Trip Report! ABD/DCL Mediterranean Magic Part 8 - IMAGE INTENSIVE!


Have Camera, Will Travel
Oct 28, 2006
Day 10 - Villefranche, France (Monaco/Monte Carlo/Eze)

So I thought I'd start out by mentioning that I am very, VERY lucky to have the pictures from this day. At dinner the next day (the last sea day), the brand new memory card in my camera decided to give up the ghost. *FORTUNATELY*, I had been backing up my photos virtually every night to my iPad. I'll tell you, that alone made buying the iPad totally worth it! Once I got back to the States, a guy at Best Buy pointed me to some software that SanDisk had on their website that was able to recover most of the pictures from the 2 missing days I hadn't backed up yet. All in all, I was very lucky. I can't imagine losing all my pictures on the last day of the cruise! That would have killed me! More about this with the Sea Day report.

So, anyways, this is the last port day for this cruise. Villefranche was another tender port, so we met fairly early, and caught the tender to Villefranche.

The Magic from the tender.


The town around the port was quite colorful and cute.


We didn't spend any time in Villefranche, however, and got right aboard our motorcoach for the drive along the coast to Monaco.

It's really a spectacularly lovely coastline.


This is our local guide, Frank. Frank was *very* French! I really didn't realize just how close he was leaning here, but I imagine I could come up with *ALL* sorts of stories to go along with this photograph of Frank and I!!!


Today was my Birthday. (Yay! Wonderful way to spend a Birthday!) Tina & Robyn gave me a Birthday card, and a special Birthday pin, and got the whole bus to sing "Happy Birthday" to me. I quite enjoyed that!


Once we got to Monaco, we parked in an underground parking lot, and emerged beside a dramatic, monolithic sea side view of Monaco. I *thought* that Frank said that this was a portion of the Prince of Monaco's Palace, but I'm not quite sure if I'm remembering that correctly. In retrospect, I *think* it might be the back side of the Oceanographic Museum. Whatever it is, it's quite impressive, and a beautiful setting.



We walked through part of the town and eventually past what was definitely the *front* part of the Oceanographic Museum. There were several sculptures around the area that showed the internal musculature of their subjects, such as this unicorn, and the pregnant woman you can sort of see in the coastal picture above.


The park-like area we walked through to get to the palace had some really nice sculptures, and some really gorgeous views!





I thought this was a really interesting way to do an open-air bus tour. I imagine it's a pretty comfy tour bus! (Oh, and yes, that is part of the Palace in the background!)


We took a tour of some of the currently unoccupied rooms in the Palace. Very opulent, lots of cool art & furnishings. Rough life! There were some absolutely wonderful family portraits of Princess Grace, Prince Rainier & their kids. Too bad photos were, once again, not allowed!

After we left the tour, as we waited to watch the changing of the guard, suddenly this very dense fog just started to roll in out of no-where (as you can see in the previous pictures, the sky & all were crystal clear up until this point). It was very bizarre, but it also was very dramatic. It never made it all the way up to the Plaza area where we were waiting, but you could see it in the areas below & around us, and it did encroach, just a little bit, on the towers around us.





The changing of the guard did not quite have the pomp & circumstance of the London version, but it was still cool to watch.


The whole group.


After we watched the ceremony, we walked back along a cliff-side path towards some of the other buildings of Monaco.


We took a walk through the lovely Cathedral where Princess Grace & Prince Rainier are buried, along with other members of the Grimaldi family. Very lovely, simple tombs, in a peacefully resplendent setting.




After we finished in the Cathedral, we regrouped with Frank outside. It's funny; I find I haven't mentioned before this the Whisper systems that we used in Rome, Florence and Monaco/Monte Carlo. For those who don't know what they are, the tour guide has a mobile microphone they can talk into, and all the people on the tour have little receivers (about the size of a pack of cards) that hangs around their neck (with ear-bud earphones). That way you can hear the tour guide over the ambient noise, the tour guide does not need to shout (imagine how chaotic *that* would be) and you don't have to be right next to the tour guide to hear their commentary. Sometimes there was some interference, and the distance on them really varied, but I found that, for the most part, they worked very well. Cool idea. Anyways, it wasn't always necessary for us to stop for Frank to give us commentary, but occasionally he would, anyways. The weather was so gorgeous, and the area so beautiful, we just walked, or stood, or whatever, and didn't much mind which.


