~~ They're leaving the nest, sew it's time for a trip - or two - or three...~~ D~'s bag ~9/22 ~~

I'm glad that everything worked out and that Allison figured out the best way to get home. It must have been very stressful for you until she arrived safely.

I must admit that I am rather glad that I never got any of those messages when my daughter spent 3 weeks in Germany with a host family from a high school exchange program. It is the helplessness that is so difficult to deal with that I don't like. And no one wants to see their child in a situation like this.
That must've been very scary for Allison and you. I'm glad she was able to figure things out and get home safely.
Thank you - I am trying. :) It hasn't been easy - but it hasn't been too hard either. I totally understand the premise behind the 21 day fix and changing habits - it's a great segway into future life changes. ::yes:: I am glad to hear that you've found something that works for you. :)

Good luck at the fair - I cannot imagine the amount of work and extra exercise you get in during that time!

Thanks... I have not tried plyometrics... I do get some of it with a few of my videos I do - but I have to be incredibly cautious, as I have bad knees. ::yes:: So, typically when those parts come up - I have to do the less challenging parts. I also have to be very cautious when I am running, insuring that I am stepping properly and not jarring my knee - which also causes me to be a very slow runner. I do it simply because i enjoy it and for no other reason. :) I've been trying to get V out to go walking with me, but ahhhh... no interest there - not even with Disney as bait. LOL I tried the same with Allison last year... And she started to pay for it on day 7, I believe? :scratchin They are young and resilient... Hopefully they can keep up with their mother. LOL

Yes - she is having a wonderful time... I am a bit jealous of her trip myself... Hoping she can push through these last several weeks.

Definitely - it's healing, and feeling better each day... I am just trying to be cautious with it - it's feeling much better this morning - which is a good sign. ::yes::

Yes - she had a wonderful time there... I am so thankful to them for making this whole trip possible for Allison and next year for V... It really is the opportunity of a lifetime.

I am trying - truly I am... It's been hard, and it's been hard looking at myself in the mirror and seeing too much of the person I was before, for my liking... I am trying not to let it overwhelm me though - or else I will lose focus on what I need to do to fix it again. I agree - it's a lot easier when a person does it to improve their health as their main goal - to me, it just seams like my health is so much more worth the sacrifice and it keeps my goals in perspective... Once my brain changes to more of the vanity angle - it seems that I have a harder time. Keep up that great work!!!!

Thanks for sending me that link yesterday - I have yet to go look at it, I will this morning though, after I am done writing here. ::yes::

It sounds like life has been crazy for you this week! Safe travels (in opposite directions) to your parents - it sounds like both of them have nice plans.

And, I agree- that is terrible about the uniforms... They could have given so much more notice than that - BTS time is often financially difficult for many families - some consideration there could have gone a long way. I am glad you were able to get it sorted out for the time being, and hopefully you can add more to her wardrobe as time goes on.

Glad to hear that Peyton got the teachers she knows and wanted... That should make her year a bit easier. :lovestruc

What a great tradition you have started with your girls - how fun! I never really did anything like that with mine... Just Disney really... But I love it and I hope you are able to find a way to make it special for each of them! Great idea! :lovestruc

Hahaha... You can thank Allison for my "early riser ability"... When she was a baby, she would get up between 4am and 5am every morning - I did not enjoy it at all, as I was NOT an early riser. She was a ball of energy at that time of day though and I really needed to wake up fast and be focused on her... and she never really stopped being an early riser - until maybe about 2 years ago - and even then, 8 or 9am is her max. I'd gotten so used to it - that it's just natural for me to get up that early now. Typically - I am up around 5am, naturally... I do my coffee/FB/Dis until about 7am... I work out between 7 and 8... Breakfast at about 8:30... And I like to be upstairs to work, no later than 9am. I typically take lunch between 12:30 - 1pm, and I try hard to stick to that 30 minute meal time... If I go back up to work after lunch - then I usually work until about 3:30-4pm... Josh is off of work at 4, so I use that hour before he comes home to shower, get ready, clean up the house, make dinner - whatever needs to be done. Most days though - I have errands to run or appointments going on, so I go back up to work until I need to get ready to leave. Dinner is typically at 5:30 every night, and evenings are usually spent with the family - or not holed up in my sewing room - unless I have a big project going on, then I go back up to work for an hour or two in the evening - but I try very hard not to do this. Typically - most of my day is done by the time I take lunch at 12:30. LOL Oh and sometimes I try to take a little hour nap after lunch too... LOL Because I run my business from home - I try hard to stick to a good schedule - otherwise I'd never get anything done. I know what I have to get accomplished (work wise) every day - and I pretty much don't do anything else until that is done - that is my main focus. I often bribe myself with food - as in, I make certain mental benchmarks that I must meet in order to eat... So, I say to myself - this bag must be cut out and quilted before I can go take lunch - it just helps keep me on track, because I want to eat and I need to get my work done. ::yes:: When I make my work schedule - I have to plan it a year in advance - all of my vacation time, or any trips that I take - I have to know year in advance, so I can build that into my schedule. Typically - I build 1 extra week off every 10 weeks, if I fall behind, I have somewhere I can catch back up, this has worked well for me over the years - but also, if something comes up, I am able to use that week to take a last minute trip or whatever. So, that's usually how my days go... I usually don't deviate from that too much. :thumbsup2 Hope that helped?

