We. Are. CHUNKY! DISBoards Epic Girls Trip May 2019 THE END! Epilogue: Dream Cruise, Club 33 and a new TR!

We saw that the line for the bench photopass picture wasn't that long so we hopped on. While I was on line, Steve went to get more Sorcerer's cards and by the time he came back it was our turn. While waiting I was doing my best "capture the castle in my ears" shot :)
I love that shot!
I ate it with an iced coffee. Steve had a few bites but he is not really into the sweet breakfasts. I must admit that today's cat tail was not as good as I've had in the past which was flakier and just better IMO. Today's was not as flaky and had a softer texture. Still, it was good and satisfied my craving.
I do prefer the super flaky cat tails....
After one ride I felt like I needed a snack so we ended up with a Dole Whip Float which I mobile ordered.
Next up was something that I have been trying to get Steve into for a while...a haircut at Harmony Barber Shop! I've tried on previous trips to get him an appt but was always remembered too late and they are booked. You can always go on the day off and try to get one of the first walk in appts in the morning but we either forget until it's too late or aren't there early enough. So for this trip I remembered to call the minute I found out we extended our trip and was able to get him an appointment for today. So we headed back down main st until we reached:
Bill wants to do this next week! Who did you call?
So I guess Steve has completed his "first haircut at Harmony Barber Shop milestone!" He actually really liked his haircut and said this was something he could do on every trip. The price was about 20 bucks (excluding tip) for an adult haircut, which is cheaper than what he pays back home, and it's one less thing to worry about when he's about to go on a trip (which is why you've noticed him wearing hats on my last few TRs, too busy to get a haircut!)
We eventually were called and went inside where it's Friendship Day every day!
Love Crystal Palace. So many cute memories of the boys there when they were little.
My sister and I were going to Character Warehouse for the first time, and later who did we run into on the way to Disney Springs?
I did well at Character Warehouse last summer but it is very hit or miss.
Steve decided to relax at the pool and do a load or two of laundry which is conveniently located at the pool area. Su-Queen and I thought that today was a good time to check out the Character Warehouse since my sister wasn't' going to a park anyways. So we headed out and Uber-ed over to the one on Vineland which is closest to Disney.
nothing better than a husband who does laundry while you shop!
We perused the menu and ordered food to share. We got the famous ribs. They were not as salty this time and were actually really good!
They look delicious!
We parted ways and CS and I headed to Ever After too oogle over jewelry. I think we bought some cheap earrings.
After that we headed to the Marketplace co-op.
There, CS bought one of these dresses:
That snack dress looks fantastic on her!
Su-Queen and I thought that today was a good time to check out the Character Warehouse

Probably as good as any! Especially if she didnt plan to go to the parks.

I didn't take many pictures of the warehouse itself, but it's basically a stark outlet setting. There was a lot of stuff, mostly random, and lots of t-shirts.

That's pretty much what I found as well.

I wish I got this one too but they didn't have my size:

I had the same thing with a different shirt, but we went to both outlets that day and I found it in my size at the second store.

We dropped our stuff off and planned to head to Disney Springs. Steve decided to head over to DHS that night, think he was planning to ride some Toy Story Mania! He said he might meet us at the springs later.

This explains the missing Steve from Lesley's TR.

So CS and I went to the dock and waited on line then hopped on the next boat to springs. Then I got this text message from @Lesley Wake "Text your sister I see her from the boat!"

Now it's all coming together....

We arrived at Morimoto and asked if they could seat 4 of us instead of 2 and they said sure! Yay for impromptu Dismeet Dinners!


And for the table a roasted Peking duck feast!

Someday I would love to try this...I just wish I had people who would be interested.

I ordered some sushi as well but it was a lot of food as the duck was so big. So I had some sushi to take home to Steve.

Especially since it arrived so late in your meal, according to Lesley. She made it sound like you ordered Nigiri though with her slightly snarky comment about "how long can it take to make raw fish?" At least a roll takes a little more work.

