We Ditched The Kids! - UPDATE (7/22 - NYC trip)

Mmmm ... Boma! I love that place, but I am chuckling at your brussels sprouts mixed with rat poison analogy!

Looks like you had a very nice first day!
Oh man, you should really try it sometime! :rolleyes:
First he would have to act like an adult..... So trip without Adults are what we go on !!!! :rotfl2:
:welcome: Welcome Pat! You didn't need to run; we would have waited for you.

That has become my natural state lately so thanks for waiting.

What are TPS reports?

OK, but I’m bringing my red stapler with me, so just know… I’m armed.

Ahhh Office Space quotes I love it.

The big table was mostly full, and there was a side table for two. This girl sat by herself at the side table. I was one of the last ones to get my food and was busy preparing my plate. Someone invited the girl over to the big table, and she said, "No, that's ok, Mark will sit with me here."

Ding ding there's your sign.

I didn't hear her. Totally missed it. I don't know if I was zoned out staring at a plate of bacon, or what. But I had no idea she had said anything. And naturally, not wanting to be too forward or obvious, I piled my plate high with food and sat at the big table.


Doh ....

Thus was born Captain Oblivious.

Yes it was. :rotfl:

We walked through the doors and were immediately met with the Disney Smell. I’m not sure what it is, but all Disney resorts and buildings smell the same. We even noticed it in Aulani and Disneyland. It’s one of those little things that tells you you’re home.

Cleaning products.... :rotfl2: No I always take a huge breath when I walk in. Just because.

Julie declared zebra domes her new favorite thing ever, at least until she discovers the next one.

::yes:: YUM. But I actually like them better from down in Mara from the refrigerator case,, they just are better a wee bit colder.

MMMM I miss the Poly, You had a fantastic first day and catching the fireworks on the way back...:cloud9::cloud9:
I do, however, hate trying to herd 4 kids, a stroller, and several bags through the check-in and security lines. The prospect of walking through an airport accompanied by only my wife and minimal baggage was a brand-new concept. As we packed the car, it was hard not to shake the feeling that we were forgetting something. We usually have that feeling anyway, but I think it was magnified by not having to take nearly as much crap as is typical.
Isn't it a crazy feeling? After having travelled with Izzy several times, I had a trip for work (yes, the only one in 9 years on the job). It was 4 nights in Arizona and I was SO confused that packing was quick and easy and everything I needed fit into one carry-on bag. And so easy-breezy with everything at the airport. Definitely makes you feel like you've forgotten something.

The baby’s car seat.

Still in the car. We didn’t leave it at my parents’ house.

Man, we suck at this.
:headache: Oops. If we didn't have a separate carseat that we lend out to parents, I'd probably do the same thing.

Hey, even Arby’s tastes good when you’re not differentiating 6 different orders, silencing the whiny kid who would rather eat at McDonald’s, strapping the baby into a high chair too with a belt that doesn’t seem to stretch far enough to close securely, and racing to grab napkins to wipe up the spilled Pepsi.
::yes:: Well, I think Arby's tastes good anyway...but it's definitely at another level when you aren't multi-tasking through the meal.

I’ll never understand why everyone on a plane stands up as soon as the plane arrives at the gate. You’re sitting in row 21. You’re not going anywhere for a while.
I agree! It's like they've never been on a plane before. Sit, relax... :confused3

Just outside on the lawn, the torch-lighting ceremony had begun. So we stood and watched the fire-dancers for a bit. I love these little bits of magic. It’s what makes Disney, Disney. Sorry about the lousy photo—we didn’t have the good camera out of the bag yet.
Great timing to catch that on your arrival! (We had to work hard to fit it in back on our trip years ago).

We were in room 1039. It was one of the new DVC Polynesian studios, as the room discount had given us a better deal on that one vs. the standard rooms. I thought they looked great inside.
They look nice! Definitely hope to stay there someday!

The first was one that came highly recommended by many of our friends both here on the boards and at home—Boma: Flavors of Africa.
:thumbsup2 Yep, a winner with us too!

We were less than a 5-minute walk from the Transportation and Ticket Center, which made it very easy to move around the resort.
Great benefit to your location. That short walk is so nice.

Eventually, we arrived at the Animal Kingdom Lodge. That’s one of my favorite buildings ever. The theme there is second to none. It makes my jaw drop every time I walk into the lobby in Jambo House. And then when you see the place decked out for the holidays…
Me too. Love that lobby. Great resort.

Julie declared zebra domes her new favorite thing ever, at least until she discovers the next one.
:thumbsup2 Smart girl!

My wife had not had a hot meal in thirteen years. Our server was nice enough to take a photo to record this momentous occasion, complete with the absence of squirmy, screaming children begging to get out of the high chair.
:rotfl: What a special treat!

I have to say, if you can’t be in the park itself, watching the fireworks from the ferry proved to be a pretty spectacular location.
You really had spectacular timing on your arrival day! pixiedust:
It’s 106 miles to Baltimore, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it’s dark…and we’re wearing sunglasses.

I actually knew this one, but Jill beat me to it! :headache:

The baby’s car seat.

Still in the car. We didn’t leave it at my parents’ house.


The guy at the counter asked if she’d tried the new Diet Pepsi yet. It’s now aspartame-free. Julie said no, so he said he’d give her a sample in a tiny Dixie cup. She took a sip, and immediately made the Beverly face.

