What are you curious about your neighbours?

Next door just did a major remodeling of their house. I wouldn't mind knowing the details.
But I won't ask.
My neighbors are a bit scary. As soon as they moved in, they covered their windows with black blinds or curtains. They removed one of the windows altogether. They dug a deep hole in the back yard and then filled it in (do not know with what) and covered it with a small concrete slab. I cannot figure out who actually lives there because strange people come and go. I have concerns about what goes on in that house. The neighbors on the other side are very cordial and friendly.
My neighbors are a bit scary. As soon as they moved in, they covered their windows with black blinds or curtains. They removed one of the windows altogether. They dug a deep hole in the back yard and then filled it in (do not know with what) and covered it with a small concrete slab. I cannot figure out who actually lives there because strange people come and go. I have concerns about what goes on in that house. The neighbors on the other side are very cordial and friendly.
:goodvibes Don't lose sleep over this particular part - it sounds like a very standard installation of a support pile under a small concrete slab. They could well still be weirdos though. ;)

For me, I wonder how many people live in some of the units in our condo complex. There is a historically low level of housing availability in our city and it's starting to show in that even people of means can't find the exact living arrangements they might prefer. Larger families and often even multi-generational families are taking up residence in whatever spaces they can find. The typical unit in our building is +/-1,000 ft.sq 2 bedroom and 2 bath. Quite upscale but even so, pretty close quarters for more than 3 people IMO. Some of them here definitely have more than that.

Not that it's a problem of any kind; I'm just curious. And it's interesting how expectations of things have changed over time. I was raised in much more modest circumstances than I'm describing and we were all perfectly happy. I think most people lived that way until the recent decades.
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I wonder if they have ever been in a store or restaurant of any kind. Couple in the 30's, 4 year old child. Both work from home and apparently they neither the husband or wife has ever had a job that required them to go into the office. Wife takes the child to daycare at 630 am, and picks the child up at 430 pm. Other than that, they never leave the house. We live 3 houses from a dead end and there are multiple deliveries starting at 6 am from Amazon. Taco Bell delivered during the week promptly at Noon. Hard to not notice the traffic. Neighborhood watch guidelines suggest you should know your neighbors routines, but sometimes I feel like Mrs. Kravitz on Bewitched because I know far more about them than I should.
When we first moved into our old neighborhood 33+ years ago, we either knew, or came to know, our surrounding neighbors well. We specifically moved into a house at the very end of a dead end street, so there wouldn’t be any through traffic when we started having children.
The family across the street and one house over we already knew, as their oldest son (of 2) was one of my youngest bros good friends. Although they were really great neighbors, the wife was definitely our streets Mrs. Kravitz…she seemed to know everything about everyone on the street…!!!!! 😅
The family next door to us, quite surprisingly, turned out be people we already knew from years past, as DWifey worked with the husband at one point. We only found out when we answered the door and there they stood with a pie to welcome the “new neighbors”…we were all “Oh my, no way…!!!”…!!!!! 🤣 They had 2 young children at the time.
The parents of the family directly across the street from us were both military, and Vietnam vets…she a nurse and he a grunt. They were both still in the National Guard and had 2 almost grown children at the time. They were great, and used to throw a Halloween block party in the “dead” end every year…!!!!! 😂
The family next to our surprise neighbors was a single mother with a young son at the time. They were great neighbors too, and we talked often…!!! 🙂
Over the years, all those neighbors ended up moving, and the homes changed hands several times, so we hardly ever knew anything about any of them, at all.

We moved to a new home in a different neighborhood at the end of last year, and know nothing about any of our neighbors. Although vehicles are comin’ and goin’ during “normal”hours, the neighborhood is pretty quiet.
No big deal though, as the most important thing is that our home and our oldest DDs family home, including our 2 young granddaughters 😊 is within walking distance, across a neighborhood park/pool, and a few blocks down, so not too close…!!! 😉
I have plenty of questions about my neighbors I suppose... probably starting with younger single guy next door (the questions mainly being based on WHY do you do the things you do).

  1. Do you know how a lawnmower works?
  2. Do you know how to push a garbage can back up from the curb?
  3. Why do you park in the street and leave the garage sitting empty? Is it because you have a fancy car and you want everybody to see it?
  4. Do you have a girlfriend? I wonder this because I have seen a number of different cars outside your house, sometimes parked there overnight.
I heard he is moving the end of next month so there's that. He hasn't been a bad neighbor really, he just seems SO immature. I worry about who might move in after he leaves. The fears of living next door to a rental.
I have no questions, well one 1) please remove your crazy wind chime it’s driving me batty
I am not nosey, and I’m sure we are the ones people are nosey about. I don’t talk to many people anymore, I walk the dog and the stalker next door is out immediately, no matter what time it is. She wants to chat, new to the neighborhood, I do not, and have made my stance clear.
When we first moved into our old neighborhood 33+ years ago, we either knew, or came to know, our surrounding neighbors well. We specifically moved into a house at the very end of a dead end street, so there wouldn’t be any through traffic when we started having children.
The family across the street and one house over we already knew, as their oldest son (of 2) was one of my youngest bros good friends. Although they were really great neighbors, the wife was definitely our streets Mrs. Kravitz…she seemed to know everything about everyone on the street…!!!!! 😅
The family next door to us, quite surprisingly, turned out be people we already knew from years past, as DWifey worked with the husband at one point. We only found out when we answered the door and there they stood with a pie to welcome the “new neighbors”…we were all “Oh my, no way…!!!”…!!!!! 🤣 They had 2 young children at the time.
The parents of the family directly across the street from us were both military, and Vietnam vets…she a nurse and he a grunt. They were both still in the National Guard and had 2 almost grown children at the time. They were great, and used to throw a Halloween block party in the “dead” end every year…!!!!! 😂
The family next to our surprise neighbors was a single mother with a young son at the time. They were great neighbors too, and we talked often…!!! 🙂
Over the years, all those neighbors ended up moving, and the homes changed hands several times, so we hardly ever knew anything about any of them, at all.

We moved to a new home in a different neighborhood at the end of last year, and know nothing about any of our neighbors. Although vehicles are comin’ and goin’ during “normal”hours, the neighborhood is pretty quiet.
No big deal though, as the most important thing is that our home and our oldest DDs family home, including our 2 young granddaughters 😊 is within walking distance, across a neighborhood park/pool, and a few blocks down, so not too close…!!! 😉
There are 12 houses on my block. We bought our house 41 years ago. Three of my current neighbors were here when we moved in.
Only considered moving twice. Once, 10 years after we moved in when we needed more room as we now had two children. Cheaper and easier to add on than to move, and we kept our neighbors. And once 10 years ago, when my mom passed away and we inherited her house. Didn't make sense to uproot ourselves and move 6 miles away from the neighborhood we had raised out kids in.
My first ? would be:
why don't you like us? We are friendly with other neighbors , chit chatting when we see each other outside. We live on the outskirts of town and not in a subdivision. Although we all have large lots the houses are close to each other.
Our one neighbors have been around 10+ years and I truly made an effort to be welcoming and friendly when they were new to the neighborhood. It took a while for me to realize it was a one sided relation and NOW, it's basically they ignore us. But the neighbor on our other side is the nicest guy you could have as a neighbor and we gat along wonderfully so it balances out. ( I quess)


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