Weight loss for Wishers and becoming Leaner Meaners!

Contrary to what you might have believed -- I am actually not deceased. :)

This morning I'm trying to muster up the courage to go visit the scale and see where I stand, because you cannot recognize progress if you have no idea where you're coming from.

Let me see: the girls were in a car accident and totaled our car (no one was seriously hurt, thank God, and the accident was not their fault [this time -- I pointed out to them that everyone makes mistakes and at some point they may be involved in an accident that is their fault, so be very kind to the other driver]), work is crazy, year-round swimming meets are back on the calendar (even though the practices are year-round, there are times when the competitions are spread further apart), and work is crazy.

And did I mention that work was crazy?

The "money thing," as we refer to it here, has tightened considerably what with the prospect of replacing our car. (Insurance does not buy you a new car. In fact, it doesn't even necessarily buy you a good used car to replace your reliable -- and completely paid for -- old car with the newly rebuilt transmission, the lifetime guaranteed brakes, the BRAND NEW tires -- Dang, timing is everything!) Consequently, I am probably not going to be doing any races until much later in the year -- We'll see. I did have to cancel my plans (for the second year in a row) to do the Shamrock Sportsfest 8K and half.

I am very much a "count your blessings" sort of person, though, and today I have so many -- this wonderful group among them! I am employed (although work is crazy), and after the Princess Half, I returned home with the inexplicable feeling that I had somehow turned the corner and should be able to begin regular training again. Reading Debra's post about icing and some aches just being par for the course was oddly encouraging. So, I ache a little -- but it doesn't need to stop me, right?

Last night I searched the iTunes store for podcasts about diet and weight loss -- I love to fill my head with positive things while I waddle away on the treadmill. (My nutritionist referred to it as increasing my self-efficacy.) It feels like Spring in my head -- a time for cleaning out the junk, renewing my resolve, and enjoying all that is beautiful around me. It's a renewed hope thing -- Do you feel that way, too?

I won't make any rash promises yet about how often I'll log in, but I think I'm at least partially back. :upsidedow
Hi Friends,
Beth....How could you not be motivational? You're getting up super early to get a run in, taking care of your family, working, doing household chores, and then working out again.:scared: When I have trouble crawling out of bed at 5:45, I tend to think of people like you who have been up for an hour and working out! Your mornings sound very similar to mine. I finally made a list yesterday of all the things I wanted to get done and then checked them off. On a day when DH would get home and say, "What'd you do today?" and I would answer, "Not much", I pulled out my list and read it off...I accomplish considerably more in a day than I thought I did.
Deb...You're right, I have a hidden inner love for electronica music. I have always been a country music junkie, so this is a whole new world for me....looks like 40 is good for me! I love the Barbie World song and I listened to Bumblebee and liked it too. I went and searched for Single Ladies, it's Beyonce, right? Is that for your inner Diva? Hey, and you can believe DOOD when he tells you that you look good.;) He's right on the mark.
Wendy...I look at that car and think, what a blessing that your girls are ok. I understand looking for a car. DS turns 16 in June and all we have are 2 big SUV's that he doesn't want to drive....I don't blame him! So we're looking for something, but whatever happened to little inexpensive cars? I'm with you on the Spring season...it's my favorite. I've been purging lots of things and feel so much better getting that junk outta my house. Plus, just being able to get outside makes me want to run/walk more. Of course, it's been beautiful here and now we're supposed to get 3 inches of snow today:confused3....that's just not right.
Vicky...I thought Twilight was pretty good, but I think I liked it because I've read the books. We had a "Girlfriend's Night" with Twilight, wine and appetizers. My friend who had not read the books kept asking, "Is he gonna eat her now?" I had to watch it again to get all that I missed the first time around.
Jeff...Maybe I'll take the boys to see the movie, they kinda like the show.
Looks like the scale moved a 1/2 lb this week, better than nothing.
Having a good Saturday Meaners????? Here it is overcast, threatening rain, but so far dry.

Tracey: Thanks for the kind words. I am glad I can motivate someone!!!!! I guess it's because you are not in the family!:rotfl2: I can't seem to motivate anyone in my family right now (or ever). I never feel like I have completed anything until you start to list them. You're right, we get ALOT done in a day! Yeah, you can think of me every morning, slugging out some miles before work (but don't try to picture it! It's actually an ugly sight!) I tend to re-use my running clothes day to day in the morning since no one can see or smell me! Saves laundry time, but boy it's ugly (and smelly!).

