Tips for the single parent?


Feb 17, 2003
This is going to be a new one for DD and I. If we end up in WDW by ourselves, we will have never gone on vacation alone before. WDW is huge! And I don't want to get lost:o

Any single parents or parents going solo with a 5 year old have special tips to make this the magical experience DD is looking forward to? All she wants is Disney. And a character breakfast. :p After that, she is just thrilled that we can go;) Thanks!
Since my DS was born, (he's now almost 23) I have always been a single parent. We have been to Disneyland in California many times (starting when he was 5) and to WDW 3 times. Here are my suggestions for single parents:

Accommodation: Stay onsite if at all possible. Having stayed offsite for our 1st trip - we then stayed onsite for our next 2 trips. We would never stay offsite again. Yes, I know (and understand) that some must stay offsite, but I am a big believer in onsite. The vacation just doesn't seem as magical otherwise. A 5 year old would love the All-Stars, particularly Movies (but you'd probably like something with room service). The closeness also is good for a break in the middle of the day and staying onsite also avoids the transportation issue. It is very easy to get around WDW on the busses. It is absolutely no problem and the waits are almost always reasonable.

Dining: One of the biggest things to remember is that it's your vacation too. Single parents need a break - and even if your child is with you - the biggest breaks I found were that someone else cleaned my room and someone else cooked and served me my food. Make sure you build in at least one sit-down and get served meal per day. With a 5 year old, it might have to be lunch (too tired at dinner) or you could do a late sitting at a character breakfast. Often grabbing something quick (as small bowl of cereal) on an early morning, doing a lot of the attractions in Fantasyland and then going for a character breakfast late (about an hour to an hour and half before the character breakfast is over) is a good choice and you can get by with a quick bite in the mid-afternoon. Then have an early dinner. But make sure that you plan enough sit-down eating. I always found that lunch at something nearby (the GF or Poly) a good choice. Just remember to eat "lunch" at 11:30 in these hotels - as there is usually no waiting at those times.

Trip Planning: Plan your days carefully - but with enough flexibility to avoid getting overtired. You may think this applies only to your DD - but it applies to you as well. Have a rough idea of where you are going that day and how long you are going to be there. Communicate that to your child. Say "This morning we are going to the Magic Kingdom and then we are going to have lunch at the Polynesian Resort and then we are coming back to the room for some quiet time and we will decide what to do next." Then the child knows what to expect. It helps if the child knows the rough game plan.

I think you'll be surprised at how much of the other parks that your DD enjoys.
WHile I'm not a single parent, I would imagine that if I were going to disney with only my dd, I would want to stay on site also. I hate driving where I'm not familiar with the roads. Being on site you only have to use disneys transportation & can't get lost because all the buses have signs on them where there going to. If you can't stay on site then try for a hotel that has transportation to the parks. As for character meals, We all love Chef Mickeys. We never been there for dinner, but there breakfast is wonderful. I'm probably the only one on the boards that isn't crazy about Cinderella's Royal Table. You & your daughter will probably love it, so try & get ps's for that as soon as your able to, because there e xtremely hard to get. Good luck You both are going to have a wonderful time.
I go to WDW often with my two daughters who are now 6 & 8 and have been since they were about 3 & 5. Dh joins us sometimes but dosen't enjoy the parks like we do or have the vacation time I do!

I agree with the first responder, stay onsite if at all possible. I love all the resorts but if you can get a code or discount the monorail resorts are ideal at this age.

We hit the MK in the morning, at opening and almost every morning !! My girls like the Cinderella show better than the parade (but don't miss the parade if you haven't seen it) and the prefer the Epcot fireworks over mk. This works out great for me as I don't like the MK crowds later in the day.

We hit Epcot almost every evening we are out, the girls love to take a more relaxed pace and watch the live entertainment, make a mask and snack our way around. Its a nice break from the overstim of the days for us.

MGM and AK have lots to offer and shouldn't be missed, for us AK is a morning park and MGM is an evening park. We like to split our days as you can tell.

LIke another poster said I always make a ps for a late breakfast or late lunch at a sit down restaurant every day. I find the dinner prices just to much for kids and the timing dosen't work. Our usual eating schedule is cereal, fruit, bagles etc in the room, snacks at the park and a late lunch where we can sit and be served. This is our "big meal" of the day. has all the menus and great advice on meals. Dinner is fast food and I am finding more and more great options for healthier, better tasking quick food.

At peak season or when its hot we always head back to the resort for a rest and pool break. On days when we don't do this we alternate early mornings and late evenings. If we hit MK for early entry we will be back at the hotel by 4-5 for a swim and more relaxing evening. If we are up late for Illuminations or Fantasmic then we will sleep in, swim in the am and hit a park around noon.

