only allowed 2 smilies per post now

like I'm gonna try 5- but it won't work

it only works with 2 now...try it

:confused: :confused:
What is this madness?? How am I expected to emote?? :( :(

How tragic. It's just not on.
Hahahahahaha this is funny..
i tried to do three....
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
hi yeah........

what happened to this....

Posters may use any amount of smilies they wish WITHOUT having to worry about someone coming after them because the moderators will not.

okay... so you take away my smilies instead!!!! thats so mean.

Its insane!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: I would like... to have my smilies back.....:eek: its a way of expressing myself... and now i cant.... they are gone.... gone for ever!

Aly....... please let us have our smilies back

Just wanted to say:

Have a good time in WDW, not long till u go now!!!!!!!!!

Tell us all about it when u get back!!!!!!!!

:Pinkbounc :bounce:
I have an idea...get over it

No, i like my smilies. 2 is insane..... i mean they can at least make it 6. ...... but 2?!?!?!?!? What was the reason for this? could some one please explain it. If i do remember correctly ya'll said we could have as many smilies as we wanted in a post.... with out having to worry....... 2 is not as many as i want, and now i am worried..... worried you wont give my smilies back.... they are fun to have in a post, and only letting us have 2 is just mean.
What am I gonna do without my excessive smileys..oh well I will have to cut back.:D :Pinkbounc
Originally posted by Aly
No, i like my smilies. 2 is insane..... i mean they can at least make it 6. ...... but 2?!?!?!?!? What was the reason for this? could some one please explain it. If i do remember correctly ya'll said we could have as many smilies as we wanted in a post.... with out having to worry....... 2 is not as many as i want, and now i am worried..... worried you wont give my smilies back.... they are fun to have in a post, and only letting us have 2 is just mean.

oo omg some one help me only to smiles thats wrong!!
:Pinkbounc :bounce:
theyre only smilies!! try making up your own smilies the old keyboard style, then they cant take them away..or can they? oro?
Wow was that such a big deal? I don't think that it was that big of a deal. Your words should be able to show all the emotion you need. The smileys are a privlage not a nessessity!! Kinda like a drivers lisence.. boo to that!


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