Try Everything! A Hotel Extravaganza! Updated 07/04

4 weeks??? Holy crap, that sounds like a dream haha. I can't wait to read more!

:welcome: Thanks for joining in! It really was a crazy good trip! Thanks for reading!

I've not had a lot of laugh out loud moments when reading trip reports but your whole bit about the liquids your mum tried to take into the plane is so funny, it's exactly what my mum would do!

Cant wait to read more.

:welcome: Thanks for joining in! DM does always provide the LOLs! :rotfl: Usually not intentionally!:laughing: Thanks for reading! And commenting! :thumbsup2

Excellent TR. Love your writing style. I can tell this is going to be fun.

And, yeah, I would have had to make an early night of it after that long flight.

Your AKL room and Savannah view are awesome.

:welcome: Thanks for joining in! Thank you for your lovely comments! :blush:
That Savannah view though :love: So amazing! Thanks for reading!

Loving the trip report so far :)

:welcome: Thanks for joining!

I feel you are a fellow child of the 90s! ::yes:::rotfl:

They should have helped! I feel like normally they ask.

Right?! I think we just hit a rough day with CMs :sad2:

You have just had to deal with the most unhelpful people so far!

They did kinda suck at! BUT we did have so many more helpful and lovely CMs later in the trip :thumbsup2

Yuck I feel like CL rooms should be closer to the lounge too. I'd expect them to be or else what's the point of CL?

Me too! I think most other CLs at WDW the rooms are so much closer than at AKL so I think that is what I was expecting :confused3 That's what all the other things I read about WDW CL told me anyway!


Wow he's so close! We saw a giraffe first thing too, but we didn't have a lot of animal activity during the day on our savannah....I guess that's why they call it the sunset savannah :laughing:

:rotfl: Yeah that might have something to do with how they named that one!

Ooo I can help with this one! I recently ate a cheeseburger and fries at The Mara.


OMG! How did you do this?! :eek:


Now if you want to picture 2 of these you still have to let Figment inside you though :rotfl::figment:

::yes:: :rotfl:

Look at you and your posh airplane seats! Glad your Mom started feeling better, whew. That would have stressed me out!

They were nice seats! :thumbsup2

Honestly I was so stressed out that she wasn't even going to make the train journey nevermind the flight! :scared1:

I've always wanted to fly upper class to London, maybe someday... but the dollar to Pound exchange rate is totally not in our favor :crazy2:

I know that feeling! :crazy2:

I do think if I had to do a really long flight I would struggle now...we have been spoiled! :snooty: :laughing:

I can't believe the bell services CM's didn't even offer to help you guys with your luggage once you got off the ME!
How rude!

Yeah not the best first impression.


Love your AK room view though, but I also think they should make all CL rooms closer to the lounge. Silly that you had to walk 500 miles from the lounge to your room.

The view was amazing ::yes:: But man that walk got old :sad2:

Did I mention that I'm so happy you're back!!!:woohoo::hug:


Loving your TR so far :hyper:

Thank you! Don't worry I'm sure that feeling won't last! :lmao:

Oh and yes, you must have a "Queen of Gif's" t-shirt!
Yesss!!!!!! :banana:


What a nice view! So sorry it was so far away from the club lounge but seeing that cute little giraffe looking at you makes it worth it.

It was a great view! I loved AKL for those views, I probably wouldn't bother with CL but a savannah view is a must :thumbsup2 And that giraffe was adorable! :love:

I see what you are doing here, withholding information so that our curiosity becomes unbearable and we must go ourselves to see it!



...why yes! Oh gosh darn it you caught me! :laughing:

I also like this travel look, but sometimes I also spice it up with some green and some airsick bags to accessorize.


See that is where I have been going wrong! I'm such a fashion reject :sad2: :laughing:

That's so your snacks become calorie free!


Mind. Blown.


Because they were calorie free, of course!


That view is absolutely beautiful!! I looove AKL.

It is a beautiful resort :love:

Poor guy never had a chance. Rest in peace to all the abandoned Disney balloons out there.

Too many gone too soon. :sad2:

Hey I'm excited to have found your TR! I followed most of your PTR!! Love the view at AKL - how awesome to be able to see a giraffe right outside. I'm sorry that the trip started out with your mom not feeling great, I hope that was the end of that. Also, I want to hear what you have to say about the CR because I will be staying there in August.

:welcome: Thanks for joining in! And thanks for following along on my trainwreck of a PTR! :rotfl:

AKL is lovely and the view was pretty darn special! :love:

I personally love CR, some people don't enjoy the "theme" or I guess lack thereof, but I really enjoy staying there. Plus the major bonus has to be walking it Magic Kingdom! :thumbsup2....but hopefully you will stick around and see that part of the TR! Just plugging it...:lmao:

(just so you know @pkondz I haven't just ignored you, you will have your own post! :thumbsup2:laughing:)
Of course it is.
I'm trying to be polite.

Never done that before. It's very strange.

Yes...don't do that again. It doesn't suit you :laughing:

Actually.... I really did.
You haven't read that on my TR yet, but... pretty sure I mentioned that I lamented the fact that both you and Katie were missing... and I was missing you both.

I have read some of your TR....there is just alot of it! :faint:

And did you see?? @TheLittleKatie is back now too! :thumbsup2

Actually... it is. But... there was this look of disappointment in her eyes.

There usually is ::yes::

Not that often. Once or twice a day, tops.
Well, maybe three times.

More like 69...


You sound like... everyone who's ever met me.

This sounds accurate ::yes::

Of course you did. I quoted it and only the complete and total truth makes it into your TR.

Darn it!


Why is your hand red?

Okay. I will just say that I did have an answer here...but I'm not quite ready to get kicked off the DIS just yet :rolleyes1

You're such a tease, Lu!


Kind of like when you met me?
Oh, Lord! This is going to be that bad?!?!?!?

Oh no, I won't be that bad! :scared1:


Doing a great job, hon.


:laughing: If I did, you'd never know!

Wait... do you have a counter on that thing, or something?


<keeps reading>

I would know.


I don't remember.

Remember what?

What? Is he an alien?

He's...something alright...:rolleyes1 :laughing:


Notes scale of sadness between said events.

Hey I'm just being honest! :lmao:

What is wrong with you??????


I will still never remember that!

Yeah, but you do know that people sleep better in CR because all the diesel fumes from the monorail seeps into the resort, right?

I thought I slept well!

Sorry. PDB? Post... something Depression?