Hmmmm....I don't drink soda, and Fran is a Coke kinda gal, and Mtn Dew so she wouldn't be interested in Diet Pepsi. I would love to see her face with a Beverly kind of drink! :laughing:

we could see palm trees outside of our window.

Does that ever get old? I’ll answer that for you: no. No, it doesn’t.

I see them out my window of my bedroom every morning, and Bird of Paradise Trees. Come to think of it we see them out the window of all of our windows. I can tell you it doesn't get old.

I’ll never understand why everyone on a plane stands up as soon as the plane arrives at the gate. You’re sitting in row 21. You’re not going anywhere for a while. We took the time to put on our Disney Magic Bands®, so we could clearly label ourselves as Disney property for the next few days.

We sit in row 2 or 4 and still don't get up until most everyone is off the plane, but I suppose that is because we know the scooter is going to take at least 15 minutes to come up from below. And don't forget, besides being labeled as Disney property, they are also GPS tracking you the entire time you're in possession of those bands. Soon we'll all be getting ads for places we're in proximity to on our MDE apps.

This is going to be interesting when we finally break down and take her to Universal Studios. I should start applying for loans now.

Tell me about it! We already spent a fortune there on our last trip!

There we learned that you couldn’t just tap it and go, but had to hold it there at an awkward angle until the light-up spinny-thingy (technical term) turned green. It took a couple of tries to get the hang of it, but we were up to the challenge.

Did you ever get blue?

Our room was in the Moorea building.

So you were in the DVC building?

It was one of the new DVC Polynesian studios, as the room discount had given us a better deal on that one vs. the standard rooms. I thought they looked great inside.

Did you pay Disney OOP or did you rent points from a DVC owner?

Within a few minutes we were standing on the upper level of the Admiral Joe Fowler (using the ferry here was new to us, too) and enjoying this view as we floated towards the Magic Kingdom:


Maybe that Express Bus Pass is only offered in Canada.

I'm pretty sure it is.

We’ve never eaten here, because our children are not adventurous eaters.

Ok, fine. I’m not an adventurous eater.

Knew it!

I’d heard amazing raves about the soups here, but I found myself ignoring them once I read the labels. Curry? No thanks. Coconut? Nope. Squash?

Nope me neither. Maybe squash, but probably not. I'm picky about what kinds of squash I eat, and not a fan of butternut, which is usually what soups are made of.

My wife had not had a hot meal in thirteen years.

Oh come on. I know on your Hawaiian vacation you and your wife enjoyed a lovely steak dinner sans kids. Don't tell me they served you cold steak on that night!

Our server was nice enough to take a photo to record this momentous occasion, complete with the absence of squirmy, screaming children begging to get out of the high chair.

You two do look rather happy and carefree!

I’d say we were off to a darn good start. We even timed our return trip just right. We rode a bus back to the Magic Kingdom, hustled over to the ferry (the Admiral Joe Fowler once again), and climbed to the top deck just in time.


Even better, this particular evening was a Christmas Party evening, so we were pleasantly surprised at the end of the show when the fireworks went widescreen on us.

That's really cool! It looks great from the lagoon, I wonder how it looked from within the park, I don't think you would have had such a good view as you guys did.

I can say this, of course, from my extensive experience staying at high-end deluxe resorts all the time.

Well, you have stayed at Aulani, and I'm guessing you must have stayed at the Wilderness Lodge since it is your avatar. :confused3

we walked back to our room. Rope Drop waits for no one, after all.

This is very true. And if you don't get to bed early enough it completely slips past you.
Zebra domes, fireworks from the boat, and the beautiful Poly! It looks like the trip is off to a great start:boat:
Well, you should probably stop trying to read while you're swimming.

I only do that after eating a big meal.

Our first kid was easy. That's what suckered us into having more.

We were the opposite.
Our first was always up.
When we brought the second one home, we put her down after a feeding around 12pm and she slept 'til 8!
We actually thought she might've died.

I'm sorry, what was that? I missed everything after bacon.

mmmmm.... bacon....

Um...I'll have to get back to you.

standing by

Off to read the update.
We were a little rusty at this whole “traveling without the kids” thing.

Don't worry. Pretty sure it'll grow on you.

I’m one of the few people left in America who still actually enjoys air travel.

Actually... I do too.

Nope, it wasn’t the baby. We secured him in his car seat and drove to my parents’ house.

And you didn't leave him there?!?!? OMG! He's still in the car!!!!

It’s 106 miles to Baltimore, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it’s dark…and we’re wearing sunglasses.

You're on a mission from God.

Actually, it was 86 miles, the tank was 75% full, neither of us smokes, and there was bright sunlight. But we were wearing sunglasses.

Still counts. Close enough.

As soon as we left the development and hit the open road, I floored the gas pedal to leave the shackles of responsibility behind.

Shortly thereafter, I was pulled over to the side of a road speaking with a gentleman wearing a hat and wearing a revolver.

Julie and I couldn’t stop grinning at each other.

I just love that mental image.

The baby’s car seat.

Still in the car. We didn’t leave it at my parents’ house.

:headache D'oh!
Oh, well. Beats the alternative.

my mother drove out to meet us halfway at a gas station we’d passed on the way out of town.

That sure was nice of her!

grabbed our first gourmet meal of the trip at the Arby’s in the BWI food court.

You know what? I think it is a gourmet meal.
At least to me, any meal in an airport seems to taste better because it means you're going!

Hey, even Arby’s tastes good when you’re not differentiating 6 different orders, silencing the whiny kid who would rather eat at McDonald’s, strapping the baby into a high chair too with a belt that doesn’t seem to stretch far enough to close securely, and racing to grab napkins to wipe up the spilled Pepsi.

