Unpopular Opinions

while we're talking photos, i dislike the pics which have been doctored to the point that it looks like the colors came from Ken Kesey's mental palette...there is something to say for trying to correct imperfections in your shot, but what the heck?! NO water is crayola electric blue...ever.

Oh, and I am not a fan of the self-aggrandizing posts which imply that, because they have cruised a bunch of times, they are THE authority on all DCL cruise questions....some even mention to be wary of posts from "lesser" cruisers. I mean, is it THAT important to you that we all kowtow to your vast pool of knowledge and experience?:worship::worship: Just post your answers, like everyone else...
of course, that is MY opinion and I'm sticking by it...........
I'll wait while you look for your matches::stir::firefight:scared1:
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Nassau. Don't understand all the hate. It is one of my favorite ports to pull into. It is so beautiful coming into port. I find no better or worse safety wise than any other port.


I agree. I never understood why people complain about Nassau. Perhaps Disney should market it as "Bahamas" rather than as "Nassau", so that people know that there are other things to do besides just walk around the town. If all you do is walk around the town, it's probably not too exciting. You're better off going on a snorkeling excursion, or doing any such activities that are available at other ports that people don't complain about. I was on a Carnival cruise in 2013 that had an excursion to Blue Lagoon Island, which was almost like a Castaway Cay type of place! Not sure if Disney has an excursion to go there, but I doubt people would complain about that excursion.
I agree. I never understood why people complain about Nassau. Perhaps Disney should market it as "Bahamas" rather than as "Nassau", so that people know that there are other things to do besides just walk around the town. If all you do is walk around the town, it's probably not too exciting. You're better off going on a snorkeling excursion, or doing any such activities that are available at other ports that people don't complain about. I was on a Carnival cruise in 2013 that had an excursion to Blue Lagoon Island, which was almost like a Castaway Cay type of place! Not sure if Disney has an excursion to go there, but I doubt people would complain about that excursion.

I think this has come up before (maybe in this thread), and if there was a "post your favorite positive thing about Nassau" thread I would totally read it. But I've never been there so there's no point in me being the one to start the thread. :)

(Instead the threads that get started are usually "Is Nassau really that bad?")
while we're talking photos, i dislike the pics which have been doctored to the point that it looks like the colors came from Ken Kesey's mental palette...there is something to say for trying to correct imperfections in your shot, but what the heck?! NO water is crayola electric blue...ever.

Oh, I i ma not a fan of the self-aggrandizing posts which imply that, because they have cruise a bunch of times, they are THE authority on all DCL cruise questions....some even mention to be wary of posts from "lesser" cruisers. I mean, is it THAT important to you that we all kowtow to your vast pool of knowledge and experience?:worship::worship: Just post your answers, like everyone else...
of course, that is MY opinion and I'm sticking by it...........
I'll wait while you look for your matches::stir::firefight:scared1:

I loved your post. I swear he has some sort of alert on me because as soon as I (and others on this board too!) post something he is there to shoot me down. Doesn't matter what it is. Another poster and I were happy that Fall 2016 will be released soon and he has to tell me how it isn't going to be different than any other year along with some other incoherent ramblings. I swear I need a decoder ring to figure out what half he stuff he posts is supposed to mean. I don't care if it is the same old thing. Just let me and that other person on that thread be happy that May is finally here.
For my family of 3, we have found Toy Story the Musical to be extremely BORING. People seem to love it, we tried it twice and walked out both times. We absolutely love all the other stage shows we have seen, but Toy Story needs to go away.
For my family of 3, we have found Toy Story the Musical to be extremely BORING. People seem to love it, we tried it twice and walked out both times. We absolutely love all the other stage shows we have seen, but Toy Story needs to go away.
I agree. We've seen it 3 times. No, we don't enjoy pain, but the first two times there were technical issues that delayed the performance and we decided to keep seeing it until they could run it all the way through. Thankfully the 3rd time was the charm. I will say the CAST of the first time we saw it was quite good, but the SHOW itself was not.
I agree about Toy Story, it's my least favorite show. Meanwhile, I love the Golden Mickeys, which I know lots of people skip. Looking forward to the new Tangled show on the Magic in the fall.
We are back on the Wonder in October and were hoping they would get rid of Toy Story and put on something like Tangled instead, but does not look like it is meant to be. Oh well, guess we will need to go shopping instead, find Pluto, walk out on Deck 4, play shuffle board...luckily there is always something fun to do besides sit in a boring show. I agree with you, The Golden Mickeys is my favorite show. I never get bored even after watching it so many times. Have fun seeing the new Tangled show, it looks pretty awesome!
I don't think the dcl transfers are a waste of money...i don't need a stop...and having the freedom of not seeing my luggage from the time i leave it at the door until the carousel when i get home is pretty darn awesome.
while we're talking photos, i dislike the pics which have been doctored to the point that it looks like the colors came from Ken Kesey's mental palette...there is something to say for trying to correct imperfections in your shot, but what the heck?! NO water is crayola electric blue...ever.

Oh, and I am not a fan of the self-aggrandizing posts which imply that, because they have cruised a bunch of times, they are THE authority on all DCL cruise questions....some even mention to be wary of posts from "lesser" cruisers. I mean, is it THAT important to you that we all kowtow to your vast pool of knowledge and experience?:worship::worship: Just post your answers, like everyone else...
of course, that is MY opinion and I'm sticking by it...........
I'll wait while you look for your matches::stir::firefight:scared1:
Yes, the "experts" are very annoying. There are one or two in particular that I have a very difficult time not making snarky comments to. Their opinion is the correct answer. What bothers me most is when their opinion is stated as fact. I'm sure they have misled some people.
Yes, the "experts" are very annoying. There are one or two in particular that I have a very difficult time not making snarky comments to. Their opinion is the correct answer. What bothers me most is when their opinion is stated as fact. I'm sure they have misled some people.
Sure hope it's not me :scared:
Yes, the "experts" are very annoying. There are one or two in particular that I have a very difficult time not making snarky comments to. Their opinion is the correct answer. What bothers me most is when their opinion is stated as fact. I'm sure they have misled some people.

Quite annoying and they seem to be on every thread trying to wow us with their superior knowledge.


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