what to do in Cozumel HELP!

Yes, do watch out for the cab drivers! We had a group of 5, tried to find a cab that fit us and could not. Every cab we found would stick 5 of us in a cab that had room for 3 passengers (driver already in cab). SIL said take it, DH said take it, so we did, with my 12 and 7 year old daughters on our laps in the back seat, and no seat belts anywear.

Also, be aware when entering Chankanaab if you have young children that should be free! The cab driver told us that it would be $50 for all 5 of us (when we arrived at the gate). I said that no, my youngest was free. He said no she was not. I then spoke to the guy at the entrance to Chankanaab and told him that we were not paying for my daughter, he said we were, I told him that I had looked at the web site for Chankanaab, and it stated that my 7 y.o. was free. He looked at the cab driver, they both shrugged their shoulders, and they let us go in without paying for my youngest. Moral of the story - speak up and hold your ground!


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