What would you do? Renter wants to cancel.

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Why THANK YOU, that is very magnanimous of you. I am deeply and profoundly honored by your munificent post.

Somehow, I highly doubt that the OP is avoiding this thread as it would be so simple to post an update and it really does not matter if they made a modification or not as that is their choice.

When it comes to DVC rental contracts, WE ALL ARE PLAYING LAWYERS and so far, nobody has posted anything here about actually trying to enforce a contract in a court of law between two parties. From what I know about law, NOTHING is guaranteed and any rookie lawyer could probably blow holes in most DVC rental contracts. So we can't assume, just because someone downloaded some version of a contract that is it enforceable or winnable. Of course having a written agreement is valuable, but it does not mean DVC owners can hide behind an onerous one-sided agreement that states NO CHANGES when we all know changes are possible, but some people may not want to do that.

First, using all caps can be seen as yelling. Second, it has been said that there is no one right way to complete rentals and everyone should respect that as part of this community.

I think it may be time to simply close the thread.
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