I say things weird. We know this by now right?? I meant to say PDD Post Disney Depression, but I said Post Disney Blues


Smart woman.


Just you.
Then again. I'm like, super old.

Or I'm just super weird...


Oooohhh.... secret hotels.


Congrats on the award!

Why thank you

Or lost pretty much all your readers.

What can I say? I live on the edge man!

Except for that one trip to Hawaii.....
But that's another TR. My first, actually!

I once got a not so pleasant comment about a travel day post, actually.

I haven't read that...but I will! (When I finish your current TR...) Who would be not so pleasant to P-Man??


There are 31 Manchesters in the US.

1.New Hampshire
5. Missouri
8.Marshall, Alabama
9.Walker, Alabama
13.Dearborn, Indiana
14.Montgomery, Indiana
23.North Carolina
24.Adams, Ohio
25.Summit, Ohio
27.South Dakota
28.Red River, Texas

You're welcome.

There are 1 Manchesters in the UK.

1. Manchester, Greater Manchester

You're welcome.


Appreciate you not going into great detail.

You're really, you're welcome :rotfl:

Terrible! Abysmal!!

I wish I could say that it won't happen again...but as I said before only the truth makes it into my TR...

How the heck does that happen!?!?!


You were wearing sunglasses, right?
That always works.

Always :cool1:

:lmao: I shouldn't laugh... but I am anyways.



(But maybe I laughed too...:rolleyes1)


Oh. My. God.... :rotfl:

And... another deodorant? How stinky is your mom???

Very stinky...we had to throw away all the deodorants!

Or two... or three... or...

...and two more when we went to Publix :rolleyes1

But if you'd have stayed in the lounge, the flight would've left long ago.

Okay you know way too much about my life.

I'm sorry... who?

It's Lu! That's who! :thumbsup2

Nah. Not buying it. I saw where you were really going...



Well, of course! People are always popping in when you're on a plane.

Only if they join a certain club...

Please. What kind of barbarian puts drinks on the dining table.

I know right?!


If it didn't pull out, you couldn't watch it?

Oh, right. Pulling out isn't very effective.




Okay, scary lady. Okay. :ssst:

Cute nails.

That will be the last you will see of them! They all came off in the shower :sad2:

You forgot to mention it.
Now we'll never know.

I did? Oh well ON BOARD BAR!!!!!!!

As was the drink?


Not bad! That's almost none at all!


Someone who's gonna use that foot stool/seat.


This also helps to explain all the liquids in her carry-on.

Not going to lie she is terrible at packing...or using a phone...or anything else really :rotfl:

Nah. You look cute. As always.


But seriously I do think you need new glasses.

That looks very bread-like.

It did in fact also taste bread like. Mind. Blown.

Okay. Just gotta say... those things are adorable. You should have stolen them.


I just said that!!!


Rain below them. Thank goodness you're leaving all that behind you!



Did she sit on that little foot stool/seat?

Yes, after DM went back to her seat

They'll let anyone in these days.

I know right?!


I hate that feeling.
Every. Time.


Or anywhere else outside the US. :sad2:


You're kidding.
Should've got her name and emailed Disney how 'wonderful' she was.

But that would have required that I remember something


That's what's supposed to happen.


Probably the latter.



Never mind that previous comment about leaving the rain behind.


Nice capture! That's almost unheard of!

I am very talented


Arnie! Dude!

Wait... that's not... the Arnie.... nah.

Not that Arnie

Actually... pretty good excuse. Jet lag. It's a wonderful thing.

Yes...that...was...totally...the reason


Odd. You'd think it would be so simple.

It seemed like such a good idea at the time...


You are not having much luck with Disney CMs.
But I'm sure it will be wonderful from now on! :)



Your fate was getting hit by a taxi?

Very, very nearly. ::yes::

Disregard previous well wishes with the CMs. Put it here instead.

You are not having much luck with Disney CMs.
But I'm sure it will be wonderful from now on! :)

I know her! She's awesome!!

I like letters. They are pretty!


So, you basically walked back to the UK.


OMG! She can dislocate her leg to turn off the alarm!!!!

She is also very talented

::yes:: Look at you? Sure!!!


Actually... that's a really nice room.

It was a nice room, kinda dark, but nice

Cool!!! That is a cool shrub!!

You can't beat a nice bush :thumbsup2

This I believe.

Having said that I did have some really cool views this trip ::yes::

Man, there are a lot of critters out there.

I got lucky! ;)

You didn't get zebra domes? You were right there?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Hmmm....see I told you I was a terrible TR writer. We actually did get Zebra domes...but I forgot about that and of course I didn't take a photo of them. Hey why don't you let Figment get inside you again and use your imagination?

Yes it does. Pass.

Oh. Err...maybe ignore my last post then!

Those look good. But the picture's never the same as reality.

So true.

Yep. Jet lag. It's a thing.

And a really good excuse :thumbsup2 :laughing:

I just signed back in today and came straight over here to watch your thread so I could easily find it later to catch up, and I see you've only just started your report too! We definitely share brainwaves. I'M EXCITED. I loved meeting you so much, I still crack up thinking about us sat on the floor like children, waving desperately at every character in the Electrical Parade :rotfl:Can't wait to read this very soon, I will read every word :teeth: <3
What the what?! You and Katie have both been gone forever and now you're both back in the same week?? This is almost too good to be true! :sad:

Hey, do me a favor ok? Don't leave again!! :rotfl:

We've missed you guys! The DIS hasn't been the same without the Fuller House crew! :hyper:

Soooo excited to catch up on your TR and hear all about your awesome trip! It sounds like it's off to a great start!

I told Katie that I may even be inspired to start my December TR...well hopefully :rotfl2:

Can't wait to read more!!




I just signed back in today and came straight over here to watch your thread so I could easily find it later to catch up, and I see you've only just started your report too!

I think both of us were totally MIA! I'm so glad we are both back! I've missed you :hug:

But damn girl! How many updates did you do yesterday?! :faint:


I've only done two and I'm exhausted! :laughing:


We definitely share brainwaves. I'M EXCITED.

Yep! ::yes:: :laughing:



I loved meeting you so much, I still crack up thinking about us sat on the floor like children, waving desperately at every character in the Electrical Parade :rotfl:

I loved meeting you too!! :hug:

OMG! That was sooooo funny! Everyone was just ignoring us for so long! Jamie was so sad no one waved back! :laughing:

RIP Mainstreet Electrical Parade :sad:
And that Splash Mountain queue :sad2: That taught us to scoff at a 20 minute wait at Space! :lmao:

Can't wait to read this very soon, I will read every word :teeth: <3


What the what?! You and Katie have both been gone forever and now you're both back in the same week?? This is almost too good to be true! :sad:

I know right?!


