What would be the best passes to get?


Disneyland here we come!
Aug 31, 2000
OK--I have been mulling around about this for a while now. Here's the facts:

Group of 3 adults (me, DH, DMom) & 4 yo DS

Going for 7 nights, 8 days at the end of September-arrive early morning on the 22nd & leave mid-afternoon on the 29th-going to be in the parks each full day & probably the day of arrival--debating on whether to go into the parks on the day we leave.

Not planning on going to PI or DWWS

*MAYBE* DH & DS will go to 1 water park

Just planning on spending the majority of our time in the parks & DD.

We will not being going back to WDW for at least 1-2 years.

What do you think would be the best passes for us? Also--we have AAA & are thinking of getting DC--is this worth it for the discount though? Our ressies are with the AAA discount ($67/night/per room at ASMo), so I'm not sure if the DC would make a difference. I thought maybe getting APs for all of us & calling to see if I could get a better room rate with that too??

C'mon budget buddies--LMK what you think!



Unless you shop at the DS you probably won't need the DC. You got a great price for the roomI am assuming it is thru AAA. I wouldn't get an AP unless you are planning on a longer stay. The breakeven point is 8 days. We have found that we have a better time going to the parks for 5 days out of 7 and using the resort for the other days. There is alot to see and do at your resort and a 4YO will need rest. It is exciting an overwhelming the first time for them. You probably won't see everything and really at 4YO do you need to go on TT or Splash Mountain and Space Moutain. They both have height restrictions. When my children were little we did the Character Breakfast and then hung out at the pool and ate dinner at the resort and watched fireworkks at the Poly Beach and had icecream while waiting for the Electric Water Pagent. My children played in the sand and had agreat time. Except for meals that was agreat free day. This vacation has alot of planning involved in it to make it enjoyable. Keep asking questions here I am sure you will get tons of ideas. There are all different ways to enjoy a Disney Vaction.
& we did do that last year when we went for the first time. DS is not afraid of anything & rode ToT (6xs), Dinosaur (5xs), Splash ((4xs), etc... so he really wants to ride so much. He does not nap--he didn't take naps last year at all when we were there. He is definitely a high energy child & since the parks close earlier, we tend to stay in the parks all day & then head out for a later dinner & relax in the evening. He had terrific behavior the entire time--even we were surprised at how well he did.

& yes, we did get that great rate with our AAA discount calling directly to the CRO. We thought the rate was terrific for the 2 rooms we needed!

So this time we are debating what to do, our original plan was to stay for 9 days, but we can get a non-stop flight home if we stay for 8, so that is now our plan.

So the break-even point is 8 days of tickets? Do most people that stay for 8 days do 4 day PH X 2 or what? I can get these at my local AAA office discounted slightly.





I would say for ticket choices...maybe a 6 day park hopper plus ticket. 6 days of park hopping priv.'s plus I think 3 plus visits to say a water park or Wide World of Sports. I would have said a 5 day park hopper plus, but that wouldn't get give you enough days at the main park I don't think. The AP pass for the main parks is a really good investment especially if you think their is even a remote possibality you could return within a years time. Plus, 9 out of 10 times during the month of Sept. (excluding Labor day week and the last week into Oct.) AP room discounts are available. And, it's a much better discount normally than AAA. But, the more you spend on a room with the AP the better your discount gets.

Hope this helps...


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