Who here is not in the "clique" like me?

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Hey everyone......

I have a "question of the day" thing here......

What is YOUR ringtone? Not the ringtone you have on your phone for others.....but what you would pick as a ringtone for YOURSELF......

So.....what's YOUR ringtone?
Ooooh - that's a tough one. Probably the theme from "PeeWee's Big Adventure".
Possibly the theme from "Beetlejuice", "Mr. Blue Sky" by ELO, "Walkin' on the Sun" by Smashmouth, "Walk This Way" by Aerosmith or something from Illuminations or Fantasmic.
Good morning friends.:)

Donna...thanks for the french toast.:thumbsup2

Shannon...we don't make it to the movies very often. If we do go it's usually a movie for the kids.

Pozey...I just pick something from whatever is on my phone. I do have my land line set to play special ring tones for family memebers. It was already on the phone for me to choose from. I guess I could use something little more fun...but I would need to figure out how to download to my phone.:confused3Just a little too much work for me.;)

Hope everyone has a good day today!:banana:
Here's another picture from 4 years ago!

This is DS from this trip.

I will get to our last day when I get them loaded to photobucket!
I see I have a lot to catch up on! I don't want to be a bad cliquer (;)) so I'll try to do that first and then catch you all up on my goings-on.

I absolutely love the puppy smiley!! Too cute! I don't generally use too many smileys (too lazy to go looking for "just the right one," then I get sidetracked), but I really like the ones that move. Emma is slowly but surely getting better. It's two steps forward, one step back. More on her in my next post. Yep, the ticker is looking pretty good these days! Only 10 days - almost into the single digits!!

YM: GREAT pictures!! Yes, that sweater looks a little familiar, I wonder why? :laughing: You all look like you were having SO much fun.

Lesa: Glad to hear that Gracie will be ok. :dog2: That chocolate party sounds really fun, I've never heard of such a thing. Chocolate + party... what's not to love? :love:

Amber: Glad you had another good checkup! Not too much longer now - we all can't wait to meet your spunky little guy! You're so lucky to have Mike helping you out with laundry and chores - can I borrow him for a couple days?

2x2s: I've never heard of pomegranate ice cream, but I used to go to a nightclub in Hallandale Beach all the time! WooHOOO, that is GREAT news about getting off the prednisone!! :woohoo: :banana: I know how much you hated the side effects - hopefully you'll be feeling good as new in no time. I have not heard of the movie Atonement, what is it about?

What is YOUR ringtone? Not the ringtone you have on your phone for others.....but what you would pick as a ringtone for YOURSELF......

So.....what's YOUR ringtone?

Hmmm, that's a tough one. Right now I'd have to say Bon Jovi's "Just Older."
Hey, man, it's been a while
Do you remember me?
When I hit these streets I was 17
A little wild, a little green
I've been up and down and in between
After all these years and miles and memories
I'm still chasing dreams
But I ain't looking over my shoulder

I like the bed I'm sleeping in
Just like me, it's broken in
It's not old - just older
Like you're favorite pair of torn blue jeans
The skin I'm in is alright with me
It's not old - just older

I'm not old enough to sing the blues
But I've worn the holes in the soles of these shoes
You can roll the dice 'til they call your bluff
But you can't win until you're not afraid to lose
So yesterday morning I went to my pain dr. and told them I'm not going to see that behavioral pain management guy anymore - she agreed that "his methods" are not for everyone. Whew! Next week I go back for more cortisone shots in my hip. I've had them before and they give me a lot of relief and aren't that bad to go through, but the nurse freaked me out yesterday! She came in with the scheduling book and started asking me what kind of sedation I want. Ummm, last time I didn't need sedation, it was just two shots, boom boom we're done. Well I guess this time the dr. wants to do the shots under xray and try to get them deeper into the joint for hopefully longer-lasting relief. Since they only do the injections in the morning, I have to go back to work - can't use up all my PTO in January! My choices were: general anesthesia (completely out) which would have been my 1st choice if I could take the whole day off, IV of Demerol, or Valium or nothing. I opted for the Valium. It doesn't do much for me, but it might help me relax a little and I should still be able to work after an hour or so. Not looking forward to it, but it makes a world of difference at WDW.