I would think that would be the fun part about being stationed elsewhere... Just to be able to see other parts of the world. :lovestruc As hard as it would be to be away from friends and family.

Cute! LOL Yes, it won't be long now... I think we are all ready for her to be home again - except maybe for V? :scratchin

She did have a great time... but she is definitely home sick. She will be so busy over the next several weeks - I really think she won't have too much time to miss us.

It sounds like you have been enjoying summer - and getting out to do fun things! I admire you for that! And how fun to be able to go along with your daughter as she adventures locally - that's cool!

I hope your remodel at work goes smoothly. :thumbsup2

I hope you have a great day, as well! :lovestruc

Thanks Lillian - my back is getting better day by day... It's still sore - but better. :)

It's a bummer that your neice and nephew live so far away, it sounds like you will get to see them a few times over the course of the upcoming months though - that will be nice. :)

I love the idea that you and Ulf are going to tent - that sounds like so much fun! I don't tent, ever... I used to, but there's just too much wildlife here - and not my idea of fun! But I admire those that can do it and enjoy doing it. :) It sounds like you have a great plan! :woohoo:

Exciting!!! I am so glad that you were able to extend your trip - it seems like it all worked out so perfectly!!! :woohoo: For $60 - I'd definitely add another night! ::yes:: And eeeep!!! It's so close!!! That's just as exciting! LOL You will have such a great trip!

I wish I could offer advice here... LOL But I don't tent. Just wanted to say hi Tess. :)

I am glad to hear that your dad is doing and looking so much better... Oh yes - I agree there... I try to do that to my dad too - but it seems like he doesn't like to listen to me, ever. I hope they understood your reasoning and listened. :thumbsup2 I completely understand your concern... and praying for no more curve balls coming your way.

Thank you - same to you!


Ugh!!! Yesterday... I am just glad it's over.

I worked out right away in the morning... And I worked upstairs too, until lunch. And then V and I had errands to run.

Meanwhile... Allison was taking the train into Amsterdam to meet up with some friends of her's. Which was fine and encouraged - it's good that she is getting out and trying to meet people. She posted some pictures on FB and it looked like she had a good time.

Then - at about 3pm here, I texted her to make sure she made it home OK... That's when she told me that she kept getting on the wrong tram, and she was still trying to get home. Doing the time difference calculation - it was 10pm her time. :( She was at a train station, a 45 minute walk from Amsterdam Central and still had to get back there, before she could board a train home... So, she still had a 2 hour minimum ride home - if all went well. You know - those scenes in Tangled, where Mother Gothel ages instantaneously?? That was me. There was my daughter - in a foreign country - who doesn't speak or read the native language... Trying to get home in the middle of the night. I had to use every skill I had not to panic and try to remain calm... but this kid... Geez... Essentially - she was trying to find her way on her own... and it was the middle of the night... Of course, I took matters into my own hands and sent Myrthe a message, because she had no idea what was going on - maybe she would listen to Myrthe if Myrthe offered the help? After all, it is her country and she knows how to get around. I love that my daughter is independently minded - but it's always good to ask for help when you need it.





Essentialy... She got on 2 trams, before she got on the right one. Then the train she got on, which was supposed to take her from AMS to her town shut down for the night for maintenance... So she had to get on a bus much earlier and much further away, to take her to the town where she could catch the smaller local bus that took her home. But in the end, she took the bus from the larger town, to the smaller town, then took a taxi home. She arrived home at 1am her time!