Continued below
We then got back on our motorcoach, and rode to Monte Carlo, where we went to the Fairmont Hotel for lunch.


It was a beautiful restaurant, with a beautiful patio overlooking the water. Unfortunately, as we sat there the fog rolled in, and we pretty much had a view of the fog.



But it was still extremely pleasant, and the food (a large buffet) was quite good. They had quite an array of foods, including an extensive dessert section, and self-serve gelato. Yumm!

After we finished our meal, we walked along the water to the area where the Casinos are. The area is quite opulent, with a lot of very ornate buildings (no real surprise there!).








We ended up in the Plaza where the Casino de Monte Carlo is.


You can see the Casino reflected in the mirrored sculpture. I *really* liked this sculpture/fountain. The only sad part was, some of the kids wanted to throw coins in, but you would have had to cut across the grass to get up to it, and no-one wanted to encourage them to do that.


The Casino de Monte Carlo.


Some of us went into the lobby with Frank just to check it out. (We couldn't bring bags/purses in, so we left our stuff with folks outside). You couldn't really get beyond the lobby unless you wanted to gamble, and since I really wasn't interested in that, I and a few others just contented ourselves with wandering around the very opulent lobby while Frank filled us in on some of the history & stories of the place. Quite impressive, and what I saw definitely out-opulented anything in Las Vegas.

We were then given some free time to do whatever we wanted to in the area. Some people decided to go into one of the less exclusive casinos, just to say they'd gambled in a casino in Monte Carlo. I ended up wandering through the beautiful park adjacent to the area. It had lovely topiaries, sculptures and fountains, along a very pleasant, meandering path.





After I was done there, I wandered into the local Mall, partially for a look, and partially to get something to drink. It, also, was definitely on the opulent side.


But I thought the name of the Mall was hilarious:


At the appointed time, we all met back up next to the main Casino, and then headed back down to where our bus had been parked.


We walked back past a different side of the Fairmont hotel, and saw some of the barriers and bleachers that had yet to be taken down from the Grand Prix that had been held there the week before. (I'm glad we missed that, as I imagine the crowds were probably pretty crazy during the Grand Prix. It's not as if we would have been able to really watch it while we were there...)


Sometimes Sydney was just so darned cute!


I'm thinking this is the same yacht I saw off Capri. I'm wondering if it's a Windstar Cruise ship or not... It looks like it might be from pictures I've seen. Nice life, whatever it is!


Continued below
Once we got back on the motorcoach, Tina & Robyn announced that rather than going directly back to the ship, we were going to do a detour --- to Eze! I think everyone was really rather pleased with this unexpected add-on to the trip. I know I was.


Eze is this cute little Medieval town built into a high, steep mountainside. It's a bit of a hike to go through the town, especially up to the top of the mountain, but totally worth it. There are lots of cute little shops, an old church, and lots and lots of gorgeous views.








I bought a teeny version of these pigs, sprawled like this in a tiny basket. So very, very cute!


I'm pretty sure there was an interesting story about the clay used to make the pigs, but, alas, I have forgotten what it was... Does anybody out there know?

A few of us paid a couple of euros to be allowed to go through the gate they had, and continue the climb all the way to the top. The top is just ruins, but the views are spectacular. Of course, a lot of the views were still partially obscured by the fog that seemed to be trapped in certain areas. But I do think it added somewhat to the drama of the pictures!





The Magic from the summit of Eze. Barely visible through the fog. This is very, VERY zoomed. I'm still amazed the picture actually turned out.


Back in Villefranche.


Today's towel animal. Fancy!


We had quite the view of the Sunset at dinner that night.


Table 32 takes in the pretty Sunset...




Our servers presented me with a Birthday Cake after dinner. They did it, of course, AFTER people had ordered desserts! People didn't eat much of the cake, but it was nice, anyways!