After that we headed to the Marketplace co-op.
There, CS bought one of these dresses:

I've had to restrain myself with those dresses. Most of mine, I've only worn once and one of them I've still never worn. Maybe I'll get to wear it when you and Steve visit!
Rented. Final answer.
Sure you did Su-Lynn... sure you did.
I did!!
They probably did that on purpose.
"We need to move these autograph books. Leave the full price on one and mark the others down. People will think they're getting a deal. We'll clean up!"
Smart ploy
I love that shot!
Thank you!
I do prefer the super flaky cat tails....
OMG when they are flaky and warm...it's the best!
Bill wants to do this next week! Who did you call?
You can book it online!
https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/shops/magic-kingdom/harmony-barber-shop/Also they do take walk ins first thing in the morning if you happen to be there early. I think they will give you a time to come back when they have an opening.
Love Crystal Palace. So many cute memories of the boys there when they were little.
It's so fun! I love it and I plan to go again!
I did well at Character Warehouse last summer but it is very hit or miss.
True! I'd like to go another time and hope I'm lucky!
nothing better than a husband who does laundry while you shop!
I know, why doesn't he act like this at home? 😆
Must go to Disney for this to happen it seems.
They look delicious!
So yummy!
That snack dress looks fantastic on her!
Everyone agreed as well!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Side Note: we did notice that the lovebugs increased every day...I know that this is a spring thing in Florida and happens around May. When we were there 2 years ago in early May there were no lovebugs however they showed up later in May when we returned for Pandora previews. It really is a matter of how seasonably warm it gets so every year the season starts at a different time. I will be starting my cruise TR soon, and the first day of our cruise, when we arrived at Port, it was the worst I have ever seen, it was like an infestation. It was gross.

They were so disgusting this year. Yuck!!

REally behind and trying to just get caught up and read up everywhere, so a howdy do will have to do... ;) How fun you got to run into Leslie and crash their dinner!! Looks like you guys had a super great time!
Probably as good as any! Especially if she didnt plan to go to the parks.
Yup we realized it was the best day to go since we would be so busy on every other day!
I had the same thing with a different shirt, but we went to both outlets that day and I found it in my size at the second store.
Lucky! If we ever travel to Orlando and get a car I'm definitely going to both!
This explains the missing Steve from Lesley's TR.
LOL yup, no shopping for him, TSM calls!
Someday I would love to try this...I just wish I had people who would be interested.
Could definitely be an option for if we're every there at the same time again! (Possible October!)
Especially since it arrived so late in your meal, according to Lesley. She made it sound like you ordered Nigiri though with her slightly snarky comment about "how long can it take to make raw fish?" At least a roll takes a little more work.
I think there were so many people who ordered sushi and limited sushi chefs that it probably got backed up.
I've had to restrain myself with those dresses. Most of mine, I've only worn once and one of them I've still never worn. Maybe I'll get to wear it when you and Steve visit!
That trip was the first time I wore my small world dress. I wore it to California Grill. That's the only dress shoppe dress I have but I do really love that Up! dress!
They were so disgusting this year. Yuck!!
So gross!
REally behind and trying to just get caught up and read up everywhere, so a howdy do will have to do... ;) How fun you got to run into Leslie and crash their dinner!! Looks like you guys had a super great time!
Haha that's like me every time I'm on the DIS!
But enjoying reliving all the moments of Epic Trip!
Could definitely be an option for if we're every there at the same time again! (Possible October!)

We get there Saturday night, when do you leave?

I think there were so many people who ordered sushi and limited sushi chefs that it probably got backed up.

If you see my last update, we were there on St. Patty's Day (never again), but it was dead at Morimoto's. Our sushi came really quickly.

That trip was the first time I wore my small world dress. I wore it to California Grill. That's the only dress shoppe dress I have but I do really love that Up! dress!

