What's for Dinner?? Share your week night dinner ideas with other Busy Families!


Self Proclaimed DIS Veteran
Feb 5, 2005
Ok Moms & Dads - we are well into the school year, sports and activities are in full swing, things are going on night after night... PTO Meetings here, Open House there... but I am running out of idea for quick n easy, family pleasing healthy meals. :surfweb:

I am a full time working Mom and DH owns his own business and works a lot, too. I feel like our days are maxed out! We had grilled cheese & tomato soup for dinner the other night after DS12s football game. It wasn't the most healthy meal of the week, but a crowd pleaser for sure!! :rolleyes1

:flower3: I grew up eating home cooked, well rounded meals every night at the kitchen/dining room table - While I try to do this and have done so nightly for years, I am beginning to hate the mess, the time it takes to cook and the lengthy clean up. Most night we aren't all home until 6pm which is when we begin the homework routine, making lunches, shuffling laundry and the whole dinner routine.

I am dreading going grocery shopping this afternoon because I feel like we eat the same things over and over... When do you find time to cook dinner? And if you do, what do you cook? I am looking for quick, easy & healthy dinner ideas! You can include recipes if you want to to share, but not necessary. Just the ideas are super helpful... TIA for sharing! :wizard:
I will join you :goodvibes Between working full time and the full time schedule of activities during the school year...it gets overwhelming sometimes. I also feel like we are having a lot of the same dinners over and over. Plus pizza night is coming faster each week ;)

This is our menu for this week, making menus is the only way I can ensure that we all eat together and that we get dinner around 6:30pm instead of 7:

Monday - bean soup with ham, rolls
Tuesday - chicken farfalle pasta, salad
Wednesday - taco night, refried beans
Thursday - roasted pork loin, buttered noodles, broccoli
Friday - cheeseburger and fries casserole, green beans
Tonight we had taco salad/nachos tonight. I made some fresh pico de gallo(tomatoes, onion, poblano peppers, cilantro and lime juice), cleaned and shredded some lettuce, and cooked ground turkey with taco seasoning then added a can of refried beans and a package of the Uncle Ben's brown rice that is in a pouch. I layered it in bowls for the girls adding guacamole and light sour cream. They ate it with a few chips. The beans and rice really stretched the meat, too.

That was our quick meal for the night and since it was pretty much all in one pot (other than bowls that go in the dishwasher) cleanup was quick!
Easy baked chicken, Potato, Asparagus:

We make roasted chicken (using whatever parts you like)
Oven on 400, put bone-in chicken on a cookie sheet lined with tinfoil (no clean up!!) Season with salt, pepper and 'Perfect Pinch' chicken flavor (on top and under skin). Cook for 35-40 minutes. Bake potatoes (wrap in tinfoil)- and throw in with chicken (but they need at least an hour so put them in 30 minutes before the chicken).

And then steam/boil asparagus for 3 minutes and after taking out and put on a plate, season with coarse sea salt.

This is SUCH an easy, yummy, fast dish. Plus any leftover chicken makes awesome sandwiches for lunch, or whatever else you like (chicken salad, quesadillas, etc). Also, you can throw on the tinfoil with the chicken some diced carrots (dice them small, they take long to cook), beets, onion, or whatever other veggie you like roasted.
It was an easy one for us tonight as well... We had left-over spaghetti sauce from DMIL, so I cooked up a couple boxes of ziti, heated up the sauce and layered it with some cheese and baked it for 25 minutes! I add some fresh bread from the grocery store and woolah! And there is enough leftover for lunch tomorrow, too! :banana: Even thought its close to spaghetti, it just different enough to keep the kids happy!

Here are our meals for the week (Not sure it which order):

Taco Night
Chicken something (Boneless was on sale for $0.99 lb)
Beef Stroganoff
Roast Pork, noodles & broccoli (on sale, divided in two...)
Chicken something #2
Pulled pork sandwiches from leftover 1/2 of pork roast
Here's another easy, fast, and inexpensive FISH DISH:

Tilapia with fresh orange zest, served with Corn Salsa

Put oven on 400. Place tilapia filets on tinfoil lined cookie sheet (bending edges so juices don't get on pan. Season with lemon pepper and salt. Grate the peel (zest) of an orange onto a plate (don't get the white stuff, it's bitter!). Sprinkle this over the tilapia filets. Cut orange in half and squeeze the juice over the fish. Put in oven for 6-8 minutes.

