WISH Away the Pounds - Spectacular September Challenge...Everyone Welcome

I am a daily weigher to keep me on track. I only weigh myself in the morning as the evening would be too frustrating. I am always fearing that the numbers will be back where I started. This said, I don't know if weighing yourself twice a day is healthy as it might make you more anxious or frustrated leaving you to make less than stellar meal/food choices.
I am a daily weigher to keep me on track. I only weigh myself in the morning as the evening would be too frustrating. I am always fearing that the numbers will be back where I started. This said, I don't know if weighing yourself twice a day is healthy as it might make you more anxious or frustrated leaving you to make less than stellar meal/food choices.

True. I don't know how I got in the habit of weighing twice. I used to do it just in the morning. I enjoy plotting it and seeing a daily decrease or stability when I'm not working on losing. I still eat normally because I don't like diets. It's just largely portion control, cutting out most sweets and exercising several times a week. So with all that, even if I'm not losing, I will be getting healthier. Don't know why the numbers scare me but they do. ;-)
A question: I weigh myself on a daily basis to keep myself on track. It helps me to know that I'm coming along or I should keep eating light that day. Recently I've gotten in the habit of weighing in the evening also to see how much I've fluctuated though out the day. My question is this: does anyone else get on the scale and have a horrible feeling they're going to be back to the beginning of their weight loss??? I started this month at 181.8 and this morning I was 170.6. But this evening, as I stepped on the scale, I dreaded looking at it because I thought is weigh 178 or something. Does this happen to any of you? Should I stop weighing at night? I probably should, right?

Since I do not have a Body Bugger & I choose to not really be militant in counting calories but enstead approximate, I feel that by weighing myself two and every now and then three times a day helps in me seeing what is working and what is not.
Yes, there are many a day that I dread looking at that dang "scale of truth," :scared1:
but more often than not, I AM finding that I am losing weight.....even if its just .02 of a pound at the end of every day.:woohoo:

And I feel that that's what it is all about - a journey and not a weight loss destination. It is also quite fascinating to watch my body recover after a workout and to see what certain proteins (like a slice of chicken breast and 1/2 a bottle of Vitamin Water) does in reaction to the overall poundage I have lost versus what the body puts back while it is recovering (including water weight).
My body also reacts differently if its Gator-aid vs Vitamin Water and to me, Vitamin Water won out as I am finding its less taxing on my body.

And I have learned
what NOT TO DO (OUCH!!!! I HAVE LEARNED just yesterday about servings and chips).

YES, it has happened to me....yesterday as I lost 2.4 pounds ......later on I ate a SUBWAY restaurant 6-inch sandwich, chips and 2 cc cookies and........
:scared1: GAINED 2.4 pounds by that night!!:faint:

RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! so lessons learned.
I have cut out cc cookies (they are now a sometimes food)
and hold myself to no more than 30 chips when I eat a meal that calls for chips.:goodvibes
(I was inaverentlty overeating on chips and didn't know it......DOH!!!!!):headache:

SO overall, IMO - yes - you will have good days and some days..well....that is a learning curve so to me, if it helps you - then IMO go ahead and do it but please be prepared as that dang scale don't fib.

Hope this helps.:goodvibes

Just my .02 as there may be others who may disagree. Yes, I don't like numbers but they are what they are.
THERE IS ONE number I am really looking forward to and that's my target goal weight and I feel I will reach it by December.:woohoo:

& Cheers
I would very much suggest to not weigh twice a day!! Your weight depends on so many factors. Losing fat is nothing that happens within a few hours!

Just think if you eat a large bowl of low fat carrot soup or a candy bar and step on the scale directly afterwards you will certainly weigh much more after the carrot soup than after the candy bar, but in the long run you will have eaten less calories with the carrot soup. So there is no real connection between the short effect these two different types of food on the scale and the long term effect. But you will want to go for the long term effect.

What counts is your long term trend. That's why people recommend to only step on the scale once a week.

