TUT TUT...It Looks Like RAIN! A Nikki and Tom August Adventure! BABY PIC pg. 23!!! :)

I'm here!! So glad you started, but that probably mean I should get started considering I went the week before you...but as usual, I am having trouble beginning. I didn't take any notes... did you?:confused3 or did you start writing during your trip? I just have the time-stamps on my pictures to tell me where we were at any given time.

You must really have loved the adventurer's club to still pine for it so! :sad1: I wish I'd ever gotten to any of the clubs. By the time I knew anything about what Disney had past the parks and was a regular vacationer it was already shut down. It probably was there during our first family trips... 2000, 2005 and 2007, but we had little kids with us, and I don't even remember knowing anything about it. Now I know I missed something great :sad2:

Oh yeah... another thing I thought of when you were talking about the room being occupied. What if someone comes into YOUR room by accident and you don't even know about it... maybe it could be prevented if you make a door magnet like people do for DCL. It could say "Welcome to the Glinski's Vacation Home" or something like that. I have a graphic someone made for me from a Thanksgiving DIS board planning thread from a few years ago...it has a Lime green Mickey head turned into a Turkey and says Disboard Turkey's. I think Amber made it. Anyway, I put it in a magnetic plastic thing on my door. Maybe I'll do this for every trip. At least if someone is approaching your door..it says "occupied".

I did take a few notes every night when we got back to the room. Mostly I'm remembering from the pictures and stuff.

Yes I really really loved the Adventurer's Club.

Might not be a bad idea about making a magnet!

Wow, I can’t believe how early you were on the ME and to Caribbean Beach!

Walking into a room that was being occupied must have not been a pleasant surprise!

Ohmygod your cousin’s baby is SOOO CUTE.

I have never tried Raglan Road but I do now since your food looks so good!

Yes, if you get the chance to go to Raglan Road, you definitely should! It's so great!

I am so sad you didn't like Pecos burgers. I ate there last March and it was definitely the best burger I have ever had on disney property. You must've hit a bad day.
How fun to meet up with some family. I wondered who the baby was in the pictures I had seen on facebook.

Dinner looked delicious

Yeah it was weird, I know I've really liked those burgers before.

Your little cousin was adorable! She wanted those ears:banana: Great TR:goodvibes

She wanted those ears, bad! :lmao:

I wish I was your FB friend while you were there! I love to follow people as they are in the parks! Makes me feel like I am there!!

Too funny that the baby went right for you because of your ears! We all love sparkly things!

Wo-Hoo on the frozen beverage not causing pain!

Aww, too bad. Send me your FB link and you can follow along next time...whenever that may be!

I'm following along! Sounds great so far, can't wait to hear more! :goodvibes

p.s. i sent you a PM :)

Thanks for joining in!

I'm in... wouldn't miss this one!!! :goodvibes

Great!! Glad you're here!
I'm here! So sad we didn't get to talk the day I saw you! I can't wait to read your TR. I will be starting my own once we move into our house!
Haunted Mansion is a great choice for a first Disney ride! :cool1:

I've only been to Pecos Bill's a couple of times, I always forget about it for some reason! I really need to go either there or Casey's where you can get unlimited amounts of cheese sauce...I don't even need a burger or hot dog, just tons of fries and cheese sauce! :rotfl2:

Awww, that baby is too cute! I love how she wanted the sparkly ears!

Glad you got to have a frozen beverage and your throat was ok, I know how worried you were about that! :eek:
Oh my goodness, what an adorable baby!! Too cute how she had to have the sparkle!! Smart girl already!!

Bummer about the meh burger, great riding savvy!! Shhh, don't spread the fastpass ilove too much!! :lmao:

So sorry for your back pain! This will sound crazy, but I am an RN. I had sciatica so bad that I thought my nursing career was over. This was eons ago, I lived in CA at the time.

A friend of mine from Montana told me about Crocs. Everyone commented on 'the ugiest shoes they had ever seen', but within 2 weeks my sciatica and back pain were improving!! I have told others about my success and their back pain has improved also.

Ugly, but a lifesaver for many!! Has to be the genuine product and not a knock off however.
I'm here! So sad we didn't get to talk the day I saw you! I can't wait to read your TR. I will be starting my own once we move into our house!

I know! What a bummer! The Land pavilion is laid out in such a way that you can see someone and just have no way of getting to them quickly!

:wave: Joining in.

Yay! Welcome!

Hi Nikki! Enjoying hearing all the details to go with your FB pics!

Yes, all the pics will have story to go with them!

sadly I never experienced the Adventurers club

It was the best!

Haunted Mansion is a great choice for a first Disney ride! :cool1:

I've only been to Pecos Bill's a couple of times, I always forget about it for some reason! I really need to go either there or Casey's where you can get unlimited amounts of cheese sauce...I don't even need a burger or hot dog, just tons of fries and cheese sauce! :rotfl2:

Awww, that baby is too cute! I love how she wanted the sparkly ears!

Glad you got to have a frozen beverage and your throat was ok, I know how worried you were about that! :eek:

Yeah the cheese sauce makes it totally worth it! I love cheese!!

