Use Year Explanation


Earning My Ears
Oct 30, 2020
Why is it called Use Year when they are talking about the month your DVC points reset?
It is the 12 months the points are valid to “use”. The only way to change the valid dates for use is to either bank them the the next year to use or borrow them into the previous year to use.

Points do not reset. You have them all when you buy. It’s just the UY determines when the 12 months start!
Yes, it is when you "use" the points for a stay. Some people still insist on trying to think of it as having something to do with the booking window, but it doesn't. It's a use year and not a booking year.

I don't have to "wait" till Oct 2023 to "get" my Oct 2023 UY pts - they are already loaded into my account. I can use banking or borrowing to move points up or back one UY, so the earliest I can use my 2023 Oct UY pts is for a stay on Oct 1, 2022 by borrowing the points forward. The earliest I can book an Oct 1, 2022 stay is 11 months out - so I can call or go online on Nov 1, 2021 to book a stay with Oct 2023 UY pts if I need them.

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Understanding Use Year - Updated February 10, 2021 | The DIS Disney Discussion Forums -
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Your points are good to be used for a year unless you bank or borrow. They start in the month of the UY. Like a fiscal year.

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