Who here is not in the "clique" like me? Part 2

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DonnaLeah: Oh yes, there will be plenty of pics when I return! Heheheh! I love taking pictures.. and especially there!

Happy Happy Joy Joy!
DonnaLeah said:
Good morning Cliqueless Crew!! :sunny: It's a beautiful winter morning here in Illinois!!! How about a warm breakfast at Animal Kingdom Lodge? I made ADR's for Boma...let's go!!


It's so warm and cozy here, and the company is excellent!!! :thumbsup2

Hope you all enjoy!! :goodvibes


Yum...thanks Donna. Wish we had time to eat at all these restaurants in Feb....anyone want to go for a month? ;)

Lin...I hope you enjoy your weekend.

Amber... darn about your job. How furstrating. :sad2: Thanks again for posting the wonderful pictures from your trip. :goodvibes

Ashley...sorry to hear about your Grandpa...I hope his condition improves. :grouphug:: Enjoy your game tonight. :yay: :cheer2:

Michele... :woohoo: congrats on Matt's game...I wouldn't be looking either. :smooth:

DnzyFan....good luck with the sugar scrub. If they turn out good please share(as opposed to if they bomb ;) ). ::yes::

Well the darn phone rang at 8:30...I know...that's still sleeping late!

:wave2: Hi Nicole.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend!
Hi guys and no, I didn't fall off the face of the earth. :teeth:

Thursday was jammed packed fun with treatment/work and yesterday was just work, but I was feeling rotten. I went to work but by the time I left last night I had a full blown migraine (and have no idea how I pulled off two facials while it was getting like this). Ended up coming home and sleeping but woke up at midnight and started in on the pretty throwing up phase of the migraine. This lasted into the wee hours of morning. Sorry, tmi.
Anyway, it is still lingering a bit, but not too bad. I can't stare at this screen too long, though.

I haven't had time to go back and catch up, so hope all is well with everyone. I will try to respond later.

DznyFan----I did read your post on the sugar scrub, though. I work with Aveda products and the oils that we use when doing salt/sugar scrubs are mainly jojoba oil based. Some are coconut oil, but you have to watch for skin allergies with this. I know many people of Indian descent literally use straight olive oil on the skin as a moisturizer, but their skin is usually pretty thick. There also is a skincare line called DHC that is olive oil based. My point with stating this is that I don't think olive oil used with a sugar scrub would be bad at all. The skin will absorb some, but you are rinsing the excess off anyway. This is my "professional" opinion. :teeth:

Have a good day----I'll catch up later. :wave:
2xcited2slp said:
Hi guys and no, I didn't fall off the face of the earth. :teeth:

Thursday was jammed packed fun with treatment/work and yesterday was just work, but I was feeling rotten. I went to work but by the time I left last night I had a full blown migraine (and have no idea how I pulled off two facials while it was getting like this). Ended up coming home and sleeping but woke up at midnight and started in on the pretty throwing up phase of the migraine. This lasted into the wee hours of morning. Sorry, tmi.
Anyway, it is still lingering a bit, but not too bad. I can't stare at this screen too long, though.

2xcited....sorry about your migraine. :grouphug: Go rest a little more then maybe you will be in better shape to come back and chat. :teeth: :wave2: Good thing that you are off today! ::yes:: :flower3:
Rhaine78 said:
YourMajesty: Yes, we're going to be there for 18 days! :thumbsup2
I am so excited! We're down to 23 hours until we fly out! I'm super excited! It's going to be marvelous.. considering the weather here lacks in comparison to there.. by like 20-25 degrees!

Doing my happy dance!

:Pinkbounc :banana: :cheer2: :yay: :dancer: :bounce:

This sounds magnificent!!!!! ENJOY
Good morning all!

I'm getting on a little late today. DS came down with some sort of flu bug last night and so I spent most of the night up with him. He's always so good when he's sick. Porr kiddo.

Anyway-- I'll start with the favorite resort question-- it's a tie between Poly and Animal Kingdom Lodge. The poly has a great pool, great views, the beach, monorail, Ohana's, aloha show, plus we love Hawaii. AKL-- peaceful, great views of animals, tons of stuff for kids to do (decorating animal shaped cookies, talks with animal caregivers, etc too much to mention), Boma's, great firepit, etc.. In fact I'm torn between the 2 for our next trip next year.

YM-- hope you're feeling better soon! :grouphug:

Michele-- Yeah to Matt on the team's win! :cheer2:

Rhaine78-- Have a great time! 18 days? Okay, I'm jealous ;)

Ashley-- Happy Anniversary!

Donna-- Thanks for breakfast! I love Boma's! Glad Nathan's program went well!

Pozey-- Congrats to your boys!!!