And that too.

Speaking of Pepsi, Julie ordered a Diet Pepsi with her meal. The guy at the counter asked if she’d tried the new Diet Pepsi yet. It’s now aspartame-free. Julie said no, so he said he’d give her a sample in a tiny Dixie cup. She took a sip, and immediately made the Beverly face. Then she ordered a regular Pepsi.

Not having the Pepsi feeling, huh?

So now we know that the (very thin) line separating diet sodas and Beverly is in fact aspartame. I was never one to tempt fate by drinking that diet crap anyway, though.

Ruby drinks that stuff, but me? Nope.
Hi-test please.

Julie and I are too cheap for that, so we checked in precisely 24 hours ahead of the flight time and still got stuck in the back of the B group. Oh, well. We got to sit together, and that’s all that mattered.

Reminds me...

A blond (my DSis is a blond, so I try to tell her as many of these as I can. She hates them.) gets on a plane bound for Boston and sits in first class. The flight attendant asks to see her boarding pass and tells her that she's in the wrong seat, she's supposed to be in coach. The blond refuses to move.
The flight attendant again tells her she's in the wrong seat, and again the blond refuses to move. The flight attendant tries to cajole, threaten, plead... nothing. So she tells the captain. The pilot nods sagely and goes over to the blond. He leans over and whispers something in her ear. The blond immediately gets up and rushes back into coach and her assigned seat. "Wow!" Says the flight attendant. "What did you say to get her to move?"
"Simple." Says the pilot. "I just told her that coach was going Boston, but 1st class was going to New York."

2 hours and a few chapters of a decent book later, we could see palm trees outside of our window.

Does that ever get old? I’ll answer that for you: no. No, it doesn’t.

No. It most definitely does not.
Especially in winter.

I’ll never understand why everyone on a plane stands up as soon as the plane arrives at the gate.

There is a reason.
I tend to sit for the entire flight. And now, as I've gotten older and my back's gotten worse, after the flight lands and the seatbelt sign goes off, I like to get up and stretch. I know I'm stuck, but I'm not in a rush. I just feel like standing.
Before, I'd just sit and laugh at all the standees, too.

and my daughter Sarah is the World’s Biggest Harry Potter Fan (as determined by a biased non-scientific family poll),

Sure. Seems reasonable.

I got this response:



This is going to be interesting when we finally break down and take her to Universal Studios. I should start applying for loans now.

And a line of credit.
Possibly sell your soul, too.

we skipped the baggage claim (that never gets old, either)

::yes:: But I do it for entirely different reasons.
I try (when traveling solo) to just have a carry-on.
When I use DME, I usually have to pick up my bag because they don't offer the bag pick up after 10pm. which is usually when I'd arrive.

Just ahead of us there was a massive crowd of people, easily 50 or so, walking slowly and blocking our path.

Try kicking the backs of their legs.

Thankfully, they stopped short of the ME lines to re-group, so we audibled to a jet sweep and broke into the open field, just like the Eagles when they—sorry, bad example. Just like a team with a functional running back and offensive line.


The ME desk gave us our first chance to use the Magic Bands at the “tapstiles” (®@pkondz).

You're welcome.

We had not paid for the Express Bus Pass, but somehow we lucked out and the bus pulled away within a couple minutes of boarding.

Uh, huh. We'll see how far that gets you.

We lucked out again: the Polynesian Resort was the first stop.


Julie and I got off the bus and immediately got le—uh, the greeter gave us leis and greeted us with a warm Aloha!

I know you were joking there, but I had no idea that happened at the Poly. Nice!

I’m not sure what it is, but all Disney resorts and buildings smell the same.

Eau de We-will-get-all-your-money

Who is that? She looks similar to this woman who always has a bunch of kids hanging around.

As you can see, Moorea is in the upper-right corner of the property. We would soon learn that our room was in the farthest corner of the farthest building from the main lobby.

That's known as "intimate".

So we stood and watched the fire-dancers for a bit. I love these little bits of magic. It’s what makes Disney, Disney.


We finally entered the Moorea building near the Men In Black exam chairs:

:laughing: Only problem is the carpet, so when you drag that little table over, it doesn't make the scrrreeeeech sound.

I loved the art on the wall next to the pull-down bed under the TV:


Me too!

And you can’t beat a tiki lamp.

Well, you can. But then you have to pay for it.

Art in the bathroom:

Please. I don't need to know what "art" you made in the bathroom.

It was at this point that we made a discovery: instead of being a liability, our location at the very end of the Moorea building was actually a blessing in disguise. We were less than a 5-minute walk from the Transportation and Ticket Center, which made it very easy to move around the resort.

Fringe benefit!

and enjoying this view as we floated towards the Magic Kingdom:


Wow. That's nice. Must remember that for next time.

I think it was at this point that I wrapped Julie in my arms and said something to the effect of, “I can’t believe we’re actually doing this.”


There, our bus luck immediately ran out as we sat and waited for about fifteen minutes. Maybe that Express Bus Pass is only offered in Canada.

It's available everywhere and is very easy to get.
But I'm not allowed to say how.

Eventually, we arrived at the Animal Kingdom Lodge. That’s one of my favorite buildings ever.

I put it at #3 on my list behind Aulani and WL.

The theme there is second to none.

See previous comment.

Is that carved wood????

You know what? Let’s just never leave.

