What is the best deal you have found on this board?

As I am sitting by the computer, sipping a cup of Senseo coffee, :coffee: I would have to say the free Senseo!

The $.99 beach towels are a close second. I still can't believe disneyshopping honored their mistake!!

I also enjoy the Target deals that people post from time to time. I love to go on a "treasure hunt" at my local Target from time to time!

But how can I forget the 200+ bottles of Coke I won this year! We still have about 30 bottles in the basement- perfect for the upcoming holiday parties!

:thanks: :disrocks:
I learned about Sunshine Rewards, PineCone Research and BzzAgent through here :thumbsup2 Since these are ongoing I'd have to mention these. :goodvibes I also love all the tips, freebies, codes and just coming to the DIS boards - it's exciting to see what the posts and replys are. :cheer2:
It is hard to say but I guess it is all the advice you get on this board.

If I am about ot make a major purchase I post and ask people about their views on the item before I make the purchase.

I usually get a bunch of helpful suggestions and someone always can tell me the cheapest place to buy it.
It wasn't really my best "deal" but one of the best things I've found out about through this board is ING. Having that account has helped me to greatly improve my savings.

And of course the great financial advice (Disneysteve comes to mind) that I find on here. You all inspired me to look closer at my spending, make a budget and find ways to save better.

For deals:
-FREE DINING- I wasn't actively looking at the restaurant or attractions board so I wouldn't have known without the budget board! It made it possible for my mom and I to take a wonderful unexpected mother-daughter trip this year! :goodvibes

-"Free silver jewelry"- I'm still addicted even though the thread hasn't been around for a while. Great jewelry at $5.99 a piece!

-The hidden 90% off items at Target after xmas last year. Bought about 20 glade apple crisp candles for 23 cents a piece, among other things! :thumbsup2

-The freebies- free travel-size stuff to bring to Disney with me!

-Pinecone Research- got in through a link on here a little over a year ago! :teeth:
I've been here a WHILE but the best advice I ever got on this board is what is still supporting me to this day.... EBAY!!!

I used to moderate this board a while back and C. Ann posted a thread about how to start on eBay. I was a single Mom that just lost her job and both parents. All of their STUFF was delivered by UHaul to my front door. I started putting up their old stuff one by one and before I knew it I was supporting my son and myself with the money I was making!

That was 4 years ago!

I have since gotten back into my profession (broadcasting) but still do eBay as a side job. I say it pays my "betties" while by job pays my "bills".... ;)

Also, I learned how to do Priceline here. My most memorable stay was at the Marriott Orlando World Center with my dear friend and her newly adopted daughter. I will NEVER forget the look on that girls' eyes when she saw that hotel!! And we got it for $60 a night!!

The deals are way too numerous to name. I have literally saved THOUSANDS of dollars since finding the DIS back in 1998 ... and 32 trips later I could NOT do it without it!
I am new to the budget boards. When was the princess tv/dvd deal at Home Depot? Does anyone else know of another deal like that?
I've had a few favorites, it's hard to pick just one

1. Disney cordless phones 2 for $15
2. The 1.99 earrings with the carry on just like the OP said
3. The donation to American cancer Society of $25.00
for Reeboks sneakers.
They're worn, but I stll wear at times.
I forgot to add the free coke. I think I got about 130 bottles and shared some with family.

Also the free silver jewelry site is great, although I haven't ordered from there in awhile.
I was always a little late when it came to the "deals" like the .99 towels, Sears TV, and a few others. But I've saved so much money and time from here.
When I started talking about moving, I got all kinds of information and advice schools, towns, churches, etc that I just couldn't have gotten anywhere else and helped influence our decisions.

This is the best place to get advice, reviews and deals about gadgets, shows, big ticket items, etc

I can't think of another place like this, where different people from all over the US getting together to help each other. It's great! Big thanks to everyone. :grouphug:
JerseyGirl84 said:
I forgot to add the free coke. I think I got about 130 bottles and shared some with family.

Also the free silver jewelry site is great, although I haven't ordered from there in awhile.

Duh! I forgot to add the free coke too! I'm still drinking mine! :thumbsup2

I hadn't been doing the free jewelry for a while... until a few new girls at work commented on some of the jewelry I was wearing, so I've started again and ordered about 3 or 4 things in the past two weeks - their new setup is great- you can see what's coming up next about twenty items ahead now!
Our best idea from here was the Wendy's/Coke/AirTran plane tickets! That worked out so well for my family and we were able to have the kids see their grandparents, go to our oldest DD's college graduation, and then expand the celebration into a Disney trip! :thumbsup2

I also loved the advise I got years ago about Q & C and VKL food vouchers. That also saved us big time money! :cool1:

The Coke Olympics deal was fantastic and we are still reaping the benfits from that with the MyCokeRewards points! :banana:

I love the freebies threads. I have no idea :confused3 how you all find these offers but I love them!

I have learned so much about Disney World itself from these boards. I had no idea of codes and ways to split meals and get Mousesaver Discounts on tickets! :cheer2:

The other great thing I have learned was about rental cars and codes for them. That has saved our family so much money and made it possible for us to have a car when ordinarily we would not have been able to afford one! :goodvibes

I :love: you DISBOARDS! :wave:
Lots of good deals rec'd on here -- but best deal was Home Depot Princess TV & DVD. Wow --
- Last years bluefly.com deal - $20 off first order with no min purchase required and free shipping. I got 3 orders through before that deal ended and got a sterling silver photo frame and 2 sets of silver jeweled horderve picks - completely FREE. :thumbsup2

- disneyshopping laptop cases for $11 each with free shipping (they are on sale for $6.99 right now but appear to be out of stock).

- Free under "things" from hanes and no-nonsense

- Sunshine Rewards - I've got lots of Disney Dollars back by shopping through this site and some referral dollars, too! :goodvibes

- Home Depot princess tv & dvd player (about $44 & $28 each, I think)

There's just too many things to list! I check this board every day and sometimes multiple times a day because of all the great deals I find thanks to kind Dis posters! :goodvibes
The $9 bears at Bath and Body Works online last year that were regulary $150 along with the 75% glitch


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