Like Myrthe told me last night - I should be PROUD of her for navigating a foreign transportation system - she did it exactly how Myrthe would have told her to do it... And I AM proud of her - truly I am... But next time - Allison - PLEASE do it during daylight hours. Thank you. ::yes::

After she was home, safely tucked into bed - and I had aged 60 years in a matter of hours... I saw this message posted on FB... Broke my heart...


So, that was my night. I hope the rest of you had evenings that were much less adventurous. :scratchin

Today... I am working out shortly... I wanted to run - but it's pouring rain. It should be a heavy lifting day for me - but I think I am going to let my back heal for one more day - so I'll heavy lift tomorrow instead. ::yes::

Then I will work upstairs until lunch time. Again - V and I have errands to run this afternoon. Story of my life, these days. LOL

I hope you all have a great day!! Sending pixie dust out to all of you! :lovestruc

I can relate to your situation a little bit. My daughter, who is 20 yo was flying back to school after winter break and her flight got canceled and she got stuck in the airport. She took matters into her own hands and found some strangers to travel back to school with. Let's just say it was a looooong night for me. I was so worried for her and of course I thought of the worst possible scenarios. But there was nothing I could do, just sit and wait by the phone and pray for her safety. How many gray hairs do you have now?
Oh,D,I'm so glad Allison is OK!!!I know getting lost it's perfectly normal in a foreign country but it's very scary when you are on your own…when I was 16 years old I went to Bath, England, on an exchange program and one day I took the wrong bus and ended up in the middle of nowhere…since it was dark and I was scared I called my english "mom" and explained the situation and she told that she could't help me…so I walked for almost 3 hours, in the dark, crying the whole way…thank God nothing bad happened and I eventually managed to get home but it was very scary…I only told my parents what happened when i got back to Brazil and they where furious with her for not helping me ( and today I can't even imagine my own daughter, Leila, who's also 16, being in a situation like that,it would drive me crazy!!!).
I'm assuming you guys are stationed somewhere in Japan. My dad was stationed in Yokosuka when I was in high school from 1993-1997. We were able to go to Tokyo Disney several times while we were there, long before DisneySea existed.
Hi, Jennifer! Yes, we are stationed at Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni. I think we landed for a few hours in Yokosuka on the way here, although, that whole day and a half is a blur, Lol. We really hope to make it to Tokyo Disney at least once during our 3 years here. I here it's cool but very expensive. I guess that's true of all Disney parks now. Until now, I am getting my Disney fix vicariously by reading all of D's fabulous trip reports!
I got several of those calls from Shannon when she first moved to NYC - when she was 18....so I can deeply sympathsize with you. Luckily for me, Kate was moving back to NY and they shared an apartment. Made my life easier until one would call me complaining about the other one. One day I had both of them texting me at the same time, complaining, they were each in their bedrooms in the apartment. Sheesh.....:hyper2:
Sorry for the double post. The Dis was being wacky on me this morning and not all the posts were showing up.
I did my heavy lifting yesterday morning... Where I pinched/pulled something in my back while dead lifting... It's definitely painful - but not inhibiting me from moving and living... Kind of an annoying pain - if that makes sense?
OH, Goodness! I hope your back feels better quickly. You cannot be in pain at Disney! Those are the rules. Seriously, take care of yourself!

V had something she wanted to go shopping for - turns out it was a hard to find item, which tends to sell out as soon as it arrives in stores. Figures. LOL Thankfully one of the stores was able to search their inventory in the metro, so we drove to another mall to get her item... A pair of Adidas shoes... Who knew? LOL Now she has the shoes she wanted... I loaned her the $$ for them until she gets paid today... Which means - I'll now have a nice chunk of cash to add to my "Disney cash stash". ::yes::
I do this often, where I have to have a certain thing that I have in my head. My Granddaddy used to call it "gettin' somethin' stuck in your craw". I am glad she got the shoes she really wanted and you got more money from your stash! I used to squirrel away extra cash kind of like that for our Disney trips. At the commissaries, the baggers only work for tips & I almost Never carried cash. So, I would have to get cash back and I would give the baggers some cash (depending on the size of the load) and put the rest in my Disney stash. It was like embezzling money from myself, Lol.

