Typhoon Lagoon

Sue Cook

Earning My Ears
Jan 22, 2002
Our first time visit to Orlando is early March 2002. I have all the average temperatures etc for that time of year, but could someone tell me, will the weather generally be warm enough for swimming ie hotel pool or typhoon lagoon. And what sort of clothes do we need, will it get really cool/cold in the evenings? Please help a very naive first timer. Also, the choice of tickets is overwhelming, would it be better for us to buy them here before we go or get them there? We are a couple travelling with my daughter and six year old grandaughter.
Hi Sue! :wave:

I've been in March twice now (and am going again the March - I'll look out for you!!). Weather wise it was lovely, loads of time in the swimming pool and Typhoon Lagoon. It's generally pleasantly warm, though can be a bit chilly in the evenings so I tend to pack some jeans and a sweatshirt.

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Dear Sue, I have been to Orlando in March before and the weather was fantastic. They dont call it the Sunshine State for nothing! Hotel pools tend to be heated Nov-Mar. Typhoon Lagoon is also heated. Do buy your tickets before you go to save time queueing. There are special offers on with Seligo, you can book these through your travel agents. Also if you are buying many ticket types dont over-buy, tell the consultant which parks you plan to visit and see what they can come up with. Also ask for a discount!! I am a travel consultant and if you need any further info please contact me. I have also been a few times to Orlando. If you are a non-driverl like me it is simple to get about. Have a fab vacation. Traci Hurrell

We've just got back from a trip in mid feb and spent a day at Typhoon Lagoon. It was fantastic. It was virtually empty and there were no queues for anything, rides or food and it was great fun. The weather then was warm during day and cool at night so I expect it would have warmed up a bit more by now.

Have a lovely time!!!



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