Waitlisting just one or two days of your stay

Simba's Mom

<font color=green>everything went to "H*** in a ha
Aug 26, 1999
Suppose you want to stay at a particular resort for 6 nights. The problem is that 2 random nights in the middle of the stay are unavailable. Whenever this has happened to me, the CM recommends waitlisting the entire 6 stay so that I'm not "stuck" having the waitlist come through for one of the nights but not the other.
I was wondering if anyone has taken the nights that are available but then, no matter how much watching/stalking they did, ended up with one night that they were unable to get, so they had to move for one night? That's my biggest fear, so I always end up waitlisting for the entire period of the 6 days. What are some ways that people have dealt with having that one day unavailable?
We had a split stay and had to book swalphin for the one night between we couldn't book. Maybe do two three day waitlists, if one comes through perhaps you could get the other three at a separate resort and waitlist the original again. Worst case one room switch.
We have had it happen, but we had enough points to book a second resort for thr first part of the split stay so we were “covered”.

However, I have about a 99% success rate with one night waitlists…think only one of the many I have done did not flll…and that was a night in a GV at RIV.

I get why the CM suggests that, but for us, it’s been worth the gamble.
I ran into this issue w/a BWV reservation a while back (it's been quite a while; it was pre-COVID, but not sure what would be different about "now" as compared to "then")....anyway, I wound up booking the unavailable middle-of-the-stay date for cash (I was reserving a category that would be available for cash)....as it turned out, my WL came through so I didn't have to pay cash--but it guaranteed my room if the WL hadn't come through. MS told me I'd have to go down to the front desk to check out/check in, but they wouldn't make me change rooms. Anyway, that might be an option that might work for you? Good luck.

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