Universal studios-at par-2nd day free


Earning My Ears
Jan 22, 2001
Does any one know anything about Universal studio having tickets at par. I also saw something about being able to go a second day for free.
Any info you have would be great including universals web site address.
We just returned from Orlando. We bought our tickets at CAA. They were something like $101.00CAD for adults. They are good for 3 days and never expire. Plus, they include 7 days of city walk! Great deal! I think the promotion expires in April, but I am not sure about that.
Ask at any travel agency for the same deal.

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I bought mine through Marlin Travel in Walmart. I paid $106.00 (per adult) for the 3 day park hopper. They never expire so this is a great deal! The promotion goes until May 31/01 and it took about 3 business days for the vouchers to come in, which I thought was great service.



off-site '86,'87
DXL July 00
DXL November 00 (no kids)
off-site March 01
DXL or All-Stars 200?


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