After work I took my car in for service. Nothing major, but the brakes have been squealing & it's been running rough, plus I needed a couple paint touch-ups and an oil change. I wanted to get it all done before the end of the month, when my 3-mo bumper-to-bumper warranty is over and it reverts to engine stuff only. The dealership offered to give me the bottle of paint for DIY touchups - for $7. Ok no big deal, that'll be good to have. Then they called this morning - they can't get the brakes to squeal (of course!) but suspect the brake pads need a deep cleaning. Which oops, isn't covered by the warranty but they can give me a "special discount." So there's another $20. Sheesh, they really nickel & dime you to death! I know they are minor charges so it's no big deal but the idea of it just irks me - they say everything is covered, but forget to mention what isn't. In the meantime, I'm driving my dad's car today (my old one) and it feels really weird! I miss the Cwooozah!

I took the girls out to Lone Star for dinner with exBF last night. Emma backslid a little in her recovery and kept yelling "MY BUTT HURTS!" The poor kid had a lot of gas and kept thinking she messed her pants so we made many many trips to the restroom. Finally I put a maxipad in her pants and that seemed to make her happy.
She still didn't want to sit though, so we put 2 chairs together and laid Lyzzie's jacket over it, and Emma fell asleep before her food even came! Thank goodness for free kid's meal night. I took a picture of Emma with my camera phone - the lighting was bad so it didn't come out very good.

She slept through getting her coat on and getting home and changed - and then of course woke up and decided the only non-scary place in the house was my bed. I hope she gets over this soon! She seems to be doing better today so far.

Lyzzie has tryouts this week for her school musical, she is very nervous and a few days ago thought she wanted to back out, but I think she has decided it can't hurt to try. I hope she works up the nerve to do it. I know how shy she is and I think this would be a great thing for her, especially if she gets a part. I know that if she can just TRY, she'll really enjoy it!
Good morning, well afternoon now.

I am running out the door, but wanted to give a quick update on my puppy. She is doing much better today. She is still laying around much more than normal, but she does get up once and a while to go steal and hide another webkinz. :laughing: Poor thing was/is starving. She was not allowed to eat yesterday and this morning only allowed to eat a small amount of boiled chicken at a time until tomorrow where she can have chicken and rice.

I've been sitting here waiting for the Drs office to call me. Maddie has been complaining last night and this morning that she is having trouble breathing. I called the Dr to try and get her in (I know she needs a steroid), but I had to wait for the nurse to call me back and now she has to wait for the Dr to come in and call me back again to let me know if the Dr wants to see her. :confused: I should have just said she was sick and she would have got right in. :headache:

2x.....:banana: :cool1: :yay: :woohoo: :cheer2: :dance3: That is great news about coming off your medicine. :dance3: Madison has wanted to see Momma Mia ever since she was like 3. :confused3 Maybe we'll have to catch the movie.

O.k. gotta run! TTFN
Hey pozey, long time, no "see".

Lyzziesmom, poor Emma :hug:

I hate dealers. When I took my car in to have it repaired (there was a recall, so it was free) they came out and wanted me to pay several hundred dollars to fix "things". I told them I would need to discuss it with my husband and they got snotty. (I think) They hate to fix things and not be able to charge you, so they look for things to "fix".

Lesa, that's good Gracie is feeling better.

Good luck getting Maddie into the dr.'s; I can't understand why some of them want to make things so difficult.

Donna, thanks for the suggestion of Penske. I got a quote this morning and it was a couple hundred dollars less than uhaul. :yay:

Mike has been depressed today. He feels really bad about not having a job (he hadn't missed a day of work since 2001 and he had to be forced to stay home because he had pneumonia). So, it's weird for him not to be doing something. He's worried about the cost of moving, but then worries about the cost of staying. I feel bad and tell him things will work out. I don't think he believes me. :guilty: I'm trying to stay upbeat though.
Good morning, well afternoon now.
Hi Lesa! :wave:

I am running out the door, but wanted to give a quick update on my puppy. She is doing much better today. She is still laying around much more than normal, but she does get up once and a while to go steal and hide another webkinz. :laughing: Poor thing was/is starving. She was not allowed to eat yesterday and this morning only allowed to eat a small amount of boiled chicken at a time until tomorrow where she can have chicken and rice.
Glad to hear that the puppy is feeling a little better.