Amber-- :grouphug:

Well, gottal go take care of my boy. I'll try to pop in later. If not, have a great day everyone!

My DH sent me these yesterday at work...they are so cute! :love:

Yolanda...sorry to hear about your DS...hope he's better soon. :grouphug:

ETA: I just oredered my photo cards to send out for our card exchange...it's not Disney but has the "magical" theme. So if mine get to you a little late...it's because I ordered them late. :teeth: Also, hope everyone doesn't mind a mini photo album of the family. :rotfl: Just thought it might be nice to personalize. :thumbsup2 Plus it will be nice for the ones I'll see in Feb. :cheer2:
Morning and I'm off! Headed to my parents so Chris can help dad put up the Christmas lights and mom can alter my dress from Megans wedding. We are going to try to catch Happy Feet this afternoon as well.

Dznyfan, I was about to tell you that someone just posted a thread about oils to use in sugar scrub...until I noticed that it was you to begin with! I have one that has coconut, jojoba, tea tree, and peach kernal oil in it and I love it! But dang thats a lot of different kinds! This website has a bunch of different recipes that sound great. http://bellecitysoapworks.com/scrubs_etc.html

Have fun today everyone!

Jessica, 18 days! I'm soooooo jealous! You are going to have such an amazing time!
Hi, everyone!!! I'm home from my shopping excursion. I got quite a bit accomplished.. Yeah me!!!

DznyFan:: I just finished viewing Erin's play pics. They are so good of her!! I can't get over how pretty she is. Erin has such a glowing complexion!!

YourMajesty:: The flowers are georgeous!! Did I miss your anniversary?? I'm going to feel really bad if I did. :(

Jessica:: 18 days in WDW!!! You are one lucky girl!!! Have fun!!!

2x2s:: I hope you get to feeling better really soon. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Get some rest!!!

Well, had better go. My sister, niece, Nathan and I are going to my Mom's this evening to help her put up the tree.
Hi everyone, just a quick check-in. Busy weekend! We saw Santa this morning, Emma was quite shy and wouldn't look at him, but sat on his lap and even nodded a little before grabbing her candy cane out of the bowl. Hope to get the pics up soon. Spent the rest of the morning doing some miscellaneous shopping. Worked all afternoon on Lyzzie's heritage project that she has to do a presentation of on Monday. She is very nervous - it is her first big project. She is doing it on Norway. My mom helped her with most of the research and we are putting together her poster, printing out cookie recipes that they made & will hand out to the class, and assembling all the information into some sort of cohesive format. We are taking a break right now and the kids are watching Christmas stuff on tv. We made a batch of seasoned oyster crackers and plan to make some chocolate-dipped pretzels soon. My kitchen is a wreck!

Let's see, what did I miss today?

Pozey - how did the boys do?

Donna - breakfast at Boma looks yummy!

Jessica - it's getting very close now. 18 days... how exciting! If you give us your itinerary, Donna will remind us every day of what you are doing!

DznyFan - don't know a thing about sugar scrubs, sorry, but it sounds like 2x has some good advice. Let us know how it turns out!

2x - hello there! Nice to see you again! Hope you are feeling better... migraines can be so awful. Luckily I don't get as many as I used to, but when I do they really knock me for a loop. Feel better chica!

YM - lovely flowers, adorable vase!! Reminds me of an upscale Chia Mickey!! Would love to stay at WDW for a month, you buying??

Yolanda - hope DS feels better soon. It's so sad to have sick little ones.

Gotta run, Emma is trying to be a little too helpful and she smells really bad!!
I almost forgot something extremely important!!!


Just a quick check in----

I am sitting here eating a snack of a Cherry Pop Tart :confused3 :confused3 ---don't ask. :teeth: I could fancy it up by saying poppe tarte au cherri :lmao: :lmao: (bad French, I know)
I ran to Target to get some 7-up to settle my tummy from my hurl-o-nite and had a craving for pop tarts. I guess this is a step up from saltine crackers. Which, by the way, brings me to the ODD QUESTION OF THE DAY------

can you fit an entire saltine cracker in your mouth??

okay, I'm bored. :teeth: don't ask me how I thought of this question. :rolleyes1
2xcited2slp said:
Just a quick check in----

I am sitting here eating a snack of a Cherry Pop Tart :confused3 :confused3 ---don't ask. :teeth: I could fancy it up by saying poppe tarte au cherri :lmao: :lmao: (bad French, I know)
I ran to Target to get some 7-up to settle my tummy from my hurl-o-nite and had a craving for pop tarts. I guess this is a step up from saltine crackers. Which, by the way, brings me to the ODD QUESTION OF THE DAY------

can you fit an entire saltine cracker in your mouth??

okay, I'm bored. :teeth: don't ask me how I thought of this question. :rolleyes1

QOD...yes, that's the only way to eat them in bed. :teeth: I'm headed out to Target as soon as my DH gets back. I've put off my Christmas shopping as long as possible. I'm very thankful we have a much better selection of stores out my way this Christmas!