Said everyone at Disney all the time.

We’ve never eaten here, because our children are not adventurous eaters.

We did. With our non-adventurous children.
I think I was the only one who didn't eat nothing but mac n cheese.

Ok, fine. I’m not an adventurous eater.

This should be interesting.

Might as well be brussels sprouts mixed with rat poison.

I would think the rat poison would improve it.

However, the server recommended a soup called mulligatawny,


Then I loaded up on meat and starches, like a proper Ugly American should.


Julie has a slightly broader palate.

Oh, sure. You won't mention her age, but you'll comment on her "broad palate".

I went for several helpings, since it’s a buffet and you have to make sure you get good value for your money.

Yep. Even if it makes you sick, you have to do it.

As far as the mulligatawney goes, I liked it ok. But it had some heat to it, and I couldn't taste any apples or sweetness at all.

Apples or sweetness surprises me. But it's supposed to have heat.

Julie declared zebra domes her new favorite thing ever,

zzzzeeeeeeeeebbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaa ddddddddddoooooooommmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeessssssssss.............


My wife had not had a hot meal in thirteen years.


Since the children are absent, allow me to fill in...
"Ew! You're holding hands! Ew! Stop it!"


I have to say, if you can’t be in the park itself, watching the fireworks from the ferry proved to be a pretty spectacular location.


Seeing the entire sky light up, reflected on the water, was a fantastic start to our mini-vacation.

I bet!

We went back to the Great Ceremonial House to wander the lobby and the shops, and just enjoy the fact that (pinch us!) we were actually staying at the Polynesian Village Resort.


I wasn’t sure I’d be happy with the new lobby since they’d removed the big waterfall garden, but now that I’ve seen it, I like the new one better. It’s more roomy and bright, and seems to fit a deluxe resort a little better.

Interesting. I only vaguely remember... wait... come to think of it...
We went straight from the monorail to... I think it was Kona? and back.
So I've never seen the lobby.

I guess along with these milestone birthdays come more frequent brain farts.

Get used to it.

Coming Up Next: Experimental Prototype Christmas Decorations.

Looking forward to it!
The baby’s car seat.

Still in the car. We didn’t leave it at my parents’ house.
DOH! Well, at least you noticed.

Speaking of Pepsi, Julie ordered a Diet Pepsi with her meal. The guy at the counter asked if she’d tried the new Diet Pepsi yet. It’s now aspartame-free. Julie said no, so he said he’d give her a sample in a tiny Dixie cup. She took a sip, and immediately made the Beverly face. Then she ordered a regular Pepsi.

I grabbed a few photos and texted them to Sarah to see if anything particularly caught her eye. I got this response:

We lucked out again: the Polynesian Resort was the first stop.

We finally entered the Moorea building near the Men In Black exam chairs:

Oh gosh they DO look like those chairs!

enjoying this view as we floated towards the Magic Kingdom:


I think it was at this point that I wrapped Julie in my arms and said something to the effect of, “I can’t believe we’re actually doing this.” We both agreed there that it felt like we were getting away with something. We’d never seen the castle’s icicle lights in person before, and they were breathtaking, even from a distance.

My wife had not had a hot meal in thirteen years. Our server was nice enough to take a photo to record this momentous occasion, complete with the absence of squirmy, screaming children begging to get out of the high chair.



I have to say, if you can’t be in the park itself, watching the fireworks from the ferry proved to be a pretty spectacular location.
Great timing!

Even better, this particular evening was a Christmas Party evening, so we were pleasantly surprised at the end of the show when the fireworks went widescreen on us.
As we packed the car, it was hard not to shake the feeling that we were forgetting something. We usually have that feeling anyway, but I think it was magnified by not having to take nearly as much crap as is typical.
Hey, you aren't blaming that on Drew are you? He's still a little guy you know........he can't help it! :sad2:

Speaking of Pepsi, Julie ordered a Diet Pepsi with her meal. The guy at the counter asked if she’d tried the new Diet Pepsi yet. It’s now aspartame-free. Julie said no, so he said he’d give her a sample in a tiny Dixie cup. She took a sip, and immediately made the Beverly face. Then she ordered a regular Pepsi.
Good to know.........well, if I ever drank soft drinks anymore. :duck:

I’d already receive the text that our room was ready and we could bypass the front desk, so we settled in with the other people who’d already booked a Walt Disney World vacation to watch a video telling us why we should book a Walt Disney World vacation.
Yeah, I always wondered why they were trying to tell me why Disney is so great and what you can do there............when I already came for those very reasons! And that passing the front desk really isn't a benefit.......how are you supposed to get your welcome packet and have all of those ready made souvies? Besides, if it is a new resort, wouldn't that resort map be a handy thing to get. Wish if they are going to stick with this process, they would maybe place your welcome packet in your room in case you need it??? :confused3

Just outside on the lawn, the torch-lighting ceremony had begun. So we stood and watched the fire-dancers for a bit. I love these little bits of magic. It’s what makes Disney, Disney. Sorry about the lousy photo—we didn’t have the good camera out of the bag yet.
Aww man, wish we had caught this when we were there! I guess we need to go back! ::yes::

We were in room 1039. It was one of the new DVC Polynesian studios, as the room discount had given us a better deal on that one vs. the standard rooms. I thought they looked great inside.
Hope you have a picture of the view from your room! We were in 3040, but you guys should have had a lagoon view???

