Weather in Late Feb/Early March?


First voyage from Kingdom to Kingdom
Jul 12, 2001
We are headed back to VWL (fourth time since July) from February 22 - March 3rd 2002. Let the count down begin!

I read a chart indicating the weather is on average 50-73 for Feb. Are these temperatures accurate for this late in the month? I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on this based on personal experience. :)

The reason I ask is; we returned from a visit 12/13-12/17 and the same chart listed 50-73 for December. The temps were 81-85 for our entire stay! :D

Thansk in advance for the help!
Well with the crazy weather thats happend this year who knows. The thing is in the winter/spring time area expect wild swings in temp's. We went in mid march and the weather was great about 75 and sunny.

Joe in CT
This is our week to go also, 2/24-3/3. We have gone this week for many years since it's DS school vacation week. You name it, we've had it for weather. From COLD to 85 everyday. There is one year all the pictures are in warmup suits. Last years was 85+ everyday.

Best advice is to check as you get close and repack as necessary.:D :rolleyes: :D
Thanks for the info. In all likelihood we will wait until the last moment to pack (now we have an excuse ;)).

We will hope for the 85+.

Mitch, how are the crowds for that week? I hope bearable. It seems as though NH's February vacations are different from the surrounding NE states. I was wondering if this is a common week for other areas of the country as well.

SWA wasn't exactly giving away seats on the planes for that week either...
Hi Mickbee,

It is wonderful that NH is off a week. I heard the state made a deal with the ski resorts so NH residents can enjoy less packed slopes. Me, I'd rather deal with less crowds at WDW!!! :D :D

IMO crowds are very manageable. Nothing more then a half hour as I remember it once the previous weeks people go home!!:p As a frequent visitor and DVC member, we'd not do things we didn't feel like waiting for, knowing we would be back. If it was important to do something, we used fastpass. Last year we mostly just waited in the lines.

I'm sure weekends will follow the trend and be more crowded.

That is great to hear! During our trip in December the lines were almost non-existent. We are accustomed to visiting during July 4th so any lines are a relief.

We take the same attitude. If the lines are big, we keep walking. If we don't get to ride this trip we will be back soon enough. The DVC and AP combo cannot be beat. :D
Hi Fellow NH'ers,

We will also be there at that time again this year. Our experience has been good as far as crowds go, but hard to plan as far as the weather. Since we will be at VWL with a washer/dryer I will pack lightly with plans to wash whichever clothes we actually wear. I bet we'll meet in the pool since it takes very, very cold temps to keep NH kids out of the pool!

I was disappointed with SWA this time as I couldn't get any reasonable fares from MHT. We are flying out of PVD and had to reaarange our dates a bit :(

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