Try to have a general idea of which parks you want to visit, check the surprise morning schedule and plan your days loosly. Also have an idea of your "must do" attractions and just enjoy what your doing. Try not to over due and see everything and allow for re-rides!!

Have fun and keep asking if you have more specific questions.

Oh and you won't get lost and if you did it won't be a problem !! Everything is very well marked, bus, boat monorail etc. WDW is really the only place I am very comfortable touring alone with the girls.

Great tips so far! I have traveled to WDW 5 times with my kids and I even drive for most of these trips. Staying on site is a lifesaver, and sanity saver for me. By now I know my way around the Kissimee area but I still would be stressed if I had to drive that twice a day on vacation. The Disney transportation is great and it is very easy to get around. The CMs can answer any questions you have about transportation.

I love spending the uninterupted time at WDW with my kids. I am a pretty solitary person but even I want some adult conversation sometimes so I talk to other parents and CMs.
This November will be our 4th ( me and DD8 ) trip to the world together...... I have never felt unsafe or lost. We stay onsite and use all the Disney transportaion. Last year we did 2 days outside the world by going to Sea World and Discovery Cove and used a cab or Mears and it worked out fine......
The first year we went together I was afraid we would start eating at each other and I would be starving for adult conversation but it was completely the opposite we had the best time and never got tired of one another:)
One little bit of advice, bring snacks and some breakfast items like single serving cereal, pop tarts nutragrain bars for the room..... There will be times when you want something to eat and it is sooooo much easier to have stuff in the room than constantly go to the food courts.... That is where it is nice to have a second adult, because one can stay with the child while the other does a mug or snack run........ Also ask other guest or cast members to take pictures for you so you have pictures of you and your daughter together.

You will have a wonderful and memorable time, guaranteed
Thanks for the advice! I am going between the idea of DTD hotels through PL or getting the government rate at the Dolphin. I am not thrilled about any place that doesn't have internal corridors and will probably pay the difference for a moderate if I did a Disney property. But with the moderate price in December (Value season pricing), I think I'd want the Dolphin. With the trip in December, I think that we won't be doing an outdoor pool.

I agree that I probably shouldn't be looking too much offsite. Would I do ok though with a DTD hotel transportation? We take trolley rides and bus rides for fun around town because DD is fascinated with public transportation ;) (I drive to the trolley stop to get us on the thing and we just make the full route before going back to the car:p ) I also want to save some money and think DTD might save me a little more.

I guess I will get a book out to plan my days. I have grown used to having a loose schedule. I know DD will love AK and MK. She likes museums and arts and crafts so I like the info on splitting days. There is only so much she can take in a day and she hasn't napped since she was 2:eek: So I will need my rest!!

I love the suggestions for character meals. This is DD's big thing. She cannot wait to meet characters. The late breakfast would be perfect for us since she is used to an 11 or 11:20 lunchtime. I think we are also going to do the campfire smores with chip and dale too.

Thanks for all the tips so far and please keep them coming!
Alexis :wave:
I am a single parent of 2 boys (5 and 9). We went to WDW for the first time last August. We stayed at the Poly because of the convenience of the monorail. I have to say, the whole trip was really easy.
I agree, stay onsite and try to stay at a resort with interior cooridors.
We are going again in a few weeks. The boys did such a great job last summer that I don't need to spring for a monorail resort but we will be staying at AKL and WL
Originally posted by jadedNYer

I agree, stay onsite and try to stay at a resort with interior cooridors.

I really have never been able to stay in an exterior corridor place without feeling a little odd. Especially just the two of us. I think we would be an easy mark.
I think you would be safe anywhere on Disney property. I would maybe avoid a ground floor room. At the Poly the common doors to the building we stayed in (Samoa) were not kept locked. But I never felt unsafe there at any time. Someone can correct if I am wrong but I believe at WL and AKL you do not have to venture outside to go to the restaraunt, launcry, etc which is a big plus if it happens to be raining and you have to drag you children with you. Orignally this summer I was planning to stay at the French Quarter for part of our stay but that's out because of the renovations. The lack of interior cooridors at the FQ was in the back of my mind though.
Although not a single parent, I've been to WDW with my son (sorry, I could never figure out this DD, DS business) who is now 7, alone since the month before he turned 3. The first time, I thought I was being smart and not renting a car, thinking it would be easier to use Disney transportation. WAS I WRONG. He was almost closed in the bus door as I was setting up the stroller. If you want to go to Downtown Disney at night, it take up to an hour to get to the Contemporary using the buses (a 15 minute drive with a car). Also, the last thing you want to have to do at the end of the day, or at nap time, is wait 20 minutes for a bus to take you back to the hotel. I rent a car. Take the bus to the Magic Kingdom when I'm not staying at a monorail hotel, and drive to all other theme parks, as well as everywhere else.
I've stayed both onsite and offsite with my son and it's been fine in all cases but then driving is not a big deal to me and very useful if we have PS at hotel restaurants. I have stayed in moderates and never felt unsafe even though they don't have interior corridors. I guess that I really never thought about it on Disney property. If you're unfamiliar with Disney property and unsure, don't hesitate to keep asking the Disney CM's. They're very nice and accomodating and it saved me when I first started going to WDW.