Meanwhile cook 1 ear of corn per person, cut off the cob. (You can use canned or frozen). Dice red bell pepper and zucchini, put in a hot skillet with a touch of olive oil. Cook it only stirring once or twice, so that the veggies char a bit. Then throw in the corn, and again, stir once for color. Add 1-2 tablespoons of teryaki sauce. Serve.

This is SOOOOOOOOOOO good!!!!:banana:
Ok Moms & Dads - we are well into the school year, sports and activities are in full swing, things are going on night after night... PTO Meetings here, Open House there... but I am running out of idea for quick n easy, family pleasing healthy meals. :surfweb:

I am a full time working Mom and DH owns his own business and works a lot, too. I feel like our days are maxed out! We had grilled cheese & tomato soup for dinner the other night after DS12s football game. It wasn't the most healthy meal of the week, but a crowd pleaser for sure!! :rolleyes1

:flower3: I grew up eating home cooked, well rounded meals every night at the kitchen/dining room table - While I try to do this and have done so nightly for years, I am beginning to hate the mess, the time it takes to cook and the lengthy clean up. Most night we aren't all home until 6pm which is when we begin the homework routine, making lunches, shuffling laundry and the whole dinner routine.

I am dreading going grocery shopping this afternoon because I feel like we eat the same things over and over... When do you find time to cook dinner? And if you do, what do you cook? I am looking for quick, easy & healthy dinner ideas! You can include recipes if you want to to share, but not necessary. Just the ideas are super helpful... TIA for sharing! :wizard:

Search on the Budget Board for the "Eat At Home" thread. :goodvibes

What I've done is make a list of all the main dishes I ever make (I came up with about 60) and I wrote them on a couple sheets of paper. On a couple other papers, I wrote all the side dishes I make that my family likes. At the beginning of the week, I pull those out and I pick a few things that are 'favorites' which I make most every week and then I pick a few from the ones I don't make that often. I do the same thing for side dishes. This all takes into account what I have in the pantry and what is on sale that week. That's my basic menu for the week, but I don't assign days to each meal at this point.

I kind of try to do a 'kid favorites' meal one night, a 'quick and simple meal' one night (usually that is a breakfast type meal: pancakes, french toast, omelettes), then at least one crock pot meal, one pasta meal, etc. I also try to plan at least one or two things that will result in leftovers to have for lunches later in the week (we homeschool one of the kids, and DH works at home, so I have to make lunches as well as dinners).
Everyone has given you good ideas. I ditto taco salad and the ziti bake. I also like to make double batches when I make a 'home cooked' meal so I can freeze the extra. I made veggie soup the other day and made enough to freeze so we will have two additional meals in the freezer. I do that with lasagna and enchiladas as well. Do you have a weekend evening free where you and the family could cook together getting stuff ready for the week?
We also do crock pot meals. Taco soup is a favorite here along with pulled pork and cole slaw.
When my DD was in basketball we generally ate out or ordered take out which was terrible for our wallets and our bodies. I found that my crockpot became a life saver (literally). I would make everything from Chilli to pot roast and stuffed peppers and when we got home they were done. Here is another quick recipe that the girls liked. A one skillet taco bake.

What You Need1 lb. extra-lean ground beef
1 yellow onion, chopped
1 cup each chopped red and yellow peppers
1 clove garlic, minced
1 Tbsp. chili powder
3 cups water
1 can (15 oz.) tomato sauce
3 cups wagon wheel pasta, uncooked
1/2 cup frozen corn
1 cup KRAFT Mexican Style Shredded Four Cheese with a TOUCH OF PHILADELPHIA
1 green onion, diagonally cut into thin slices
I posted before but didn't add what I'm making this week.