Hey, do me a favor ok? Don't leave again!! :rotfl:

I won't! Brownie promise! :rotfl:


We've missed you guys! The DIS hasn't been the same without the Fuller House crew! :hyper:

Me too! :grouphug:

We need a Fuller House meeting!! ::yes::


But with the four of us! :laughing: Let's make it happen! @HomeSweetDisney @TheLittleKatie @Leshaface :hyper: :hyper:

Soooo excited to catch up on your TR and hear all about your awesome trip! It sounds like it's off to a great start!

Yay!! I'm so glad you are here! :banana:

I told Katie that I may even be inspired to start my December TR...well hopefully :rotfl2:




If I can can do one:


BTW are you excited for Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Season 3 too???? :hyper: :hyper:



Can't wait to read more!!

I have more! Well...sort of! :thumbsup2
I have a new update ready BUT I have a teeny tiny real life update to share! I would like you to meet my new baby!!

DSC_0014 (2).JPG

Doesn’t she look like me?! :laughing:


This is Cookie Dough...

DSC_0017 (2).JPG

....and she is a whole bunch of adorable trouble...just like her momma! :rotfl:


Okay on the TR! :thumbsup2
Day 1, Part 1: It's Wet, It's Wild!

Finally our first full Disney Day is here! Of course after our long flight the day before there was clearly only one option for our first day: ROPE DROP!


I had set the alarm on my phone for 7:30am...and it went off at 7:30am...UK time. And to think I was feeling really smug the day before changing the time my watch and other phone (I took my Samsung phone and my old iPhone with me) but of course I forgot to change the phone I use as an alarm.


I’m sure you will all be shocked to hear that it was really dark at 7:30am UK time as that is actually 2:30am US time. I tried to get back to sleep but only managed until 5am (I had changed the time to US time by now) so I gave up and watched some TV on my iPad. DM was happily snoring away through all of this so she was fine! I can say that, I’m her daughter. Finally the alarm went off again, this time it really was 7:30am! I woke up DM and we both got ready. We decided that we wouldn’t have any breakfast this morning as neither of us were feeling all that hungry, seriously transatlantic flights are the best diet ever for me!

We headed down the bus station and met a family from Essex who were also waiting for a bus. We chatted with them until the bus came and then we were off to our first park of the trip!! Any idea where we were headed??


If you said Magic Kingdom, well you would be wrong! But we were headed for a different Kingdom! The Animal Kingdom!


Look here we are! See we did go to AK!



If anyone read my PTR (which was really brave of you if you did!) I had been planning to see the Magic Kingdom Welcome Show which I had never seen before (spoiler alert: I still haven’t seen it!), you may be wondering why I’m blabbering on about the MK Welcome Show when I just told you we were going to AK, well it’s because we actually saw the AK rope drop show! Which, although I haven’t seen it yet, I think is better than the MK show! I mean does Mickey actually fly?! I think not!


As we made our way into the park I spotted this elusive creature.


No not that kid!




I hadn’t ever seen her before in the leaf! Get it?



Anyway! DM was very confused as to why I was taking photos of a random AK tree. I pointed out that it was DiVine and she could not see her AT. ALL. Still doesn't get it.


I decided that our first ride of the trip should be none other my favourite AK ride (and one of my top 5 overall rides) TriceraTop Spin! I’m just kidding!

I’ve never been on that! I’m talking about EE of course!! My personal record is 7 in a row (on EE @pkondz) but this trip I didn’t even get close to my record! There was a 5 minute wait posted but that was just the walk to the loading station. We were seated in the third row and had an epic expedition! Here is proof:
<insert hilariously funny EE ride photo here>
Yeah. Let’s all take a step inside Lu’s confession corner shall we? See our tickets (all three sets of them) had MM included with them. To be honest the one MAJOR issue I had this trip was with MM and other Disney taken photos. I got some of our ride photos, many more photos of random people on rides (thanks?), some photos that I could only access if I bought MM...again! And my personal favourite where a lot of them never showed up at all.


And the worst is yet to come.


But that’s a story for a different post...probably next year to the rate this TR is going! Okay...where was I? Oh right! My wonderful invisible ride photo! You are just going to have to use your imagination again here folks!


We decided as there was still no wait to hot foot it back round and ride again! Unfortunately this is where DM’s illness from the previous days reappeared. She powered through but it was clear she was wasn’t feeling great! Of course I did what any caring daughter would do in that situation...I rode EE twice on my own!


Honestly I’m not as terrible of a daughter as I sound. I promise! I am really sad that my photos from this day didn’t appear as one of my single rides I had a whole carriage to myself it made for a pretty funny photo. Which you can’t see. Thanks Disney.

After I finished my solo adventure DM was starting to feel a little better so it was time to use our first FastPass+! And what better ride that Primeval Whirl for a DM who is suffers from motion sickness??

Wait...that’s not the best ride? Huh! Well I guess it’s a good job our FP was for KS then! And I was the chosen one!


It was pretty much a walk on so I didn't have to be a responsible red card carrier for long! Are you ready for some KS animal photos? No? Well It’s Tough To Be A TR Reader! Here they come!

(Don't worry I really, really narrowed it down! I have like 500 KS photos!)













Continued in next post
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Continued from last past

After our wonder safari was over obviously there was only one thing to do...go on another one! So let the animal photos begin...again!!


We saw the new wild dogs that had just arrived on the savannah. It was pretty cool.


Plus this dudes hat!











I'm sure no one has noticed that I have no idea what order these photos should be in or which safari they are from!


After our second safari we were all animal-ed out (for now anyway) so it was clearly time to get our ride on! With one Stacey likes to call the wash and spin cycle...expect without the spin we went for a wash! At KRR that is! Now last time I went on KRR was our last trip in 2012 and I got SOAKED and I mean buy some new knickers kind of soaked! Which would have been fine...except our trip in 2012 was FREEZING! So needless to say I wasn’t really looking forward to KRR when I was booking our Fps! We hit up our FP slot and again I was the lucky one and got soaked. BUT it was really hot so that was fine! As there was no wait time we hopped on again...and got soaked again!