Up next is the last full day of our cruise, a sea day...


Continued in Part 9.
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Yet another great TR,I have to get one of those camera's.You take such good pictures.Your reports are just like being their.Ok when are you going to do part 9 :goodvibes
Thanks for the gorgeous photos and another great installment. It brought back memories of Eze, which I think is one of the most incredible and beautiful places in the world that I have visited (so far at least!) Too bad that I was there with my ex, and we weren't speaking at that point of the trip (I try to forget that part, given that it's probably one of the most romantic places I've ever visited too!).
Yet another great TR,I have to get one of those camera's.You take such good pictures.Your reports are just like being their.Ok when are you going to do part 9 :goodvibes
Thanks, Icemann. I really do love my camera! I see, it takes. Works good for me!

Part 9 soon! Honest!

Thanks for the gorgeous photos and another great installment. It brought back memories of Eze, which I think is one of the most incredible and beautiful places in the world that I have visited (so far at least!) Too bad that I was there with my ex, and we weren't speaking at that point of the trip (I try to forget that part, given that it's probably one of the most romantic places I've ever visited too!).
Thanks, marcemch! It's my pleasure. I really did like Eze. It was a nice surprise. So picturesque! Glad you were able to enjoy it while you were there, "despite" the company!

Great report Sayhello. For me, the Whisper units really make the tours special. While my wife was hanging close by the guide, I would wander around a little bit (not too far) and snap pictures. The best part was that I didn't miss a thing they were saying because I could hear everything that the local guide was talking about.
Great report Sayhello. For me, the Whisper units really make the tours special. While my wife was hanging close by the guide, I would wander around a little bit (not too far) and snap pictures. The best part was that I didn't miss a thing they were saying because I could hear everything that the local guide was talking about.
Thanks, Diskidatheart! :)

And I totally agree about the Whisper units. I always lag behind, taking pictures (surprise, surprise! :rotfl:) and also was really happy that that did not mean I missed the commentary & information from the great guides.

Hooray!! Another installment before we leave (we get on our plane to Orlando this Thursday before we head to the Med early next week!!:thumbsup2:thumbsup2).

Also....we've created our blog page on which we intend to make regular posts during our upcoming Med and WBTA vacation (w/ pics)...any of our DIS friends here who want to follow our adventures can do so by visiting our blog at (I also put the link in my signature)
Hooray!! Another installment before we leave (we get on our plane to Orlando this Thursday before we head to the Med early next week!!:thumbsup2:thumbsup2).

Also....we've created our blog page on which we intend to make regular posts during our upcoming Med and WBTA vacation (w/ pics)...any of our DIS friends here who want to follow our adventures can do so by visiting our blog at (I also put the link in my signature)
You guys are going to have such a fabulous, spectacular time!!! Thanks for the blog link. I'm looking forward to your reports!

Ok I must get to Eze! Just gorgeous! I have so enjoyed your reports! So many

places that are so authentic in their offerings. I hope to maybe make this our

2012 cruise. Will have to see! Right now counting down to Dream cruise in Feb,

Wonder Cruise in May to Alaska and hopefully BSM next year before D23 next

Ok I must get to Eze! Just gorgeous! I have so enjoyed your reports! So many

places that are so authentic in their offerings. I hope to maybe make this our

2012 cruise. Will have to see! Right now counting down to Dream cruise in Feb,

Wonder Cruise in May to Alaska and hopefully BSM next year before D23 next

Eze was a really great surprise. I didn't know that much about it since we weren't scheduled to go there. I really did love it!

And that is one of the things that I love about ABD. They do strive to get you out of some of the more touristy things, and into more "authentic" experiences. I really like that!

Sounds like your 2011 is pretty full! 2012 it is! (Man, I keep looking at BSM. Maybe some day!)

My husband is going to BAN me from reading your trip reports! Thanks for sharing with all of us. You are a master at reporting and making me want to go. The scenery is just gorgeous. I am off to Southwest Splendors in 23 days!! Maybe when I get back I will start planning/dreaming about this one.
My husband is going to BAN me from reading your trip reports! Thanks for sharing with all of us. You are a master at reporting and making me want to go. The scenery is just gorgeous. I am off to Southwest Splendors in 23 days!! Maybe when I get back I will start planning/dreaming about this one.
Hahahahah! My evil plan is working! :rotfl:

Thank you for the kind words. I'm so glad you're enjoying the report.

