Where's Browneyes?


<font color=blue>She talks to me in pretty <font c
Jun 11, 2000
I know this was asked a few days ago. She hasn't posted since 12/26/02 (her bday).

I can't find the thread from a few days ago -- and "search" hates me. At the time, there was no definite answer to where she is.

I hope everything's OK! :( :confused:

Any info?
I think she's at WDW with JasonLyons.
Someone posted that she's been real busy with the kids home from school. Hope she comes back soon;)
There is a thread already asking this! Noone knows!!!!!
Maybe she went to Disney with Jasonlyons!!!!!!!:eek:
J/k!! :D
Im really hopping its something like her computer died or something!! It does seem really weird not to have her on here!!
LOL Blondie we must of posted at the same time!!! Great blondes think alike!!!;) hee hee!!:teeth:
I think she's at WDW with JasonLyons.

LOL --- That's what I was starting to think.

OR, maybe they are the same person. Ya know, kinda like a Clark Kent / Superman kinda thing. :smooth:

Either way --- that's how rumors get started. :D :eek:
Y'all! I done told you once, and I'll tell you again:

Shannon called me a couple of days ago. She's busy with the kids being out of school and driving her nuts and whatnot and she hopes to be back Monday when they go back to school.
Originally posted by JohnTBap
Y'all! I done told you once, and I'll tell you again:

Shannon called me a couple of days ago. She's busy with the kids being out of school and driving her nuts and whatnot and she hopes to be back Monday when they go back to school.

:( Sorry, really! I TRIED searching for that post from a few days ago. But, ya know that "Web Not Responding" thingy? :rolleyes:

So, I guess you can vouch that Shannon isn't Jason Lyons then, right? LOL

Glad she's ok! Thanks!
BTW, I'll try to DIS 24-7 so I don't miss important stuff & try to use search. ;)
If JasonLyons and browneyes both come back to the CB on Monday that means:

A.) They are indeed one and the same, or
B.) They went to WDW together, or
C.) I'm still betting on that island thing ...

:p :p :p
OK, now I NEED to be here Monday to find out the answer to THAT puzzle! LOL :eek:
Originally posted by SplshMtn99
:( Sorry, really! I TRIED searching for that post from a few days ago. But, ya know that "Web Not Responding" thingy? :rolleyes:

So, I guess you can vouch that Shannon isn't Jason Lyons then, right? LOL

Glad she's ok! Thanks!
BTW, I'll try to DIS 24-7 so I don't miss important stuff & try to use search. ;)

Sorry. :( I didn't mean to sound all icky and whatnot. Forgive me?


I can vouch that the person who calls me and identifies herself as Shannon is very feminine sounding. Now whether or not this person has ever eaten a sandwich on a toilet, I do not know. ;););)
Now whether or not this person has ever eaten a sandwich on a toilet, I do not know.

LOL. Oh GREAT! Thanks for the visual! :rolleyes: I used to REALLY think differently of Shannon.

Oh, and I knew you were kidding earlier. I can take a joke.
But, see, now I have an excuse to DIS 24-7. I just have to tell DH it's not nice to ask questions again. LOL (Thanks for the excuse. :) )
She's probably just on a green eggs and blue pancake bender. . ;) :teeth:
Ok, where's that "throwing up" smiley when you need him?
Originally posted by Saffron
Ahhhhh, but JTB! Have you ever talked to JasonLyons??? :eek: :eek:

What? Now y'all want a litany of every DISer I've ever talked to on the phone????

NOT gonna happen. :smooth:
But has Shannon ever dropped her toothbrush in the toilet and then retrieved it??!!:eek:

(Thanks for the info JTB. I didn't see that on the other thread either. )
Hmmm, okay Michelle, that blows that theory then.

Okay, so I'm sticking with the WDW connection or the island thing. :p


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