I decided that I needed to dry off and why not dry off on EE! DM decided to stay at base-camp! I got two rides in before it was time for our first ADR of the trip! We dined with a Yak and a Yeti at...well Yak and Yeti! We arrived at our designated ADR time and we were seated right away! Score! Our server was funny and very interested in the fact we are Brits call the restroom the loo! Our table was right underneath a fan, which would have been appreciated had we not still been soaked from KRR! Darn you KRR you strike again!


I forgot to mention (shocking I know!) that during our stay at AKL we had the free DDP so we got our entrée and dessert on!


We both had this lovely pink drink...


...which I have no idea what it is! But it was very nice and very pink! That expect, detailed TR report right there again. Those good notes I took are really paying off man…


DM had the Sweet and Sour Chicken.


She said it was nice, but the chicken was a little bit dry.

I had the Kobe Beef Burger.


This was actually really nice, those fries were proper lush...errr I mean really tasty (sorry my Geordie slipped out there!)


For dessert DM tried the FAMOUS Fried Wantons…


...and she wasn’t a fan!


I knew those wantons were wantnots for me so I went with good old Chocolate Pudding Cake.


This was nice but I could only eat a really small amount of it as it was really sickly rich. It could have used some whipped cream, but wouldn't everything be better topped with whipped cream??



Overall we liked Yak and Yeti, but I’m not sure I would go back in a hurry and it’s not on our list for next year. After freezing our behinds off in the air-conditioning in Yak and Yeti DM and I agreed it was time to head back to the resort and get changed!


We headed to the bus stop and I took some photos of Pandora being built as we waited.


A major downside of AKL was the bus service. It had the worst bus service of all the hotels we stayed in. After thirty five minutes a bus finally pulled in and we were off back to AKL!

Click here for next post
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I just spammed you with likes on every single post and I'm not even sorry :cutie:

Whale that is quite the entrance

Owww there you are! I like your face and I want to touch it


And did I mention DISmeets? Cause I had one! Or I guess two...and with DIS Royalty no less: @TheLittleKatie (who seems to be MIA too) and @pkondz !

Travel day posts are usually pretty boring (no offence to all you TR writers but we call all agree on that right?)


We live a few hours from the airport we fly from (which is Manchester


Now I should mention we were flying Upper Class with Virgin Atlantic

Samesies, on the way back at least. I enjoy that we are the same person

But we only took three checked bags, four carry-on bags and two handbags between us

* only * :rotfl:

or DM and all our your sakes all I will say is that what followed involved a train door, a train window and DM...and it wasn't pretty.

Oh no!!! This does not bode well for a trip to Disney World??! :laughing: Poor mother :sick:

I was pretty worried whether she was going to be okay to go on the train journey let alone the flight, but after a few minutes (and two bottles of water) she was feeling better.


We ended up throwing away a conditioner, a body wash, a face wash and a deodorant that wouldn't fit into those little plastic bags you get now.

Hahaha oh no, rookie mistake..!! At least you know for.. NEXT TIME?!

See we really did go to Orlando and on this very plane no less! Now I had been planning on taking more photos of the Upper Class cabin but it felt really awkward once we actually got on the plane. All our fellow Upper Classeans all looked...well like they belonged there and we...did not! But I did manage to take some covert shots! Like of the onboard bar. Oh, did I forget to mention the most important feature: ONBOARD BAR!!

Yessssss on board bar this is exactly the same as ours, and we were sat on this side too! Which seat were you in? I was in the very front!

Those people seem to be.. looking right at you... o_O

We were sat like you and your mum, but we said it might have been better to sit across from each other, since we couldn't see each other over the divide anyway :confused3 not that we'll ever fly upper class again, but it's nice to consider :laughing:

Whoa that's weird, I wrote USA USA USA when I wrote about landing, before I'd even seen this!!! Creepy

another lovely CM whose name...had letters in it...checked us in.

Ahh we had someone different, we had 0>?"5@&^8$^3£*5@($ check us in.

In fact to get to our room from the lounge we had to go back to the lobby, cross to the other side of said lobby, take another elevator to the fourth floor then walk 187 miles (or some number in that ballpark) before we finally got to our room.

Wait WHAT??! You didn't take the stairs from the lounge down to our side of the 4th floor....?!? :rotfl::rotfl2::lmao:

Love your view! But yes you were quite a trek down the corridor huh!

STOP ITTTTT!!!!! :lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc She's precious!!

I had set the alarm on my phone for 7:30am...and it went off at 7:30am...UK time.

This happened to me on the first morning of our 2015 trip!! FAIL! Then you're just totally ready to get up and go go go, and it's 2:30am :headache:

we actually saw the AK rope drop show!

Oh cool! I haven't seen this. What happens? Do those parrots fly over you?!

I pointed out that it was DiVine and she could not see her AT. ALL. Still doesn't get it.

I saw your picture and I was like "I'm sure this is supposed to be a picture of DiVine.... but I can't see her" :laughing:

And the worst is yet to come.

WOW you had a really good view!!! ...of that guy's head

With one Stacey likes to call the wash and spin cycle...

"One I like to call the wash cycle and the other the spin cycle, let's ride!"

We dined with a Yak and a Yeti at...well Yak and Yeti!

Cool pics :) I haven't eaten here yet because I don't think I'm adventurous enough :confused3

those fries were proper lush...errr I mean really tasty (sorry my Geordie slipped out there!)


propah lush!

Also this is the tamest Geordie Shore gif in existence :laughing:

it’s not on our list for next year

I was like "NEXT YEAR" ?!?! And then I noticed your signature! Are you booked?! Grand and Beach was our 2014 trip but the other way around!

A major downside of AKL was the bus service.

UGH tell me about it! One time we waited almost an hour (50+ minutes) to get a bus from Animal Kingdom Lodge...... to Animal Kingdom. :headache:

But YAY loving your report already! And it's going to be sooooo long it'll go on forever and ever and ever and I'm sooo excited about that :bitelip:

I think both of us were totally MIA! I'm so glad we are both back! I've missed you :hug:

But damn girl! How many updates did you do yesterday?! :faint:


Hahaha I went wild. I just had everything written out clogging up my desktop so I thought I'd get it all posted at once!

Omg hahhaha



I loved meeting you too!! :hug:

OMG! That was sooooo funny! Everyone was just ignoring us for so long! Jamie was so sad no one waved back! :laughing:

RIP Mainstreet Electrical Parade :sad:

Awww that was my last ever Electrical Parade!!
Yes...don't do that again. It doesn't suit you :laughing:

Why are you always trying to get me out of my suit?

