Where did the Splash Mountain Theme come from?


DIS Veteran
Feb 11, 2005
I 've heard of Brer Rabbit and the Zippedeedodah song, but was this a book, cartoon, movie??? I can't pin point where it was from.
It's Song of the South (1946). The movie was based on the Uncle Remus stories by Joel Chandler Harris.
Disney dont like to talk about that one because of the slightly dubious racial overtones lol.
Aughghghghghhgh! NOooooooo! It's happening! We've lost Song of the South as part of popular culture! How sad that there are now generations of people who have grown up not knowing what it is. Sure it has its issues, but the fact that Disney has themed a ride around it yet won't release the film to DVD just boggles my mind.
Song of the South. Really great movie with live action and animated sequences.
I heard a rumor not long ago that Disney is going to release Song of the South on DVD in the fall of 2006 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the film. I don't know if there is anything to this or not.
the european version of the video can be purchased on e-bay. you can then pay to have the PAL (european) version of the tape copied to standard VHS or DVD that you can play in your home.

NOTE: if someone on e-bay is selling VHS or DVD copies of the movie, do not purchase them. it is illegal to sell or purchase copies. it is not illegal to make copies for yourself, that is why you can buy the PAL version and have the VHS copy made for your own viewing.

it seems the content that is considered politically incorrect in this country is not a problem overseas. the movie is distributed there.

loriandmatt said:
the european version of the video can be purchased on e-bay. you can then pay to have the PAL (european) version of the tape copied to standard VHS or DVD that you can play in your home.

NOTE: if someone on e-bay is selling VHS or DVD copies of the movie, do not purchase them. it is illegal to sell or purchase copies. it is not illegal to make copies for yourself, that is why you can buy the PAL version and have the VHS copy made for your own viewing.
Important clarification when describing the necessary conversion to a local firm that does such conversions:
The genuine european tape is PAL-VHS
The U.S. conversion tape desired is NTSC-VHS
If the firm burns DVD's from your tape and you want one of those, ask for the DVD in NTSC format, Region 1 (includes U.S.) or Region 0 (no restrictions).

Video hints:
loriandmatt said:
the european version of the video can be purchased on e-bay. you can then pay to have the PAL (european) version of the tape copied to standard VHS or DVD that you can play in your home.

NOTE: if someone on e-bay is selling VHS or DVD copies of the movie, do not purchase them. it is illegal to sell or purchase copies. it is not illegal to make copies for yourself, that is why you can buy the PAL version and have the VHS copy made for your own viewing.

it seems the content that is considered politically incorrect in this country is not a problem overseas. the movie is distributed there.


Oops. I already got a dvd off of ebay. We haven't watched it yet but it is sitting at home waiting.
I remember traveling into the big city with my mom when I was about 5 years old to see that movie! I loved it. :flower:
My dd age 5 knows of Song of the South. I've owned a copy for many years. SIL has a friend in England who sent her a copy and then she took it to the media dept of the large University she worked for and had several VHS copies made. We watch it several times a year. I'm scared to death to play it to much for fear something should happen to it...I'm doing my part so it isn't "lost". Besides being an All my Children fan since age 12 I enjoyed seeing the late Ruth Warrick(Pheobe from AMC) in it.
I don't believe it is illegal to purchase unauthorized copies. Of course it is not kosher to reproduce or sell those copies. :)
Micca said:
I don't believe it is illegal to purchase unauthorized copies. Of course it is not kosher to reproduce or sell those copies. :)

I think it is illegal. Good Morning America ran a story about the wide-spread distribution of Revenge of the Sith online. They said it was illegal to purchase the bootleg copies off the street, as well as downloading it online.
That's true, it is illegal, but it doesn't stop people from doing it. *sighs* The "intellectual property" belongs to Disney and they have not given up rights to it.
i love song of the south just from the sing along songs & other excerpts. i've wanted it for my own since forever for my brother to see he loves the songs, book & ride splash mountain. i also heard the rumor it will be availabe on dvd in 2006. i hope so. there are alot of movies with racial undertones (some even to the extreme) but disney's song of the south represents a time in film & society and is overall a great childrens classic.
twojo21 said:
i also heard the rumor it will be availabe on dvd in 2006.

I heard the same thing. Rumor has it, it'll be a special edition with an introduction by "some prominent African American actor" (Bill Cosby is supposedly on the list).

Check out this link to JimHillMedia for details on the rumored dvd release. Granted, Jim Hill is often full of baloney, but I always think he's a fun read.

There is actually a bit of a loophole in copyright law that those who make and sell the SOTS DVD online exploit - and thus far have gotten away with. It states something to the effect that if the source material is no longer available commercially to the public, the company can't claim a loss on a profit made by someone else on the material.

This came up a few years ago with the whole Napster flap -- a group of people petitioned that certain songs (there was a sample list provided) were no longer available in commercial catalogues anywhere and that file sharing was the only way to obtain those songs. They argued that since the companies weren't selling them, obtaining the songs elsewhere was not denying the owners any profit. It was a valid enough argument that the companies didn't fight it.

Clearly, most of the songs were stuff that wasn't going to sell enough to make it worth producing, which is why it wasn't available to begin with. While the reasons behind Disney not releasing SOTS are slightly different, the same argument can - and has been - made by those producing copies of European and Asian versions for Americans to purchase online. It's not available here, so Disney isn't losing any money because I can't choose to purchase it from them anyway.


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