What’s for Dinner Tonight?

I’ve never had meatloaf cooked in a crockpot. Recipe please?
I went through and found the original recipe fron this board. It is on a zombie thread started in January 2021. Crockpot and easy meals.

Original recipe for smothered meatloaf

1lb ground pork
1lb ground beef
1 can evaporated milk
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1can cheddar soup
1 container mushrooms
1 pack onion soup mix
1 full box Shake and bake
1 egg
1 package O’Brien frozen potatoes

Mix together pork, beef, evaporated milk,half can of cheddar soup, 1 pack onion soup mix, full box of shake and bake and the egg.

Line bottom of crockpot with the frozen potatoes put the meatloaf on top cover with the mushrooms and rest of the soup. Cook on low for 8 hours.

Over the years I have switched it up a bit. I don’t like cheese so I use an extra can of mushroom soup. I don’t recall ever using the evaporated milk, I find that the half can of soup mixed in adds enough moisture and I use breadcrumbs instead of shake and bake. I also put a sliced onion over the top.

If you have any questions please ask or check out the zombie thread.
You all are going to be so jealous of our dinner last night. On the way from one destination to another, DH named off a few cities on our route & asked me to look for dueling pianos. We had a couple choices & decided on an overnight stop in Savannah, GA. Since this was a last minute, spur of the moment decision, we decided to just grab something to eat at the venue. Let me tell you. It was as awesome as you'd imagine a meal at a dueling pianos club would be. :p We shared fried pickles with some type of mustardy sauce & a grilled cheese made out of a slice of American cheese in a soggy hamburger bun w/ a slice of (couldn't really tell it was there) bacon. You're jealous aren't you? I knew it! :rotfl2:

We're back in DH's hometown for the night, which means we're sharing chicken tenders, gravy, mashed potatoes, fried okra & a biscuit from his favorite restaurant.
Back in our house for the weekend. We moved into our second airbnb rental and it was dirty! Like disgustingly dirty and it was not cheap. We moved back into our house because construction dust is better than other people’s filth.

Been fighting airbnb and the host all day for a refund. I cleaned my house as much as possible and then I made a big pot of Arroz con Pollo for dinner.
Back in our house for the weekend. We moved into our second airbnb rental and it was dirty! Like disgustingly dirty and it was not cheap. We moved back into our house because construction dust is better than other people’s filth.

Been fighting airbnb and the host all day for a refund. I cleaned my house as much as possible and then I made a big pot of Arroz con Pollo for dinner.
Yuck! Dirty Airbnbs are the worst.
I went to a Jack and Jill yesterday. I had a piece of pizza there and brought a cupcake home that I had later.

Today I’m headed to a bbq potluck. I’m making a cheese platter, pesto pasta salad, and I’m taking the leftovers Christmas cookies in my freezer. There was cheering about the Christmas cookies 😂
Back in our house for the weekend. We moved into our second airbnb rental and it was dirty! Like disgustingly dirty and it was not cheap. We moved back into our house because construction dust is better than other people’s filth.

Been fighting airbnb and the host all day for a refund. I cleaned my house as much as possible and then I made a big pot of Arroz con Pollo for dinner.
Arroz con pollo makes everything better 😊
Fight the good fight and get as much of your money as you can back!


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