I have read some of your TR....there is just alot of it! :faint:

Yup! Up to page 5 now, I think.

And did you see?? @TheLittleKatie is back now too! :thumbsup2

I did!!

More like 69...

Ah... so good to have you back.

Okay. I will just say that I did have an answer here...but I'm not quite ready to get kicked off the DIS just yet :rolleyes1

Soooo disappointed with you. That's it. That's all. Period.

I would know.

Yes you would.

Remember what?


I will still never remember that!

And I even made you a map!!

I say things weird. We know this by now right??

Lu. Oddly speak. Yes.

Or I'm just super weird...

Nah. Super cute. I know. I've met you.

I haven't read that...but I will! (When I finish your current TR...) Who would be not so pleasant to P-Man??

That one's tough to read right now. All the links are still broken.

And... I'll never say.

There are 1 Manchesters in the UK.

1. Manchester, Greater Manchester

You're welcome.

You guys need to make some more.

Very stinky...we had to throw away all the deodorants!

Yes, I believe I read that somewhere.

...and two more when we went to Publix :rolleyes1


Okay you know way too much about my life.

That's what hidden cameras are for.

Uh... I mean, just a lucky guess.

It's Lu! That's who! :thumbsup2

That's you!

Only if they join a certain club...

I think that club is a bit more difficult to get into these days.


It's hard, isn't it?

That will be the last you will see of them! They all came off in the shower :sad2:

Water soluble nail polish. Clever!

Not going to lie she is terrible at packing...or using a phone...or anything else really :rotfl:

Life. It's hard.

But seriously I do think you need new glasses.

Nope! I'm an expert. I know pretty when I see it.

Yes, after DM went back to her seat

Went back? Or was kicked out?

I know right?!




But that would have required that I remember something

Whoops! Sorry. Of course not.

You can't beat a nice bush :thumbsup2


I got lucky! ;)

All right!
Way to go!

Just sorry I didn't.

Hmmm....see I told you I was a terrible TR writer. We actually did get Zebra domes...but I forgot about that and of course I didn't take a photo of them.

You did!
That's okay. Totally understandable. Those things make you lose your mind.
Of course after our long flight the day before there was clearly only one option for our first day: ROPE DROP!

Clearly. Disney is not the place to be catching up on sleep!

I had set the alarm on my phone for 7:30am...and it went off at 7:30am...UK time.


Sorry. I shouldn't laugh. It's an honest mistake. Anyone could've done that.


I’m sure you will all be shocked to hear that it was really dark at 7:30am UK time as that is actually 2:30am US time.


DM was happily snoring away through all of this so she was fine! I can say that, I’m her daughter.

So you're a snorer huh? Never knew that. My camera doesn't have sound. Just video.

seriously transatlantic flights are the best diet ever for me!

So... you don't need to fly then. Gotcha.

Any idea where we were headed??

I'll guess.... Animal Kingdom!!

If you said Magic Kingdom, well you would be wrong! But we were headed for a different Kingdom! The Animal Kingdom!

But... but... but.... I just said that!

Look here we are! See we did go to AK!

Obviously photoshopped.

If anyone read my PTR (which was really brave of you if you did!)

Still recovering... may never quite be the same ever again.

I had been planning to see the Magic Kingdom Welcome Show which I had never seen before (spoiler alert: I still haven’t seen it!),


well it’s because we actually saw the AK rope drop show!

I'm so confused. I did rope drop at AK... heck, I was first in line and I never saw this.

As we made our way into the park I spotted this elusive creature.

So, so, racist.

Okay, seriously good shot there.
And... who doesn't love Divine? (Other than your Mum, I mean)

I hadn’t ever seen her before in the leaf! Get it?

Get out of here!

Anyway! DM was very confused as to why I was taking photos of a random AK tree. I pointed out that it was DiVine and she could not see her AT. ALL. Still doesn't get it.


I decided that our first ride of the trip should be none other my favourite AK ride (and one of my top 5 overall rides) TriceraTop Spin! I’m just kidding!

You're kidding? Huh. That was actually my guess.

My personal record is 7 in a row

Way to go Lu!!!!!!!!!!!



<insert hilariously funny EE ride photo here>​

Whoa! Wheee!!! Ha Ha Ha!!!

That was great!!

Yeah. Let’s all take a step inside Lu’s confession corner shall we? See our tickets (all three sets of them) had MM included with them. To be honest the one MAJOR issue I had this trip was with MM and other Disney taken photos. I got some of our ride photos, many more photos of random people on rides (thanks?), some photos that I could only access if I bought MM...again! And my personal favourite where a lot of them never showed up at all.


This is why I always scan my MB afterwards. And yes... I've had several people tell me that I don't need to or better still... make snide comments.
And it's saved me at least a few times... and I only download a handful of photos!

And the worst is yet to come.

Uh, oh.

But that’s a story for a different post...probably next year to the rate this TR is going!


Unfortunately this is where DM’s illness from the previous days reappeared. She powered through but it was clear she was wasn’t feeling great! Of course I did what any caring daughter would do in that situation...I rode EE twice on my own!

Very kind of you to allow her to sit quietly and recover.
You're a wonderful person.

Honestly I’m not as terrible of a daughter as I sound. I promise!

I've always been told that promises are meant to be broken.

No. Wait. That's rules.


After I finished my solo adventure DM was starting to feel a little better so it was time to use our first FastPass+! And what better ride that Primeval Whirl for a DM who is suffers from motion sickness??

Oh, God. Never. Again.
I still hurt from that.

Well I guess it’s a good job our FP was for KS then!

Hmm... that can be pretty bumpy too...
but considering she rode it twice...

a. She was sick the entire time, but you forced her to ride it twice because you really are a horrible daughter. or;
b. She was fine.

I'm going with option a.

And I was the chosen one!


Ok. Geez. Calm down, dude. It's just a red card.


The way the tab is offset at a slight angle from the band.... stunning!


We saw the new wild dogs that had just arrived on the savannah. It was pretty cool.

:sad2: And here I thought I was so lucky to get shots of them... and it looks like everyone did!

Plus this dudes hat!

You have a hat fetish.
Just admit it and we can move on.

(Note to self. Buy a hat.)

Bark! Bark!

I'm sure no one has noticed that I have no idea what order these photos should be in or which safari they are from!

That would require actually paying attention. And that's just not gonna happen.

So needless to say I wasn’t really looking forward to KRR when I was booking our Fps!