I've worn my Tiki Mug dress more than any of them, but I've got a HM, Mary Poppins, Main Street, 2 Minnie dresses. Probably more, but I don't remember how many I have now!
The guys shirts had good selection. The women's stuff was hit or miss, but i did get this t shirt for myself:
That is pretty cute!
So CS and I went to the dock and waited on line then hopped on the next boat to springs. Then I got this text message from @Lesley Wake "Text your sister I see her from the boat!" I turned around and there was Lesley on the boat behind us! It also docked at POFQ. She didn't see that I was with my sister too, so I was wondering why she texted "I see your sister" but not me! Haha. I caught Lesley's attention from the other boat:
Yeah it was funny! My boat chased after yours on the way to DS!
If you guess the first one, you are CORRECT!! She likes it a lot more and the Mickey food items on the dress makes it really cute.
It’s funny how different dresses look! I didn’t like the snack food dress on me but I did end up getting the Disney around the world dress!
So I'm at home today because I fell and hurt my ankle...again! If you all remember in Jan 2017 I fractured my ankle 2 months before I was supposed to run the Princess 5k. Well, fortunately I was able to walk it, but unfortunately I fell in a similar fashion last Thursday, and I feel like it is fractured again. They are going to do another X-Ray in a week to make sure, it's hard to tell a stress fracture until a few days after so in the meantime I'm in a brace and a boot, but luckily I got away without having to wear a cast. :(
Hopefully this means I can do two updates today! Let's see...

Day 5 Part 1: The Letdown

Today was May the 1st, and it just so happens to be DHS's 30th anniversary! They were really touting all the events they were having that day including some celebrity motorcade parade, limited edition foods, and just lots of "extras"! I just so happened to have made all our FP for DHS that day, knowing it would be super crowded! Today was also the day we moved over to the Swan. So we had packed up everything and got it ready to take to Bell Services at POFQ for them to transfer it to the Swan. First up was breakfast though!

We went to Floatworks for our usual breakfast, Beignets and Shrimp n Grits. So usually both items are too much for Steve and I to share, so with Chunkysis in tow, I thought it would be the perfect amount of food. They were surprised when I brought only 3 beignets to the table. They said why didn't I get 6? But usually when I get 3 I literally have to force Steve to eat a whole one and I usually eat two and it's a lot. (They are quite dense and not hollow like they used to be.)


I thought that having one each would be perfect but somehow they got it in their heads that I would be getting 6. So then I offered to go up to get another order but by them it was too crowded and we didn't want to wait any longer. So much for trying to not be wasteful! Also realized it was one of those really rare times that CS and Steve actually agreed on something. Usually they are bickering with each other to no end. #Ishouldhavegonesolo :sad2:

CS eats her beignets with....yes you guessed, it JAM!


If you've read my Crazy Dis Asians trip report you will know that CS loves jam, like A LOT.
And honestly, I thought breakfast was quite filling, even if we only had one beignet each. I'm telling you that shrimp n grits plate is huge! (sorry not pictured but here's a previous one)


After we dropped our stuff with Bell Services, we hopped on the next bus to DHS and got there right at rope drop.

CS an I right before we left:


And arriving at DHS! There was a lot of signage and stuff so I thought we'd be in for a real treat.




There were limited park maps and they also had buttons to hand out to everyone.



So there were some limited edition merchandise like pins and stuff for sale but the lines were too long to get them. But as Lesley mentioned in her TR Zach was able to get them later in the day when the lines died down.

So many people were there for the motorcade and so were we! It was really crowded around all the boulevards so we kept walking and I found a spot to stand across from where Path of the Jedi usually plays. Steve was actually ahead of me and he was stuck in the crowds over by Indiana Jones but we both had good spots and neither one of us wanted to give it up so I told him to stay put. CS did not watch the parade and instead went to get character pics...of course!


So I got there maybe 20 mins before the parade and I just happened to be standing with a bunch of collage program kids and they were all really exited for the parade too. Anyways, to make a long story short, the parade was...a letdown. There was no music, or fanfare, or dancing, or special floats. I mean, it was basically just some CMs, a few characters and royal couples just being driven down. It was so boring! I kept thinking that what I was seeing was just the first part and there would be some big parade coming behind them, but literally that was the parade.
It was so bad, that even all the CP kids were like, "This sucks!" One of them even commented how you know a Disney parade is really bad when people start leaving in the middle of it, hahaha. Also the were lags in between all the groups so there wasn't a nice continuity. BORING.

If you care to watch the entire thing, here it is:

I guess I was just expecting so much more since they kept talking it up online. It looked like it was pulled together last minute or if they had a party and sent out invites and nobody showed up, LOL.

I guess CS got the right idea by getting character pictures instead. She said Edna mode had no line!