I've been sitting here waiting for the Drs office to call me. Maddie has been complaining last night and this morning that she is having trouble breathing. I called the Dr to try and get her in (I know she needs a steroid), but I had to wait for the nurse to call me back and now she has to wait for the Dr to come in and call me back again to let me know if the Dr wants to see her. :confused: I should have just said she was sick and she would have got right in. :headache:
Hope Madison feels better soon!!
Hey pozey, long time, no "see".
Hi Amber! :wave2:

Mike has been depressed today. He feels really bad about not having a job (he hadn't missed a day of work since 2001 and he had to be forced to stay home because he had pneumonia). So, it's weird for him not to be doing something. He's worried about the cost of moving, but then worries about the cost of staying. I feel bad and tell him things will work out. I don't think he believes me. :guilty: I'm trying to stay upbeat though.
Both of you hang in there!
Amber, I'm sorry Mike is struggling with the changes you guys are going through. Good for you for keeping a positive attitude!!

Lesa - good for the continued recovery of Gracie!

Lyzziesmom - awww - poor kid. Deep clean the brake pads?? Never heard of that! They get worn out, you replace them! Unless there's been some drastic change in brakes, it sounds fishy to me.

YM, I love the old pictures - the boys sure have grown!
Oops, did I say brake pads? I didn't mean pads. She said something about rear drum brakes and that the drums need cleaning. I have no idea what that is but I looked it up online and found this:
One of the leading causes of brake squeal in drum brakes is brake dust inside the drum. Removing the drum and cleaning the brakes, therefore, may be necessary to eliminate this kind of noise.
So, it looks like it is legit. And of course if it doesn't fix the squealing I can always take it back in and hopefully not have to keep paying! I'm trying really hard to take good care of this car, because I want it to last a long time.

I went to WalMart over lunch to get some kitty litter, and while wandering around killing time I came across adorable Tink outfits for the girls - but of course they were out of the top in Emma's size. I'll have to stop by the other WalMart in town and see if they have any. It's a pink tank top with a brown short-sleeved Tink hoodie, and brown Tink sweatpants - and actually comes in sizes that would fit both girls! So cute! I also found a pair of nice dark-wash jeans for myself that actually FIT so of course I bought those -- right now I only have one pair of jeans that sort of fit, but they ride too low when I sit down so I have to be careful what I wear them with. I also found this very cute box of note paper for work:

I don't think the picture came out too good, but it says, "Hi-ho.. Hi-ho... It's Off To Nap I Go!" I thought it was very appropriate!
Lesa- I'm glad Gracie is better! I hope Maddie gets better too!

Amber- Tell Mike everything will be okay. :grouphug:

Pozey- I don't really have a ringtone that I like. Anything that sounds good, I like!
Just a quick post....

I got a call yesterday afternoon that I needed to go over to the high school right away. That Matt got cut in weight training and they needed me there.

Go over and man...there was blood everywhere!!! They were actually playing dodgeball and he and another kid (Ed) ran into each other...face first.

Matt put his teeth thru his cheek and also into Ed's forehead!!

I had to run Matt to the ER. 6 stitches later we were back home. It is right at the corner of his mouth so the scar should not be noticeable.

We are headed out...I will post more later
Just a quick post....

I got a call yesterday afternoon that I needed to go over to the high school right away. That Matt got cut in weight training and they needed me there.

Go over and man...there was blood everywhere!!! They were actually playing dodgeball and he and another kid (Ed) ran into each other...face first.

Matt put his teeth thru his cheek and also into Ed's forehead!!

I had to run Matt to the ER. 6 stitches later we were back home. It is right at the corner of his mouth so the scar should not be noticeable.

We are headed out...I will post more later

OUCH!!!:scared1: I'm glad he's o.k.!

