Wk Of Sept 8 - WISH Walking/Running Club

DAVE! OMG! You were THERE!?!?! :faint:

I have no training to report today and it is entirely my husband's fault. He didn't get home until late last night therefore we did not go to sleep until waaay past my bedtime. I blame him entirely. ;)

Judy, the bedroom aerobics count double points and there is no soreness the next day. And no dear I wasn't there but that was nice that you were thinking about me.pirate:

Slinking off now before I get in trouble again.

Judy, the bedroom aerobics count double points and there is no soreness the next day. And no dear I wasn't there but that was nice that you were thinking about me.pirate:

Slinking off now before I get in trouble again.


Wait! Nooooo! That's not what I meant! :blush:

I just meant we were up doing things. :headache: Oh that doesn't sound right either.

And nooo, I meant you were there when the Beatles landed. :yay:

Oh geez, I'm going back into hiding. :tiptoe:
Wait! Nooooo! That's not what I meant! :blush:

I just meant we were up doing things. :headache: Oh that doesn't sound right either.

And nooo, I meant you were there when the Beatles landed. :yay:

Oh geez, I'm going back into hiding. :tiptoe:

Now you know how I felt the last couple of days.:rolleyes1

I have no training to report today and it is entirely my husband's fault. He didn't get home until late last night therefore we did not go to sleep until waaay past my bedtime. I blame him entirely. ;)

Judy: I gotta take Dave's side on this one......I got the exact same impression! (and was actually feeling a little jealous....my hubby was home, but snoring away on the couch! :rotfl2:)
Judy-Dave - You guys are killing me!!

Helen - Your run in Hong Kong might have felt like a stonker but..... at least you can say you've run in Hong Kong!!

Stacey - I always run with a half water half gatorade mix and take my Gu or Sports Beans with it. I tend to agree with Mel... I am not one of those ladies that "glisten"... I sweat worse than some men and feel the extra isn't gonna hurt me at ALL. Some people have stomachs that just can't handle that though. You might want to try it and see how you react. I also take either my gu or Sports Beans every 45 minutes, it seems to work well for me that way.

I just got off the "Dreadmill" again. I swear I have become dependent on that thing and seriously need to get over it. I can't wait for pop warner football to be over, and it doesn't end until the week before TOT! I'm afraid I'll be doing as much as an 18 mile LR on this treadmill before I can finally get outside on a Saturday!! I got my 13 in today. I don't remember where I got the idea from but since I started training this year I have been running my LR's a little differently. I run the first 2/3 at a LR pace about a minute slower than my planned Marathon Pace, then I run the last 1/3 at marathon pace. Today's run was awesome. I ran the first 8.66 in 1:24:50 (avg 9:47 mpm) then the last 4.33 in 37:46 (avg 8:47 mpm). Total time was 2:02:36 for an avg 9:27 mpm!! Now I am done for the week!! No more running again until Monday. I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend and that all of your LR's go well!!

Hi WISHers!

I think I'll just step away from Judy and WWDave's banter so I don't get myself in trouble ... :rolleyes1

After a (rare) rest day yesterday today was an easy xt on the bike. Tomorrow I'll make up for it with an 11 mile LR. :faint: Still don't know where I'll do it. Why am I doing this again?!? I'm sure I could find a Mickey medal on E-Bay!

Happy training and good luck to our weekend racers!
Hi WISHers!

I think I'll just step away from Judy and WWDave's banter so I don't get myself in trouble ... :rolleyes1

Oh come on get in trouble with the rest of us. It's easy just say whatever's on your mind and someone will have sport with you. I was just wondering along minding my own business and wham!

Any way I have a Trivia question for you Disney Lovers.:teacher:

What did the initials Epcot stand for?popcorn::

Did everyone order there free custom made maps from Disney, they are very nice?:banana:

Judy, you can come out now, it's safe.:cloud9:

Have an awesome day Team.

Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow :thumbsup2

Every Paycheck Comes Out Tiny :lmao:

Every Person Comes Out Tired :rotfl2:
Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow :thumbsup2

Every Paycheck Comes Out Tiny :lmao:

Every Person Comes Out Tired :rotfl2:

Hi Judy, yes you are right. Welcome back. I'm going to make an effort to behave myself and stay out of trouble.

Next question: What major attraction in the magic kingdom has just been upgraded.

Holy Moses!! I go away for 1, count 'em, 1 day, and look at what happened!! First, there is all this talk about Aerosmith. I honestly would be extremely surprised if they did play that weekend, but odder things have happened. I'm of the "I'll believe it when I see it" persuasion.

Funny Aerosmith story: I work with someone who, when he was getting married many years ago, wanted a band at their reception. They had one picked out but his future MIL nixed it. The band, you guessed it, was Aerosmith. Oh, what could have been.

Second--the locker room/bedroom aerobics talk. I expect Big Vic and WWDave to make comments like that, but JUDY??? I'm shocked, shocked at this!! Sweet, innocent Judy has been corrupted! What has the world come to? Sigh. Do I need to separate you children? Is a time out necessary? ;) I am so not trying to giggle here at work!!!

Thanks to everyone for sending pixiedust: for my foot. I think it was a muscle and today it's feeling quite a bit better. I've been icing and massaging it. It was just in such an odd place. And I haven't run since Wednesday. I'll try running 3 miles today and see how it goes. I'm up for a 10 miler on Sunday and it should be cool and comfortable in the morning.

Dona: oh how I miss that comic strip--"calvin ball!" Now I understand why you had to cut your run short a few days ago.