Boma: Flavors of Africa is a buffet featuring African-inspired dishes (with plenty of American-ized offerings for your less adventurous dining companions). We’ve never eaten here, because our children are not adventurous eaters.

Ok, fine. I’m not an adventurous eater.
You're not kidding anyone! PB&J costs a whole lot less than a Boma buffet for 6............ :faint:

We availed ourselves of the desserts as well. Julie declared zebra domes her new favorite thing ever, at least until she discovers the next one.
They have a lot of really good desserts on the buffet at Boma. Zebra domes are pretty good but they are better the colder they are, and sometimes they sit out on the buffet a little too long.

I wasn’t sure I’d be happy with the new lobby since they’d removed the big waterfall garden, but now that I’ve seen it, I like the new one better. It’s more roomy and bright, and seems to fit a deluxe resort a little better.
I agree! :thumbsup2

First he would have to act like an adult..... So trip without Adults are what we go on !!!! :rotfl2:
Hey, I resemble that remark! :goofy:
First, a confession: I’m one of the few people left in America who still actually enjoys air travel. I know, the TSA and the airlines have done their very best to suck all the joy and fun out of it, but I remain fascinated by the ability to safely travel all over the country in a matter of a few hours at an altitude of 35,000 feet. I love getting the window seat and looking down on the earth below, a perspective that never grows old.
I do, however, hate trying to herd 4 kids, a stroller, and several bags through the check-in and security lines.
Strangely enough, I don't mind it either. I travel a fair bit for work and even with all the long-haul flights I do, there is a small part of me that enjoys it. However, that's when I am by myself. Travelling with the family, I cant stand it. I guess it's because I'm always on someone else's schedule then. Someone has to go to the bathroom, someone is hungry, someone is bored. When I'm by myself and I can just sit and read a book, I don't mind it.

So now we know that the (very thin) line separating diet sodas and Beverly is in fact aspartame. I was never one to tempt fate by drinking that diet crap anyway, though.
Me neither. Give me the sugar any day. I'll just take water over the diet stuff.

This is going to be interesting when we finally break down and take her to Universal Studios.
Just be warned, it ain't cheap! I took my DD, then 10, to the Wizarding World just after it opened. She was a huge fan of the books and movies then. I spent a small fortune on a Gyrffindor robe, wand, and scarf. Not long after she got over her obsession with Harry Potter and those things collect dust in her closet. Back in the fall, I noticed the scarf in a donation bag destined for goodwill. I quickly rescued it and proclaimed that I had spent too much money on that scarf to give it away and I would take it if no one else wanted it. So now I'm the "nerdy dad" who wears the Gryffindor scarf in the winter. But it does have the added bonus of embarrassing your teenager in front of her friends, so I guess it's karma?

I loved the art on the wall next to the pull-down bed under the TV:
Awesome artwork. I wonder if these prints are available to buy anywhere? Too bad if not. I expect they could make a few dollars off them.

It was at this point that we made a discovery: instead of being a liability, our location at the very end of the Moorea building was actually a blessing in disguise. We were less than a 5-minute walk from the Transportation and Ticket Center, which made it very easy to move around the resort.
I never would have thought of this, unless I was there myself, of course. Good thing to know, if I am ever lucky enough to stay at the Poly.

Eventually, we arrived at the Animal Kingdom Lodge. That’s one of my favorite buildings ever. The theme there is second to none. It makes my jaw drop every time I walk into the lobby in Jambo House.
I have never been to AKL. I seems incredible in all the pictures I've seen. And I have heard good things about the restaurants. I really need to try going there, even if only for a visit or meal.

But I figured it’s a buffet. I’d be able to find something. I’d heard amazing raves about the soups here, but I found myself ignoring them once I read the labels. Curry? No thanks. Coconut? Nope. Squash? Might as well be brussels sprouts mixed with rat poison. However, the server recommended a soup called mulligatawny, saying it was made from chicken and apples, was somewhat sweet and was terrific served over rice. Sounded good, so I gave that one a shot. Then I loaded up on meat and starches, like a proper Ugly American should.
Hmmm...rat poison. Yep, sounds about right. I'll take the meat and starches plate. Us proper ugly Canadians like meat and potatoes, too :P

My wife had not had a hot meal in thirteen years. Our server was nice enough to take a photo to record this momentous occasion, complete with the absence of squirmy, screaming children begging to get out of the high chair.
You both look very happy and content here. It must have been great to have a break. I'm sure we all love our kids, but sometimes, you just need to have some alone time.

I wasn’t sure I’d be happy with the new lobby since they’d removed the big waterfall garden, but now that I’ve seen it, I like the new one better. It’s more roomy and bright, and seems to fit a deluxe resort a little better.
The last (and only) time I was in the Poly, on the way to 'Ohana, it was during the lobby remodeling and it was completely walled off. So I didn't get to see the old or new lobby. Something else for the Disney "to do" list.
Nice start! I see a line from Blues Brothers?
I caught the car seat debacle as soon as you mentioned looking back over it. We have a lot of car seat maneuvering around these parts. With six grandkids, although the two oldest have finally grown out of theirs, now that they are 20 :rotfl2:Really 11 and almost 9, but tall kids. It seemed like every time they were almost old enough, they changed the standards.. Anyway, nice your mom could meet you half way.

What a great romantic start to your trip. Lights on the water, ice castle and fireworks from a boat.

Oh, and nice that Julie finally got a hot meal.

Great first day. One of those days when you question why you decided to procreate in the first place.

I was never one to tempt fate by drinking that diet crap anyway, though.

