Wonder trip report Jan20-24 Part 4 Castaway Cay


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Feb 17, 2001
After a good nights sleep I woke up just in time to see us backing up to Castaway Cay. We had ordered coffee the night before and it came a few minutes earlier than 7am. It was nice to sit on the veranda and sip coffee to wake up slowly. After DH and I got dressed we run up to BBB to eat and admire the Island. We packed the beach bag that DH's birthday gifts from The Perfect Gift came in. ( I forgot to mention that it was sitting in the room on the coffee table when we got there Sunday and boy was he suprised! It had a bottle of Asti Supmonti and assorted bags of chips and crackers and bite sized candy bars plus a small stuffed Mickey Mouse. Also I had a Mickey Happy Birthday Balloon added. It was very nice and I would reccommend using their services.)
We were out of the ship and on the adult beach by 9am.
We placed our towels and things in a lounge chair and headed directly for the water. It was a beautiful day and the water was alot warmer than I thought it would be. Once you got in it felt good since the day became rather warm:) We waded out and ran into some Sting rays? or maybe they were mantas? Not sure, but enjoyed seeing them, and saw many brightly colored large fish. As the day went on there were fewer to be seen. It was not crowded at all at the adult beach. The music was heavily Jimmy Buffett which I enjoyed alot being a Parrothead for 27 years now! DH went to rent rafts and snorkel gear while I found seashells and sand dollars. As I walked by a young woman sitting at the edge of the water, she made a comment about the sand dollars I had found and we chatted and she decided to come out in the water and hunt with me. After talking we discovered that she had grown up not to far from where I live and we talked alot:D She was traveling with her cousin and cousin's kids and aunt and uncle, who were all back at the family beach. DH showed up with our floats and he snorkeled while we found lots of sand dollars. We talked about the cruise and I told her much I loved Palos and she offered for DH and I to dine with her and her cousin that night as they had ressies for Palos and two openings free! I confered with DH and he says sure thing, so we agreed to meet outside Palos that night. I was already looking forward to the Portabello Mushroom again:D
Except for the 20 minutes we took for lunch at Cookies BBQ where I had the grilled salmon fillet (very good ) potato salad and the best fresh mango I have ever had, we spent the entire time in the water. Fortunately I had put on lots of sunscreen and did not burn.DH and I took turns snorkeling and floating around and really enjoyed Castaway Cay. We headed back to the ship at 4:15pm but I got a Conch cooler before I left that day. This is the start of a conch cooler addiction;)
We went to the aft 7 deck to watch the derparture from CC. I guess the word is getting out about it because there was a CM and a group of teens hanging out there! The previous times we had gone there we were the only ones !!!!
I enjoyed the CM's that stay on the Island waving goodbye with the big Mickey hands, and I always loved to hear the ships whistle.
We went back to the room to shower and change then called room service and had the cheese and cracker tray and two wine glasses sent . It came very quickly and we drank some of the Supmonti ( I'm sure I'm not spelling it right) with the crackers to tide us over until Palos that evening. We finally stop by Shutters to check out our photos and buy a few and drop off film to be developed including the disposable underwater camera I had brought along.I enjoyed looking at everyone else's photos too! We checked out the stores and bought nothing but planned on coming back the next evening.
At Palos we enjoyed the company of our new cruise freinds and enjoyed another delicious meal. Our Server from Sunday night -Noemi-stopped by after she spotted us and said hello! I guess we made a good impression or left a good tip because she sent a thank you note to our room the next day! It was nearly 10:30 by the time we were done and DH and I couldn't find the energy to do anything so we headed back to our room and sat on the veranda and watched the moon on the water for the longest time and then quickly headed to bed. Goodnight, moon!
I loved your report, especially this section on Castaway Cay. I've been there twice but my third trip this coming May will be my 1st trip without a child. I can't wait to visit the adult beach! Thanks for taking the time to do a report.
How was the weather on your cruise? My DH surprised me by making reservations for the 4 night Wonder next 12/29-1/2
This winter might not be something to judge next by but I have no idea what to expect weather wise. I loved reading your trip report. I am so excited to be going! Oh... the suprise was for our 20th anniversary which is next Christmas.

I have a question about the sand dollar finding...
I will be traveling with my troop of 7 Girls Scouts on the 3 night.
(not until June 2004 :( ) Some of these girls have never been out of Michigan, let alone the tropics. Can you give us soem helpful hints about searching for these? It sounds as if you look for them in the water, not on shore. Is there some place on Castaway Cay where they are a little more plentiful? what about other sea shells? I had never thought about looking for them...guess I figured that they would be picked over on a daily basis, so not really even any there. Thanks!!
Hi Nancy,
the weather was very warm. I think it was a little above average for that time of year, like everywhere else in the US! When we left Port it was in the mid 70's. At Nassua it was upper 70's and very sunny and a little breezy. At CC it was really warm, it may have gotten into the low 80's by noon... The sign on the island said water temp 74 degrees and I asked the CM if it was really that warm, he said yes.....it felt even warmer than that to me once I got in! I think we were just lucky though because I have heard it can vary between 60's to 80's that time of year! I hope you have a great cruise...be sure to let them know you are celebrating your 20th!

Hi Girl Scout leader,

Hi! I am assuming your girls are under 18 so you will be at the family beach... I can't really help you there as DH and I stayed at the adult beach. We did have to go out in the water to find the sanddollars, there where also conch shells and a few other smaller kinds. Most were bleached white by the sun and water so it was hard to see them. I often felt something with my foot(gently!) and since the water is so clear I could usually see the shape. If you walk out to a sandy spot and shuffle you foot around you can usually uncover some this way. This will also attrack small fish who will nibble up small bits of food you uncover in the process! At first DH and I joked about how Disney planted them there to find, but later when we found so many everywhere we quit joking! I'm sure somebody can tell you more than I know!
Have a great cruise!
I read on these boards that the shells and things are put there by Disney, to enhance the island, and they request that you don't pick things up and take them home with you. I guess one woman wanted to bring some coral back onto the ship and she got into some trouble for it.
I don't recall seeing any signs posted anywhere on CC though that stated you weren't supposed to take things, so I'm not sure they're real strict on that. Maybe someone else here knows more about it...
We returned all our shells and sandollars to the water before we left, as for Disney planting them there, we couldn't decide if they did or not. I'd really like to know! There were an abundance at the adult beach, as you got farther out from the beach.
perdidobay -
thanks for all your reports.....we're sailing on our first cruise in the summer after meeting a lovely woman at the surfing course at typhoon lagoon who simply raved about the cruise (i stupidly didn't take her name at the time....so if that woman, who was traveling with her 14 year old daughter and her daugter's friend, happens to be reading this, please let me know....we'll be at WDW most of july this year....perhaps we can at least synchronize our watches for the surfing course)...

it's my understanding that in many countries taking coral is against the law.....it's at least true in the country in which i live....and besides being against the law, it's a terrible thing to do.....it's brutal destruction of the environment....whether on a private island or a nature preserve...


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