Mel: thanks for asking about the Higdon plan. It's going well. I'm on week 5 and am supposed to run 10 miles on Sunday. I am following the novice plan. Dinner tonight is hot dogs (OK, I'm allowed once in a while) but last night we had chicken marinated in a balsamic vinegar marinade with fresh green beans and couscous. Yummmmmm!

Jen117: you know the funny thing about that dinner-it was spaghetti! Ya boil water, put the pasta in and voila! The tricky part is microwaving the sauce. I couldn't believe all the questions!

TXAng: CONGRATULATIONS!!! You must let us know how everything goes and we will be thinking of you on marathon weekend!!

Tricia: which 1/2 marathon are you going to train for? You'll do great, BTW!!

Christa: if you run out of things to clean, you are welcome to start on my house! Seriously--good luck!! Let us know how it goes!

OK, I really need to look like I'm working. Is it time to go home yet?
Judy said:
DAVE! OMG! You were THERE!?!?!

I have no training to report today and it is entirely my husband's fault. He didn't get home until late last night therefore we did not go to sleep until waaay past my bedtime. I blame him entirely.

I ain't sayin nuttin. Well, I could say, U-turns under the sheets? But, I ain't saying nuttin. :rolleyes1 :lmao:
OMG! You GUYS! And Jeanne too! :scared: Come on you guys, that's not what I meant! And you know it. :snooty:


OK come on Dave, give me tough one... The Haunted Mansion. But wasn't that technically "rehabbed"? :confused3
OK, so I confess that I haven't even lurked on the thread this week, let alone posted. I was in a course all week and work keeps rolling along so I just haven't had any time. I think things may settle down slightly next week, but truthfully the whole rest of the year will probably be crazy busy.

Anyhow...I have gotten some running in. Sunday was my 10K in Seattle where I set a PR of 57:56. I have been hoping to break 60:00 for years and years and it has finally happened! I felt terrific about the race.

Boot camp is officially over and I've moved on to yoga and fit ball. Fit ball is being taught by my old boot camp instructor Sheena. Unfortunately I got stuck in traffic on my way home on Monday so I missed the first class, but I did meet up with everyone at the end of class for a quick 20 min run. I think we went about 1.8 miles. Tuesday I ran 3 miles in I'm not sure what time... Wednesday was my first yoga class. Last night I hung out with an old friend visiting town so I didn't get a run in at all and tonight is officially a rest day because this weekend is my first back to back for Goofy training. Saturday my Short Long Run is 5 mi (although I'm meeting Sheena and I believe she is hoping to run about 6 or 7 mi). Sunday is my Long Long Run and I have 10 mi scheduled but I may scale back to 9 mi depending how far Sheena and I go Saturday.

As if I wasn't busy enough already I've been asked to join a curling league that starts up next month. That should be interesting! Have a great weekend everyone!
Dave...shame on you! :rolleyes1 Vic, you too! (not really for anything, but in my very short time here, I figure you are the two to josh with) :flower3:

Dana...great run!! I am hoping to start that strategy with my long runs....with the stronger finish segment...starting on Sunday! As long as I can keep my legs healthy (bad PF last couple of years), I am hoping to have a good running season.

happy weekend, y'all!

Judy - I have to admit, I thought you & Charlie were, umm, cross training! :rotfl2: Just goes to show you where my mind is - the gutter! :rotfl:

Ok, this Aerosmith thing has me crazy. If you guys got me all worked up, just to be let down. I'm gonna...we'll I don't know what 'I'm gonna.' But it will cost you dearly, I promise! ;)

I am heading out to do my two miles. Both of my boys are napping.
I better escape while I can!
Tricia: which 1/2 marathon are you going to train for? You'll do great, BTW!!

I am going to train for either the Marathon of the Palm Beaches 1/2 marathon on Dec 2 or wait until February for the A1A Marathon in Ft Lauderdale. I might end up not doing the Palm Beach one and do the Ft Lauderdale one just based on timing. :confused3 we shall see how training goes.

Today is a rest day for me but this morning I did some stretching. Tomorrow I am set to run 4 miles. Getting :scared1: about all these miles but I am sure I will be able to get through it - not in any record time though but even if I have to walk it I will get through it.

Good luck to all who have races/events this weekend and good luck to all in their training this weekend. Be safe!!
Just back:
25:29 again - I am nothing if not consistent!

And you will never guess who came on during those 25 mins. on my shuffled mp3 player? Well, it was a little known group called AEROSMITH singing Eat The Rich! :love:
Judy - Sorry, but I was on the same page w/Dave and Jeanne:)

Dana - Great job on your run.

Leana - congrats on your PR. :banana: I can only dream of 10mpm pace.

I didn't run the last two days (waiting for test results, which still aren't back) but couldn't stand it any longer. Went out and did 4 miles tonight. Weather was nice and cool and i felt great, not like I was 1/2 dead at the end. Total time was 53:38 (for a 13:24 mpm pace). Each mile was pretty consistent so i was pleased.

I've got a month until the Nike 1/2 in SF, then when I get back, I'll move into the Goofy training with the b2b long runs.

I got an e-mail from Nike, telling about the on-course entertainment for the 1/2 & full. Let me tell ya, I can't wait to get to mile 11. It's the Ghirardelli chocolate mile (yum!)

Good luck to all racers this weekend. For anyone doing the Philly Distance Run on Sunday, I'll be working at the last music stage (mile 13) just before you get to the Art Museum finish line. I'll have my WISH visor on. Give me a wave if you see me!



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