Visiting Every Potty and Trash Can in the World...First Trip Home to BLT, Dec 4-11th!

The last day is always the hardest! :sad1:

That wait for TT sounded brutal! I'm with you, I hate waiting for a ride longer than 20 minutes. And how rude of those guests throwing shells on the floor!? As former CMs I think we take it personally because we know how much work is put into putting on the show day in and day out. I'm glad the guys behind you spoke up to that family. (I would have avoided the confrontation too, so that's good those guys helped you out. :) )

What a sweet story about your grandfather! I'm so glad he got to meet Will. Thanks for sharing.

It sounds like a great trip. I'm excited to read your final recap. :thumbsup2
Enjoyed reading your report as I too was witness to the deep freeze of 2011 (Dec 4-13) and was at the MK that same chilly Monday night. We were at Beach Club and they closed the pool but we finally got in on Saturday. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for sharing your trip, it's been really nice to read :thumbsup2

Emma princess: x
thank you Emma!!!

The last day is always the hardest! :sad1:

That wait for TT sounded brutal! I'm with you, I hate waiting for a ride longer than 20 minutes. And how rude of those guests throwing shells on the floor!? As former CMs I think we take it personally because we know how much work is put into putting on the show day in and day out. I'm glad the guys behind you spoke up to that family. (I would have avoided the confrontation too, so that's good those guys helped you out. :) )

What a sweet story about your grandfather! I'm so glad he got to meet Will. Thanks for sharing.

It sounds like a great trip. I'm excited to read your final recap. :thumbsup2
yeah, we refuse to wait longer than 20 minutes usually, but we made an exception this time and boy was it a bad idea! thanks for reading along.

Enjoyed reading your report as I too was witness to the deep freeze of 2011 (Dec 4-13) and was at the MK that same chilly Monday night. We were at Beach Club and they closed the pool but we finally got in on Saturday. Thanks for sharing.
i know, crazy, wasn't it? I couldn't believe it. I heard they closed the pool and even closed Kali RR at AK too.
Okay, I've been a severe slacker, with the best intentions. I've had my final wrap up written for a while, but wanted to post all my shopping pics first and it's been insanely busy at work. I try and only post while at work, since i try and focus my time at home on playing with Will and catching up on housework. But work has been so busy, i haven't had time to play on the DIS. :rotfl: In fact today, i have already had 4 meetings and i have a 4 hour training I have to give this afternoon. So this is my quick break as I eat leftovers at my desk.

I finally got pics of some of our purchases from the trip! I do love to shop. Alan gets annoyed since he doesn't care for it and this trip, i think i will send him and Will off to go play or ride something while i spend more time in stores, that way they aren't waiting on me and i don't feel rushed. I really wanted to spend more time in mousegears this trip and i felt rushed.

so here are some of our fabulous purchases. Since I had just done a long weekend at disneyland with the girls in September, i didn't need a lot. We shopped til our heart's content since it was just the girls on that trip (in fact day one, we commented how we had not ridden a ride yet and it was like 3pm). LOL Anyhow- but of course I had to buy some Christmas gifts etc.

So here is what we got!

here is the adorable green bag that you could get with purchase- i think it was $11.95 and i forget the spending amount you had to spend.

this is the sweatshirt i bought- i really wanted a hoodie, but i am picky, i don't want anything overtly disney character like- i want something with WDW on it, preferably embroidered and just not screaming disney. i finally found this men's zip up fleece that i liked in a small. it has a cute WDW symbol on the back, but it is sort of built into the fabric where you can't see it unless close up- again, it doesn't scream disney, (i have plenty that do already). i really love it- a great purchase! it was pricey, i think $55. , but i saved 20%.

i had bought a black and white hidden mickey scarf at DL, but i also saw this one at WDW that i loved. i have worn it to work several times already. again, it isn't obvious it is 'disney' until you look closely.