Last night we went out to dinner.
Tonight: Homemade chicken nuggets (http://allrecipes.com/recipe/baked-chicken-nuggets/detail.aspx ) with homemade sweet potato fries and green salad
The rest of the week (in no particular order):
Potroast/potatoes/veggies in the crock pot
ziti and sausage (homemade sauce/sausage cooked in the crock pot)
meatloaf, mashed potatoes, carrots
and on the weekend, leftovers & sandwiches
I love do aheads that I can prep on the weekends. Last month, I made Lasagna roll-ups, and I made 4 pans of which I froze 3. That was extreme, even for me, as I usually just double recopes. That will be our dinner tonight. I also made a big batch of chili on the weekend, which will show up again tomorrow on tostadas. I do use some prepped (bought) items to supplement, not the healthiest, but it gets food on the table. I like the crock pot as well, but find it often overcooks the meat. I made a crock pot orange chicken last night. That did not go over well, due to the final texture of the chicken. Oh well. Live and learn.
With 5 kids and both of us working, I used a "formula" for meals, that way I didn't have to think about it too much, just "do" it. The kids are grown and gone now but the "formula is the same".

We cook a big Sunday dinner and make enough for leftovers so we can eat the same meal again on Wednesday by just warming it up. I cook "big meat" on Sundays; ham, roast, chickens, pork roast and 2 fresh vegetables and a salad and hot homemade bread.

Mondays we have "make your own" sandwich night. I set the table with good bread, several kinds of meats and cheese from the deli, sliced tomatoes, lettuce and pickles. I put out fresh fruit and cookies. Sandwiches are good food and quick and easy and the we all like them.

Tuesday is Crockpot night. I put a one dish meal in the crockpot before I leave for work and when I come home it's done! Smells so good when I come into the house. :) I add hot bread (frozen biscuits or garlic bread), a salad with lots of fresh veggies in it, and a simple dessert like ice cream.

Wednesday is Sunday dinner leftovers warmed up and a nice dessert that smells good when cooking; a frozen pie, usually, or brownies.

Thursday is either ground beef, chicken, pork or fish night. Thursday is the only night that really takes any effort. I cook things that are quick. In the summer, we grill the meat and vegetables and add a salad and bread and everybody pitches in to help.

Friday is "make your own" dinner. It's the cook's day off and you're on your own! My kids used to love this; it was their chance to eat cereal or p-nut butter and jelly for dinner. (Clean up your own mess, too!)

Saturday is either a one pot meal (chili, stew, soup) or else we eat out or order pizza.
Well this week is a bit off since we are leaving for WDW on Fri...so everything in the fridge is getting eaten/turned into something!

Sunday I made a crockpot full of beef stew. WE had that with some biscuits.

Yesterday, I took 1/2 of the leftover stew, threw it in a colander and let the watery part drain out. At the same time, I chopped up some potatoes, some more carrots, and an onion. I boiled them all together until tender. I drained this over the stew in the colander. Then I got some oil going in the frying pan, tossed the whole mess in, got it crispy on top and bottom. Served some poached eggs over it for hash :)

Then, today, I have the other 1/2 of the beef stew leftovers in the crockpot with more veggies, water, some spices, and a few veggie bouillon cubes. Cooking all day for veggie beef soup. Will serve it with grilled cheese.

Tomorrow, I have ham steak to use, so I will make ham and cheese omelettes and toast.

Thursday will be black bean tacos.

Friday will be at Garden Grill ;)

We do a LOT in the crockpot. And all the males in my house LOVE soup. So I can get away with dinner soup-er (ha ha) cheap. A package of dried beans, a 1/2 of a ham steak (get 3 huge ones from Costco for about $10 - feeds us for at least 6 meals...usually closer to 10!), and carrots and onion will feed us for 3 nights.

We do mostly beans in our house....any meat we eat is buffalo that we got 1/2 of last year.

And we do a lot of omlettes and toast.
I love do aheads that I can prep on the weekends. Last month, I made Lasagna roll-ups, and I made 4 pans of which I froze 3. That was extreme, even for me, as I usually just double recopes. That will be our dinner tonight. I also made a big batch of chili on the weekend, which will show up again tomorrow on tostadas. I do use some prepped (bought) items to supplement, not the healthiest, but it gets food on the table. I like the crock pot as well, but find it often overcooks the meat. I made a crock pot orange chicken last night. That did not go over well, due to the final texture of the chicken. Oh well. Live and learn.

I need to start doubling my stuff and freeze it. I hate buying convenience meals, but end up doing it anyway.
I am gone between 7:00 am to 6pm daily. Full time job, full time college student. Three kids in a hundred activities. I work a four day week though. So, weekends, I sometimes put more work into dinner.