Amen brother. Although Pepsi would not be my cola of choice.

and immediately got le—uh, the greeter gave us leis and greeted us with a warm Aloha!

When I was at the Poly over marathon weekend, I didn't get le—uh'd when I checked in. Barely got an Aloha. Also 2 of the 3 park visits I was asked to participate in their advanced screening process. And I thought the statute of limitations expired on that skinny dipping incident.

We rode a bus back to the Magic Kingdom, hustled over to the ferry (the Admiral Joe Fowler once again), and climbed to the top deck just in time.

Even better, this particular evening was a Christmas Party evening, so we were pleasantly surprised at the end of the show when the fireworks went widescreen on us.

Purdy. Sometimes it is better to see the show from a global perspective.

I wasn’t sure I’d be happy with the new lobby since they’d removed the big waterfall garden, but now that I’ve seen it, I like the new one better. It’s more roomy and bright, and seems to fit a deluxe resort a little better.

I was upset when they announced the lobby changes. Not pick up a pitchfork and storm the ramparts upset but when I saw the final product, I liked it.
I remain fascinated by the ability to safely travel all over the country in a matter of a few hours at an altitude of 35,000 feet. I love getting the window seat and looking down on the earth below, a perspective that never grows old.
::yes:: I totally agree with this part.

I do, however, hate trying to herd 4 kids, a stroller, and several bags through the check-in and security lines. The prospect of walking through an airport accompanied by only my wife and minimal baggage was a brand-new concept.
And I can agree with this too. I don't mind flying so much if I'm not hauling kids. But if it is during crappy weather seasons (which is all of them in Indiana) or I'm going to have layovers, I tend to want to drive if it makes sense.

Actually, it was 86 miles, the tank was 75% full, neither of us smokes, and there was bright sunlight. But we were wearing sunglasses.
But was it a mission from God?

I looked in the rear-view mirror, catching a glimpse through the window just over the baby’s car seat of the city of Dover disappearing into the horizon
Better that than red and blue lights.

The baby’s car seat.

Still in the car. We didn’t leave it at my parents’ house.

Man, we suck at this.
:headache: :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

So now we know that the (very thin) line separating diet sodas and Beverly is in fact aspartame. I was never one to tempt fate by drinking that diet crap anyway, though.
Sugar and corn syrup for the win!

Does that ever get old? I’ll answer that for you: no. No, it doesn’t.
If it does, then you have problems...

I’ll never understand why everyone on a plane stands up as soon as the plane arrives at the gate. You’re sitting in row 21. You’re not going anywhere for a while.
Exactly! There's still time to read a couple more chapters!

I grabbed a few photos and texted them to Sarah to see if anything particularly caught her eye. I got this response:

This picture brings a couple of thoughts to mind...

1. This trip is going to be really, really expensive.

2. Wait a minute! You texted Sarah??? Did she get a smart phone at about the same time you finally got one????

This is going to be interesting when we finally break down and take her to Universal Studios. I should start applying for loans now.
That would imply that you'll ever have the money to repay them. I'd just start buying lottery tickets.

Thankfully, they stopped short of the ME lines to re-group, so we audibled to a jet sweep and broke into the open field, just like the Eagles when they—sorry, bad example. Just like a team with a functional running back and offensive line.
You mean before they traded LeSean McCoy?

Although, he's really trying to help make all you Eagles fans feel better about that move now.

As you can see, Moorea is in the upper-right corner of the property. We would soon learn that our room was in the farthest corner of the farthest building from the main lobby.
Of course it is.

Just outside on the lawn, the torch-lighting ceremony had begun. So we stood and watched the fire-dancers for a bit. I love these little bits of magic. It’s what makes Disney, Disney. Sorry about the lousy photo—we didn’t have the good camera out of the bag yet.
Yeah, sometimes you just have to take it in. No point missing half the show just so you can get a few pictures.

We finally entered the Moorea building near the Men In Black exam chairs:

I think it was at this point that I wrapped Julie in my arms and said something to the effect of, “I can’t believe we’re actually doing this.” We both agreed there that it felt like we were getting away with something. We’d never seen the castle’s icicle lights in person before, and they were breathtaking, even from a distance.
That's a pretty special moment, isn't it? I mean, it's special enough that you're getting some kids free time together, but the first time seeing the castle all lit up like that is an amazing experience and I know that had to really set it over the top.

Ok, fine. I’m not an adventurous eater.
I'm right there with you.

Might as well be brussels sprouts mixed with rat poison. However, the server recommended a soup called mulligatawny, saying it was made from chicken and apples, was somewhat sweet and was terrific served over rice. Sounded good, so I gave that one a shot.
Yeah, I can see the appeal of this one...

I loved the meats. And the tamarind bbq sauce. They were serving turkey since it was the holiday season, as well as chicken and grilled beef strip loin. I went for several helpings, since it’s a buffet and you have to make sure you get good value for your money
I think that's the true definition of "buffet." If you look it up I think it says something like "a meal where one must eat until they are on the verge of puking their guts out in order to maximize the value of their experience."

As far as the mulligatawney goes, I liked it ok. But it had some heat to it, and I couldn't taste any apples or sweetness at all.
Well, that's disappointing.

I’d say we were off to a darn good start. We even timed our return trip just right. We rode a bus back to the Magic Kingdom, hustled over to the ferry (the Admiral Joe Fowler once again), and climbed to the top deck just in time.
Cool! Lucky break! Do they happen to play the music on board, by any chance? I figure it is a long shot that it would happen, but it would be pretty awesome if they did.