Fancy Nancy and Vampirina were new for her so those were her absolute must gets.

She was so busy getting character pictures that she didn't make it to our first FP which was for Star Tours, and then for SDD, we went separately because she didn't make it there when Steve and I wanted to ride. So she went on her own.

I love how the At-At left a footprint!




We did all make it on to RnRC though!


I tried to get the Sorcerer Hat dessert they had that day but it sold out very quickly! I even mobile ordered but it was gone. They had it at ABC Commissary and a lot of disappointed people left empty handed. I didn't really want any of the other desserts so I ended up not trying any of the limited food offerings. I did however get to meet an Instagram and DIsboard friend!


Once we had used up all our FPs we didn't bother to stay at DHS since it was crowded that day. I did stop for a few photopass pictures.



We did get this poster when we left DHS. A bit cumbersome to carry around if you weren't going back to your resort though.


Then we all caught a boat to the Swan and checked in.


We asked about our luggage and they said it wasn't here yet but it should be pretty soon. I wanted to change my shirt and ears so we waited around in the room until we got our luggage - think it was around an hour which was nice as we got to rest a bit.


So when we booked the room, it was a king room and I added a rollaway for CS. However we found that the sofa opens up to a bed so I requested them to remove the bed. When we got to our room though the bed was still there so I had to call to come and remove it. While I was on the phone, they asked if I was expecting a delivery. I was confused and said no, and I was about to hang up when my sister chimed in "Wait!" she said. She just told me to tell them to send it up, so I did.

So I was really surprised and so overcome when I got these beautiful bouquet addressed to me from Ariane (@ariane37), Kelly (@buzzrelly), Kari (@kastoney), and Jenny (@Jenny Sanders) - It was the sweetest gesture and I was so happy and it was a lovely sight to come back to each night. Thank you so much ladies!! :flower3:


Lesley also got a bouquet sent over to her at the YC!! :flower3:

So magical!! I am rarely surprised but this really surprised me! My Chunky family is the best.
And it wouldn't be the only time that week...lots and lots of magic in store!
Stay tuned for some Epcot eats, and the first of our Epic events... the HEA "After" Dessert Party!
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Ugh I hope you feel better, so sorry about your ankle!

Sounds like DHS really missed the mark with their anniversary celebrations!

Aww such pretty flowers, what a sweet gesture!
So I'm at home today because I fell and hurt my ankle...again! If you all remember in Jan 2017 I fractured my ankle 2 months before I was supposed to run the Princess 5k. Well, fortunately I was able to walk it, but unfortunately I fell in a similar fashion last Thursday, and I feel like it is fractured again. They are going to do another X-Ray in a week to make sure, it's hard to tell a stress fracture until a few days after so in the meantime I'm in a brace and a boot, but luckily I got away without having to wear a cast.
Oof! I hope it isn't broken! I saw your photos and was wondering what happened!
I thought that having one each would be perfect but somehow they got it in their heads that I would be getting 6. So then I offered to go up to get another order but by them it was too crowded and we didn't want to wait any longer. So much for trying to not be wasteful! Also realized it was one of those really rare times that CS and Steve actually agreed on something. Usually they are bickering with each other to no end. #Ishouldhavegonesolo :sad2:
Haha! Oh well - at least they agreed!
It was so bad, that even all the CP kids were like, "This sucks!" One of them even commented how you know a Disney parade is really bad when people start leaving in the middle of it, hahaha. Also the were lags in between all the groups so there wasn't a nice continuity. BORING.
Yup - and when CPs will complain out loud, also not a good sign!
I love how the At-At left a footprint!

That's cool! I haven't really looked at that queue that much!
We did get this poster when we left DHS. A bit cumbersome to carry around if you weren't going back to your resort though.

Yeah, mine got a bit wrinkled in my backpack at Typhoon Lagoon unfortunately.
While I was on the phone, they asked if I was expecting a delivery. I was confused and said no, and I was about to hang up when my sister chimed in "Wait!" she said. She just told me to tell them to send it up, so I did.