Then.... why do it?

Lu not happy. Here, dear. Let me help you. First we'll get you out of those wet things...

We dined with a Yak and a Yeti at...well Yak and Yeti!

Glad your mum wasn't feeling like yakking yet.

Our server was funny and very interested in the fact we are Brits call the restroom the loo!

Did you tell him that was also how you pronounce your name?

We both had this lovely pink drink...

...which I have no idea what it is!

Pink drink. What more needs to be said?

I had the Kobe Beef Burger.

Looks good!
Might have to try that at some future date.

those fries were proper lush...errr I mean really tasty (sorry my Geordie slipped out there!)



It could have used some whipped cream, but wouldn't everything be better topped with whipped cream??

No. pkondz is not a huge fan of whipped cream. I'll eat it, but... normally will just pass if offered as an extra.

it was time to head back to the resort and get changed!

Don't! Stay the same loveable Lu we've all grown to love!

A major downside of AKL was the bus service. It had the worst bus service of all the hotels we stayed in. After thirty five minutes a bus finally pulled in and we were off back to AKL!

Oh... well that totally sucks.
I've always thought that the Deluxes should have slightly better bus service than the Mods which should be slightly better than the Values.

And I stay in the Values.

I just spammed you with likes on every single post and I'm not even sorry :cutie:

Owww there you are! I like your face and I want to touch it




Samesies, on the way back at least. I enjoy that we are the same person




You know, just the essentials :thumbsup2 :lmao:

Just not over train window...


Hahaha oh no, rookie mistake..!! At least you know for.. NEXT TIME?!


Yessssss on board bar this is exactly the same as ours, and we were sat on this side too! Which seat were you in? I was in the very front!

I think we were 8 and 9? Are really expecting me to remember somthing Katie?! Have you not read the rest of my TR?! :rotfl:


Those people seem to be.. looking right at you... o_O

We were sat like you and your mum, but we said it might have been better to sit across from each other, since we couldn't see each other over the divide anyway :confused3 not that we'll ever fly upper class again, but it's nice to consider :laughing:

They apparently had wanted our seats but I had already picked them! :thumbsup2 Sorry bout it!


I know what you mean, it is pretty awkward trying to talk over those dividers! But yeah I don't think we will be flying Upper Class any time soon again either :laughing:


Whoa that's weird, I wrote USA USA USA when I wrote about landing, before I'd even seen this!!! Creepy

Of course. We are the same person after all :rotfl:


I love how they work out that they have the same birthday AND LOOK IDENTICAL but it is their shared love of oreos that tips them off that the are twins! :thumbsup2 :laughing:


Ahh we had someone different, we had 0>?"5@&^8$^3£*5@($ check us in.

Oh her, I think she checked us out ::yes:: :laughing:

Wait WHAT??! You didn't take the stairs from the lounge down to our side of the 4th floor....?!? :rotfl::rotfl2::lmao:





STOP ITTTTT!!!!! :lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc She's precious!!

She is! :love: But...



This happened to me on the first morning of our 2015 trip!! FAIL! Then you're just totally ready to get up and go go go, and it's 2:30am :headache:

Yeah and by the end of the day you are just sooooo tired! :laughing:


Oh cool! I haven't seen this. What happens? Do those parrots fly over you?!

Yes they do! I have a video of it but I haven't gotten it uploaded yet, stupid thing won't load!


I saw your picture and I was like "I'm sure this is supposed to be a picture of DiVine.... but I can't see her" :laughing:

:sad2: :rotfl:

WOW you had a really good view!!! ...of that guy's head

That guy gave good head :thumbsup2


Cool pics :) I haven't eaten here yet because I don't think I'm adventurous enough :confused3

I am not adventurous at all but they have not so far out there things on the menu, it just wasn't the best food, it is part of the same group as Rainforest Cafe and T-Rex so if you don't like them maybe skip it.

propah lush!

Also this is the tamest Geordie Shore gif in existence :laughing:

Why yes, yes it :thumbsup2 :rotfl:

I was like "NEXT YEAR" ?!?! And then I noticed your signature! Are you booked?! Grand and Beach was our 2014 trip but the other way around!

I may have some dates...:ssst:


I don't have the final dates yet but it's looking like it will be around 17th September till 15th October 2018 or somewhere in that area!

UGH tell me about it! One time we waited almost an hour (50+ minutes) to get a bus from Animal Kingdom Lodge...... to Animal Kingdom. :headache:

But YAY loving your report already! And it's going to be sooooo long it'll go on forever and ever and ever and I'm sooo excited about that :bitelip:

Yes! Our longest wait was from Animal Kingdom to Animal Kingdom Lodge! :confused3


And yes this probably will be the longest TR in history as I am sooooo slow writing it! :rotfl: I haven't even finished the first day yet! And there is like 27 days more to go! :laughing: It's going well I think!


Hahaha I went wild. I just had everything written out clogging up my desktop so I thought I'd get it all posted at once!


Omg hahhaha





Awww that was my last ever Electrical Parade!!

Mine too!

Why are you always trying to get me out of my suit?

What can I say? You always look hot! :laughing:

Yup! Up to page 5 now, I think.

I think I might be up to page 5 now :rolleyes1

Ah... so good to have you back.

:thumbsup2 Keeping clean and PG! :rotfl:

And I even made you a map!!



Lu. Oddly speak. Yes.


You guys need to make some more.

Oh no we are far too busy for that kind of poppycock...


That's what hidden cameras are for.

Uh... I mean, just a lucky guess.

Is that what that little red light is??

I think that club is a bit more difficult to get into these days.

Depends who you fly with...


It's hard, isn't it?

It just keeps coming up

Water soluble nail polish. Clever!

They were stick ons, but I do have some nail polish that washes off when I use's called every polish I own apparently! :sad:

Went back? Or was kicked out?

Very nicely asked to go back...:laughing:


All right!
Way to go!

Just sorry I didn't.

I'm not surprised...errrr I mean awww poor Ponzie :sad2:

You did!
That's okay. Totally understandable. Those things make you lose your mind.

It would have helped had I ever had my mind to begin with...

Awww!!!! Adorbs!!

Congrats on the new pup!!

She is adorable...and totally insane! :laughing:

Gotta run. Will comment on the update later! :)

Well I will be waiting.


Clearly. Disney is not the place to be catching up on sleep!

No sleeping in Disney!


Sorry. I shouldn't laugh. It's an honest mistake. Anyone could've done that.



