Would you be pleased with this batch of pins?

You will be able to trade those pins just as the ebay seller stated, they are going to fit your purpose for buying them. To the scrapper police- they are metal objects worth about .25, get over yourselves.
I guess this was aimed at me since I brought up that the lot was full of scrappers. Nice. And if you feel that *I* am the "scrapper police" just wait until the people who are really passionate about scrappers join the thread :rotfl2:.

Gotta consider the lanyards are only as good as what pins guests trade on to them. {snip} Yes, they may be a piece of metal worth 25 cents. However that is not what people are paying.
No, they're not. And that is the problem with scrappers is that they victimize the innocent people who buy pins at $6 and more to trade and the lanyards are filled with 25-cent garbage. Garbage that is there from unwitting eBay buyers like the OP and eBay "pros" that trade scrappers for real pins that they then resell.

I trade because it's fun but I also don't want to stick someone with complete junk along the way. It doesn't take a lot of effort to find legitimate pins at a reasonable price that are not all scrappers. You'll pay more than $1 per pin, but less than $6.
The cost of making the pins has been debated and guessed at. It probably costs more than people think. But many just say they are 25 cents worth of metal. And that may or may not be true.
However "real" pins can cost $7 up to $17 or so.
And that is why we see so many scrappers. People generally don't want to pay that.
But they don't "really" care they are passing on pins they paid a buck for on Ebay that are questionable. Seems that always goes on as other's responsibilities. (I am only buying for - fill in the blank - so don't want to pay much. Like the rest of us do? :confused3 )
However their cheap stuff is passed on. And consider a good many people do that, rather than what was intended: buy a pin, trade a pin. Not buy a scrapper from Ebay in hopes of getting a true Disney pin from a CM trade.
Honestly, a real collector would not actually expect to see something decent on a cast lanyard. Esp now a days. Sure that rare occasion happens. But they are rare, esp when not getting a scrapper is rare. (Thank you Ebay. :sad2: :snooty: )
But like anything else, a collection should be done for fun. When people think they can make a profit, then there are issues, such as what we have now. (And not with just scrappers.)
You will be able to trade those pins just as the ebay seller stated, they are going to fit your purpose for buying them. To the scrapper police- they are metal objects worth about .25, get over yourselves.

People that knowingly purchase and trade scrappers are thiefs. So if you enjoy lying, deceiving and stealing, then I guess it is right up your alley. You are a joke and maybe YOU need to get over YOURSELF!
Oh my! I suppose I have a lot to learn.:confused3 I thought maybe my cost-saving skills would help us to start an afforable hobby...but it looks like I'll have to go into this a lil deeper. I will definitely check out pinpics tonight after all kiddies are tucked safe and soundly in their beds/firetrucks/cribs. Thanks to all who took the time to respond to my post. I appreciate especially the poster who sent links for each pin.
p.s. they all say Official Disney Pin Trading whatever on the back with the year and a logo..they all say CHINA (no surprise there) and they are all pretty light in weight...I wonder. Each one says either Hidden Mickey, Cast Lanyard Series, etc. and give the number in the series, such as 1 of 4.
Whoa Dorisk3, you need to cool down. My question is, why do you care what we think about scrappers. We don't want to trade scrappers in the parks because we don't want to add on to what is already there. Just think, you could trade a scrapper to a CM, then a little kid comes along and trades for it. If that doesn't make you feel low, I don't know what would.:sad2:
I guess let me just say how we trade our pins. We do buy from ebay, and like the OP I really have no idea how the dealers obtain their pins and from what source (it would be funny however if their source was actually Disney). I fully realize that pins are a piece of metal with a character on them. My kids like certain characters, they trade for those. If my kid trades for a scrapper, will I be upset? Of course not. I would not take the fun out of it for them by putting some kind of perceived value on the pin. Look on ebay for single pins. You buy them at the disney gift store for 7 or 10 dollars or whatever, you get them there for 3 or 4 dollars. They are hardly a big budget collectible. That is why I don't understand the fury over scrappers.
I see your point, I'm sorry for blowing up on you like that man.:thumbsup2

No need! Actually this has been a fun discussion for me because it really makes you think about the nature of collecting and collectibles. I am playing devil's advocate, and I do understand why anyone collecting anything wants it to be the real deal. All argument aside, I do wonder where the dealers on ebay do get their stuff from- there used to only be a few that did the lot deals and now it seems there are so many.
I guess let me just say how we trade our pins. We do buy from ebay, and like the OP I really have no idea how the dealers obtain their pins and from what source (it would be funny however if their source was actually Disney). I fully realize that pins are a piece of metal with a character on them. My kids like certain characters, they trade for those. If my kid trades for a scrapper, will I be upset? Of course not. I would not take the fun out of it for them by putting some kind of perceived value on the pin. Look on ebay for single pins. You buy them at the disney gift store for 7 or 10 dollars or whatever, you get them there for 3 or 4 dollars. They are hardly a big budget collectible. That is why I don't understand the fury over scrappers.