I spoke to the school. They are working on scheduling an aid to work with Madison. She is still on the list for testing (it still needs to be ok'd at the meeting in Feb.) but we are finally getting somewhere!:dance3:

I have been back and forth with the peds office. I hate that I have to go through the nurse. Finally they agree at 5:30 she needs an appointment tonight. So she gets to see the Dr at 7.:rolleyes:

I'd better get dinner on. By the way Grace is eating a little more and playing a little bit. She still won't leave my side though.
I AM OFFICIALLY OFF OF PREDNISONE!!!!!! :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: ------
as of yesterday from the doctor's office-------now, let's just hope I don't flair and have to go back on it. (still on the other meds, but not the lovely side effects as the steroids)
Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Banana is dancing just for you! :banana:

oops, one more thing-----

for all of you theatre/movie buffs----

have you seen that they are releasing a movie version of Mama Mia????

with Merryl (??sp) Streep as the mother???

hmmm, not sure how I feel 'bout that one------what do you think????

I've never seen Mama Mia (have always wanted to though), but know the story line and love ABBA music, but just don't see the fit for her in this musical film.:scared:
I hope she proves me wrong, though.
Hmmmm, that might be interesting...to say the least... I love Meryl Streep, but I wasn't aware that she sang.

Hey everyone......

I have a "question of the day" thing here......

What is YOUR ringtone? Not the ringtone you have on your phone for others.....but what you would pick as a ringtone for YOURSELF......

So.....what's YOUR ringtone?
Hmmm...I don't know. My best friend Kathy has "Popular" play when I call her, and I loooove Wicked... The ringtone on my phone is "Raiders of the Lost Ark", it used to be The Mickey Mouse Club March, but it wasn't available for my current phone. This is a thought-provoking questions!? Who woulda thunk it?:confused3

Lyzzie has tryouts this week for her school musical, she is very nervous and a few days ago thought she wanted to back out, but I think she has decided it can't hurt to try. I hope she works up the nerve to do it. I know how shy she is and I think this would be a great thing for her, especially if she gets a part. I know that if she can just TRY, she'll really enjoy it!
Go Lyzzie Go! Tell her to Break a Leg!

Just a quick post....

I got a call yesterday afternoon that I needed to go over to the high school right away. That Matt got cut in weight training and they needed me there.

Go over and man...there was blood everywhere!!! They were actually playing dodgeball and he and another kid (Ed) ran into each other...face first.

Matt put his teeth thru his cheek and also into Ed's forehead!!

I had to run Matt to the ER. 6 stitches later we were back home. It is right at the corner of his mouth so the scar should not be noticeable.

We are headed out...I will post more later
Yikes! Hope he heals up quick!
Lyzziesmom - cute box of note paper! Break a leg, Lyzzie!

Hi, Lin! Callbacks today, she read for Lily/Kate, and sang for Lily/Kate and Bianca. We're supposed to know on Friday.

Michele - :scared1: Poor Matt!!

Lesa - well good for finally getting Maddie into the doctor!! Sounds like you've got the same problem as Lyzziesmom with having to talk to the nurse first. That's just got to be a pain in the ...... Good news about getting an aide for her!
That's awesome! Who is she going for now? Wasn't she originally wanting Bianca?

My Tech 2 kids just had to do their semester final costume presentation. They had to update Taming of the Shrew to a certain time period. Some of them were really creative. Are they updating the "non-play" version of Kate?
That's awesome! Who is she going for now? Wasn't she originally wanting Bianca?

My Tech 2 kids just had to do their semester final costume presentation. They had to update Taming of the Shrew to a certain time period. Some of them were really creative. Are they updating the "non-play" version of Kate?
She originally wanted Bianca because she liked the songs better, until she watched it. Upon seeing it a few times, she changed her mind. There's another girl (a friend of hers) who is more operatic than Erin but she's much more of a Bianca type character than a Lily/Kate, and her acting skills aren't strong enough to pull off Kate. I don't mean to sound like an egotistic mom here, don't get me wrong. The friend, I love her to death, but is tiny in stature and tiny and timid in personality. But she can sing!! The show is perfect because it offers a lead for both girls, and that's what they wanted.
I didn't get a feel for how it went - she sounded really 'odd' on the phone, but I suspect she didn't want to say anything with a group of people around. I'm anxious to hear more.
It sounds like your tech kids did a good job with the costuming assignment!
Thank you! :) She must be feeling much better because the dogs next door just went out and started the nightly bark. She felt the need to join in.:headache: Definitely a good sign!:yay:

I'm glad Gracie is feeling better. She loves to get into stuff she isn't supposed to have, doesn't she??