This week:

Fish and chips
bean and cheese enchiladas with spanish rice
orange chicken stir fry
pot roast w/veggies(in crock pot)
vegetarian chili (in crock pot)
vegetarian tacos
chicken and rice (but I think I used all my rice in the stir fry. I need to pick up more)

I think that's it. The enchiladas will take the longest to prep up. Everything else takes about 30 minutes from start to finish. Crock pot meals take even less time.
Since DH works a different shift than I do, I've been on this casserole kick, easy things that he can warm up and eat when he gets home.

Shepards Pie
1/2 yellow onion
2 lg carrots
1/2 bag frozen peas
1lb ground beef or turkey
1 pk instant mashed potatoes (or 2 lg potatoes chopped and boiled)
16oz beef broth

Dice the onion and carrot. Cook onion and carrot with a little oil over medium heat until onions are translucent. Add ground beef, cook through. Add beef broth, bring to a boil, let broth reduce to half. Remove from heat, add peas, pour into casserole dish. Top with prepared instant or fresh mashed potatoes. Bake at 425 for 20 minutes.

I also keep lots of Campbells cream soups on hand to make pastas, mac and cheese, tuna casserole, enchiladas, or baked chicken and rice.
This weeks menu:
Monday - chicken penne alfredo (with broccoli)
Tuesday - frozen italian style meatballs with mashed potatoes & green beans
Wednesday - grilled chicken with baked potaoe & brown beans
Thursday - Shake 'n Bake Chicken with rice & steamed veggies
Friday - shepherd's pie
Saturday - fish & rice with peas
Sunday - ham, scalloped potatoes with steamed veggies

Last weeks menu:
Monday - sweet & sticky orange chicken, with carrots & broccoli
Tuesday - chicken souvlaki with peas
Wednesday - turkey & mashed potaoes (frozen from xmas)
Thursday - fish & chips
Friday - pizza!
Saturday - undone stuffed pepper casserole
Sunday - i forget :)

Here's a list (copy & pasted) that I use when planning my meals & making up my weekly grocery list. They are all the meals in "my rotation" that my family likes:

Baked Honey Chicken
Basil chicken over angel hair
Butter chicken
Cajun chicken pasta
Chicken burgers
Chicken cordon bleu
Chicken enchiladas
Chicken fingers
Chicken lasagne
Chicken on a bun
Chicken parmesan
Chicken quesedias
Chicken Shepherds’ Pie
Chicken soup
Greek chicken
Greek Chicken Kabobs
Grilled chicken, marinated
Gumbo style chicken Creole
Honey BBQ chicken
Italian herb chicken
Lemon chicken
Oriental chicken stir-fry
Rotisserie Chicken
Salsa chicken
Shake n bake chicken
Spaghetti with chicken meatballs
Sweet & Sticky Orange chicken
Texmex chicken
Yummy Honey Chicken Kabobs

Beef barley soup
Beef tacos
Beef Vindaloo
Beef & Broccoli Stir-fry
Hamburger patties
Hamburger / fagioli Soup
Jamaican Beef patties
Mediterranean Beef & Pasta bake
M&M Meatballs and Rice
Roast beef
Shepherds pie
Sirloin Kabobs
Veggie Spaghetti
Steaks, marinated
Undone Stuffed pepper casserole

Greek pork tenderloin
Pork chops
Pork souvlaki
Shake n bake pork tenderloin
Marinated pork roast (cookbook)

Alfredo Mostaccioli
Basil chicken over angel hair
Cajun chicken pasta
Chicken lasagne
Spaghetti with chicken meatballs
Beef lasagne
Spaghetti / Pasta with meat

Breakfast burrito
Fish / Italian sausage
Greek style wraps

Hamburger soup
Fagioli Soup
Chicken Rice/Noodle
Beef Barley Soup

Casserole/Slow Cooker/Make-A-Head
Lasagne (beef or chicken)
Shepherd’s Pie (beef or chicken)
Roast beef
Meat Sauce
Meat balls (spaghetti or Swedish)
Any soups
Undone Stuffed pepper casserole

If anything piques your interest, let me know and I can post the recipe.

And Aunt Bee, I love your "formula". Gotta wait a few more years before I can take Friday's off though!



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