Tom Sawyer Island


DIS Veteran
Jan 6, 2000
Is it true that people in wheelchairs can't go on the raft to Tom Sawyer Island?!?
We haven't been there in years and I can't really tell from the maps and the Guidebook for Guests with Disabilities.
The map says you must be ambulatory to experience it and the Guidebook says that the rafts are not recommended for people using ecvs
tom Sawer Island rafts are not recommended for guests using ECVs. To fully experience Tom Sayer Island, guests must negotiate stairs, bridges, steep inclines and narrow caves. As an alternative,guests using wheelchairs are invited to take a round trip raft ride ot the dock. Guests can disembark at Tom Sawyer Island and wait there for their party.
If I remember right, you might ne able to get around in a narrow child's chair, but not a full size adult chair. It's been a long time since we've gone there, though, so I might be completely wrong.
We go to Tom's island on the raft with son in wheelchair and Disneyland Ca. all the time. We have to push up some hills and the ground is dirt. But he loves watching his siblings run and play on the rocks. They don't allow strollers but they allow his chair.:pinkbounc :bounce:
I know they do not let ECV's on the raft and I would guess that power chairs would not be allowed either. I was able to leave my chair long enough to ride the raft and then I sat on one of the rocking chairs and had a lovely conversation with a Grandmother from North Carolina while my son and husband ran around the island.

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