And if you are getting stressed by the scale, I would recommend to just stop getting on it. Just put it away somewhere where it is not easy to get it out and try how you feel if you don't get on it. Make a commitment to try for a month to only do weekly weigh ins.
I was so excited on Friday when I weighed in because I could see a a drop next WI from one digit to another!

Then.....my DH and I went away and I do NOT want to get back on the scale! I am going to avoid it til next WI and hope I can recover to what I was at least this Friday and maybe nudge it down to that next digit! I know I won't make my goal, but it was a lovely get-away with my sweetie that we needed, so hang the calories! :lmao:
I weigh twice a day. Might not be the smartest thing, but it truly is a slippery slope for me. Like if I don't get on the scale I "conveniently" forget that I need to be healthy and just end up off track. The scale keeps me honest. I only record the morning weight.

I think it comes down to what works for you to keep you honest and keep you moving forward. :)

We are off to clean our old house today. Gonna be so much fun. :rotfl:

Have a great day!
going to post Sat QOTD tonight...

SATURDAY QOTD -- What is your next mini-goal? When would you like to realize it?

My mini-goal is (and has been) to get back to the BOTTOM of my maintenance range. I have been at the very tippy top of it for FAR too long now. I had a good loss a week ago but unexpectedly bounced back up a bit as of Friday's weigh-in. I know what needs to change (more exercise, less carbs), but obviously so far I haven't made the necessary changes. If I could hit the bottom of my range BEFORE the holiday eating season hits, that would be MOST delightful. With 5 weigh-ins before November is upon us, it is do-able. So my goal will be to hit the bottom number of my WW maintenance range by my 11/1 weigh-in. That means 3.7 pounds to lose in 5 weigh-ins.... and with how slowly I lose it will take every bit of work. IDEALLY I'd like to be down a full 6.7 pounds and will put that out there as my MAJOR goal for the remainder of 2013.

mine is to hit the 160's...I was close and then the number went back up. Realistically I think I can hit it as my October goal. I'd really LOVE to hit it by the middle of the month in October

well, this day didn't end so well. DH called and we went out to dinner and I feel like I have a brick in my belly! and I didn't get a workout in. bad ohMom!!!

Yikes! What did you eat that feels like a brick? Feel better!

Mine is 160's as well. I'm 1.2 pounds away from having a 6 instead of a 7. I hope to nail that by next week.
19 days until WDW!! I hope to be closer to the 150's by then. I feel sure I will go back up a bit while on vacation but then I will have 2 more weeks to drop a few more pounds before I start running again. This food plan kind of bites because there is minimal exercise while in phase 1, but I'm going to have to drop the program once my mileage increases because I'm going to need more fuel.

WOOHOO on the 19 days!! Love to celebrate with you when you lose that 1.2 to get you to a new category!

P.S. "Ladybug" :tongue:
(my 2 yr old Female Blue-tick Beagle) is even getting in on all of this. She WANTS also to be weighed each and every time I weigh myself. - Too Funny -

MIND YOU.....the scale is only "YEA-BIG" and well.......
she is too long for the scale but does a wonderful job of stepping on that scale unassisted and remaining on it long enough for it to properly record her weight before she falls off it it in the process of looking back at me.

Then, when the scale blinks out her numbers, she looks up and me as if to say, "Is that good??":littleangel:
With which, I exclaim, "GOOD GIRL!!" and off she scats to chase her toy around the house or what not.
(she needs to lose 3 pounds & is on Pedigree 'light' dry food) -
and -

(she is my excercise /jogging buddy & I heavily appreciate her)


So sweet about your pup!


My nearest goal is to be under 70kg - that's 154.3 pounds. And it is even my September goal. A very ambitious goal for me as I was at 158.7 at the beginning of the months and in the past I struggled to lose one pound this week. But now the month has gone so well that I have hope to weigh in at the end of September with something below the big 70! Actually, this morning I could not believe it when the scale said 70.2 - that's over a pound less than yesterday.