I love baseball hats. I had this khaki one at home already, but it was on its last leg and pretty filthy. so i got a new one. I also found a DVC hat! yeah----i couldn't find much DVC merchandise at BLT- disappointing, at least nothing i really wanted- they had the window vinyl, which i got and is on my car now (DVC Member) and they had the rain jacket and some shot glasses and coffee mug, but no cute shirts. On our last day, i had Alan drive up the Boardwalk before we headed to the airport. He just park sort of up by Valet off to the side while i ran in by myself. I had heard the BW had a good selection of DVC stuff. I found the store and score- they had the pink shirt i wanted (fitted shirt) and the hat, plus duffel bags, backpacks and a lot more. I just got the hat and shirt. Plus they had all their 2010 stuff on sale, so i got Lindsey a photo album and frame and Will a t-shirt and also some pens. I will be going back here to check out their DVC stuff from now on.

this is the adorable sweat suit i got William in MK- at a cart near Buzz. I never saw this outfit anywhere else in the parks. I had bought him a navy/red one last year that i loved, it was embroidered with WDW, but it was a 2t and he quickly outgrew it. So i found this and bought it. It is a 3t, and he is already outgrown the jacket (too short on his arms). I now see they are selling it online at the disney store on sale too- but i think it is the disneyland version. I think it was like $35-$40 for the set. I just love the design on the back of the jacket.

It's funny, after the trip, someone asked what we got William and I had to think about it- we didn't really get him anything big this trip. We got the sweat suit and a few t-shirts, but not any big toys. Last year we got him the train set. He liked the monorail set, but we didn't get it, we might get it this year. The one toy we did get him was at AK, at Rafiki's planet watch, out by the petting zoo. It was so cold and so we let him pick out a pillow pal, it is really a blanket pal, it has a blanket inside. He picked the giraffe. it was pricey, like $34. But he was able to use the blanket the rest of the trip and really likes his giraffe, he named him zoobi giraffe (said something similar on the tag).

here are 2 of the shirts I got him. We got him a third shirt that says WDW on it, but i didn't get a pic. The black rocker mickey shirt i found at the local Walmart in Orlando when we stopped there for like $5! The other shirt is the 2010 one that was on clearance at the BW, under $10 i think.

here is the great casserole dish i got at World of Disney! This i think was like $20.

here are some of the ornaments- the 2010 were on clearance, some as low as $2.99!

a DIS lime green phone cover- i don't really use it, it is hard to fit my iphone in it with the cover i have on it currently.

and the ToT stuff i got for my cousin.

we also got a ton of other stuff. I bought myself the little prepackaged hat/t-shirt set- it is white and pink- love it! Very comfy, soft t-shirt and cute ball cap. I got a ton more ornaments too. Plus we got a ton of little things as gifts- pens, pins, small toys, candy etc. We had quite the haul, but not as bad as last year (when we had to take the train out of the box and try and fit different train pieces into our carry ons! lol).

It was a good shopping trip! :wizard::wizard:

so in this last post, i'll sprinkle in a few more pics- enjoy!
Here I sit, at my desk at work (yep, that’s when I tend to write my reports!), listening to LIVE365, mouseworld radio. They play the main street intro music each morning, so I listen to it everyday- I just love it- really gets me calm and thinking about walking down the street, taking in all the sights and sounds of a sunny new day at the MK. It has me really remembering all the great things we experienced this trip.

I love how each trip can be so unique and different, even when I have been to the parks so many times.

This trip was definitely different for us in a lot of ways:
· our first trip with my MIL
· first trip bringing along a niece
· first time staying as DVC
· first trip as AP holders
· first time using TIW

One of my favorite things is sharing the magic with someone that has never been to Disney. But it usually means that I really over do it, going way commando. I mean, WDW offers so much, and I want the first timers to see it all and really appreciate the magic. You can’t imagine how bummed I was when my best friend spent a day at the parks with me while we were in Orlando on business and she thought it was fun, but she was asking where all the thrill rides were (she is a roller coaster, thrill ride junkie, the taller, faster, the better). I was so bummed she didn’t completely ‘get it’.