Wendy: Welcome back! Don't worry about being here every day ..... we just seeing (or reading) what's going on with you! I am so sorry to here about the accident. I am truly happy that the girls are ok though......what a blessing! No matter what car shopping brings you, you are doing it with your children! Even when you replace it with a 'clunker', you can do it with a smile on your face! What a great uplifting thought for the day. I will say a little prayer for you with the car shopping too!

I am feeling the need for Spring too! We need to purge alot more than the junk in our house......I am trying to purge all the negative thoughts I have about myself! Those thoughts don't do me any good......I am in a good place right now, and I have to recognize that and be grateful. You too, Wendy! Don't stress about the scale....it's not in the numbers! We are empowered, strong women, and it's a good place to be regardless of what we think about our weight!

Okay Meaners, it's time to take stock in the good around us. We are all on different paths, but we all have the same goal. We want to be healthy, happy, and productive. It's a good goal, just keep going forward!

AFM: I got to the gym this morning for Pump class, since I missed it Thursday. I am glad I did! I got on the TM later for 3. So it got done!!!!

Aloha Team.

Wendy: OUCH! for the car, but glad the girls are okay.

Nothing much to report here. Chiropractor in the morning, and relaxed most of the day. 12 miles on tap tomorrow.

Beth & Deb, DON'T LOOK!!!

Princess #2 asked to have pancakes for breakfast. This is what I like to do.


You guys are very kind. Yes, I felt very blessed that the girls weren't hurt -- and equally blessed that the other driver and his passenger weren't either. A car is just a thing -- and replacing it just an inconvenience. That's nothing (in the greater scheme of things). It could have been a lot worse. Maybe that is the real gift of this accident for all those young drivers (my girls and the teens in the other car): they got to see firsthand what can happen at 45MPH and they can imagine with much more clarity now what could happen at 60, or what could happen if they didn't wear their seat belts, etc. It's one thing for your parents or driving instructor to tell you; it's quite another to get a taste of it firsthand.

It's a lot like taking our health for granted. Instead of dreading that treadmill time, I try to remember what it was like when I wanted to walk and had injured my back and couldn't. Perspective is everything.
Sorry I've been away, but DOOD decided it was time for him to take a mental-health weekend. Lots of "us" time, which tends to interfere with my "me" time. But there are worse things that could happen.:upsidedow

Beth: Thanks for your perspective on Toronto. I'll pass along the good word and hopefully our schedules will settle down soon so we can make decisions. I mentioned the RnR 1/2 in Chicago, but I don't think DOOD is interested in halfs. Psst...I recycle the running clothes, too. Saved laudry=saved time.

But I decided last year that I am done letting others make me feel bad. I have to step out of my comfort zone to get things done.


I just love this. I need to follow it more.

Wendy: I'm so, so sorry to hear about the car accident. Thank goodness the girls are okay. It's been a rough spring for accidents here on the DIS, and my heart goes out to everyone. I must say that I'm impressed with the modeling you're giving the girls on compassion. It's not easy to put yourself in another's shoes during times like that, and you've given them a gift in this accident that will bear fruit over the years. :hug: I'm sorry to hear about the financial crunch, of course, and the trauma of the accident, but it seems like you've found a way to find the positive in things. You're very much a "count your blessings" person! :love:

I'm so glad you're feeling better about things, too. Turning a corner is a good thing. I've been worried about you with the pain you've been experiencing. I hope your post-Princess moment means that has lessened a bit.

And I have to thank you for two things--first, the self-efficacy comment. (Or should I thank your nutritionist?) And two, this quote:
It feels like Spring in my head -- a time for cleaning out the junk, renewing my resolve, and enjoying all that is beautiful around me.
I'm stealing it for the 'Ohana Monday Mixer, but I'll give you credit! :thumbsup2
And yes, perspective is everything. So thank you all for helping me keep my adjusted forward!