So you're a snorer huh? Never knew that. My camera doesn't have sound. Just video.

I'm not a snorer. Geez, maybe it's time to upgrade that camera

I'll guess.... Animal Kingdom!!

You do?!

But... but... but.... I just said that!

You did?!

Still recovering... may never quite be the same ever again.


All those days planning and I didn't do like half the stuff I had on my "Must Do" list :sad2:


I'm so confused. I did rope drop at AK... heck, I was first in line and I never saw this.

Really? Huh I thought they did this everytime :confused3

So, so, racist.

What?! Just cause she's green?!


Okay, seriously good shot there.
And... who doesn't love Divine? (Other than your Mum, I mean)

It was a fluke! :rotfl:



I can't tell you the real number. It's a secret!


Whoa! Wheee!!! Ha Ha Ha!!!

That was great!!

You do like Figment inside you don't you?


This is why I always scan my MB afterwards. And yes... I've had several people tell me that I don't need to or better still... make snide comments.
And it's saved me at least a few times... and I only download a handful of photos!

The thing is I did scan my MB everytime! But still I just got a bunch of randoms! Like these two...


:rotfl: And @TheLittleKatie is right you should have come with us to MK!



Very kind of you to allow her to sit quietly and recover.
You're a wonderful person.


I've always been told that promises are meant to be broken.

No. Wait. That's rules.


It's both.

Oh, God. Never. Again.
I still hurt from that.


Hmm... that can be pretty bumpy too...
but considering she rode it twice...

a. She was sick the entire time, but you forced her to ride it twice because you really are a horrible daughter. or;
b. She was fine.

I'm going with option a.

It's always option a ::yes::


Ok. Geez. Calm down, dude. It's just a red card.

He just gets it

The way the tab is offset at a slight angle from the band.... stunning!


:sad2: And here I thought I was so lucky to get shots of them... and it looks like everyone did!


You have a hat fetish.
Just admit it and we can move on.

(Note to self. Buy a hat.)

Oh yes I'm a total kapelophile, I don't think anyone would mistake me for a Cocklaphobic!


These are real words. I'm not making them up.


That would require actually paying attention. And that's just not gonna happen.

A total lack of an attention span is a must for my TR! :thumbsup2 :laughing:

Then.... why do it?

Because I like getting wet! :banana:

Lu not happy. Here, dear. Let me help you. First we'll get you out of those wet things...


Oh wait you're not a stranger anymore! Well darn! Okay then...

Glad your mum wasn't feeling like yakking yet.

Oh she already did all her yakking on the train

Did you tell him that was also how you pronounce your name?

That is actually how we got onto the topic! I'm not sure if I should feel offended...

No. pkondz is not a huge fan of whipped cream. I'll eat it, but... normally will just pass if offered as an extra.

Really? I thought you would have been a fan. Oh well better get rid of all this whipped cream then...


Don't! Stay the same loveable Lu we've all grown to love!

Oh I don't think that's a good idea

Oh... well that totally sucks.
I've always thought that the Deluxes should have slightly better bus service than the Mods which should be slightly better than the Values.

And I stay in the Values.

All the others were fine it was just AKL, and mainly to and from AK which is like 7 minutes away from AKL :confused3
Day 2, Part 2: So Many Bus Rides!

Who wants an update?! Anyone? No one? Well here it is anyway!

I last left off with us busing it back to AKL.


(I’m sure no one with notice that is a photo I just found that I took on the DME…)

We nipped into the club lounge, cause why not? And grabbed some drinks from the fridge to sustain us on our journey to our room! Finally trekking back to our room (which according to @TheLittleKatie we didn’t have to do?!) we had to check out all our savannah pals! Duh!



Man it was a special view. I left DM to watch the roaming roamers roam whilst I got showered and changed before I prised her off the balcony to head off to our ADR that evening! Any guesses where we were heading?


Our bus arrived twenty five minutes after we got to the stop and it turned out we had the whole thing to ourselves!



We arrived at our destination, I thanked our chauffeur for the ride (he didn’t get my joke) and off we went to Downtown Disney!


Oh right! It’s Disney Springs now! Idiot! Now here is where I am going to shock you all...turns out I barely took any photos of DS! Ooops! Seriously, looking through my photos I really thought I had taken so many more photos of DS than apparently I did! I have like a million photos of It’s A Small World but about four photos of DS.


Sometimes I have no idea how my mind works at all. But anyway, we did indeed go to might just have to trust me that we went round all of it!












I have to say that DS does look beautiful, especially the Springs themselves...itself...I don’t know! But I don’ it. Don’t get me wrong I loved that they had Sephora and Mac and all those other new stores there but it just doesn’t feel Disney to me. I feels like an upmarketish outdoor mall. But that’s just my opinion! I don’t know about you but my three favourite places at DS are World of Disney (of course!) the Christmas shop (yes I know it has a name...I just don’t remember what it is!) and Arribas Bros to watch that guy blow stuff!


Glass! He blows glass! Get your minds out of the gutter people! So we hit up those three first. Our first shop, or store in American, was the Christmas shop and I basically bought everything in my mind at least! One day I will have a tree made entirely out of Disney ornaments! That's the real dream. Next up we went to look at some shining things! And I made my first purchase of the trip!


A steal at only $37,500! I was tempted to get two! I’m kidding of course! I didn’t think it would make the flight home so I sadly had to leave it there! Darn! Finally we saved the best till last: World of Disney! Our main goal of our shopping trip to WoD was to find something for my brother and his wife as they we expecting a ickle baby! At the time we had no idea if the baby was a boy or a girl so we were a little unsure what to get. But holy moly that baby section is enough to make Miss Trunchbull broody!


(but seriously person who made this gif you can't spell which??)

I have no kids, and have no plans to have kids anytime soon , and not gonna lie I do not cope well with kids! They scare me!


But I totally wanted to buy everything thing for my imaginary kid! That biological clock combined with Disney, dude...luckily as we went into a different part of the store there was a kid having one heck of a melt down and strangely I was cured of my broodiness!


No offence to anyone with kids, is a kid or just likes a non creepy way of course...I’m going to talking stop now…what was my point again? Oh looking for baby stuff from my brother! We couldn’t find anything we were both happy with so we decided to wait and see what else we could find, plus the were due to find out if they were having a boy or a girl whilst we were in WDW so we thought we should wait. Anyone want to guess if they had a boy or a girl?? You could win...this baby hippo!


