What's your most unusual/unique souvenir?


Wild about Disney
Feb 4, 2001
I hope to come back from WDW this June with some fun souvenirs and I'm looking for ideas of things to look for. So...what unique things have you found???

[This message was edited by jenbren on 04-15-01 at 10:34 PM.]
The last two years we have bought WDW ballpoint pens which I use at work...so I have a bit of WDW with me everyday as I tend to have to take a lot of notes at work at times....only about $3 and professional enough looking in black that it fits into the work place just fine....not that unusual but so useful and easy to have a souvenir there everyday with you. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)


8/86, 4/88, 8/90, 8/92, 4/94, 3/96, 3/97 8/98,
12/98, 12/99, 12/00, 9/01
My daughter's been collecting Splash Mt. characters, the larged stuffed ones. It's neat getting one per trip.

I started a collection of drums from the WS countries. Just about every country has a drum..
Collect the pressed pennies!! These are the greatest. My DD's love looking at them in the penny book.I can't wait to go back and get more.
In the Mexican Pavillian in the market place we found a bag of many little[sugar packet size] packets of Lemon and Salt,the cashier said you eat them like snacks!! So, she will be sharing this experience with the Class!!!

Two souviner's I wish I had gotten but never got back to the areas were the Animal Kingdom 2001 beach towel. It had a Siberian Tiger and Animal Kingdom Logo and I think even the tree of life in the background onit. The other was the Tower of Terror T-shirt with Mickey, Goofy, Donald and one other character rideing TOT. There hats were flying off them. I never saw it in the store, but only someone wearing it in another park. My favorite is my Mickey through the years beer Mug. I wish I could find other characters like it.
I buy a coffee mug every time I go to WDW. I usually buy one from the resort we are staying at, but if we've been to that particular resort before, I'll look for something else unusual, like the "2000" mug. This way I start every day with Disney!

DVC 01
My DH bought a Darth Vader helmet from the little shop after Star Tours. (He's a professor, and he said he wanted to wear it to class whenever he was giving an exam. So far he hasn't, though!)
I love those wash clothes that are squashed up and then after you open it and put it into water it grows to a normal size wash cloth!

WDW 92,93,94,95,96,97,97,98,99,00,00
The strangest thing I saw was the Bambo Wind Chimes!!! How would you get them home???? :( <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused"> :rolleyes:

Thanks for the ideas - we're driving down in a big van so I plan on doing lots of shopping - get a jump on the Christmas shopping! :rolleyes:

Any other ideas?
Not so unique but Im finally breaking down. LOL. When my son and I visited the zoo and aquarium this weekend (on 2 different days) I finally let him get the pressed pennies. Giving him the Disney pressed penny book for his birthday.
We usually blow up and frame one or two of the best photos we've taken during a trip, and display them proudly in our family room. The type of photo we use is generally a scenic shot, ie. mist over lake at CBR at dawn, with our village in the background; Colonel's Cotton Mill at CBR, from along the river bank, etc. We mat the photos and all the frames are the same, so it makes a nice display.
The fingers are once again faster than the brain - I meant the Colonel's Cotton Mill at DxL - but I am sure you will all forgive me that brainblip... :rolleyes:
We have alot of pennies from our last trip in May, 1999 and are going back in August. Where do I get a penny book? As of now they are all sitting in a change purse in my dresser!!
You can get the pressed pennie books at the parks. I saw them by each of the penny machines that we used. You can also order them for www.giftsofalifetime.com

Disney IS a Life Skill!
We have a wall of 5x7 photos from our trip in 1996. They are displayed in my sons toy room.
We were there x-mas 2000 and I wanted to get DS26 and DD23 something very special and I hunted and finally found a double snow globe with the base being the castle and every disney character on it or in the two globes and the castle windows really light up. DD (single) was delighted DS and new bride left it on my doorstep with a note that it was an inappropriate gift and took it as I wanted grandchildren (we're not speaking now). So its mine - yee haw and is it ever gorgeous when you turn them lights on it puts a big huge smile on my face. If you get a chance they have one in the castle gift shop sneak a peak
I have always been a big fan of Winnie-the-Pooh. When we were in Disney in late '97 my husband bought me a Christmas present of a beautiful original animated cell from the currently running TV series. I spent an hour or two picking out just the right one which had both Pooh and Tigger in it. As we were driving back to the hotel, we were chatting about where we would put it. I told my husband that I wanted to put it in a Nursery when we had a child. He thought this was such a great idea that he sent me back to the same store to by a second one later that day. Both were hung in our Pooh nursery when my son was born in 1999. We get many compliments on how nice the cells are.

offsite Feb, 1975,1976
Dis VacVillas, 1992
Marriott, 1994
Vistana Timeshare 1997
Hilton Grand Vac. 3/01
Vistana Timeshare 12/01
I collect the shot glasses from everywhere! The ones that are about 4" high. I have about 30 now. I get more everytime I go back. The Rainforest Cafe has a really cute one that looks like a shrunken Pina Colada glass. And every hotel that Ive stayed at has had them.

I don't just get them from Disney World. I have a cool collection from Hard Rock Cafe, House of Blues, and other places that have places all over the US. They all have the city where Ive gotten them printed on it!


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