Have a MARVELOUS time on Southwest Splendors. It still remains one of my all-time favorite vacations!

Have you read my Alaska report? ;)

It was such a nice surprise to have another installment from your trip report to read! I love the pictures. Monte Carlo seems like a very elegant place - so very different from Vegas (of course I've never been to either, but from the pics...) Definitely this seems to be a wonderful day, with three really enticing places to visit. And I love the pictures with the fog in them - they really do look quite dramatic!

Thanks again. :goodvibes
It was such a nice surprise to have another installment from your trip report to read! I love the pictures. Monte Carlo seems like a very elegant place - so very different from Vegas (of course I've never been to either, but from the pics...) Definitely this seems to be a wonderful day, with three really enticing places to visit. And I love the pictures with the fog in them - they really do look quite dramatic!

Thanks again. :goodvibes
Thanks, glassslipper! I really didn't know what to expect of this day in Villefranche, but it ended up being quite a nice & diversified day, especially with the add-on of Eze. I hope they make that a permanent part of the itinerary.

And fog does come out so dramatic, doesn't it?

I am curious as to why you went on the ABD cruise as opposed to just booking the cruise and adding excursions individually. Is the ABD a better bargain. Did you have a choice of cabins. We are cruise "snobs" who really love our balcony and use it a lot. Disney cruises seem to be a bit more expensive on the web than other lines. We have been on a lot of Royal Caribbean and Princess cruises and love them. What makes Disney so special? We are in our early 60's but are active travelers. We are definately not seditary people. We like to snorkle and zip line in the caribbean. My theory is: Life is short - get out there and enjoy while you still can!
I am curious as to why you went on the ABD cruise as opposed to just booking the cruise and adding excursions individually. Is the ABD a better bargain. Did you have a choice of cabins. We are cruise "snobs" who really love our balcony and use it a lot. Disney cruises seem to be a bit more expensive on the web than other lines. We have been on a lot of Royal Caribbean and Princess cruises and love them. What makes Disney so special? We are in our early 60's but are active travelers. We are definately not seditary people. We like to snorkle and zip line in the caribbean. My theory is: Life is short - get out there and enjoy while you still can!
Well, actually, the whole point was to take the ABD. I'm not a big cruiser. I've done some cruises, but they're not my favorite way to travel (although I ADORED my Alaska cruisetour on Princess). And no, it was not a better bargain. It was pretty comparable to doing some of the more expensive excursions through DCL, and there are definitely cheaper ways to do a cruise than the ABD. The only reason I signed up for the cruise was to be able to take the ABD.

I've been on 2 ABD's before, and absolutely *LOVE* the way they put on a trip. Their Adventure Guides are truly fabulous, and their activities are a great mix of touristy things and exclusive things you can't really set up on your own. History, nature, and culture all mixed together. Very active trips. And it's so nice having everything taken care of for you.

I was really torn about signing up for this ABD. I really liked most of the itinerary, but you paid for the ABD on top of booking your own cabin on the cruise, and the cabins were SO VERY expensive compared to comparable cruiselines. It was seriously ridiculous. But then someone told me they still had the Category 12 GTY inside cabins for $999 (which I paid about 160% of that as a solo traveler). I was not really looking forward to an inside cabin, but I really wanted to take the tour, and the Cat 12 was the only cabin I could justify cost-wise. The next higher category, which was still an inside, was almost 3 times as much as the Category 12!

I lucked out HUGELY, as I was upgraded to a Category 6 veranda cabin. In retrospect, I'm not sure how I would have fared with the inside cabin; my head & stomach were "off" for the whole time I was on the ship, and opening the veranda door was really one of the few things that helped. I'm not sure I'd take the chance again.

I really, REALLY enjoyed this trip. However, I now know that I really *DO* prefer land-based trips.



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