Tracey: I love that you wrote out what you did in a single day, just so you realized how much you do every single day. It's a great idea and one that has got to make you feel so good about yourself! I need to do that every once in a while, and to to the springtime purge, too! :yay: Music-wise, I've tended to be more of a punk/ska/new wave girl, with electronica and rap (w/ some hip hop) coming later in life. Strangely enough, I actively dislike the lyrics to Beyonce's "Single Ladies," but find it fun to run to. So I guess, to be a more positive person like you, Beth, and Wendy, I could say running expands my musical taste. :rolleyes1
Oh, and a big CONGRATS on your 1/2 pound! That's great news. :cheer2:

Aloha Jeff: Oh, I'll look at your tasty pancakes. I just won't touch. :rotfl2: Actually, pancakes aren't much of a trigger for me. French toast, that's another story. Besides, those pancakes are so darned cute! You're a great dad, have I ever told you that? Is your chiropractor visit a regular appointment--nothing new and painful, I hope?

Maria: I finally bought postcard stamps! :woohoo:

As for me: Like I said, DOOD took a mental-health day this weekend. He just couldn't get through another non-stop grading/class prep/writing weekend. (It's that point in the semester, where 7-day work weeks are daunting.) So we played hooky. The weather was supposed to be warm and sunny, but it was rainy and a bit chilly, so we did indoor things. We saw Monsters vs. Aliens as a matinee, because 1) I'm cheap and 2) I love seeing opening-weekend movies with good crowds and for that movie a matinee is a good crowd. And we browsed a bookstore--never far from those books, I guess.

And tonight we're having a Calypso Bean Pot over rice w/ Pumpkin Raisin bread for dessert. (He loves this dish.) We'll watch Kings tonight, a new favorite TV show, too. Then tomorrow, we'll both need to make up for the work we didn't do. It was well worth it.
Rain, rain go away...yep, it's pouring. This morning I did 2 mi on the TM and 40 min on the bike before church. I'm pleased to say it was my last day of teaching Sunday School (we teach in 4 quarters over the year), so I won't have to plan lessons for another year. I teach 1st - 3rd grade. I do enjoy it, but after 10 Sundays, I'm ready for a break.

DH and I just took ds and two friends to see "Monsters vs. Aliens". It was cute. Very Pixar. I held myself to a package of milk duds, which is good for me.

Any "Grey's" fans? I was blown away by Thursday's episode. It seemed to be a throwback to when it was good every week. I miss those days..:happytv: Oh, the "Family Guy" tonight is a spoof of Star Trek:TNG, if anyone is interested. I've already set the Tivo!

Debra -- the mental health weekend sounds fabulous! It's always good to have some special time with your significant other. DOOD is wise and lucky! :goodvibes

Wendy -- Oh my goodness! You have been through quite an ordeal, I am so thankful the girls are o.k.! :hug:

Jeff -- Love the Mickey pancakes. What an awesome Daddy you are! :thumbsup2

Beth -- You inspire and motivate me every day. Just reading about your exercise makes me feel the need to move. Thank you for being our CreativeBeth, we need you! :grouphug:

Tracey -- A half lb. is awesome. With your busy schedule, it amazes me you have time to think about being lean -- and you are doing it! :woohoo:

Vicky -- I'm starting to look into the PT. I'm not sure I'll do it, but I do want to investigate. What I'm doing isn't working the way I'd like it to, so I guess I'll have to step outside of my comfort zone. :tiptoe:

Shoutouts to all the Meaners, everyone plan a wonderful week, a new month is at hand!

Ok, now I have to get ready for the next week, everyone have an awesome evening!

Maria :upsidedow
:stitch: 'Ohana Monday Mixer :stitch:

Wendy posted this on the Lean Meaner thread and her words resonated with me, so I thought I'd pass it along as it serves as the inspiration for this week's mixer. :flower3:

It feels like Spring in my head-- a time for cleaning out the junk, renewing my resolve, and enjoying all that is beautiful around me. It's a renewed hope thing -- Do you feel that way, too?

So, WISHers, springtime is in the air as well as on the calendar. And even if your neighborhood isn't enjoying springlike weather quite yet, it's fun to plan for that day that's just around the corner. So this week's set of related prompts are...

What outdoor activity (or activities) do you most look forward to in the spring, and why? What is an annual spring tradition for you? How do you enjoy that first, perfect spring day?

Feel free to talk about prepping the bike for the season's first ride or the first run in shorts. But we're also interested in hearing about other activities: gardening, kite-flying, spring cleaning, picnics, roller blading, hiking, and so on.