I am starting to think that somehow my body really likes my weight to be at 72 kg (this is exactly a BMI of 25 for me) as I had so much struggle to get below that. And not only this time, it is the weight when in the past I gave up at again and again. I just hope I can get the momentum going - My final goal is 65kg and if I can reach this before Christmas I will be so excited!

Knewton, the Battenberg is a domino cake that is coloured yellow and pink and the coated with marzipan: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battenberg_cake

Cake is pretty but wouldn't tempt me. Not a fan of sponge cake or apricot jam or marzipan.

I think my body likes to be at 135 lb., so I know what you mean. Unfortunately, my HEAD wants the BODY to be at 130 lb.!! Hence the reason I am CONSTANTLY trying to lose rather than maintain! Body is struggling for 135 while mirror and head tell me that 130 is the place to be!!:rotfl:

Did you know that in nine short days we will be Outstanding October?!?

I will be posting the new thread at the end of the week -- I don't like to do it too early because there is still PLENTY of time to make some great progress in Spectacular September! :cool2:

But I do need some coaching volunteers for October. I've been able to divide the dates so a coaching stint is five days instead of seven. We will need more coaches but I am hoping we will get some new brave folks who will want to coach. Coaching is fun and motivating. You post a QOTD, do replies and generally keep the conversation moving. Easy, peasy. If you are interested please PM me. Thanks! :flower3:

I am IN for coaching in October!! I can start 10/6-7, 10/13-14, or 10/20-21 (we usually start on a Thursday or Friday, right?? I can't remember). Let me know!

Hi guys. Yes I am still alive. I had a great trip to DW with dh at the end of Aug and then school started and all hell broke loose.

The first 4 days were awful. 4 straight days of meetings. Once that was over school started but it gets better. That same day I get a phone call and a letter that my mammogram was irregular and we had to repeat some tests. I was seen on the 16th and found out it was just a cyst but it has really thrown me for a loop.

I have given up on Sept (not really but I can't be involved on the thread.) I leave on Friday for Kansas City for our niece's wedding. We will be gone until Monday and Tuesday starts Oct. I will see you all in October.

Have a happy and healthy day.

Oh my!! Have missed you being around, but I kind of figured with the school year kicking into gear that you were busy with that. Glad that the diagnosis was benign, but what a SCARY time for you!!:hug: Looking forward to chatting with you in October.

My next mini goal is to reach 235, I'm close. Hopefully I'll be there by mid Oct. as it's only about 2.5 pounds to go. I also figure that my heaviest earlier this year reached 250 so any loss is good :)

As for fitness I hit the trail this morning and walked 3 miles in 45 minutes. I usually I run but I had a non runner with me.

You are making great progress!

Guess what? My next mini goal is also the 160's...I too weighed in at 171 this morning...seems there are quite a few of us in that area.

In the UK, because of the way we weigh, my next mini goal is my 5 stone award (1 st = 14lb), I'm 'officially' 3.5lb away from that, so I'll have to wait and see what the scales say on Monday evening.

Fingers crossed that Monday's number is what you are hoping for and working toward!!

Hello to everyone!

We are in the new apartment...but our closing has been delayed a few days. Not because of bank issues, but because the people who are buying our house didn't think to tell anyone (and their real estate agent screwed up too) that they were going to sign the papers from CA. Seriously. So now next weeks papers will be over nighted back and forth and hopefully Mike and I will sign on Thursday. They are scheduled to sigh Wednesday. Friday we are flying to see DS so I really need this to be done on Thursday. (It was scheduled for Tuesday but pushed back now until Thursday.) I lost it and had a complete meltdown in the home depot parking lot yesterday when I found out it was delayed. But hopefully it will be ok. I am just so very nervous especially now that we have signed a lease.

But we like the new apartment and I think we are going to really like not having the responsibility of a house at least for a little while. Once things calm down we should be able to make some decisions. :)

Holding my own with the weight--up a few for the month but not nearly as bad as it could be. Looking forward to 2 a day workouts and lots of good home cooked meals in October.

