Welcome to our new home!!!


Apr 23, 2000
.We've done the place up nice!! Fresh coat of paint, new carpeting, new curtains . . . .

Yes, the look and the location are new, but it's still the same old DIS and the same old DIS Collectors board.


;) :D :p :bounce: :cool: :)

Matthew and Lauri
chat hosts DIS Pin chat
co-moderators DIS Collectors board
co-moderators DIS Resorts board
On behalf of the Collector's Board Moderators, I too would like to welcome you all to our new home. It's a little different, but I think you will all like it much better.

DIS Collector's Board Moderator

Sue Ellen
I too would like to welcome you all to our new home. If we can help out let us know :D
I love our new home.:bounce:

Let's see, I'll hang the Cells over on that wall, the Lithographs will go in that room, the Magic Kingom playset will look great over there, but where oh where will I put the pins?;)

Have fun getting settled in!:)

Just have to get a post in to try out the new boards. So far it looks like I am going to have to learn a few new things here, but I am sure we will be up to speed soon!

Does this thing come with a users manual?
New boards look nice! Need to spend some time looking around and trying things ..... a quick lesson would be nice. Some strange stats available - like the average posts per day. Guess I need to post more, only .29 posts per day :(

And I see Pete's welcome post is dated from now until the end of May. Does this mean this is just a temporary new home?

:bounce: Go to bed wake up and the whole world has changed.....well the whole DIS world which often seems like my whole world anyway. Looks likes lots of fun and interesting changes. Gonna need to improve my computer skills some more.:jester:
This looks great but I guess I will have to learn a few more things.:bounce:
By Golly, It took me forever to find my password!!!!
I have torn up this house!
Look at all these gadgets. I don't know if I am this literate. I need an owners manual too.
The Dis must have known how slow I am . I got SEVEN e-mails. I knew I was popular
6:30 this morning, now what is that in GMT? Does this thing come with calculator or time zone convertor? How will I know if I'm posting on the East Coast or the West Coast or over the Atlantic?:confused:

Hey! IE like the new smilies! No more errors. That's it, I'm sold. Where do I sign???

OOOHHHHHH -- Oooooooohhhhhh! I got color at a click . . . I'm livin' the good life now!

So many buttons . . . so little time. . .
Hi Guys... You can customize the time that your posts read by going into your profile and picking the right time zone for where you live! Pretty cool huh?
Do you guys do this to me on purpose? Every time I get used to the boards they change them and put all this fancy stuff on that i have to try to figure out. I finally got a little picture under my name last week and now you change things. I can't get my team logo back on.
Hope this works Dom

Peggie:confused: :confused: :confused: :o :confused: :confused: :mad: :confused: :confused:
WOW!! This is great!! Just starting get use to the other boards. Well, I guess being new to this it isnt much of an adjustment. Good going, This is cooler than the other boards, more little querks to play with. :bounce: :bounce:
Lots to learn and adjustments to make but I'm learning something new every day! :) I like the changes. :D Let's not do this again real soon though. At my age it doesn't take much to blow my mind! :jester:


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