Lindsey and my MIL definitely got it. Hopefully I didn’t run them too ragged. They were pretty ‘go with the flow’ and were totally on board with whatever I had planned. And they even started to really get it- at least Lindsey……we don’t typically wait more than 20 minutes for a ride, so if we saw something with a long wait, I would mention how we would FP it or come back later, no need to wait. Same for characters. Lindsey was so on board, we’d see a character and I would always offer to stop for her to get in line, but she started saying no, she didn’t want to wait that long. LOL. I trained her well!

So this trip was really special and different in that we got to share the magic with two first timers. Seeing it through their eyes was so much fun. Lindsey was in complete awe many times. And even though she is a quiet kid, I could tell how excited she was to see the amazing fireworks, enjoy a sweet treat from the bakery, or catch a kiss from Donald. My MIL was a real trooper too and huge help, but I knew she would be. I am really blessed with a great MIL- I am not one of those that dreads seeing the mother in law! She helped with Will when we asked, never tried to overstep, made sure she was helping with Lindsey and did a lot of laundry for us! She never spoke a cross word the whole time. She never complained. It was just so great! The only issue was getting ready in the am and getting out the door as quickly as I would have liked, but considering that was the only issue, I’ll take it!

So having said that, I’ll review our favorite things, what we regret missing, and our favorite meals and snacks!

So here are a few of my favorite things!
· Seeing Will hit the 40” mark and getting to ride Soarin, TT, BTMRR and Splash!
· Stepping into our room at BLT for the first time- AMAZING!
· Garden grocer- so convenient and easy, saved us a grocery store trip
· The new Pooh queue- so cute and fun!
· Slowing down a bit more and stopping to check out each trash can, courtesy of Will
· Seeing PUSH!!!!
· Seeing the Jammitors!
· Taking time to watch Streetmosphere at DHS
· The wonderful long 3 hour nap Will took on our AK morning, so we were able to ride the 3 big rides he couldn’t do (EE, Dino and Primeval Whirl) while he slept- perfect timing!
· Catching a glimpse of the AK parade (first time)
· Riding the train with Will
· Holiday WISHES
· Tableside view of Illuminations our first night
· Amazing character interaction at CP our first full day- seeing Will’s face light up when he ran to hug Pooh!
· Catching snow on Main St at MVMCP
· Catching snow and dancing to the lights at Osborne Lights
· DVC holiday event
· Seeing opening ceremony at MK our first day
· Enjoying time on the beach at the GF
· Resort Airline check in
· Getting Lindsey and MIL’s first timer button and Will’s birthday button

Things I regret missing
· Animation academy at DHS
· BBB- so sad Lindsey didn’t get to do it, but if it hurt her hair too much, it hurt, so we left
· Lion King show at AK
· No swimming (too cold)
· Our ADR at Chefs De France (with Remy from Ratatouille)
· Meeting up with my DIS mom friends at MVMCP
· RnR- was down the day we went and tried to ride- Lindsey was really excited to do it and we never got to

Issues or Challenges!
· MIL taking forever to get ready
· Arriving to park later than we like (not at RD)
· Monorail lines at CR- often got very long and frustrating
· Room wasn’t ready until like 4pm when we were dead tired
· ADR at Le Cellier for Candlelight (my mistake!)
· Stroller getting soaked in the rain
· The weather- FREEZING………which meant heavy jackets/coats, gloves, scarves, hats and not being able to show off all the cute shirts and outfits I had Will wear
· Crazy height measurement issue at BTMMR
· Early morning flight into Orlando- ended up being a bad idea, we were so tired
· Sharing a hotel room with others can be tough…..i.e. Lindsey having it on the Disney channel 24/7, so anytime we had a break in the room, Hannah Montana or something annoying was on! And in our bedroom, DH was always watching the stockmarket on financial news channels. I want to see the top ten! lol

Favorites Snacks or Meals
· Cupcake at Starring Rolls- heaven on a plate!
· Jalapeno cheese stuffed pretzel at AK
· Dole Whip
· Treats from Karamel Kuche
· Pina Colava!
· O’hana dessert and pot stickers (whole meals was good, service not so much!)
· Via Napoli- awesome meal!
· Chocolate mousse and ham/cheese croissant at French bakery
· Kaki Gori in Japan
· Earle of Sandwich

