We've got Deluxe APs but we're out of DVC points! A year of Disneyland trips- updated 6/27!

I would love to go to the Belmont Brewing Company. It's right on the beach (pier actuallly) and I haven't been there in years. I just looked up their menu and it looks yummy. It's changed since I was there last, but still looks good. They have vegetarian options and lots of seafood, plus they have burgers and some great appetizers that can be shared.

I'm hungry right now. We didn't have dinner last night as we had a large late lunch.

This place looks delicious!!! popcorn:: popcorn::

So shall we skip the 14th? I know you have packing to do.
I realized that a 7 night vacation is quite reasonable. :blush: I prefer 9-10 but who doesn't? I need to be a little more realistic. ;) Beach it is!!!!! :woohoo:

I understand completely. I keep playing with the extra night, but I'll have just been at AKV for a week... I'm spoiled completely rotten. :laughing:
Is it country wide? I'm so out of the loop...

::yes:: The entire nation! We're the 21st nation I believe. Feels good to not be left behind. :woohoo: And live in a humane country. But I believe we are not allowed to talk religion or politics on the DIS so I will leave it at that. :rainbow:

We won't be there until the 15th but you girl go ahead the 14th if you need to. My kids have school the 14th so we were going to leave right after and stay the night in Vegas/Summerlin (read Grimaldi's Pizza :cloud9: )

Sooooooo as previously mentioned, I did forget about getting Mickey beignets that night before we left. How I could forget eating those delicious fried puffs of fun but I did?! I also took more pics than I thought at the ToonTown station. Forgive me. My mind is on overload with Gabby moving.

And apparently we ate them during Fantasmic! :lmao:

So that really is all for that night.

The next morning we woke up early and had an actual agenda to follow. Now most of you know how this part of the story turns out but at this point, we had just started apartment hunting for Gabby. I had been looking on Zillow for months but now it was REAL!

We did a little driving around and we not all that impressed with what we were seeing and decided we needed some lunch. I also wanted to introduce Gabby to a former boss of mine who still manages restaurants in Long Beach. Our girl will be working 30 hours a week at Starbucks but really wants another 20 hour a week gig. What better place than somewhere by the water? Fun atmosphere and amazing scenery! Lunch......This is at Boathouse on the Bay in Long Beach. It use to be McKenna's.

Not hard on the eyes....

Cheers to what would turn into a successful day of looking!

Some appetizers:

Lunch consisted of sharing the above plus sharing some incredible mac and cheese, cheeseburger, and a chicken caesar salad.

After lunch it was time to head back out and hit the pavement!

To be continued.......

Thats in Belmont Shore right? I haven't been there in decades. :lmao: Sounds great to me. Keep me posted on July and your car club trip. Even though its summer, a room with a fireplace is always nice...just crank up the AC.

Well it's Belmont Shore adjacent, when you are driving down Ocean from the bluff, the road forks right at the street where the BBC is located. The right fork continues on to the peninsula and the left fork leads to Belmont Shore.

I think we are going. We just made plans to stop on the way home and a place outside Santa Barbara where they do tri tip sandwiches on the weekends. It's a biker bar and Cat Cora cited it on "The Best Thing I Ever Ate".

Is it country wide? I'm so out of the loop...

Wow girl you are out of the loop! Since politics aren't allowed, I'll just say that it means EVERYWHERE in the USA!

So shall we skip the 14th? I know you have packing to do.

You can come see the house on the 14th. Jenny has already seen it. We can meet at the restaurant on the 15th. I'm glad you think the menu looks good. I saw lots of stuff you would like there.
Our girl will be working 30 hours a week at Starbucks but really wants another 20 hour a week gig. What better place than somewhere by the water?

Goodness, she is going to be one busy lady with studying as well. I hope that she will cope with the workload OK.

That's a busy work schedule! I hope she can keep up with everything.

I haven't been to that place since McKenna's closed. I need to get out more!
She's pretty high energy like I am; she'll do great. School begins in October so she will have some time to get acclimated to living on her own which will be nice. What I like about ASU online is that you only take two classes at a time. so instead of four classes for 14 weeks she will have two classes every seven weeks. Two classes will be easier to keep organized and it's considered full-time. She's very responsible, always has been. She likes to have her fun but when it's time to get to work, she knows what she's doing. I'm sure there will be the normal growing pains but I think she will acclimate quite well.

::yes:: @franandaj you need to get out more! ;)

::yes:: The entire nation! We're the 21st nation I believe. Feels good to not be left behind. :woohoo: And live in a humane country. But I believe we are not allowed to talk religion or politics on the DIS so I will leave it at that. :rainbow:

Wow girl you are out of the loop! Since politics aren't allowed, I'll just say that it means EVERYWHERE in the USA!.

That's fantastic news!!!! :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: How did I not even know they were deciding on this... Thank you ladies for keeping me informed :)

I think we are going. We just made plans to stop on the way home and a place outside Santa Barbara where they do tri tip sandwiches on the weekends. It's a biker bar and Cat Cora cited it on "The Best Thing I Ever Ate"..

Excellent! You deserve some down time.

You can come see the house on the 14th. Jenny has already seen it. We can meet at the restaurant on the 15th. I'm glad you think the menu looks good. I saw lots of stuff you would like there.