So tell us your stories. The 'Ohana Monday Mixer starts here.
Happy Monday, all!:yay:
Beth...I see nothing wrong with re-using running clothes, especially if you're in your own home....and thinking about how much laundry we do, it seems very "green".;)
Jeff...cute pancakes! I looked up the Guri-Guri, yummy! We make "bag" ice cream, but it tends to be more Mid-Western and "custardy". I'm gonna have my boys try the Guri-Guri, but it calls for Strawberry Guava juice and I'm not sure that I've seen it around here, maybe pineapple juice would work just as well.:confused3
Wendy...my favorite principal (while I taught), always said, "Perception is reality" which goes hand in hand with "Perspective is everything". I try to remind my kids that while they're doing something that they don't like, to think about all the people who would love to be doing what they're doing. I said it long ago, but I read an article about a lady who was laying in bed and dying from cancer and she wished to be sitting on her dirty kitchen floor and changing a dirty diaper (the normal things in life). I try to focus on how thankful I am to be healthy and doing the "normal" things:lovestruc.
Deb....A mental health weekend sounds like exactly what you and DOOD needed. The pumpkin raisin bread sounds yummy.
Maria....I've taught Sunday School as well and even considered going back to teach VBS this summer and have decided not to. My own 4 boys and their friends are sometimes all I can handle, I think VBS will be a semi-vacation for me this summer;). I'm a Grey's fan and agree that it's been getting better. For a couple of weeks, it was so-so, but it's heating up....gotta love McDreamy and the grey in his hair and McSteamy, well he's just a bad boy;).

We had a crazy weekend. We went from 60 degrees to cold and rainy and then.....a couple inches of snow. They melted quickly, but WTH, it's supposed to be Spring. DS15 had his first track meet in the pouring down cold rain. Many of the teams bagged it and went home, but some kids stayed. DS ran his event and did very well, considering he was putzing around and didn't get to put his spikes on:confused3....I told him, "Lesson learned, you won't wait until the last minute to put your spikes on anymore." His 2 mile time was 10:29, we'll see what he does with spikes and no rain! As Deb took a mental health weekend, I apparently took a lazy weekend. Absolutely no exercise, unless you count the coupon cutting followed by crazy coupon shopping that I did yesterday. I'll be back on schedule today, but to be honest, it was nice to take 2 days off in a row.
Take care all.
Tracey: Funny, your ds's 2 mile time is my "fast" 1 mile time!!! Don't tell him that though, then he'll know how slow I am!!!!! :rotfl2:

Debra: Good for you, getting DOOD time in this weekend! I love weekends like that! Movies and books, my 2 FAVORITE things! We would get along just fine!

Maria: Thanks for the kind words.....I am glad to be a motivator to such a great group of Meaners! Just the thought, helps me along when I am tired!

AFM: I got caught in a really bad rain/hail storm yesterday. I was running along (actually a decent run) and noticed some people high tailing it out of the park. When I looked around the corner, what I saw wasn't good! It was pitch black sky, with alot of noise. Here it was hail the size of golf balls! I got hit on the head, and back, and then the skies opened up!!! I was only 1/4 mile from home, but I was going to be hurting till I got there! All the sudden there was a car beeping at me, and it was my dh to pick me up. He saved me some pain, but boy he was MAD! He didn't realize how the storm just sort of happened and I had NO warning what-so-ever! He was my knight in shining armour though, even though he was really mad! I have big red welts on my legs from getting hit with the hail! Lesson learned I guess. Turns out we had a tornado really close too! But........I got 7 miles in anyway! (was going to be 8, but that's the breaks, huh?)


Did you have something to do with the search drop down arrow/button in the DIS block above the threads? Sinister activity, you thought I wouldn't notice? :confused3 Now how am I supposed to search for your postings. Hmmmm?

Did'ja see our Guri-Guri Ice Cream we made at our scout meeting yesterday?
Hello Lean Meaners! :wave:

Vicky - How's your knee? :)

Beth - Yikes - that hailstorm sounds scary! :scared1: Glad you're ok.

Tracey - I'm with Beth, your DS's 2 mile time is my fast 1 mile time! :eek:

Wendy - Sorry about the car, but glad the girls are ok. :goodvibes

Maria - I have issues with PDE as well. :upsidedow I think that's why I don't mind running by myself at 5:00 AM. Also, I've never belonged to a gym due to my PDE issues. Have you decided if you're going to get a trainer?