Even better, this particular evening was a Christmas Party evening, so we were pleasantly surprised at the end of the show when the fireworks went widescreen on us.
Those are just amazing.

Eventually, we stopped trying to do mental arithmetic on the items that caught our eyes in the gift shop and resigned ourselves to a second mortgage.
Wait a minute. The Budget Committee was present and approved of this????? :faint:
I’ll never understand why everyone on a plane stands up as soon as the plane arrives at the gate. You’re sitting in row 21. You’re not going anywhere for a while.

That's a pet peeve of mine too. And what's worse, if you don't get up and join them in the aisles, then the people behind you will not hesitate to move forward and take your spot to disembark.

We took the time to put on our Disney Magic Bands®, so we could clearly label ourselves as Disney property for the next few days.

I have you now.

As you can see, Moorea is in the upper-right corner of the property. We would soon learn that our room was in the farthest corner of the farthest building from the main lobby.

You weren't staying at the Polynesian...you were actually staying at Contemporary - South.

And you can’t beat a tiki lamp.

You can, as long as you understand that you'll have to reimburse them at checkout.

Art in the bathroom

"What line did Shakespeare reject, following 'wherefore art thou Romeo?'"

We didn’t stay long in the room. We had a dinner reservation to keep. As I mentioned in the opening, 4 out of our 5 ADR’s were going to be new to us. The first was one that came highly recommended by many of our friends both here on the boards and at home—Boma: Flavors of Africa.

Ooo, ooo, I've heard this place is good.

It was at this point that we made a discovery: instead of being a liability, our location at the very end of the Moorea building was actually a blessing in disguise. We were less than a 5-minute walk from the Transportation and Ticket Center, which made it very easy to move around the resort.

I'm glad that worked out so well.

But I figured it’s a buffet. I’d be able to find something. I’d heard amazing raves about the soups here, but I found myself ignoring them once I read the labels. Curry? No thanks. Coconut? Nope. Squash? Might as well be brussels sprouts mixed with rat poison.

I love all of those things except the rat poison.

However, the server recommended a soup called mulligatawny, saying it was made from chicken and apples, was somewhat sweet and was terrific served over rice. Sounded good, so I gave that one a shot.

That's probably the one soup even I would've skipped!

Then I loaded up on meat and starches, like a proper Ugly American should.

Now you've found your sweet spot.

What the...? Where did you find the mac and cheese and mashed potatoes??? The kids buffet. Oh well. At least you found a good assortment of meats!

I loved the meats. And the tamarind bbq sauce. They were serving turkey since it was the holiday season, as well as chicken and grilled beef strip loin. I went for several helpings, since it’s a buffet and you have to make sure you get good value for your money.

Darn right.

As far as the mulligatawney goes, I liked it ok. But it had some heat to it, and I couldn't taste any apples or sweetness at all.

Yeah, you should've tried some others. I remember mentioning off-handedly (that sounds painful) to our server one time that I was disappointed that they didn't have their carrot-ginger soup on the buffet that particular evening. He went back into the kitchen and had the chef whip up a batch for me. Holy cow, I wasn't looking for them to make something special for me.

We availed ourselves of the desserts as well.

Why not, you'd literally traveled hundreds of miles.

All in all, Boma gets a hearty two thumbs-up from both the adventurous and the non-adventurous eater. There was enough variety that I think even our kids would do well here.

Glad to hear it! Yeah, I've thought that the non-adventurous could do just fine there. The question is if they'll eat enough to get their (or, your) money's worth.

I’d say we were off to a darn good start. We even timed our return trip just right. We rode a bus back to the Magic Kingdom, hustled over to the ferry (the Admiral Joe Fowler once again), and climbed to the top deck just in time.


Great fireworks pictures. Sounded like your first few hours on property turned out just great!
And what's worse, if you don't get up and join them in the aisles, then the people behind you will not hesitate to move forward and take your spot to disembark.

I never have that problem. I have absolutely zero remorse about stepping right in front of someone and invading their personal space if they're too rude to let out people in front of them.
What a wonderful beginning!!! Oh man, the feeling of not being a pack mule must be wonderful. My daughter is 18 so I'm getting close to that magical moment when MY stuff is the only stuff I need to keep track of! Julie looks sooooo happy to be enjoying a hot meal! Oh, and you don't look too bad yourself. How magical it must have been to see the fireworks from the ferry. Yep, I don't know what could have made your first evening better! Can't wait to read more. I love your writing style --- there's a bit of sarcasm and that's awesome!!!

We couldn't shake the feeling we were forgetting something! It was so weird not carrying all that crap through the airport.

I'm glad you're enjoying it!

Blues Brothers

The trip is off to a great start...thankfully it was only the babyseat and not the baby!

Boma is great...try breakfast there sometime! Love all the holiday decorations!

Jill in CO


We usually don't shell out for breakfast--so many choices...

I don't know if you could have planned your ferry trip better for that fireworks shot! Amazing!

I laughed out loud at "my wife hasn't had a hot meal 13 years". I can so relate.


That was one of my little movie quotes. It came from A Christmas Story. We quote it all the time when the kids are demanding stuff at the table.:rotfl:

Me too, of course I don't travel very often.

Maybe that's the key to keeping if from being too annoying.

I feel your pain. My DD6 managed to lose her boarding pass just after MCO security on our return a few weeks ago.:faint:

Oh man, that stinks. Don't worry, there will be an MCO security story later on...