So those are a few of my favorite and not so favorite things……


Overall it was a great trip. I enjoyed spending time with my MIL and Lindsey and I know my MIL loved spending time with Will. Since she lives 2.5 hours away and everyone is so busy we don’t see her but once a quarter probably. So this trip was special for her. It was also great for Alan to get to spend time with his mom. We also really enjoyed watching the magic through Will’s eyes this time. I think each year we go will be so different as he experiences new things. He was able to walk a lot although we used the stroller the entire time everywhere we went. But the morning we spent in FL, we parked the stroller and he walked everywhere. He did great on the potty training too. I was so proud. He never tried to run off either. He very rarely got fussy, so I know our midday nap/break helped.

It was an amazing week but the time flies by so fast. After over a year of planning every little detail, it is over in an instant. And sure, not everything went as planned (weather!!), but we saw and did so much and made some really magical memories.

And so ends the trip, but not the magic. Now we are planning our next journey- October 2011- only 8 months away. I am very much looking forward to this trip- just the three of us! Be sure and check out my pre trip report here.


And lastly- THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing in my walk down memory lane. Even if I didn’t have readers, I would still do a report, I just enjoy it as a chance to relive the magic and document our trip. I type it all in word first and then copy/paste, so I have a saved document of our entire trip to keep forever. But you guys make it all the more fun to write- so thank you for reading and posting and sharing!!!!!!! Wishing you many many magical trips and happiness!

I'd love it if you came along for my next trip too- i have the PTR already started for our October trip. Join in the fun HERE!

I'm so sad your TR is done! I loved reading it! Although I feel like a slacker since we were there at the same time and you are already done and I am only on day 3 (and you have a full time job)!
Great trip report Michelle! I'm glad your favorite list is way longer than your challenge list!

I really enjoyed reading along and can't wait to read all the plans for your next trip!
Great Trip Report Michelle! I loved reading all your updates and seeing your pictures. It sounded like such a successful trip. I'm glad everyone had a great time! :yay:
I'm so sad your TR is done! I loved reading it! Although I feel like a slacker since we were there at the same time and you are already done and I am only on day 3 (and you have a full time job)!
ah, thank you so much! I am sad too, but excited to start another adventure with our next one! I am still reading along with yours!!! ;)

Great trip report Michelle! I'm glad your favorite list is way longer than your challenge list!

I really enjoyed reading along and can't wait to read all the plans for your next trip!
Thank you so much! Yes, good point, more positives than negatives, but that is usually the case with WDW!

Great Trip Report Michelle! I loved reading all your updates and seeing your pictures. It sounded like such a successful trip. I'm glad everyone had a great time! :yay:
thank you so much for reading along. ;)

Great trip report! Can't wait for the next one!!
Thank you!!! :wizard:
Another great TR, Michelle!!

I'm glad you had a great trip that your MIL and Lindsey were also able to enjoy. :thumbsup2 I was excited to take DH's mom & step-dad on our December trip because they hadn't been in so long, I knew it would almost be like the first time for them, but I don't think they enjoyed it much. I think it was a lot more walking and "commando" than they had thought it would be, and they just couldn't keep up. They missed out on a lot! It's good your family was more go-with-the-flow, because then it makes you feel better as the planner!

I look forward to your next TR!!
Another great TR, Michelle!!

I'm glad you had a great trip that your MIL and Lindsey were also able to enjoy. :thumbsup2 I was excited to take DH's mom & step-dad on our December trip because they hadn't been in so long, I knew it would almost be like the first time for them, but I don't think they enjoyed it much. I think it was a lot more walking and "commando" than they had thought it would be, and they just couldn't keep up. They missed out on a lot! It's good your family was more go-with-the-flow, because then it makes you feel better as the planner!

I look forward to your next TR!!
ah, thanks for reading along! luckily my MIL is in great shape and was able to keep up. But i know how it is travelling with someone that it is hard on too. It can really wipe you out, you don't realize just how much walking you truly do.


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