Yeah, how cute is that baby!?

I was definitely worried about the frozen drinks so it was such a relief!

Oh my goodness, what an adorable baby!! Too cute how she had to have the sparkle!! Smart girl already!!

Bummer about the meh burger, great riding savvy!! Shhh, don't spread the fastpass ilove too much!! :lmao:

So sorry for your back pain! This will sound crazy, but I am an RN. I had sciatica so bad that I thought my nursing career was over. This was eons ago, I lived in CA at the time.

A friend of mine from Montana told me about Crocs. Everyone commented on 'the ugiest shoes they had ever seen', but within 2 weeks my sciatica and back pain were improving!! I have told others about my success and their back pain has improved also.

Ugly, but a lifesaver for many!! Has to be the genuine product and not a knock off however.

It's weird, the pain is right in the arch of my lower back and as soon as I bend over or sit down, to bend the other way, it instantly feels better. Must be the way I stand. Thanks for the tip on the crocs.

I love all of your reports. Joining in.

Thanks! Welcome!!
Day 2 - Friday August 17

As predicted, I didn't really sleep well our first night. I should have. I hardly slept the night before and we were up to go to the airport at 4am but I just couldn't stop that racing heart that comes with anxiety! I slept a little - enough to not take my back-up xanax but I was up bright and early with no alarm.

I woke up Tom and Bri and told them I was going to get coffee and to get up and get ready.

I took some pics on the way to Old Port Royal.



When I got back to the room, everyone was up but groggy. We drank our coffee and I am NOT the type of person who likes to sit around so I was itching to go!

Finally, we were on our way to the bus stop to catch a ride to EPCOT!




On the way we passed Art of Animation


I had wanted to get over there at some point and check it out but that never happened, unfortunately.

We got to Epcot a little after opening and made our way to The Land to get FPs for Soarin'.

Once FPs were attained, we headed to Sunshine Seasons for some breakfast. I got a croissant. I can't help but think this picture looks like the croissant is making a rude gesture at me!


But it was delicious!

While we were sitting and eating, I couldn't help looking up and admiring how beautiful the Land Pavilion is. If you are friends with me on FB, I posted this picture and asked people to guess where I was.




After we ate, we rode Living With The Land. I don't know why but I just love this ride!

If you remember from my October TR, it was titles after the nine-pound lemons. Well they still had them but they were not nearly as large as they were then!!




Do you think anyone sees this without immediately bursting into song?

"Even the sturgeon and the ray, they get the urge and start to play!"


And then that song is stuck in your head for at least a few hours. Anyone? Just me? Oh well!

I don't even remember what this was...



When the ride was over, we left the land and headed towards The Seas. In the little body of water (what would you call it, lake? pond? It's clearly manmade) there was a little duckling swimming all by himself! I was worried for him at first because usually they are always with their mother. Well on the other end of the .....let's just say pond. There were three more ducklings and the mom. I guess that little guy decided to be adventurous!


I just love the ducks in Disney. What a life right? If I can choose to be reincarnated as anything when I die, it will be a duck in Epcot. And I would live on Duck Island in the middle of World Showcase lagoon. Seriously, it's a place. Tom and I named it a few years ago ;)
Day 2 - Friday August 17

So after watching the ducks for a while, we headed towards The Seas.


There was actually a bit of a line, which was surprising. And it's always so COLD in there!

*OH BY THE WAY! I had been reading on the Dis and Facebook that Disney had cut back with the AC and you couldn't really feel it walking past the open stores and on rides. Uhhhh....WRONG!! I know that I get cold very easily but the AC was on full blast just as it's always been. Good thing I carried a cardigan with me at all times. I used it often.

After the ride, we checked out some of the aquariums. The manatees, who I've always seen up and about, were both lying down on the bottom of the tank. It was boring but really cute because they were face to face!


Hidden Mickey!


After exploring the Seas for a good 20 minutes, we was high time we made our way to World Showcase!!

It was margarita time!!


After I got my margarita, we went into the Mexican pavilion. I was very surprised to see that there was a giant Aztec gold piece in the first room and the wood carvings were no longer there. The kidcot stuff was there now.


I thought maybe they did away with the wood carvings but I found the table downstairs in the marketplace.

I was thrilled when Bri wanted to try on a hat. Granted it wasn't the giant sombrero but she's a newb! Just glad she was into it!


On the way out of the pavilion, I noticed this saying from the River of Time, El Rio Del Tiempo, which was the original ride in the pavilion. I really really loved that ride and I'm usually very depressed about change but I do like the new ride too. I love when they pay homage to things that are no longer there though.


After Mexico, it was time for a ride on the Maelstrom!


Tom thinks this guy in the mural looks like Bob Ross so he wanted a picture with him!


The ride was fun, as usual and Tom and I had a disagreement about the last line of the ride. We meant to go on it again later in the trip to settle the bet but it never happened. So we'll have to wait until next time....

We actually sat down to watch the movie for the first time ever! It was.....okay. We didn't really miss anything. There was more drinking to do!

