VWL Groupies & Lovers Thread (Special Collectors Edition 2.0) updated 14 June 2024

Hi Groupie friends,

I’m gazing out at what looks like 7 inches of snow, but, it’s the weekend, and we are expecting 60’s and possibly 70 on Tuesday and Wednesday!

I spent 11 glorious days in Sarasota at my sisters place in late January. I am by no means wishing my life away at all, but I do look forward to a time when we can be in warm, sunny Florida all winter. :goodvibes

I am asking for pixiedust: as some may remember, I’ve been looking to make a move and I have been interviewing a lot over the last year. I have not found the right fit. I had a second interview 2 weeks ago, and I am waiting for them to complete the round, hopefully will hear this week. Fingers crossed, I need a change!

Hope you all enjoy your Sunday!
Sending Pixie dust....
Hi Groupie friends,

I’m gazing out at what looks like 7 inches of snow, but, it’s the weekend, and we are expecting 60’s and possibly 70 on Tuesday and Wednesday!
I just saw today that out daylilies are sprouting! They are usually in full bloom over Independence day, so that means spring, if not summer will be here soon. :D
I am asking for pixiedust: as some may remember, I’ve been looking to make a move and I have been interviewing a lot over the last year. I have not found the right fit. I had a second interview 2 weeks ago, and I am waiting for them to complete the round, hopefully will hear this week. Fingers crossed, I need a change!

Hope you all enjoy your Sunday!

Good luck Corrine! (After you're done with that pixie dust, please recycle whatever remains my direction. I've had numerous phone interviews but it's not looking great.)
Hi Corinne! :flower3:
Pixie dust sprinkled with a little moose dust for good measure. Hoping all goes well!
Hi Groupie friends,

I’m gazing out at what looks like 7 inches of snow, but, it’s the weekend, and we are expecting 60’s and possibly 70 on Tuesday and Wednesday!

I spent 11 glorious days in Sarasota at my sisters place in late January. I am by no means wishing my life away at all, but I do look forward to a time when we can be in warm, sunny Florida all winter. :goodvibes

I am asking for pixiedust: as some may remember, I’ve been looking to make a move and I have been interviewing a lot over the last year. I have not found the right fit. I had a second interview 2 weeks ago, and I am waiting for them to complete the round, hopefully will hear this week. Fingers crossed, I need a change!

Hope you all enjoy your Sunday!
Good Luck - Hope you find something great!
Hi Groupie friends,

I’m gazing out at what looks like 7 inches of snow, but, it’s the weekend, and we are expecting 60’s and possibly 70 on Tuesday and Wednesday!

I spent 11 glorious days in Sarasota at my sisters place in late January. I am by no means wishing my life away at all, but I do look forward to a time when we can be in warm, sunny Florida all winter. :goodvibes

I am asking for pixiedust: as some may remember, I’ve been looking to make a move and I have been interviewing a lot over the last year. I have not found the right fit. I had a second interview 2 weeks ago, and I am waiting for them to complete the round, hopefully will hear this week. Fingers crossed, I need a change!

Hope you all enjoy your Sunday!

Good luck Corinne! pixiedust:
Has it been mentioned here that Geyser Point stopped serving breakfast a couple of weeks ago? I had read it somewhere last week but was very surprised. But someone who just returned confirmed it on the CCV thread. It's a lunch and dinner now.
I just saw today that out daylilies are sprouting! They are usually in full bloom over Independence day, so that means spring, if not summer will be here soon. :D

Good luck Corrine! (After you're done with that pixie dust, please recycle whatever remains my direction. I've had numerous phone interviews but it's not looking great.)

Thank you! I’m sharing all the pixiedust: Cindy! Hope something is on the horizon for you! It’s been about a year since I’ve decided to actively look, and I’ve been close a few times, but it just hasn’t been the right fit. I have been at my current organization for ten years, and it is a pretty good company, but it’s definitely time for me to move on.
Good Luck Corrine!!! I'm sure eventually the right opportunity will happen for you. It's tough when you have been somewhere for a long time. Keep us posted.
Thanks Lakegirl, it really is tough to make a change, and it’s been a process. Losing my brother in October made me realize without question it was time to move from a place where I am unhappy and unfulfilled.
Hello Groupies! I thought I would say hello since we booked another stay at VWL for January 2019. It was only meant as a placeholder as we are planning to try to get to stay at AKL at the 7 months mark. I just like to have the backup reservation. But now I am starting to think that VWL would be really lovely in January, too. AKL and WL are my two favourite resorts and I have not stayed at AKL since 2013, so I really want to return there. But my only stay at VWL was during construction, so it would be really nice to experience the new pool and such... Difficult decisions!! (And of course I know what the Groupies would say!)
Has it been mentioned here that Geyser Point stopped serving breakfast a couple of weeks ago? I had read it somewhere last week but was very surprised. But someone who just returned confirmed it on the CCV thread. It's a lunch and dinner now.
I can confirm that. We just returned from a short stay there on Wednesday and they have stopped serving breakfast at GPB&G
@Corinne & @twinklebug .... Sending some Moose Dust your way that your employment situations may change for the better as quickly as possible. I agree that if you have an opportunity to get work that is more pleasant or more fulfilling, then go for it! We spend too much time in our work life to be miserable there. Best wishes! :)

Hello Groupies! I thought I would say hello since we booked another stay at VWL for January 2019. It was only meant as a placeholder as we are planning to try to get to stay at AKL at the 7 months mark. I just like to have the backup reservation. But now I am starting to think that VWL would be really lovely in January, too. AKL and WL are my two favourite resorts and I have not stayed at AKL since 2013, so I really want to return there. But my only stay at VWL was during construction, so it would be really nice to experience the new pool and such... Difficult decisions!! (And of course I know what the Groupies would say!)

Flossy...I think either of your choices would be a good one. And you might want to even throw Copper Creek Villas into the mix too since you love WL. You really can't go wrong with your choices, and it may come down to availability anyway as January has a lot of activity at Disney World and seems to be increasingly difficult to book. Where ever you end up, I'm sure you'll have a wonderful stay! Good luck! :)
Flossy...I think either of your choices would be a good one. And you might want to even throw Copper Creek Villas into the mix too since you love WL. You really can't go wrong with your choices, and it may come down to availability anyway as January has a lot of activity at Disney World and seems to be increasingly difficult to book. Where ever you end up, I'm sure you'll have a wonderful stay! Good luck! :)

My husband is not a huge fan of the Copper Creek look (he thinks the rooms are bland and cheap looking, I actually like them), but I do like the fact that they don't have the fold down bed under the TV in the studios... Might be worth a consideration.

Yes, it seems that there is no real downtime anymore at DVC resorts anyway. Getting longer stays at your non-home-resort at the 7 months mark is getting more and more difficult. I am starting to notice a trend of people booking lots of long weekends. Ultimately, that is ok for me. Our longer stays are always planned well in advance and we love our two home resorts. But it does take away a little of the fun of DVC...
I wrote a report on one of the Cascade Cabins after we just recently stayed in one. I posted the report in another thread. you can read the report by clicking below and going down the page a little.

I will personally vouch for just how thorough and detailed the report is. Very nicely done with some good photos and a couple of excellent videos, as well. Thanks, [B]@RRB[/B] !!
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Great report on the CC!! I especially love the view of the lake and the seating area on the back porch near the fireplace. Could see me enjoying that in the AM with a hot cup o' Joe:-)

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