When DS was 6 we stayed in Kissimmee at a Doubletree and driving was a snap because we simply exited the parking lot and turned left at the first light directly into Disney property. This was a budget trip though and I was lucky enough to get a beautiful hotel on Priceline for a very good price. I did get a little confused on Disney property a few times but I just kept driving until I saw another sign for where I needed to be. WDW has lots of signs!

As for touring, go early, don't rush, take a break and go at night when the parks are so pretty. You might want to try for one of the Princess character meals for your daughter. Chef Mickey's for dinner is a lot of fun too and the monorail resorts are easy to get to.
Just have fun!!!

I'm a single mom, and my dd and I have been to disney maybe 6 times already. Our problem is going by ourselves! We have so much fun, we always have others wanting to join us...

I wouldn't plan too much. I plan around the evenings (MVMCP is wonderful, get a PS in MK first!), and let my dd pretty much decide what we're going to do the rest of the time. It's the little things that make or break a trip, like when the macaw at AK said "bye-bye" and waved its wing to my dd. (Never did it again, but we keep trying!) I do try to get a princess breakfast in, and you'll want to do Chef Mickey's or Crystal Palace or something.

As for internal corridors, I've found that the exterior doors are quieter. We've done ASMo, ASMu, CR, WL, DI, CBR, and AKL. Far and away, CBR and the All Stars have been our favorites. Loved CR for the location, but it was NOISY. CBR was the quietest, first time I didn't hear toilets flushing all night long.

And tmq is right, make sure you stop at the grocery to load up on snack/munchies/drinks for the room.

You are going to have so much fun!!! But remember, relax and enjoy it.
I have been a single mom since my daughter was 3 years old. I took her on her first WDW trip when she was 4. I made sure to include her in ALL the planning. I bought a Burnbaum guide book and we planned the rides we'd do, the meals...everything. We did quite a few of the character meals. She loved that. She has now been 5 times (just the two of us).
Stay at the Dolphin! Stay at the Dolphin!

It'll make you're trip so much easier. This is a beautiful resort and it's so convenient to everything. You can even walk to EPCOT and MGM if you want or take the boat. There's lots to do around the resort area with the Swan, BW, BC/YC within walking distance. The resort itself is wonderful and comfortable. Bus transportation to MK and DTD is also available. (and the S/D bus is the first bus at the line up outside MK when heading back)

I am not single but I take my almost 5 yr old dd to WDW every few months. (Dh just isn't into it like we are so he stays home and usually does a nice home improvement project and he does work of course). It makes for a nice mother and daughter mini vacation. And, I can do what I want, he he!

We drive from South Florida which takes about 3 hrs, not bad. The S/D and WL are our favorite resorts. I actually favor the S/D a little more because of their location, but the WL is a nice change.

I do have a car but when we stay at the S/D I don't use it much at all while we're there. When we stay at the WL I use it more because it is a little more isolated. However you do have boat access to MK, CR and FW.

My advice is to pick out the attractions and characters your dd wants to see most and then do those favorites first. You might want to take a rest after lunch time or later in the afternoon so you don't exhaust yourself and have a cranky dd. We only spend a few hrs in the parks mostly in the mornings then have lunch and head back to the resort for a nap. This way, the evening events are much more enjoyable.

You'll want to make a plan/itenerary that has some flexibility to it and depending on when you're going (if it's a busy time or not) you'll want to make PS for the character meals or even the regular sit down meals. You can always cancel them if you need to.

There are several character breakfasts-check out for the numerous selections! Have a great time!!
Also, plan an "off" day. It's amazing how much a day when you don't try and commando the parks will refresh you for the rest of the vacation. On that day, sleep in, hang out by your pool, go to Downtown Disney to the stores, ride Disney transportation to some of the other resorts to look around.

I was a single mom taking DS to WDW about every 2 out of 3 years from the time he was 7, until he was 11 (then I remarried and all three of us would go). It was a great time for the 2 of us and we have many good memories. (He is now 21).

Even when we were on a very tight budget we made it true play time. No worries about work or budgets, sometimes we did "vacation" things like have ice cream for dinner or stayed up late watching movies. A shared banana split still says vacation to him and me.

If you are courageous, a day trip to the beach might be fun. We went one year on the off day to Cape Canaveral and then once to Cocoa Beach to swim and surf. That was so much fun, we made it an annual custom!

Hope you have a wonderful vacation!!


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