2xcited...good to see you up and around. :goodvibes
2x, you're a silly girl! And yes, I can fit an entire saltine in my mouth...if I chew it up first! Mwah-ha-ha!
I feel like I'm so out of the loop again with my missed days.

YM---hey cupcake---what's the occassion for the flowers?? Too darn cute!!!!!
Deal or No Deal------can we be your cheering section and tell you to stop or keep playing?? annnnnnnnd...............open the case.

Donna----thanks for the Boma breakfast---sure beats my saltine crackers. Good shopping day?? I'm jealous----I feel like I lost a whole day today----which I cannot afford!!!!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ASHLEY AND JEREMIAH!!!!!!!! :love: :love: :love:
happy anniversary, happy anniversary, happy anniversary, haaaaaappy annniversary
( I know it doesn't "sound" the same here)

Lyzziesmom---I guess Emma figured she must make an attempt in order to get the candy cane. No eye contact----like a cat----"I cannot see you, therefore, you are not there". :teeth:

Yolanda----that flu bug is going around. I hope Keagan is feeling better soon!!! Give him lots of TLC.

Jessica-----welcome newbie!!!!!!
18 days!!!!! I'm green with envy!!!!!

From what I am gathering----the question of the day is favorite resort?? Or was this yesterday's??

Anyhow-----hmmm, another tough one. GF, but WL has had some special memories the past couple of visits. Something about it's cozy atmosphere. I love Poly, but haven't stayed since I was a little girl. Would love to stay there again. I would also love to stay at the Boardwalk.
Nobody said there is just ONE right answer, huh??

I think I am going to settle in and watch POC. I'm ashamed to say that I got it today (not the first one in line on Tuesday)......shhh, don't tell Johnny. :blush:
Okay, this is leaving the door wide open for Lyzziesmom-----instead, I will say that I won't tell Johnny. :smokin:


eta---that was weird----somehow doubled posted part of my post. :confused3
Jessica - 18 days??? Wow! Lucky you!

2x2s, Linz, everyone who mentioned: I bought a small bottle of Almond Oil today and tried a small batch I used regular white sugar, a small amount of Sugar In The Raw, some brown sugar, and some Orange essential oil. It came out pretty good, but didn't moisturize quite as much as I'd like. All in all, it didn't bomb, and smelled really good. DH and DD liked it, tool In fact, Erin's going to make it for her friends!

2X - so you know anything about shea oil? I'm thinking about trying a mixutre of shea and almond.

Hope ya'll had a great day, spent most of mine out Christmas shopping!!
DznyFan said:
Jessica - 18 days??? Wow! Lucky you!

2x2s, Linz, everyone who mentioned: I bought a small bottle of Almond Oil today and tried a small batch I used regular white sugar, a small amount of Sugar In The Raw, some brown sugar, and some Orange essential oil. It came out pretty good, but didn't moisturize quite as much as I'd like. All in all, it didn't bomb, and smelled really good. DH and DD liked it, tool In fact, Erin's going to make it for her friends!

2X - so you know anything about shea oil? I'm thinking about trying a mixutre of shea and almond. Or would Jojoba be better?

Hope ya'll had a great day, spent most of mine out Christmas shopping!!

Cool thing happened yesterday - I was at work and got a telephone call from my best friend from High School!! We have corresponded on and off over the years, but haven't really talked for probably over 20! I was SO excited! He and his partner are thinking about meeting us in Orlando in June! (He and partner are big Disney fans!) talk about a great random surprise!

I'm not really familiar with shea oil, but I know have heard that shea butter is really moisturizing, so I'm assuming the oil will be as well. Jojoba is pretty "basic", if you will-----it's hydrating without the high risk of allergic reactions as in coconut, almond, etc.
Your mixture that you made sounds heavenly.
Be careful with the essential oils-----if they are true pure oils, make sure you put them in a carrier base (which you did---good girl), not directly on the skin. Did you choose orange oil for the aroma, or for it's properties on the skin??

eta----great news about your friends meeting you!!!! It's so nice to catch up with a long lost friend!! What a wonderful surprise.
2X - I chose the orange and the lavender for the scents mainly, but I know that orange is invigorating, and lavender is soothing. I was trying to pick things that I thought my female friends would like, and I really liked both. There was a lavender/tea tree I almost picked up, but tea tree is different, and not everyone likes it. I really wanted to do something with Plumeria (my fave scent) but it's only available as fragrance oil, and I'll have to mail order it. I'm going to go read that link now, thanks!
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