Ugh!!! Yesterday... I am just glad it's over.
Good Grief! I was down yesterday about Emma (DD10) walking to school by herself, and then I read this. Wowza, yeah, I would have been a wreck, too. I think it was the right thing to let Myrthe know what was happening just in case. It's great that she navigated the system so well, but with the language barriers... I am just glad she made it home safely. Kudos to you for not losing your... business, Lol.

I am thinking of taking the girls to the pool today, so hopefully that works out without too much stress. We are also going to try to sign Emma up for Bible School at the base Chapel if it's not too late. I am hoping she can meet some kids and get to know a few people before school starts. I hope you have a great evening and day tomorrow (?) for you.
oh, I ran into someone yesterday at the post office who had a Target package and I excitedly asked her if she ordered it online & she said she did!! But she said that she has the red card (which I do not) and that may be a perk of that program- being able to ship to FPO AP addresses. I am going online to check it out today. :woohoo:
Allison really had an adventure getting home. I must have been freaking out the whole time. I don't understand why she didn't call Myrthe but it all ended well.
Your shopping trip with V. sounds like one with my daughter. We looked all over for a certain pair of Nikes that she wanted for her May trip. We never found them up here. She ended up buying a pair in Florida.
I hope today was much calmer.
We finished the room last night. Bed saga got even crazier. Tuesday afternoon DH calls costco.com's customer service. After waiting on hold for almost a 1/2 hour, they call the carrier, comes back to DH and basically says he thinks something was lost at the terminal. So DH has him cancel the order.

I stopped into a bob's furniture to look at their twin over full bunk bed, since i was in traffic due to a car off the road in a trees/grass. I didn't like it. Then I stopped at costco to look at the twin over full bed. I liked it.
When DH came home from work we went to costco to buy the bed. This was 2 big boxes, one box was very heavy. We decided to unload it in the car and carry the pieces up one by one. Get about 1/2 way done, and notice the headboard has a huge split in the wood and is warped. We finish unpacking the rest, and head back to costco. We were able to have them open the box they had and swap out the damaged piece. Got the bed together.
I'm actually glad we had the screw up, since i think the other bed would have been too big for the room. We went last night and got the twin mattress for the top bunk. I found a comforter set that matches the one she already had for the bottom bed. I want to get a set of matching sheets.

Sound scary. Glad she was just stressed and not panicky.

I am glad it all worked out in the end - even though it was such a hassle for too long. The best looks great and I love everything about the room - the colors, the decals - it all looks fabulous together! How does dd like it? I bet she loves it?

I think Allison was panicky there for a little while...

Oh my goodness! What an adventure Allison had last night! When I was in high school we lived in Japan and there is something very empowering about mastering a foreign transportation system. This will give her confidence that will carry over into other aspects of her life. Although, Japan is very English friendly so I imagine Allison is dealing with twice the challenge.

Thanks for sharing your schedule, I love seeing how other people make things work. I need to tweak some things with my schedule so seeing the way you manage things helps.

Today is crazy busy for me. I'm working for a few hours, meeting Peyton's teachers and taking her to lunch. Then picking up Charlotte early for some one on one time with her and a back to school haircut.

Have a great day!

Yes - she definitely had an adventure... One I hope she doesn't repeat. LOL I am not sure how much more I can take?

I totally get that - this will either give her confidence or it will completely stop her in her tracks though... However - once she gets home, I am sure she will definitely have a lot of confidence from it. ::yes::

Well, my schedule works for me, most of the time. I find if I don't work out and work early in my day - I don't get it done, or I don't get as much done as I need to... So, this just works best for me. ::yes:: Hopefully you are able to figure out something that works well for you. ::yes::

I hope your day went smoothly yesterday and you had a great time with the girls... I miss those BTS days... This is V's last year - and to be honest, I have so much BTS stock from previous years, I purchased a package of pencils and I think that was all I had to buy? LOL I'll probably have enough for when their kids start kindergarten too. LOL

Thanks, same to you!

I think I got a few extra gray hairs just reading your conversation! My 19 year old would have been the same way. I would have been worried to death and then she would have refused help because "she's got this". Then she would get what ever problem she has figured out and stop texting. I'm waiting on pins and needles and she's fine. Kids! :rolleyes:
So glad Allison made it back safe and sound. Hang in there, she will be home soon!:)

Yah - my gray hair is REAL right now... Yes - exactly... The whole while, I am imagining the worst. Kids!