Send good thoughts our way this week that things go smoothly from here on out. It is a little stressful right now. :goodvibes

Yikes! Craziness, as usual! Glad you are seeing a light at the end of the tunnel with the house closing and can hopefully enjoy an easier October. Miss hearing from you more often, but I know you are busy.

A question: I weigh myself on a daily basis to keep myself on track. It helps me to know that I'm coming along or I should keep eating light that day. Recently I've gotten in the habit of weighing in the evening also to see how much I've fluctuated though out the day. My question is this: does anyone else get on the scale and have a horrible feeling they're going to be back to the beginning of their weight loss??? I started this month at 181.8 and this morning I was 170.6. But this evening, as I stepped on the scale, I dreaded looking at it because I thought is weigh 178 or something. Does this happen to any of you? Should I stop weighing at night? I probably should, right?

STEP AWAY FROM THE SCALE! Personally my advise would be to weigh in no more than once a week. But if you definitely feel like you need a daily weighing to stay on track, then limit yourself to once a day!!! You are playing all kinds of mind games with yourself with multiple weigh-ins every day! No good can come of this, IMHO.

I would very much suggest to not weigh twice a day!! Your weight depends on so many factors. Losing fat is nothing that happens within a few hours!

Just think if you eat a large bowl of low fat carrot soup or a candy bar and step on the scale directly afterwards you will certainly weigh much more after the carrot soup than after the candy bar, but in the long run you will have eaten less calories with the carrot soup. So there is no real connection between the short effect these two different types of food on the scale and the long term effect. But you will want to go for the long term effect.

What counts is your long term trend. That's why people recommend to only step on the scale once a week.

And if you are getting stressed by the scale, I would recommend to just stop getting on it. Just put it away somewhere where it is not easy to get it out and try how you feel if you don't get on it. Make a commitment to try for a month to only do weekly weigh ins.

The soup vs candy bar analogy is SPOT ON!! :thumbsup2

I was so excited on Friday when I weighed in because I could see a a drop next WI from one digit to another!

Then.....my DH and I went away and I do NOT want to get back on the scale! I am going to avoid it til next WI and hope I can recover to what I was at least this Friday and maybe nudge it down to that next digit! I know I won't make my goal, but it was a lovely get-away with my sweetie that we needed, so hang the calories! :lmao:

Sometimes LIFE is more important than the number on the scale that week. Glad you had a nice get-away.

I weigh twice a day. Might not be the smartest thing, but it truly is a slippery slope for me. Like if I don't get on the scale I "conveniently" forget that I need to be healthy and just end up off track. The scale keeps me honest. I only record the morning weight.

I think it comes down to what works for you to keep you honest and keep you moving forward. :)

We are off to clean our old house today. Gonna be so much fun. :rotfl:

Have a great day!

Have fun cleaning.... NOT!! :rotfl: At least you can count it as exercise!!


Morning all! Our Sunday morning started SO rainy, but it is beautiful now. We are going for a family hike later this afternoon. Not sure what I will need to do to bribe DS into going along! :lmao:

Had a busy productive day yesterday at some yard sales and projects around the house. No big plans other than the hike today, but I plan to hit my scrapping table in a bit.

Working tomorrow at the school and a robotics meeting in the evening, Bible study Tuesday morning, followed by a trip to Target and my WW meeting Tuesday night, and visiting DD :banana: Wednesday into Thursday, so if I'm not around much next week, don't worry about me!

I'll pop on tonight to check in...............P
I weigh 3 times a week. Once for you guys (always 1st thing on Friday morning, before I shower), Saturday morning (again first thing before shower) for the record DH and I are keeping of our journey, and finally, 7:00pm on a Monday at Slimming World Group......that's the 'official' one!!! I always have to remember to compare like with like.....I can weight up to 4lb more in an evening than in a morning.
I weigh 3 times a week. Once for you guys (always 1st thing on Friday morning, before I shower), Saturday morning (again first thing before shower) for the record DH and I are keeping of our journey, and finally, 7:00pm on a Monday at Slimming World Group......that's the 'official' one!!! I always have to remember to compare like with like.....I can weight up to 4lb more in an evening than in a morning.