So I was really surprised and so overcome when I got these beautiful bouquet addressed to me from Ariane (@ariane37), Kelly (@buzzrelly), Kari (@kastoney), and Jenny (@Jenny Sanders) - It was the sweetest gesture and I was so happy and it was a lovely sight to come back to each night. Thank you so much ladies!! :flower3:
That's so funny Su-Queen had to chime in!
So I was really surprised and so overcome when I got these beautiful bouquet addressed to me from Ariane (@ariane37), Kelly (@buzzrelly), Kari (@kastoney), and Jenny (@Jenny Sanders) - It was the sweetest gesture and I was so happy and it was a lovely sight to come back to each night. Thank you so much ladies!! :flower3:
Why you're very welcome Su-Lynn! Thank you so much for planning the entire trip!!!!
What a bummer about the ankle:( At least you have the memories of your trip report to cheer you up. Hopefully, it heals soon.
So I'm at home today because I fell and hurt my ankle...again! If you all remember in Jan 2017 I fractured my ankle 2 months before I was supposed to run the Princess 5k. Well, fortunately I was able to walk it, but unfortunately I fell in a similar fashion last Thursday, and I feel like it is fractured again.
Oh, no! :(
I'm really sorry to hear that. How did you fall? Trip over something, or..?
Today was May the 1st, and it just so happens to be DHS's 30th anniversary!
Yes. Yes it was. :sad2:
They were really touting all the events they were having that day including some celebrity motorcade parade, limited edition foods, and just lots of "extras"!
They were? I only found out about it when I was on the bus ride there.
mmmm… want.
Usually they are bickering with each other to no end. #Ishouldhavegonesolo :sad2:
CS eats her beignets with....yes you guessed, it JAM!
::yes:: I'd do that. looks yummy.
If you've read my Crazy Dis Asians trip report you will know that CS loves jam, like A LOT.
And honestly, I thought breakfast was quite filling,
And did the others? Or were they still wanting another beignet?
After we dropped our stuff with Bell Services, we hopped on the next bus to DHS and got there right at rope drop.
Oh? Odd that I didn't see you.

There were limited park maps and they also had buttons to hand out to everyone.
Got one of those too. :)
I found a spot to stand across from where Path of the Jedi usually plays.
We turned right and headed straight to TOT and rode twice.
I think we had the better deal.
I just happened to be standing with a bunch of collage program kids
Image result for collage baby goats
A collage of kids. don't think they're programmed, though.
I mean, it was basically just some CMs, a few characters and royal couples just being driven down. It was so boring!
I heard about it. Not too sad we missed it.
One of them even commented how you know a Disney parade is really bad when people start leaving in the middle of it, hahaha.
But true! And sad.
If you care to watch the entire thing, here it is:
Darn. I'm at work. I can't see it. Dear oh dear. Such a shame.
I guess CS got the right idea by getting character pictures instead. She said Edna mode had no line!
::yes:: Another better deal.
Fancy Nancy and Vampirina were new for her
Don't know them.
I love how the At-At left a footprint!
That's cool! Never saw that before. :)
:laughing: Love the sticking the tongue out.
I tried to get the Sorcerer Hat dessert they had that day but it sold out very quickly! I even mobile ordered but it was gone. They had it at ABC Commissary and a lot of disappointed people left empty handed.
Lousy parade... poor planning... Are you sure you were in Disney?
I did however get to meet an Instagram and DIsboard friend!
:) DISmeets are always great. :)
I wanted to change my shirt and ears
OMG! Your ears come off????? :faint:
So I was really surprised and so overcome when I got these beautiful bouquet addressed to me from Ariane (@ariane37), Kelly (@buzzrelly), Kari (@kastoney), and Jenny (@Jenny Sanders) - It was the sweetest gesture and I was so happy and it was a lovely sight to come back to each night. Thank you so much ladies!! :flower3:

Awwww... :)
Very nice of them.
So I'm at home today because I fell and hurt my ankle...again! I
Oh no!!! I hope you are doing better and it isn't fractured. Keeping lots of appendages crossed for ya!

Also realized it was one of those really rare times that CS and Steve actually agreed on something. Usually they are bickering with each other to no end. #Ishouldhavegonesolo :sad2:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I have a very strange desire to see the two of them going at it. I feel like that would be highly amusing.

