WL - are there any standard rooms on the 1st floor? 2nd floor?


DIS Veteran
Jul 11, 2001
If so, where are they? I know there are some above the lobby guest services desk & I think there are some over Whispering Canyon Cafe....but where else are they? Any on the 1st floor?

We had a standard room booked for our Jan 02 vacation, but we were upgraded to a courtyard view ;) So, we are going to take our chances again next year & just book standard..... The view didn't really matter to us, but the location does!
I don't know this for sure....but I don't think so. The lower level rooms all seem to face the woods or courtyards. -HM
We stayed in a woods view room a few years back.
You actually took some stairs (or elevator) down from the lobby, but the room was on the ground floor.
the sliding glass door opened to a small patio with grass nearby and a walking path was just beyond that.
This was a handicap accessible room .

I don't know where the standard rooms would be. Sorry.


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