Jeff - My DD is so jealous that you've seen the Hannah Montana movie already. BTW, I think it's awesome that you're a Girl Scout leader. :cool1:

Debra - How are your knees? It sounds like you and DOOD had a nice weekend. I'm so happy that you noticed my Stitch picture. I was psyched when I saw him at the finish line and was able to get a high-five from him. Is there a better way for a Team 'Ohana member to complete a first marathon? I think not. :stitch:

As for me, things are getting back to normal. I've been better about getting out running, but not at cross-training. I wish someone could add a few extra hours to the day, because there just don't seem to be enough to get everything in. The good news is that as far as running goes, I'm getting faster, which is exciting since it wasn't intentional. I think I can attribute it to not having to wear so many layers of clothing now that it's a little warmer, and also not having to dodge snowbanks and icy patches. Who knows, if I lived somewhere warm, I might be as speedy as Jeff (yeah, right - in my dreams :laughing:). Maybe I should move to Hawaii...

Tomorrow, DD goes for more x-rays of her wrist. The fracture was unstable and they want to keep an eye on it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes ok.
Julie: I hope that your dd's wrist is ok! Sending her PD :wizard: Glad to hear about getting faster.....send some speed my way, will ya?

Julie: I hope that your dd's wrist is ok! Sending her PD :wizard: Glad to hear about getting faster.....send some speed my way, will ya?


Thanks for the pixie dust, Beth!

My idea of fast is still very slow, but if I find some extra speed, I'll send it your way. :goodvibes
Beth...I'm so glad you're okay. Those storms this time of year do seem to come up out of nowhere! You must've been in pain from that hail hitting you. Thank God your DH showed up to save you, it could've been worse. Thanks for the reminder to me that it's always good to tell someone exactly where you're running.
Julie...:tinker: to your daughter! Glad to hear you're getting faster, especially when you weren't even trying. I started adding speed workouts because I read in RW that it could break a weight loss plateau. I just do short bursts (30 seconds) of speed and then build up to around 300m or (3/4's of a lap). If nothing else, I get to tell people I'm doing Fartleks (that's for you Deb) and they look at me strangely.:lmao:
Julie & Beth....his 2 mile is my 1 mile pace, too! His 1 mile is currently 4:40:scared:
Busy day for me getting out Easter decorations and Girls on the Run. Have a great day all!
Good morning Lean Meaners! How is everyone today???? It's Biggest Loser day! I don't know why I look forward to it every week, and then when I am watching, it drives me crazy! Anybody else watching????? I can't stand Kristen (purple girl) I keep yelling at the TV, "shut up Kristen!" Don't ya love it? Love/hate relationship!

Debra: Where are you? You didn't check in yesterday! Miss your posts when you haven't been here!

Jeff: Yeah, I guess the hail storm could have been scarey.....if I wasn't so worried about getting my miles it! :rotfl2: Every thing can be viewed differently I guess........we long distance runners/walkers are a different group, aren't we????? My husband was worried about my 'safety' and I was ticked off that I missed my last mile! :confused3

Julie: How did the appointment go? All good????

Maria: How's it going? How did the walk go the other day?????

AFM: Well, I feel like I am getting into a routine in the morning. I didn't lay in bed very long this morning, before getting up and slogging my 3 miles. I have to say though, it is hard to try to get more than 3 in the morning. I was going to attempt 4 this am, but when 3 was done, so was I!!!! Can't seem to go farther, and I really don't have the time most days.....I would have to get up 12 minutes earlier! :rotfl2:

Tonight would be Pump class, but the boys need to get to baseball practice. I will probably run during their practice to get something done, but I will miss pump! Oh well, can't get it done all the time, right?

Maria: I, too, enjoyed Monsters vs. Aliens. :thumbsup2 You should be very proud of yourself that you held to Milk Duds. (DOOD and I snuck food in.) Most of the families around us got the full-on popcorn, soda, hot dogs, etc. It seems like the family outing is really an event. I also enjoyed Family Guy, but for some reason I've never been able to get into Grey's Anatomy. And way to go with getting your workout in before church! It's good to have you back and on track (or on the road/TM). Do you have people you know who could give you the skinny on a good PT? (Oh, look, we're all encouraging you! Or nagging, depending on your p.o.v. :rotfl:)

Aloha Jeff: Coffee Can ice cream? Isn't that a Girl Scouts survival thing? :rotfl2: Seriously, though, isn't that a GS activity? I think I learned it at a camp outing (not GS, though). As for the search function...isn't that strange? You'll just have to track me the old-fashioned way, thread by thread. :rotfl2:

Tracey: What a crazy weather weekend you had! It was simply encouraging you to take a couple of days off. I'm super impressed that DS (and you) stuck it out, along with others, at the track meet. Does he have a goal for this season, some event he really wants to nail? Have fun with your day and let us know what's going on with Girls on the Run.