Okay, so maybe because of all those “animal rights laws” stopping me giving away baby hippos you couldn’t actually win one, but I bet that made you wanna guess! See I told you this TR would go off on tangents way too many times than it should!
Continued in next post


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Continued from previous post

Where was I again? Oh yeah, time for our ADR!! Here:


The BOATHOUSE! Why is the boathouse part in capitals? Are you meant to shout that part?


Anyway, this was our second ADR of the trip...and the day!! It was really quite in the restaurant when we were seated, and the wait staff actually outnumbered the customers! It was pretty funny. Our server was called Marcus (I know because I wrote that down…) who was really nice and really attentive, seriously our water glasses were never all! We would take a tip and BAM Marcus was refilling it! Sometimes while we were still drinking it…


It’s that time for Lu’s Confession Corner again! I forgot to take photos of our alcohol beverages A LOT and this time is no exception! Mainly because I drink them pretty darn quickly! But alcohol was indeed had!


DM ordered the Filet Mignon Oscar style, which was the regular 8 ounce steak topped with jumbo lump crab, asparagus and Bearnaise sauce (bleh)


She loved it! (And yes I forgot to take photos before we started! Sue me! But don’t...please!)

I ordered the Filet Mignon Noscar style, because bleh…


...instead I did have this little fellow!



It was all really good, only slight thing I would say was the salt was a tiny bit salty, but I still ate it!


Another fun fact is that the BOATHOUSE had some pretty hot staff! Bonus! Overall I would go to the BOATHOUSE again, shouting all the way! We didn’t end up getting dessert, apparently DM didn’t think we could manage the baked Alaska for four just the two of us. I mean really.


We felt we were good on DS for the day and made our way to the bus stop. Now here is where that fancy Disney app comes in handy! As we were waiting for a bus I noticed that the lines at DHS were really why not hit up DHS for a few hours before it closed?! Again this might not be painting me in the best daughter light as DM wasn’t as keen as me...but she was a trooper and didn’t want to miss ToT!

Now here my Disney knowledge failed me as I didn’t realise that no buses went directly from DS to the parks (but that might have changed? I don’t know!) so we would need to go to a resort and catch a DHS bus from there. I made the executive decision that we should take a bus to Old Key West, my main reason being it was one of the closest resorts to DS, makes sense right?? Of course my bus jinx-ness followed us and no Old Key West buses were to be had! It took thirty minutes before one turned up and two, yes TWO AKL buses came and went in that time.


But our bus came and we were off! On another empty bus!


Our journey was short and soon we were pulling into Old Key West! We were only 18 days early! DM decided to see if she could get some anti-motion sickness tablets in the general store and they had them! She was feeling a lot better but better safe than sorry.

Luckily we only had to wait ten minutes for our DHS bus! I managed to snag a FP for both of us on RnRC, and I just have to say that really I am a big fan of Fastpass Plus. I know a lot of people hate, and that it takes away the spontaneity out of WDW but really I loved knowing I had three rides locked in and I didn’t have to hit rope drop to make sure I could get a paper Fastpass for whatever popular ride I wanted, plus I found it really easy to change things on the fly...mostly in the queue!


Hire me Disney! Anyway! We hit up this beauty first:


And that is all the photos of our DHS night that I have! Oops! DM came on ToT twice before she started to feel unwell. As the wait time was only 13 minutes you can’t really not go on again right? So went to the Twilight Zone all by myself! One thing about single rider on ToT that I love was pretty much ever time I got front row! I did make a new friend as the woman next to me grabbed...well not my hand! It was a little too high, and on my chest, to be my hand! :rotfl:


I think she was foreign and I’m not totally sure she even knew what she was doing but it was equal parts awkward and hilarious! But mostly awkward!


After that very interesting hotel stay I found DM and we moseyed over to RnRC. DM really wanted to try and ride but I didn’t think that was a good idea, see I can be caring! So I took both of our Magic Bands and rode twice alone...OK so maybe I’m not that caring!


After my enjoying my backstage passes I decided it was time to head back to AKL. Of course our luck with our buses continued and we had to wait nearly thirty five minutes for our AKL bus...three Old Key West buses passed as we waited…


But thankful a bus arrived and off we drove to AKL! As we didn't have any dessert the only sensible thing to do was to visit the lounge and see what sweet treats they had out, I mean it would be stupid not to right?!



This is what I picked:


That's a cookie...and this...mousse thing...and a brownie? Hey I just thought of a really good game we can play! It’s called “Guess What The Heck Lu Has Taken A Photo Of!” today’s question just what did I get from the lounge?? Answers in the comments! The winner gets….


Bet you really want to play this game now huh? :laughing:

We headed out of the lounge on our 3847 mile journey to our room and decided to call it a night, we had an early morning planned for the next day!


Click here for next post
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I'm joining in! 4 weeks sounds magnificent!!! AKL is my favorite hotel at Dis! We stayed one summer for 2 and a half weeks, but 4 weeks at different hotels is a DREAM! I cannot wait to read more!!
BTW are you excited for Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Season 3 too???? :hyper: :hyper:



Ummmmmm am I excited??? All I have to say is "yaaaaaaaaaaaasssss"


We decided that we wouldn’t have any breakfast this morning as neither of us were feeling all that hungry, seriously transatlantic flights are the best diet ever for me!

Please sign me up for the transatlantic flights diet ASAP

Look here we are! See we did go to AK!


Awww what a nice photo! I love your sunnies by the way!! Super cute!!

Well I thought that didn't look like you :scratchin

There seems to be a running theme in these photos and it's not the animals :rotfl:

Seriously, looking through my photos I really thought I had taken so many more photos of DS than apparently I did! I have like a million photos of It’s A Small World but about four photos of DS.

Priorities! :thumbsup2

DM ordered the Filet Mignon Oscar style, which was the regular 8 ounce steak topped with jumbo lump crab, asparagus and Bearnaise sauce (bleh)

BEARnaise sauce? That sounds horrifying! No wonder you didn't want any! :rotfl2:

...instead I did have this little fellow!


Your crustacean friend does look quite tasty!

I did make a new friend as the woman next to me grabbed...well not my hand! It was a little too high, and on my chest, to be my hand! :rotfl:


hat's a cookie...and this...mousse thing...and a brownie? Hey I just thought of a really good game we can play! It’s called “Guess What The Heck Lu Has Taken A Photo Of!” today’s question just what did I get from the lounge??

Your descriptions of food are clearly the #1 one reason why I wanted to follow your TR :hyper:
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