After the ride, I had to head back to Mexico to get another margarita - this time with a pomegranate liquor shot!


We stopped to have a seat for a minute in China and uh-oh...look what's coming!


Immediately after his picture, the winds picked and up people started running for cover! It was crazy!

Luckily, the stores in China are pretty big so we had a lot to explore. Well, we explored and explored and the rain just wasn't letting up!


Booo to rain!

Finally it stopped. We had planned on going all the way around and stopping in Canada for our lunch at Le Cellier but we were cutting it close on time so we double backed and got to Canada as quickly as we could.

Up Next: Le Cellier lunch! More World Showcase
I'm here, just a little late!

Okay, I can honestly say I've never been given a room that was occupied. That's just so bizarre. I would have been infuriated myself. But at least they fixed everything for you.

Having a third person around when you're not used to it must be weird to adapt to. But it looks like she's having a good time so far!
I'm here and caught up!! I am jealous of your margs, but so glad you were able to enjoy them with no problems! And I think it's really cool of you guys to take your niece on her first trip ever! I've taken a couple of my cousins on trips but I was taking them to look at colleges in SoCal and we just HAPPENED to be in Anaheim for a couple days ;)
YAY :cool1: Another Nikki and Tom trip report!!! I've been waiting for this since I knew you guys were in Disney! Seems like you're off to a great start.That's so weird about your first room, Imagine if there had actually been people in the room when you walked in Awkward. lol The first day at MK looked like fun, but your 2nd day looks amazing. I <3 Epcot and WS. The picture of Tom and the ominous clouds made me chuckle. I'm glad you were able to sleep OK the first night. I get sensory overload while in Disney so I totally understand your debacle. I miss EL Rio del Tiempo too, especially the grainy movie clips with the Mexican dancers and the narration. Can't wait for the next update. -Amanda
I'm here, just a little late!

Okay, I can honestly say I've never been given a room that was occupied. That's just so bizarre. I would have been infuriated myself. But at least they fixed everything for you.

Having a third person around when you're not used to it must be weird to adapt to. But it looks like she's having a good time so far!

It was really bizarre and I was about to be super pissed but they corrected it without too much of an inconvenience so it worked out well in the end.

I'm here and caught up!! I am jealous of your margs, but so glad you were able to enjoy them with no problems! And I think it's really cool of you guys to take your niece on her first trip ever! I've taken a couple of my cousins on trips but I was taking them to look at colleges in SoCal and we just HAPPENED to be in Anaheim for a couple days ;)

Haha! Yeah it was really great to see it through her eyes. She actually said it was so overwhelming the first few days that it wasn't until the last night that we were just sitting in the hub of DHS with Mulch Sweat and Shears playing, watching families dance with their kids, the sky slowly becoming darker and just looking up at the trees that it actually hit her she's in Disney World and it's freaking awesome!!

YAY :cool1: Another Nikki and Tom trip report!!! I've been waiting for this since I knew you guys were in Disney! Seems like you're off to a great start.That's so weird about your first room, Imagine if there had actually been people in the room when you walked in Awkward. lol The first day at MK looked like fun, but your 2nd day looks amazing. I <3 Epcot and WS. The picture of Tom and the ominous clouds made me chuckle. I'm glad you were able to sleep OK the first night. I get sensory overload while in Disney so I totally understand your debacle. I miss EL Rio del Tiempo too, especially the grainy movie clips with the Mexican dancers and the narration. Can't wait for the next update. -Amanda

So happy you're here! If you think day 2 looks fun, just you wait!!! Day 2 has barely begun and there were many more fun days in Epcot, especially.

Yes, I totally know exactly what you're talking about on El Rio del Tiempo! And those clips of the girls in the market that would follow you down the four screens trying to see you stuff. Loved that! And I especially loved the song "Hola mis amigos...." Luckily I have the audio of that ride so I can listen to it whenever I'm missing it. :)
oh no ,that sucks about the weather,I am excited to see your pics from Le Cellier though I'm going there for the first time very soon
haha, I have a picture of that storm coming too!!! We hid in Norway and rode Maelstrom while it passed.
Looks like it was a great morning in Epcot so far :goodvibes

I didn't manage to have a margerita in Epcot this trip :confused: - so it's on my 'to do list' for October!

Btw I tried to buy those silver Minnie ears while we were there, and they don't make them anymore! So I bought the black/red sequined ones instead :goodvibes

Looking forward to reading more,

Emma x

LOL! This picture cracks me up!
And those storm clouds are cool! My DH & I are always taking pictures of clouds and storms - it makes our DD crazy.

Your EPCOT morning reminded me of our EPCOT routine...we get Soarin' FPs...get in the standby line for Soarin'.....eat breakfast at Sunshine Seasons...run and grab FPs for Test Track and then use our Soarin' FPs...and so on and so on! :thumbsup2

Thanks for writing another trip report - they are always so much fun to read. And I am super excited 'cause we just booked a trip for F&WF this year! It was totally unexpected.....I've never planned a trip so close to the actual trip before!


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