Beth: How very scary for you! :scared1: I'm so glad your DH came and got you and you didn't end up more hurt than you were. How are you feeling today? I'm sure DH was angry because he was worried--that's how I get. But there's nothing you could really do, unless you avoid all types of weather just in case it gets bad. But you're too tough for that! Just look at your plan for today--3 in the morning and then more running during DSs practice. :yay: Your boys must be so proud of you!

Julie: Thanks for asking about the knees. They're okay right now, but will probably be sore later today or Thursday--depending on the hills I decide to take. CONGRATULATIONS on getting speedier. I think you should give yourself more credit--I know you've been struggling with the XT, but you have been working steadily on the running. So you've put yourself in the place to be running faster once the conditions allowed you to up your speed. :woohoo: And I'm sending PD your way for DD's fracture in hopes that everything is okay.

Vicky: How's the running coming? You were having some problems with the intervals, if I recall, and some pain.

Jeanne: Have you settled into a schedule yet, or are you busy planning your next trip? :goodvibes

All other lean meaners: Do we need to send out a search and rescue team for you?! We miss you! :cheer2:

As for me: I had yet another near-bonk at the gym yesterday. I think it's related to hydration. I've been upping the intensity on my WOs and don't think I've been hydrating enough outside the gym. :confused3 I ended up taking a long nap yesterday--if you consider a nap to be from 5.30-7.30 p.m. :lmao: Then I woke up, famished, ate--okay, OVERate--and watched Heroes. It threw my whole sleep schedule off, too, so I got up late today. So I switched up the routines by doing Pilates this morning. I'll get out for a run later today, followed by some strength training. I'm hoping that all the increased intensity in the XT will pay off in the running long term, but I'm not feeling confident about today's run. My legs still had the post-WO "burn" last night... :scared1:
Hi Lean Meaners! I'm still here, just a little busy.

Wendy - Glad your girls are okay. :hug:

Tracey - Gotta love those friends that talk through movies :cutie: I want to read the book before I see the movie. I remember watching Harry Potter and it didn't make much sense to me until I read the book. Congrats on the 1/2 pound loss! Every little bit counts! Btw, your DS is speedy - 4:40 m/m ... wow!!

Jeff - Pancakes and ice cream - Yum :)

Beth - I'm glad you weren't hurt! Hooray for DH coming out to pick you up!

Julie - Congrats on the improvement in speed! It's a great feeling isn't it :) Sorry to hear about your DD's wrist, hope the x-rays go well tomorrow. The knee is definitely better (knock on wood)! I think it was just a really bad week for it last week. I woke up Saturday and felt great, no problems during my w/o yesterday either - so go figure! Thanks for asking :goodvibes

Maria - Did you decide on whether to get a PT?

Debra - Sorry I missed the 'Ohana mixer yesterday. It's lame but I love opening all the windows in the house as soon as it warms up. It feels so nice to get in that fresh air after winter!

On your shopping list, I reguarly eat tomatoes (cherry variety in my salad), salmon - does sushi count?, berries, chick peas, tofu and oatmeal. I haven't tried bison before - I saw it on a list of foods that DF's PT gave him. There was also ostrich on that list - we couldn't figure out where to buy that :laughing:

AFM - I went for a running/gait analysis on the weekend. It was being offered as part of a half marathon I'm doing in May. It was pretty interesting - they told me that I had a limping gait which means that my right leg is landing on the ground without my knee bending enough. So when I run, I use my calf muscles more which can cause me to tire out more quickly. Finally! I have an explanation for my slow running :laughing: I wish... now I have to work on fixing it.

Went to the gym last night for my training session and found something worse than burpees - Spiderman crawl. Ugh! It reminds me of mountain climbers but a lot lower to the floor. I also got a really nice compliment from one of the girls who usually works out on Monday too. She said she could see that I've really leaned out and that I look more toned! Yay! :cloud9: That put me in a great mood all night! I'm always envious of the way she can jump rope and still have a normal conversation with her trainer. I only wish I could go that quickly ... never mind talk at the same time :laughing:


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