Oh, so your DH is losing weight as well? Just following along your cooking for your slimming class?

To be honest, I am a daily weigher as well. But I don't freak when I suddenly have a higher number one morning. I track my weight in an app on my phone and as long as the longterm trend is downwards I am happy. Since my weight sometimes fluctuates for two or three pounds and since I am not a fast loser, I think I might get too depressed if I would only weigh once a week as it would take longer to see whether the higher weight is just a one time occurence or really part of a trend. BUT, and I think this is the most important issue: I don't let myself be governed by the scale. I stick to my plan and follow that - whatever the scale says momentarily. And it works! :thumbsup2
Have I not mentioned that Duncan is also losing weight?? I've lost 67lbs so far and he's lost 61lbs.......just from eating the cooking I'm doing!!! He doesn't actually go to the group, which is why we weigh at home on a Saturday. He's at target now..I have some way to go!!!

When I take new pictures on 1st October I'll put some of him up too.
Have I not mentioned that Duncan is also losing weight?? I've lost 67lbs so far and he's lost 61lbs.......just from eating the cooking I'm doing!!! He doesn't actually go to the group, which is why we weigh at home on a Saturday. He's at target now..I have some way to go!!!

When I take new pictures on 1st October I'll put some of him up too.

I don't remember you mentioning this, but this is really fantastic. Between the two of you you lost as much as one person could weigh! Well done! I hope it won't be too difficult for you to see him eat more while you are still on the plan. I would love to see a picture of both of you!
Evening all! (Well... at least it is evening here on the East Coast of the USA :rotfl: ).

Had a pretty productive day and DH and I took a nice long brisk walk, so I am feeling good about the day. Got a bit of window painting done, some laundry, some general picking up around the house and had a long talk with DD on the phone. Plus I made a nice breakfast for the men this morning and we just enjoyed a nice dinner together and the dishes are done!

THIS is what we had for dinner, if you are interested! :thumbsup2

Off to pick out my clothes for tomorrow and do another load of laundry! TTY tomorrow hopefully!..................P
on the weighing yourself conversation - I have been there where I weighed myself almost daily and it really depressed me and frustrated me. I fluctuate up to 5 lbs and seeing the number jump would almost always lead to self-sabotage. so now I weigh myself on Friday mornings, and sometimes I forget! I think gaining so much weight and feeling really like it was out of my control (health)..I just had to stop stepping on the scale for my mental health. Now that it's (finally!) reversing, I guess I just don't want to obsess on the number again, b/c that's where I tend to head towards

now...OH MY! I totally forgot to post a question this morning!! I'm so sorry!! I hope everyone had a good weekend..mine was decent, it definitely could've been better. i'm lacing up my walking shoes tomorrow morning and intend on getting this routine back in play. Friday night -- DH and I went out to dinner to a local pub ... I got in the car and said 'take me to beer and junk food' :rolleyes1 so don't' feel sorry for me!! but seriously, I felt TERRIBLE, we're talking anti-nausea meds and sleeping with a bucket on the side of the bed. I have no inkling for pub fare anytime soon. My GI system was very very irritated over the past 3 years and so I've gone mostly gluten-free. usually I can eat a meal with gluten without any problems..so I just don't know if it was just a bad night or what. DH was fine so it wasn't the food

rose -- i'm glad you are settling in your new home! and those buyers! wow..nerves!!

( I thought I had bookmarked a post of coaching questions? does anyone have that? can't find)

MONDAY QOTD -- what's your go-to spice? what foods do you use it for?