Sounds like a plan :) As soon as I book my flights I'll let you know when I'm arriving. I want the 1:00 arrival that Southwest does, hopefully it's still available. Thank you for thinking about me and the menu :goodvibes
Jenny, there doesn't seem to be a beignet or mac/cheese picture... popcorn::

Did I tell you I didn't see Fantastmic either :duck:
::yes:: @franandaj you need to get out more! ;)

Hey! I got out today! I went to the garage at our old house and filed four banker's boxes full of music, and I met a woman and her husband who picked up four bookcases. Now I'm at the grocery store/pharmacy picking up supplies for dinner. After that I'm going to the gas station! party:

Just see about half of the Mickey beignet.

The Boathouse by the Bay at LB looks very nice and a good place to eat.
All this talk about October is getting me excited to go back since my last trip was so hectic.
I love the concept of 7 week terms instead of a 14 week with 4 classes. Much easier to keep up and I think the school year goes by faster!

It was a great day in the US this week. ;)

Jill in CO
The DIS isn't aloowing me to multipquote. :upsidedow Hopefully I won't miss anything.

@jedijill I like the 7 week idea too for both those reasons. The work load will be sixes but less to organize.
::yes:: It was a GREAT week in the US.

@Pinkocto I didn't get a pic of the burger/mac n cheese but look closely and you'll see the beignet. ;)

@PrincessInOz I know, don't they sound yummy right now? T-7 days for us!

@ACDSNY :hug: October will be here nefore we know it though I am definetly not wishing this summer away.

@mvf-m11c Boathouse on the Bay is amazing and they have a terrific Happy Hour.

@franandaj Hahaha!!! Glad you got rid of some bookcases though! :woohoo:

Hey! I got out today! I went to the garage at our old house and filed four banker's boxes full of music, and I met a woman and her husband who picked up four bookcases. Now I'm at the grocery store/pharmacy picking up supplies for dinner. After that I'm going to the gas station! party:


Isn't it amazing how the smallest trip can be exciting sometimes? :rotfl:
Looks like we've got an *official* game plan for next week. It's turned into a Girls' Trip. I'll miss the fellas but I am looking forward to having just us girls. :woohoo: Joshua decided not to go because of soccer. During try-outs he did great and made it on a new comp team, same Club, but this team is Premiere and he's never played premiere. He wants to start so badly and has some tough competition. If we weren't turning around and heading back to move Gabby, then he might not skip this trip but he really doesn't want to miss a week especially the week before his Club's tournament. Michael was never going to go on this one. Gabby's fella was debating it but he's going to stay with Joshua when Michaelis at the FD while were away. Joshua could have stayed with his grandparents but he's got soccer sometimes 3x a day. He's still training with his old coach 3x a week, he has speed training 2x a week, and then team practice. This is all on his accord. We are NOT those soccer parents. ;)

We had some driving decisions to make like what day should we leave. I got out voted. I wanted to leave 7/4 after Gabby got off work, drive to Vegas, stay over, and then haul booty out of Vegas 7/5 early morning to miss all of the Vegas into So Cal traffic but the girls' bestie is here, the one we took to to WDW for Chloe's bat mitzvah trip, and they all want to do the fireworks together at the fire department. Their friend's dad use to be a firefighter with Michael and July 4 is full of fun for fire kids. I gave in, because I am a huge sucker, so our plan looks like this:

Saturday 7/4: July 4 fun! I will miss the fireworks thought to stay home and pack the car.

Sunday 7/5: Leave our house at 5 am
The girls don't know this yet but I am not bringing the travel hitch thing that goes on the back of the MDX so the 3rd row won't be an option. Someone will sit up front with me and the other two will share the middle row. They'll live. LOL!
I know we'll hit that horrendous traffic.
Check into out hotel in So Cal.
Depending on what time we get there we may make the sunset, maybe Super Mex or Taco Surf for dinner.

Monday 7/6: Beach! :beach:
Grocery store to pick up water, snacks, and booze for our Disney days.

Tuesday 7/7: Check out of our hotel and into the GCV for two nights.
I have tried 3x to link reservations so we don't have to change villas and DVC Member Services has been unable to help for some reason; they were unable to match the names/addresses perfectly. I faxed the GCH/GCV yesterday and they called me saying they received the fax. I also added a villa request. As long as we don't have to change villas, I'll be happy. I might try calling MS one more time but that may involve a conference call with who rented points from.

EMH/MM is at 7 am at Disneyland and because it's summer and hot and we'll be at the GCV, we'll do rope drop because a midday pool break will be in order. :cloud9:


Wednesday 7/8: EMH/MM for DCA
Back at night.

Thursday 7/9: Sleep in a little.
Check out of the GCV and head down towards San Diego for the One Direction concert.
Check into our hotel in Carlsbad first. We are staying about 28 miles away in Carlsbad because it's also ComiCon and by the time my friends looked for hotels everything reasonable was gone. Rooms are going for 600+ a night. :faint:
Lunch, drop girls early at Qualcomm Stadium.
Dinner with my two girl friends.
Back up to Carlsbad after the concert.

Friday 7/10: Back up to So Cal, check back into our hotel, the one we stayed at the first two nights, for one night.
Beach. Sunset. More Mexican food.

Saturday 7/11: drive back to Utah.

That's it in a nutshell. I'll be back to share links to our hotels and this cool place I found to eat in San Diego. I am not familiar with SD and am open to any dinner suggestions.

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Your plans sound hectic but fun. We're having dinner out at the park Sunday night, I'm sure you guys will be tired after that drive. What beach are you going to on Monday?

I'd love to join you at the park Tuesday, but with band that night it would be tough. We leave Wednesday for Cambria and I don't want to arrive at 9PM so we need to get on the road by noon. That said, I need to get packing!


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