And honestly, I thought breakfast was quite filling, even if we only had one beignet each. I'm telling you that shrimp n grits plate is huge! (sorry not pictured but here's a previous one)

That does look huge. And delicious!

There was no music, or fanfare, or dancing, or special floats. I mean, it was basically just some CMs, a few characters and royal couples just being driven down. It was so boring! I kept thinking that what I was seeing was just the first part and there would be some big parade coming behind them, but literally that was the parade.
Ok, now that is just ridiculous. How does one even classify that as a parade? I'm pretty sure just watching traffic drive by my house may be more entertaining.

I guess I was just expecting so much more since they kept talking it up online. It looked like it was pulled together last minute or if they had a party and sent out invites and nobody showed up, LOL.
Ok I actually watched this thing and that is badder than bad. Clearly they put more effort into selling merchandise than to the guest experience. Poor MGM always the bridemaids cousin three times removed and never the bride :earboy2:

What are you and Steve doing???? Getting arrested?

So I was really surprised and so overcome when I got these beautiful bouquet addressed to me from Ariane (@ariane37), Kelly (@buzzrelly), Kari (@kastoney), and Jenny (@Jenny Sanders) - It was the sweetest gesture and I was so happy and it was a lovely sight to come back to each night. Thank you so much ladies!! :flower3:
No, thank you!!!!! You have no idea how much that weekend did to rejuvenate me and you and Lesley took care of everything. We'll be forever indebted. And expect the same level of service next time :P
They were definitely in the wrong spot because I then spotted a whole stack of them and they were 1.99 each! So back out to Starbucks to text Ariane and then went back into the store and picked up a whole load of books!

That's a deal!! I'm not sure about making that trip unless you have a lot of extra time..Disney time is very valuable!! But I like the shirt you got!

When Lesley was with us, we made our way over to Morimoto Asia.

How awesome that you ran into each other and then got to eat together!

but unfortunately I fell in a similar fashion last Thursday, and I feel like it is fractured again. They are going to do another X-Ray in a week to make sure, it's hard to tell a stress fracture until a few days after so in the meantime I'm in a brace and a boot, but luckily I got away without having to wear a cast. :(

Oh no!!! I really hope it's not!!!
I'm so sorry about your ankle…again! That's awful! I hope you're on the mend quickly :hug:

Anyways, to make a long story short, the parade was...a letdown. There was no music, or fanfare, or dancing, or special floats. I mean, it was basically just some CMs, a few characters and royal couples just being driven down. It was so boring!

Boo. I remember you guys telling us about this but this really looks kind of blah, and very UN-Disney-like :sad2:

We did get this poster when we left DHS. A bit cumbersome to carry around if you weren't going back to your resort though.


I do like that poster ::yes::

So I was really surprised and so overcome when I got these beautiful bouquet addressed to me from Ariane (@ariane37), Kelly (@buzzrelly), Kari (@kastoney), and Jenny (@Jenny Sanders) - It was the sweetest gesture and I was so happy and it was a lovely sight to come back to each night. Thank you so much ladies!! :flower3:


:lovestruc Those are super pretty, glad you enjoyed them!
Sorry about your ankle!! Does that mean you are giving up on the August trip for SWGE previews??

That parade did look super lame. They could have at least pulled out the old floats for the parade they used to have! lol or SOMETHING

What a beautiful bouquet! What a thoughtful gesture!
So I'm at home today because I fell and hurt my ankle...again! If you all remember in Jan 2017 I fractured my ankle 2 months before I was supposed to run the Princess 5k. Well, fortunately I was able to walk it, but unfortunately I fell in a similar fashion last Thursday, and I feel like it is fractured again. They are going to do another X-Ray in a week to make sure, it's hard to tell a stress fracture until a few days after so in the meantime I'm in a brace and a boot, but luckily I got away without having to wear a cast. :(

So sorry to hear this!

the parade was...a letdown.

Yes, I read the sam on Lesley's report. How disappointing.

What a lovely bouquet! Very thoughtful!
Sorry about your ankle, heal quickly!

I wish I had a beignet for dessert right now, yum!

You were not alone with your less than stellar review of the HS Birthday celebration! I love your RnRc picture, you all look great! I would be screaming with my eyes closed!


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