Trader Joe's has some fab spice grinders, right now i'm lovin my Garlic Salt - sea salt, roasted garlic, onion, and parsley. it's great on vegetables, I buy fresh green beans from the farmers market and sauté them with the garlic salt blend. it's delish!
For me, the spice I use frequently is parsley. I put parsley in everything. Also garlic. I buy fresh garlic at Costco and put it in everything too! I love to cook!
Have I not mentioned that Duncan is also losing weight?? I've lost 67lbs so far and he's lost 61lbs.......just from eating the cooking I'm doing!!! He doesn't actually go to the group, which is why we weigh at home on a Saturday. He's at target now..I have some way to go!!!

When I take new pictures on 1st October I'll put some of him up too.

Hey - what's your fav meal to cook??? any recipe ya wanna share??:goodvibes


Ok.....so after I chilled out Saturday afternoon with a Subway sandwich, Ruffless potato chips and 2 choc chip cookies & a diet coke...................

later on that evening, I found out that each freakin' choc chip cookie is 220 calories and I normally eat a 13 oz bag of Ruffles IN 3 MEALS.........:scratchin

HHHHmmmmmmm..........as of this evening, 3/4 of a bag of Ruffles & the 2 remaining cc cookies (I buy 4 and eat them over a 2 day period) found their way into the "Wheelie Bin.":blush:
(I use a differnt chip now that has less calories and I now count my chips while I have now found a 90 calories after meal dessert)

ME????? a chocolate lover and a foodie at heart THROWING AWAY 2 PERFECTLY GOOD COOKIES????? AM I RUNNING A FEVER??:lmao:

P.S. Actually, in addition to wanting a new me, I am also wanting to look good when I am sittin' down in that 3.1 mile around Rose Bowl stadium (January 1st) .....while before hand having fun attending the Rose Bowl Parade....
....that and my Sept 30th mini-goal is right around the corner.::yes::

Love this thread as it is providing just the right amount of motivation & inspiration Ladybug & I are needing.:thumbsup2

Hey - what's your fav meal to cook??? any recipe ya wanna share??:goodvibes


Ok.....so after I chilled out Saturday afternoon with a Subway sandwich, Ruffless potato chips and 2 choc chip cookies & a diet coke...................

later on that evening, I found out that each freakin' choc chip cookie is 220 calories and I normally eat a 13 oz bag of Ruffles IN 3 MEALS.........:scratchin

HHHHmmmmmmm..........as of this evening, 3/4 of a bag of Ruffles & the 2 remaining cc cookies (I buy 4 and eat them over a 2 day period) found their way into the "Wheelie Bin.":blush:
(I use a differnt chip now that has less calories and I now count my chips while I have now found a 90 calories after meal dessert)

ME????? a chocolate lover and a foodie at heart THROWING AWAY 2 PERFECTLY GOOD COOKIES????? AM I RUNNING A FEVER??:lmao:

P.S. Actually, in addition to wanting a new me, I am also wanting to look good when I am sittin' down in that 3.1 mile around Rose Bowl stadium (January 1st) .....while before hand having fun attending the Rose Bowl Parade....
....that and my Sept 30th mini-goal is right around the corner.::yes::

Love this thread as it is providing just the right amount of motivation & inspiration Ladybug & I are needing.:thumbsup2


Wow good willpower throwing that stuff away! That's one if my problems is not throwing it. We went to chipotle (Mexican) and my son ate 2 of his 3 tacos. Well I could NOT throw it out and ate it. At least I scraped the guacamole out before I did and saved a few calories. :)

I made a good veggie side last night. 1 lb carrots coarse chopped, 1 lb small gold potatoes, 1 head cauliflower chopped. Boil for 20 min and mashed. Added 2 pieces light laughing cow garlic cheese and a splash of skim milk, salt/pepper to taste.

Seeing I hate to cook and not a huge veggie fan it's a start.

