Wettest wet ride


<font color=0000CC>disney freak<br><font color=FF0
Aug 5, 2000
Hi everyone.

The poll below was originally started by me over on the theme parks board.

Ive had such a huge response it was suggested that i post it on these boards as well.

However, i have only listed a selection of wet rides,as there is only so many choices you can have.
On the original, people were replying saying.....

"what about.....?"


"you forgot about......."

I know there are many possibilities of rides that could be choices, but as already stated, there are only 5 choices.

Also,It was noticed that people who had only rode one ride, and got wet, voted for that particular ride.

So i think it is best that you vote in this poll if you have rode MORE THAN ONE of the choices, therefore, this resulting in a true reflection of the WET RIDES.

So please vote and comment on whatever you want.
I look forward to reading your views and replies and will post additional posts if the need arises.

thank-you all LOVERS of WET RIDES

CARENE :rolleyes: <IMG WIDTH="15" HEIGHT="15" SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif" alt="razz">
The Congo at Busch Gardens Tampa really soaks you, more so that Popeye at IOA. But Popeye is the fastest water ride I've been on. Journey to Atlantis at Sea World soaks you if you sit in front.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

"If you were me, you'd be good looking."
Hey everyone!

Thanks for voting in my poll but i'd also like to hear some opinions and views of you people out there.

the wettest ride is in North Carolina at Carowinds. It is the Nickeloden flying supersaturator. it a water rollercoaster. the coaster fly through walls of water plus you have water bombs that you drop on the people in line. the people in line have water cannons to shoot the people on the coaster. you get wet before the ride ever begins.
I've ridden both Atlantis and Blutto's Bilge Rat Barges.

Yes you will get quite wet on 'the Barges', but if you are in the front row of the Atlantis vehicle you will be soaked from head to toe, period.

Have Fun!
I voted for Popeye and Bluto's Barges at IOA. I'm pleased to see that its in the lead. I did get a soaking on Ripsaw Falls and Journey to Atlantis, just not as wet as on the Barges. We went on Kali River Rapids 3 times but weren't anywhere near as wet as the others. I hope to see lots more votes.

I LOVE water rides! I voted for the Barges because we were so wet people were pointing and laughing as we walked away!

IMO Kali is the worse raft ride I've ever been on! It's way too short and we didn't get wet at all. Tidal Wave only soaks you if you are on the bridge watching!

The Barge is my current fave wet ride.

hey i chose popeye it is the only raft ride i have ever been on and i got soaked i had to go back to my hotel room and change my clothes!
I've voted for Popeye and Bluto. SOAKED, SOAKED, SOAKED. We had a good laugh when we rode with our ponchos and everyone around us came off dripping while we were barely wet.

Disneyland Paris Halloween 1999 & Christmas 2000
Off site Easter 2000 & Easter 2001
I voted for Bluto - we could not possibley have been any wetter than when we finished that ride! It was early morning and the park was empty so we figured that we might as well go round again...and again.... Got a little wet on Atlantis but there was no comparison in the 'soaked' stakes for me!


Disneyland Paris 1996, 1997, 1999
WDW 1998

º0º º0º º0º


Hiya folks

Nice to see i'm getting some replies.

I too went on popeye and bluto and got absolutely soaking. Went on Kali and did not get half as wet.
When i went on tidal wave at BG, i got soaked there also. But my sister obviously didnt think she was soaked enough, so she stood on the bridge for about 10 minutes and got soaked again evry time the ride went round (LOL)

I can personally assure you that great efforts have been taken to ensure that Bluto's is the absolute wettest ride in the world. Those of you who have ridden it have noticed that the barge rotates constantly, providing for an unpredictable soaking. This is why some do, and some of you don't get drenched. However, when all effects are enabled, I find it hard to believe any one of our guests get out of the ride dry. I can't see where anyone can survive the astronomical odds of being in the one barge, the one seat that escapes every one of the splashes and effects. If you are that person, you need to buy a lottery ticket NOW. I know this to be true. This ride is the fastest, wettest, most dynamic raft ride in the world, and will catch you off guard if you give it the chance. And coming soon- lowered height requirement.
WOW--the wettest wet ride in the world?????
I didnt know that !


How often are all the effects on the barges actually switched on?? When I visited in July 1999 I was expecting the "boat wash" to get me soaked but there didn't seem to be any effects on during that part of the ride. Is that normal operation?? Also what/who determines whether all the effects are going to be on during a specific day?

Any info would be cool :)
Many of the effects like those in the Boatwash were not completed upon park openning in '99. We opened the ride while work continued on these effects. Basically, the weather dictates when we get called to turn on water FX. On warm days everything will be on. Cool mornings will see the ride open with water FX turned off. During the Summer you can expect all FX to be on until the cold weather sets in again around October.
I remember the boat wash during the previews. It wasn't as sopping wet as it is now!


Barry Hom
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards

Click HERE for interesting Universal Orlando information!
Any more replies on this thread.

Just wonderin, since we've got new boards, and all.......

I would have to say Popeye and Blutos barges. I think I would have come out a swimming pool drier than I came of this. It really is an excellent ride.
:bounce: I have to agree that Bluto's Barge is the wettest ride. I got totally drenched on that thing! I also rode Ripsaw Falls and got wet but not as wet as on Bluto's ride. When I got on, I was wondering why everyone was covering up and thought that it can't be that bad, but Boy, was I wrong. Got drenched!!! Not one dry stitch on me. Had to go back to the hotel and change everything! Ripsaw Falls is fun and fast but didn't get quite as wet.


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