Thank you - I am pulling from within for whatever strength I have left... LOL And then I must recharge for next year when V goes... :eek:

I can't believe Allison didn't contact Myrthe as soon as Allison found it difficult to find the right train. But I'm glad she finally found her way home. It's good to try to find your way around, but when you get stuck it's always wise to ask for some help to get home as fast as possible.

When is Allison back in the US?

Crossing my fingers that you will have a much less adventurous day today.

I know... I think she wants them to think she is just fine... Not sure? I am also thankful that she found her way home, she had to do a lot of problem solving to get there.

Allison comes home in September... So we still have a while to go yet.

It was a little less adventurous -for Allison anyways. LOL

Oh my word! The whole thing with the transportation. Glad she finally made it back safely. That would have stressed me knowing there was nothing I could do to help. The message to her friend may have helped soothe the emotions, but it would have taken me quite some time to calm down. I am not looking forward to that at all.

Marissa finally found out about her host family. She is 45 minutes walking distance to the school. She was told when she applied that she could be placed as far away as an hour by train, so this made her feel better. And she is an hour from Tokyo Disneyland. She is super excited about that. The family has a 4 year old son and a 6 year old daughter. The daughter loves to dance, so she thinks with having a younger sister that dances might help her relate to the little girl. We shall see how it goes. She does not like little kids, at all. Maybe 11 months will help give her patience with them.

Hopefully, today is a bit less stressful.

I know - right? I swear, I thought middle school was bad... LOL Seriously child? LOL Yes - I think she was pretty scared at that point, but you can kind of see in the message what she turned herself around - at least, that's how I read it.

I am glad she has more information about them... How exciting for her! It sounds like she will be able to relate a little bit to the daughter anyways - so that is good, hopefully it all goes well for her... It will be such a different dynamic for her to get used to - but she will have so much fun. When does she leaves? And will you get to see her at all during that time?

Thanks - it was much better. :lovestruc

I'm glad that everything worked out and that Allison figured out the best way to get home. It must have been very stressful for you until she arrived safely.

I must admit that I am rather glad that I never got any of those messages when my daughter spent 3 weeks in Germany with a host family from a high school exchange program. It is the helplessness that is so difficult to deal with that I don't like. And no one wants to see their child in a situation like this.

Yes - I was a bit of a wreck... I feel like I am always a wreck when it comes to the kids - I need to learn to be more trusting of their ability to get out of situations... And I guess that's not even the part that bothers me - it's the whole, you don't know who else is out there thing... Ya know?

Exactly... I am just thankful she is over there with family, that helps a lot... but they also have different views of her - they see her as an adult, because she is 18, and I still see her as an 18 y/o in a foreign country, who maybe shouldn't be out in the middle of the night? LOL :scratchin

At this point - I am just thankful that she is home safe, and back to enjoying her time there. ::yes::

That must've been very scary for Allison and you. I'm glad she was able to figure things out and get home safely.

Thank you - it was! I am just glad she found her way home and made it there safely. Phew! I prefer not to relive anything like that again. ::yes::

Oh,D,I'm so glad Allison is OK!!!I know getting lost it's perfectly normal in a foreign country but it's very scary when you are on your own…when I was 16 years old I went to Bath, England, on an exchange program and one day I took the wrong bus and ended up in the middle of nowhere…since it was dark and I was scared I called my english "mom" and explained the situation and she told that she could't help me…so I walked for almost 3 hours, in the dark, crying the whole way…thank God nothing bad happened and I eventually managed to get home but it was very scary…I only told my parents what happened when i got back to Brazil and they where furious with her for not helping me ( and today I can't even imagine my own daughter, Leila, who's also 16, being in a situation like that,it would drive me crazy!!!).

Yes - exactly - I would have been a lot less nervous had she been with someone else...

Oh goodness!!! That is TERRIBLE - and WRONG on so many levels! Thank God nothing happened to you! How scary that must have been... I would imagine that screening is a bit different now, and something like that wouldn't happen - I hope. I am so glad you were able to get out of that situation. :hug: Ugh - this just makes me angry reading about it... :(

Hi, Jennifer! Yes, we are stationed at Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni. I think we landed for a few hours in Yokosuka on the way here, although, that whole day and a half is a blur, Lol. We really hope to make it to Tokyo Disney at least once during our 3 years here. I here it's cool but very expensive. I guess that's true of all Disney parks now. Until now, I am getting my Disney fix vicariously by reading all of D's fabulous trip reports!