Alright - weekend is over and planning on getting back to stronger focus. Weekends are do hard for me w the family home I almost forget my diet focus and just start falling in w everyone else's snacking. I've been doing better but still not good enough. Doubt my goal of 2 lbs is happening. We'll see.

Have a great day.
Hi guys. Yes I am still alive. I had a great trip to DW with dh at the end of Aug and then school started and all hell broke loose.

The first 4 days were awful. 4 straight days of meetings. Once that was over school started but it gets better. That same day I get a phone call and a letter that my mammogram was irregular and we had to repeat some tests. I was seen on the 16th and found out it was just a cyst but it has really thrown me for a loop.

I have given up on Sept (not really but I can't be involved on the thread.) I leave on Friday for Kansas City for our niece's wedding. We will be gone until Monday and Tuesday starts Oct. I will see you all in October.

Have a happy and healthy day.

Glad to hear that school is going well even though it was a rough start. :hug: Have fun at the wedding and we look forward to seeing you post more in October. :cool2:

My next mini goal is to reach 235, I'm close. Hopefully I'll be there by mid Oct. as it's only about 2.5 pounds to go. I also figure that my heaviest earlier this year reached 250 so any loss is good :)

As for fitness I hit the trail this morning and walked 3 miles in 45 minutes. I usually I run but I had a non runner with me.

You can do it! :yay: And you will definitely be ending the year much less than where you started and that is a big win in my book. ::yes::

DISCLAIMER: ON THE QOTD..please do not feel you have to post your actual numbers! I did b/c i'm trying to be real and be brave! mini-goals can be anything you are setting your mind too that is close and a step towards your overall goal. i.e...another mini-goal of mine is to be out of the 'obesity' BMI and into overweight..i'm close...close ...close :goodvibes

You can do it, Molli! :yay:

And you showed up how many folks are wanting to the in the 160's club. :cool2:

Guess what? My next mini goal is also the 160's...I too weighed in at 171 this morning...seems there are quite a few of us in that area.

In the UK, because of the way we weigh, my next mini goal is my 5 stone award (1 st = 14lb), I'm 'officially' 3.5lb away from that, so I'll have to wait and see what the scales say on Monday evening.

Keeping my fingers crossed that you see the magic number tonight! :cool2: If not, it's just a matter of time. :thumbsup2

Hello to everyone!

We are in the new apartment...but our closing has been delayed a few days. Not because of bank issues, but because the people who are buying our house didn't think to tell anyone (and their real estate agent screwed up too) that they were going to sign the papers from CA. Seriously. So now next weeks papers will be over nighted back and forth and hopefully Mike and I will sign on Thursday. They are scheduled to sigh Wednesday. Friday we are flying to see DS so I really need this to be done on Thursday. (It was scheduled for Tuesday but pushed back now until Thursday.) I lost it and had a complete meltdown in the home depot parking lot yesterday when I found out it was delayed. But hopefully it will be ok. I am just so very nervous especially now that we have signed a lease.

But we like the new apartment and I think we are going to really like not having the responsibility of a house at least for a little while. Once things calm down we should be able to make some decisions. :)

Holding my own with the weight--up a few for the month but not nearly as bad as it could be. Looking forward to 2 a day workouts and lots of good home cooked meals in October.

Send good thoughts our way this week that things go smoothly from here on out. It is a little stressful right now. :goodvibes

Good luck with the closing this week, Rose. A transaction that closes on time is a rare thing so try not to let it stress you out. Just be sure to sign your paperwork before you leave. Hang in there! :hug:

A question: I weigh myself on a daily basis to keep myself on track. It helps me to know that I'm coming along or I should keep eating light that day. Recently I've gotten in the habit of weighing in the evening also to see how much I've fluctuated though out the day. My question is this: does anyone else get on the scale and have a horrible feeling they're going to be back to the beginning of their weight loss??? I started this month at 181.8 and this morning I was 170.6. But this evening, as I stepped on the scale, I dreaded looking at it because I thought is weigh 178 or something. Does this happen to any of you? Should I stop weighing at night? I probably should, right?