According to PinPics:

Scrappers are pins that were made in the factories in China over the allotment made by Disney. Are they a Disney pin? Yes they are.. but they are pins over and above the allotment "ordered" by Disney. So in essence, they could be called illegally made Disney Pins. Sometimes when the "second illegal run" of the pin is done, there are differences noted, but it can only be known comparing two pins side by side. These pins can also be classified as counterfeits.

Also, if the pin is made for Disney, and there is some error or variation noted, the pin may be "thrown on the floor" to be "discarded". Thus, the term "scrapper", as the pin should have been "scrapped". Unfortunately, they are not discarded and those may be the pins you are seeing being sold. When a pin is made, a mold is used. For whatever reason, the mold is not destroyed, so these pins can be reproduced again. What is happening, is that some overseas factories are making more pins for individuals who ask for them.

The scrapper pins come from unscrupulous Chinese manufacturer which sell to unscrupulous pin sellers on eBay who sell to innocent pin buyers trying to save some money on "traders" for their hobby/fun. More and more eBay sellers have found the source for the cheap scrapper/counterfeit pins and that is why there are more people selling them. They don't care if they are legitimate or not ... all they care about is the money from the sale. I have no problem saving money on pins that will simply be traded, but I do have a problem with encouraging and participating in an illegal scheme that ends up with an inferior product.

The extra effort and the slightly higher price to but from a more reputable pin seller is worth it to me. Even though I am going to just trade them away and probably get a scrapper in return.

FWIW, Even at $3 per pin if you buy 100 pins that's hardly a low budget collectible.
There is a "pin" listed on Pinpics that I would LOVE to know the true origin. I suspect it is a bootleg. (In this case they took a Cast lanyard and made it into a pin. But it looks like it was manufactured that way. Not converted, as some have done.)
I know two people who bought one on Ebay. Both sellers were asked where/how they rec'd theirs. Neither could recall.
This happened quite awhile ago too. But to give them benefit of a doubt, the sellers sell a lot of pins. But this pin was not in mass quantity/lots of the same pin, like many sellers do.
I do not know anyone who has seen this particular pin in existence, and no one has heard of it. And it's not one many people would even care about. :confused3 (I do have the lanyard.)

There are some scrappers that are obvious they are scrappers. Some, I have no idea how someone has determined it is a scrapper.
I have pins that are what I consider defective. And it makes me wonder if someone would determine it is a scrapper merely because bad or no coloring that I am guessing passed through the pre-manufacturing approval.
Hello, not wanting to “stir the pot” :stir: but to supply a source of information. Below is a link to a site, for those that are interested in learning more about “scrappers”. I also purchased a “lot of 100 pins” off the bay when my son and I started this hobby; I only wish is had been educated before doing so.


lets see if I can post it in parts. just put the 3 lines together and it should work, if anyone is interested.

There is a "pin" listed on Pinpics that I would LOVE to know the true origin. I suspect it is a bootleg. (In this case they took a Cast lanyard and made it into a pin. But it looks like it was manufactured that way. Not converted, as some have done.)
I know two people who bought one on Ebay. Both sellers were asked where/how they rec'd theirs. Neither could recall.
This happened quite awhile ago too. But to give them benefit of a doubt, the sellers sell a lot of pins. But this pin was not in mass quantity/lots of the same pin, like many sellers do.
I do not know anyone who has seen this particular pin in existence, and no one has heard of it. And it's not one many people would even care about. :confused3 (I do have the lanyard.)

There are some scrappers that are obvious they are scrappers. Some, I have no idea how someone has determined it is a scrapper.
I have pins that are what I consider defective. And it makes me wonder if someone would determine it is a scrapper merely because bad or no coloring that I am guessing passed through the pre-manufacturing approval.

Could you provide the Pinpics number to the pin you are referring to?

Hello, not wanting to “stir the pot” but to supply a source of information. Below is a link to a site, for those that are interested in learning more about “scrappers”. I also purchased a “lot of 100 pins” off the bay when my son and I started this hobby; I only wish is had been educated before doing so.


Your link did not work.
If you buy a pin with the card back, does that mean that pin is from Disney?

It is hard to keep up with all the scrapper pins out there. I think I will just buy the sets from Disney to avoid the hassle. If you buy a trader set usually pins are around $5/each which is not to bad.

My biggest questions is why does Disney keep giving these companies their business when they make scrappers and sell them on the side?
We're prepareing for our Orlando trip next month, and I just ordered 100 pins off ebay for $75 shipped. They are scrappers, I'm quite sure.

BUT, the cold hard facts are that CM lanyard pins are probably 80% scrappers. We went last October and had bought 30 pins off ebay. After getting them we realized they were scrappers. I was a bit concerned that they would be untradable. After seeing 2 CM lanyards, those fears were gone. I saw tons of the same pins on them. It took my son looking at MANY lanyards to find ones he wanted, but he loved doing it. It's a MUST for this visit. And I would be a total fool to buy real Disney pins at $7 each for my son to trade for scrappers on lanyards.

Disney has let this get so far out of hand that the scrapper police are right, but simple don't matter. If you plan on trading with CMs, you better buy scrappers on ebay before your trip, because I guarantee you that you are going to return home with scrappers. If you are willing to lose $6 minimum on each of your child's pin trades, "be my guest".

