When is your next WDW vacation?


Where did my other 250 posts go, waaaaaaah
Oct 15, 1999
Just curious as to when everyone is heading to WDW. We will be there from October 25 to November 2. Staying in a one bedroom at the Boardwalk Villas(DVC members) We will probably be travelling Southwest out of Buffalo once again. Any great plans, special events? We'll be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary. Hope to hear from the rest of ya!
We are heading back to make up for our cold New Years trip. Also flying sowthwest and staying at the AKL and HIFS. Can't wait.

95- offsite
97- Nikki bird
98- Holiday Inn M.E.
99- Days suites
00-ASM and HIFS
00- DL and MOWC
01- Animal kingdom lodge and HIFS
Well, we're not going until December 30, 2002 so that gives us lots of time to plan and save $$. We're booked in at the All-Star Movies for 5 nights and hoping to book a 7-day cruise to follow. Although I'll be turning 40 in October of '02, this will be my birthday celebration. Can't wait!!


CBR Dec. 1999
We're going to the convention. Nov. 28-Dec. 2.

I thought I should stop lurking on the boards and tell the world (well, at least the Canadian portion) that I cannot stop going to WDW. Each trip is just not enough! I will be flying out of Seattle but I have not decided where to stay.
(I am guilty of multi-reservations... :rolleyes: )
Maryann4086, hockey mom, madge62, and Baboo, how wonderful for you, your plans sound great.

I've been thinking about going to the DIS convention solo, but DH keeps saying that if I don't and just keep saving, we can go for a longer trip for the next convention. What to do, what to do! :rolleyes:

Welcome to the DIS asc! :)


We will arrive on Dec 8th 2001 and stay through the 19th we will be at BWV and WLV we tend to make our trif the first 2 weeks or so of Dec every year. We can't get enough of the christmas decorations. We just love visiting at this time it is the best one of the least busy times to go and the most festive. Along with that it is also the cheapest time to go. We will never stay off site for more that a night and that is only when we get in to Orlando a day early like this Dec we have to stay off site for a day. Hope to see some other Dis fans while we are there have a great trip everyone.
Darren & Lisa ºoº
Are you DVC members as well, or just enjoy staying at the Villas?
We are going Aug. 27 - Sept. 3. DD works at a camp for the summer and only has this week off. Both DD and DS in high school so very limited in when we can go. But no complaints - at least we are going. Hoping to fly Southwest out of Buffalo. Waiting for their Aug/Sept flights to come up on the internet.
We were thinking of going back this summer, but I'm hot to take an impromptu trip during March Break, to get away from this cold winter weather. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we will be able to go in March and I even got a great rate at the Howard Johnsons Maingate East which at least would make the trip affordable, so soon after our wonderful November trip! :D



off-site '86,'87
DXL July 00
DXL November 00
DXL 200?
Pretty sad because our next visit will probably be 2002 or early 2003 (what can I do life gets in the way)! Our family is the typical everytime-we-can-go-on-vacation,-we-go-to-Disney-family. We will probably be staying at an All-Star Hotel because we have found it's the one the kids love the most. Is it too early to reserve??? Anyway I am very jealous of all of you going sooner but I do hope you have a wonderful time. Please have an iced-lemonade for me!

wdw 99, 99, 97, 94, 88, 86 and 84.
We just like trying out all the different resorts. We are renting points from a DVC member for our stay in 2001 it was cheaper that our booking a room at CBR for all those nights this is only costing us 825 or so US mind you but well worth it. My wife and I are considering the DVC so this is also a great way to experiance it first hand. We can't wait
Darren & Lisa
We'll be there from April 19th to April 26th.

That's 77 Days away from today (Feb 1).

Woo hoo!

Mike in the Maritimes.
I know it's not until December, but I would be very interested in hearing how things go for you as far as renting DVC points goes. I have read some of the posts on the DVC rent/trade board but have concerns about the whole process.
I would like to join the DVC but DH says "No", at least not until there is improvement in our dollar. That could be never! :rolleyes:
The DVC people called a couple of days ago, and I am waiting for them to send me the info package. We did go on a DVC tour several years ago when they were still doing them at OKW. We should have bought then, the dollar was much better!



[This message was edited by Snowwark on 02-01-01 at 01:56 PM.]
Snowark we have actually had great success renting points this was our first time doing it. We rented from Nut Hut on the rent trade board he has been great he even has an 800 number to call and he has points at BWV ond OKW. he is a bit more expensive than most people but he has a great plan for it. His points are 12.00 US per point as most others are only 10.00 US per point but he is also in Michigan so we are driving over to meet him on March the 10th. It is all well laid out in contract form very well done and very professional. Anyhow enough about that I will tell you how it all goes when we get back to. I would recommend this to most everyone it is cost effective and hey you get to stay in a deluxe resort for just a little morer than you pay for All Star.
Darren & Lisa ºoº
;) :D :cool: :)
Unfortunately our next visit with the mouse isnt until December 2002.We will be attempting our first drive down there along the I-95.We will be staying at the All Star Sports(the kids enjoyed playing on the football there)We will be taking two weeks.So this gives me lots of time to save and to do some of the reward boards to earn some of the $'s to go. :D
March break for us. First we are going on a three day Carnival cruise (too good a deal to pass up), then 5 nights at BWV.

PoohBWV, Moderator - Canadian Visitors Board
WOOHOO!!! First time ever for this family Feb 28 to Mar 9 staying at DXL for a great rate "insider special". Pooh, where did you get the good cruise rate on Carnival and when do you sail? :rolleyes:
I am planning on surprising my parents for their 35th Wedding Anniversary.

Now, to know my parents is to love my parents. They are not the kind of people that usually like surprises. They always have to get "used" to things.....

So, with that in mind, their anniversary is this year - May 2001 - and I will be presenting them with a souvenir video (which I will make up with old pictures and such) and a small album that will announce their surprise trip in May of the following year - 2002. Certainly this will give them time to get "used" to the idea of this great trip.

They haven't been to Disney in quite a long time (haven't been able to go because of $$$$) and I know that they would really like to go again. I am also coupling this with 3-4 days at Bradenton Beach on the gulf, which they also love.

Kellyla, how do I find out more about these rewards sites?? I have lots of time to plan and save, but it will be here before you know it!!

having a disney day.........

Piglets, for rewards sites, try looking on the Reward forum here at DIS and try www.mycoupons.com. Go to shopping boards, then reward programs. The programs I do are Beenz and Suzykats for Disney Dollars, Mypoints for Rainforest Cafe gift certificates, and funbugs for winning prized that goes onto a Master card. Try these for a start, any questions please ask.


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