I weigh myself once a day -- it's a lifelong habit. I try very hard to pay attention to the long term trend and not be freaked out about day to day fluctuations. Your body weight naturally fluctuates during the day. Most people weigh less first thing in the morning. As the day progresses, your weight increases. I think you could weigh yourself twice a day if you really wanted to but you need to compare apples to apples -- you have to compare to your weight the night before -- not apples to oranges -- your morning weight and your evening weight. It's almost like the scale is not a tool that is helping you but something that is giving you stress that you don't need, especially because you have already had a great, great month. :hippie: Just my 2 cents worth.

BRB with the rest of my replies.
After a pretty depressing week, the scale was very kind to me today! I am down 5.0 lbs. for the month, which means I'm going to be WISH green!

Yippee!! :yay:

What happened this week? Our pet rabbit passed away on the morning of my dd's 9th birthday. Rotten timing, right? He was pretty elderly by rabbit standards and had been suffering from a number of ailments. I had already spent a bundle on a vet visit and several medications three months ago. It was a sad day in our house, but we're healing.

Been there :sad1:. And those little buggers are so good at hiding they're sick sometimes until it's too late to help them. :sad2:

The first 4 days were awful. 4 straight days of meetings. Once that was over school started but it gets better. That same day I get a phone call and a letter that my mammogram was irregular and we had to repeat some tests. I was seen on the 16th and found out it was just a cyst but it has really thrown me for a loop.

I have given up on Sept (not really but I can't be involved on the thread.) I leave on Friday for Kansas City for our niece's wedding. We will be gone until Monday and Tuesday starts Oct. I will see you all in October.

Have a happy and healthy day.

Had that scare too! Glad to hear all is okay now! :goodvibes

Hello to everyone!

We are in the new apartment...but our closing has been delayed a few days. Not because of bank issues, but because the people who are buying our house didn't think to tell anyone (and their real estate agent screwed up too) that they were going to sign the papers from CA. Seriously. So now next weeks papers will be over nighted back and forth and hopefully Mike and I will sign on Thursday. They are scheduled to sigh Wednesday. Friday we are flying to see DS so I really need this to be done on Thursday. (It was scheduled for Tuesday but pushed back now until Thursday.) I lost it and had a complete meltdown in the home depot parking lot yesterday when I found out it was delayed. But hopefully it will be ok. I am just so very nervous especially now that we have signed a lease.

But we like the new apartment and I think we are going to really like not having the responsibility of a house at least for a little while. Once things calm down we should be able to make some decisions. :)

Holding my own with the weight--up a few for the month but not nearly as bad as it could be. Looking forward to 2 a day workouts and lots of good home cooked meals in October.

Send good thoughts our way this week that things go smoothly from here on out. It is a little stressful right now. :goodvibes

Everyone's entitled to a meltdown every now and then. I like to think it keeps the men on their toes! :rotfl: :goodvibes

I used to think weighing myself more than once a week would be too detrimental to my mental well-being :lmao: but since I always seem to lose at a snail's pace, maybe I'll try that route for a while. Just have to make sure the DH doesn't hear me getting on the scale. He already thinks I'm too psycho about it! :rotfl:

With all the sad stuff going around here lately, I thought maybe this silly face might help a little. You have to love how they live in the moment and don't worry about anything other than their next meal and the loud noises they hear outside every once in a while! :love:

Hi everyone:) Just checking in to say I'm reading along but haven't had much time to post. Loved the autumn chicken recipe Pamela :thumbsup2 Have you ever made it with other types of sausage? I've never seen chicken sausage here but pork and apple sausages might work or chorizo? Even without the sausage I think it'd be good so thanks for sharing :goodvibes. Off to do another school pick up. Keep up the good work everyone :goodvibes
QOTD favourite spice is chilli (with Cajun spice coming a close second). I use it on lots of things to give them that little bit of heat! Really like adding it to pasta sauces for an extra kick!!


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