Disney makes so much profit off pins, and just buying a damn lanyard and medal make up for many scrapper pin trades. And I'm sure my son will buy a few real pins on the trip too, so Disney is still printing money for pins. A pin trader must be smart in what they trade and to who.

I've dabbled in pins. Hell, I have the Master Gracy lenticular from the first HHB that I got at the event. But even some seriously LE pins at events have errors on them. So saying scrappers have errors is irrelevant.

If you have the money to buy all your kids pins, get real Disney ones, if that's important to you. If your kid is going to trade, you get them off ebay one way or another. It's simply your decision how much you pay for them.

And if you see a unique pin, or multi level one on a CM, GRAB IT. Someone will be trading a scrapper for it, it may as well be you.

I guess let me just say how we trade our pins. We do buy from ebay, and like the OP I really have no idea how the dealers obtain their pins and from what source (it would be funny however if their source was actually Disney). I fully realize that pins are a piece of metal with a character on them. My kids like certain characters, they trade for those. If my kid trades for a scrapper, will I be upset? Of course not. I would not take the fun out of it for them by putting some kind of perceived value on the pin. Look on ebay for single pins. You buy them at the disney gift store for 7 or 10 dollars or whatever, you get them there for 3 or 4 dollars. They are hardly a big budget collectible. That is why I don't understand the fury over scrappers.

Then there are people like me who buy legitimate pins. We are honest and pay full price. My DD then trades her authorized pin for one on your child's lanyard which is a complete fake. Yes, that would make me upset.
We're prepareing for our Orlando trip next month, and I just ordered 100 pins off ebay for $75 shipped. They are scrappers, I'm quite sure.

BUT, the cold hard facts are that CM lanyard pins are probably 80% scrappers. We went last October and had bought 30 pins off ebay. After getting them we realized they were scrappers. I was a bit concerned that they would be untradable. After seeing 2 CM lanyards, those fears were gone. I saw tons of the same pins on them. It took my son looking at MANY lanyards to find ones he wanted, but he loved doing it. It's a MUST for this visit. And I would be a total fool to buy real Disney pins at $7 each for my son to trade for scrappers on lanyards.

Disney has let this get so far out of hand that the scrapper police are right, but simple don't matter. If you plan on trading with CMs, you better buy scrappers on ebay before your trip, because I guarantee you that you are going to return home with scrappers. If you are willing to lose $6 minimum on each of your child's pin trades, "be my guest".

Disney makes so much profit off pins, and just buying a damn lanyard and medal make up for many scrapper pin trades. And I'm sure my son will buy a few real pins on the trip too, so Disney is still printing money for pins. A pin trader must be smart in what they trade and to who.

I've dabbled in pins. Hell, I have the Master Gracy lenticular from the first HHB that I got at the event. But even some seriously LE pins at events have errors on them. So saying scrappers have errors is irrelevant.

If you have the money to buy all your kids pins, get real Disney ones, if that's important to you. If your kid is going to trade, you get them off ebay one way or another. It's simply your decision how much you pay for them.

And if you see a unique pin, or multi level one on a CM, GRAB IT. Someone will be trading a scrapper for it, it may as well be you.


Nice, real nice!:mad:

I am going to WDW next month, too. I hope that I am not in the likes of your company when trading!
We're prepareing for our Orlando trip next month, and I just ordered 100 pins off ebay for $75 shipped. They are scrappers, I'm quite sure.

BUT, the cold hard facts are that CM lanyard pins are probably 80% scrappers. We went last October and had bought 30 pins off ebay. After getting them we realized they were scrappers. I was a bit concerned that they would be untradable. After seeing 2 CM lanyards, those fears were gone. I saw tons of the same pins on them. It took my son looking at MANY lanyards to find ones he wanted, but he loved doing it. It's a MUST for this visit. And I would be a total fool to buy real Disney pins at $7 each for my son to trade for scrappers on lanyards.

Disney has let this get so far out of hand that the scrapper police are right, but simple don't matter. If you plan on trading with CMs, you better buy scrappers on ebay before your trip, because I guarantee you that you are going to return home with scrappers. If you are willing to lose $6 minimum on each of your child's pin trades, "be my guest".

Disney makes so much profit off pins, and just buying a damn lanyard and medal make up for many scrapper pin trades. And I'm sure my son will buy a few real pins on the trip too, so Disney is still printing money for pins. A pin trader must be smart in what they trade and to who.

I've dabbled in pins. Hell, I have the Master Gracy lenticular from the first HHB that I got at the event. But even some seriously LE pins at events have errors on them. So saying scrappers have errors is irrelevant.

If you have the money to buy all your kids pins, get real Disney ones, if that's important to you. If your kid is going to trade, you get them off ebay one way or another. It's simply your decision how much you pay for them.

And if you see a unique pin, or multi level one on a CM, GRAB IT. Someone will be trading a scrapper for it, it may as well be you.


Ya this is a great first post...thanks for not helping to stop the scrappers but instead trading them away when you knew they were scrappers..... :confused3:sad2:

If you don't have the money to pay full price then don't pin trade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm with ccgirl, and yes it makes me upset....


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