I'm a Bears fan....I heard those teams do exist.

I'm sorry. Between your Bears and my Eagles, we could commiserate on a lot of angst and pain.

Great pictures.

As I was reading along, I thought "He said baby seat. Maybe they have two baby seats?" and then dun dun dun. What a nice grandparent to meet you guys halfway so that you didn't have to make the entire trip back to make the seat exchange.

I am with you on the Polynesian lobby. While I thought that I'd miss the old one, the new lobby is beautiful, bright and airy AND it has that special "Disney smell".

I just wrote an article about our dinner at Boma. When I booked our ADR, I was afraid that we would be limited to what we would really like but we too were pleasantly surprised. You and Julie look so sweet sitting there holding hands.

Man, you timing going back to the Poly was absolutely perfect. What a treat to see the fireworks from the ferry!
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Better than a shower and a hot cup of coffee…

Yippee ki-yay!!!

+1:thumbsup2 One of my favorite movies ever.

I do as well…
I just can’t afford it.

Someday you shall. Just get that back healed up so you can enjoy it.

That is the prize of not having to do the driving.

I love that part.

Excellent planning…
They weren’t able to barricade y’all in the house that way.



Detailes, detailes…
Hit it anyway.

Well, if you insist.

Thank God.

Not so sure about the content of your character, but thank God none the less.

Funny, Julie said the same thing.

Far better than Sugar Plums…

Any day of the week and twice on Sunday.

:lmao: Yes you do…
I do believe that y’all need to spend a whole lot more time practicing.

Good idea! I second the motion.

An epicureans delight…
Haven’t you now set an imposable standard for Disney dinning to compete with?

Well, we started low, so it could only get better.

And you without a camera at the ready…

I wasn't expecting a photo opportunity at Arby's.

Not I…
It’s no different than punching an elevator call button over and over.

I get the desire to stretch, but the overhead bins are so low that it makes it pointless.

Ohhhhh… is that the real purpose of those things?

All your possessions are belong to us!

And I’m certain that the staff were thrilled to see those bands of property strapped to your wrists as you were perusing through their wares.

I'm sure it wasn't the first time it happened.

You should…
For numerous things on the horizon, you should.


Good catch.
(Haven’t seen a lot of instances like that recently, have you?)

Heck, I'd settle for positive yardage or an actual first down.

And likely copyrighted…
You’ll be hearing from Disney’s lawyers in short order.

I'm sure they have bigger fish to fry.

I’m pretty sure that’s only available to residents of the greater Winnipeg metro area.

NOW you tell me.

That, however, is very cool indeed.


The goal is for you to book another one.


I'm still working on paying for the last one! Actually, that's not true. I'm working on saving up for the next one.

Wait, this isn’t Vegas!...

Thank goodness!

Oh good, I was starting to question my sense of direction.

Let us never confuse the two.

It’s a neurotoxin designed to affect your ability to keep track of spending and that leaves you susceptible to the powers of suggestion and the allure of bright shinny objects.

Very similar to the hypnotic and subliminal effects of Stacy TV.

I can never change the channel, either.

But the closest walk over to the TTC.
So you got that going for you.

You're onto me.

Beats the photo I can’t take, ‘cause I can’t get there.

Well, there's that.

Searching for the best of the best of the best…
with honors.


Nice digs. Good work on the deal too.
Ya’ done good, there.

Don't worry, it was still expensive.

Interested to see if this has changed any from our last visit there.



Yep, you called that one.

Ship, water, MK, gorgeous vista…

Dang I wish I was there now.

Me too. That really was a nice boat ride.

And you were.


See previous comment above

Yeah, I know, I know…
Now he tells me.

NOW you--oh, sorry, you beat me to the punch.

Not true…
You’ll devour any type of burger that gets within reach.
That’s adventure.

Well, I did have that one with Fritos on it.

To quote Ponzie…

Zebra Domes….

I think Julie liked them more than I did. But I've always been more into pastries.

Glad y’all enjoyed it.

We’ve been there twice.
Loved it the first time.
Wen’t back and: meh…
Don’t know what it was, just something seemed lacking from nearly everything.
I hope that’s changed (and I may need to go back)

That grilled strip loin was pretty awesome. I just parked myself at that station. I think buffets typically have some variance in quality--it's the nature of the beast.

How do the little piggies go?


You two don’t even look to be three-quarters exhausted or anything.

Someone should do a study on the root cause of that.

I don’t usually make understatements…

But when I do, it’s always in reference to Disney experiences.

I don't always travel without the kids, but when I do, I LOVE IT!!!!!!


I'm liking this ferry.

Better alert the EPA…

No! I'll deny everything!

See!!!! I told you!
That smell…
It’s… it’s a neurotoxin.. a plague…
save yourselves!!!!

We'd already lost that battle before we even arrived.

Should that be: Experimental Prototype Christmas Ornamentation Technology?

YES! That's perfect, you're hired!

Long time lurker. Really enjoy your storytelling style over the past few years. Our youngest is 18 and she is close to college this fall, so we will be going to WDW without the kids sooner than later. Our last trip without kids was March 1997. Wait, that's wrong as my wife was actually expecting at the time, so Aug 1996 would be when we were last on a vacation alone. Time flies. ⏱✈️

:welcome: Thanks for popping in to comment! Hope you'll stick around.

You're not kidding about time flying. Amazing how that happens.

"Free at last". Genie in Alladin.

Sure, why not! +1:thumbsup2


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