I had my doctor's appointment today. Once again my glucose levels and blood pressure were good (surprisingly, since Mike lost his job, my blood pressure has been lower). The non stress test went well. It was funny though, he moved so much (and away from the monitor) that they lost track of him a few times. Still, the doctor said he was a good baby. :) (Apparently, babies aren't that reactive befor 34 weeks; she was glad to see in active since I'm just over 32). I am scheduled for an ultrasound next week. I'm a little worried to hear what he's measuring though.

How exciting that your non stress went well. Spencer is going to be a little pistol isn't he:love: :love: We can't wait to see him.

Another nice thing about having Mike home is he does all the laundry (and cleaning; the house has never looked so nice :) ).

It seems anytime Spencer has to be monitored, he acts up. He's spunky!

YM, love the pictures!

How nice for you to have Mike home. Whenever Blake is home my house is much cleaner, too:rolleyes1

Evenin', kiddos!

YM, more great pics! You guys just look like you were having a GREAT time!! How's B-ball going?

Lin - auditions started last week, dance was last night, callbacks start tomorrow. It'll be interesting to see what transpires. Yeah, it's the WDW choir trip that's not looking so good. We're supposed to know something Monday. :(

Good Luck, Erin!! I hope the WDW trip comes together.

OH MY GOODNESS-------forgot to tell you all my most exciting news!!!!!

I AM OFFICIALLY OFF OF PREDNISONE!!!!!! :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: ------
as of yesterday from the doctor's office-------now, let's just hope I don't flair and have to go back on it. (still on the other meds, but not the lovely side effects as the steroids)

Also, I went to see Atonement. It is a beautifully done film, but parts are extremely hard to watch and very sad. The music is gorgeous and some of the scenery in the beginning is beautiful!!! The ending is heartbreaking. That's all I will say.:rolleyes1

night everyone!!!princess:

HURRAY!!! 2x2 is off the prednisone!! I hope you can stay off of them!

Lyzzie has tryouts this week for her school musical, she is very nervous and a few days ago thought she wanted to back out, but I think she has decided it can't hurt to try. I hope she works up the nerve to do it. I know how shy she is and I think this would be a great thing for her, especially if she gets a part. I know that if she can just TRY, she'll really enjoy it!

Good Luck Lyzzie...you can do it!!

Mike has been depressed today. He feels really bad about not having a job (he hadn't missed a day of work since 2001 and he had to be forced to stay home because he had pneumonia). So, it's weird for him not to be doing something. He's worried about the cost of moving, but then worries about the cost of staying. I feel bad and tell him things will work out. I don't think he believes me. :guilty: I'm trying to stay upbeat though.

Poor Mike, this is a lot of changes in a very short time. And as the guy he feels he needs to be in charge of taking care of everything. It will all work out in the end. And you get to move to Florida:banana:

I spoke to the school. They are working on scheduling an aid to work with Madison. She is still on the list for testing (it still needs to be ok'd at the meeting in Feb.) but we are finally getting somewhere!:dance3:

I have been back and forth with the peds office. I hate that I have to go through the nurse. Finally they agree at 5:30 she needs an appointment tonight. So she gets to see the Dr at 7.:rolleyes:

I'd better get dinner on. By the way Grace is eating a little more and playing a little bit. She still won't leave my side though.

HOw great that they are going to get Maddie some help. I am assuming by 'aid' you mean someone that basically does the same kind of job that I do. What specifically do they expect the aid to do for her? You need to ask that.

She originally wanted Bianca because she liked the songs better, until she watched it. Upon seeing it a few times, she changed her mind. There's another girl (a friend of hers) who is more operatic than Erin but she's much more of a Bianca type character than a Lily/Kate, and her acting skills aren't strong enough to pull off Kate. I don't mean to sound like an egotistic mom here, don't get me wrong. The friend, I love her to death, but is tiny in stature and tiny and timid in personality. But she can sing!! The show is perfect because it offers a lead for both girls, and that's what they wanted.
I didn't get a feel for how it went - she sounded really 'odd' on the phone, but I suspect she didn't want to say anything with a group of people around. I'm anxious to hear more.
It sounds like your tech kids did a good job with the costuming assignment!

I hope it all works out the way she wants!!:wizard:
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