I got several of those calls from Shannon when she first moved to NYC - when she was 18....so I can deeply sympathsize with you. Luckily for me, Kate was moving back to NY and they shared an apartment. Made my life easier until one would call me complaining about the other one. One day I had both of them texting me at the same time, complaining, they were each in their bedrooms in the apartment. Sheesh.....:hyper2:

Oh my gosh... I don't know how you did it Tess - I would have been a wreck! Thankfully - it sounds like she learned her way around pretty well... But wow! :scratchin Scary!

Hahahaha... That would be my girls... Actually - a few weeks before Allison left, they told me of their plans to move out and get an apartment together... I laughed hysterically for hours.... There is NO way they'd survive. LOL

Sorry for the double post. The Dis was being wacky on me this morning and not all the posts were showing up.

OH, Goodness! I hope your back feels better quickly. You cannot be in pain at Disney! Those are the rules. Seriously, take care of yourself!

I do this often, where I have to have a certain thing that I have in my head. My Granddaddy used to call it "gettin' somethin' stuck in your craw". I am glad she got the shoes she really wanted and you got more money from your stash! I used to squirrel away extra cash kind of like that for our Disney trips. At the commissaries, the baggers only work for tips & I almost Never carried cash. So, I would have to get cash back and I would give the baggers some cash (depending on the size of the load) and put the rest in my Disney stash. It was like embezzling money from myself, Lol.

Good Grief! I was down yesterday about Emma (DD10) walking to school by herself, and then I read this. Wowza, yeah, I would have been a wreck, too. I think it was the right thing to let Myrthe know what was happening just in case. It's great that she navigated the system so well, but with the language barriers... I am just glad she made it home safely. Kudos to you for not losing your... business, Lol.

I am thinking of taking the girls to the pool today, so hopefully that works out without too much stress. We are also going to try to sign Emma up for Bible School at the base Chapel if it's not too late. I am hoping she can meet some kids and get to know a few people before school starts. I hope you have a great evening and day tomorrow (?) for you.
oh, I ran into someone yesterday at the post office who had a Target package and I excitedly asked her if she ordered it online & she said she did!! But she said that she has the red card (which I do not) and that may be a perk of that program- being able to ship to FPO AP addresses. I am going online to check it out today. :woohoo:

Thanks - I think I just have something pinched on the lower left side - it only twinges when I bend or slouch over... Or standing up - any sort of crouching motion like that. I should be OK soon - it seems to be getting better every day. ::yes::

Hahaha... I think I lost my ... Business, a few times. LOL I seriously need to get my roots touched up - I am pretty sure my hair is now naturally white. :scratchin

How did Emma do... I assume she did well and made it to school OK? Was it her first day? Hopefully you were able to get her signed up for Bible School?

Hahaha... There you go - you can just sign on to Target.com and have everything shipped right to you. ::yes:: I would think that if Target can ship to an APO/FPO - they can do it all the time, not just for red card holders? However - I do know that red card holders get free shipping all the time + 5% off... So that's a nice perk. ::yes:: I have a Target debit card, so it comes right out of my checking account... No interest - so I still save the 5%, but never pay interest. I love it! If that's an option for you - I think you can apply for the debit card right online too? :scratchin

Allison really had an adventure getting home. I must have been freaking out the whole time. I don't understand why she didn't call Myrthe but it all ended well.
Your shopping trip with V. sounds like one with my daughter. We looked all over for a certain pair of Nikes that she wanted for her May trip. We never found them up here. She ended up buying a pair in Florida.
I hope today was much calmer.

She sure did... I was a mess! I don't understand either... I think she wants them to think she is independent? I am not sure? :scratchin She can think she is independent all she wants when it's daylight - LOL... Come night time and the wee hours of the night - um no. LOL No way. Sorry kid - momma bear comes out, I don't care if you are 4000 miles away or not. ::yes::

It's crazy - but I get like that sometimes too - I get something in my head and I just can't shake it... I think that sometimes it's a curse - well for my wallet, anyways. LOL

Yesterday was much better, thank you! :) I hope you had a great day yesterday.


Yesterday was a nice calm day... Boy did I need it. LOL

I worked out right away in the morning... I didn't lift - I just did my WATP video.

Then I worked upstairs all morning until lunch time.

I took V out for lunch at Chipotle - it's a sickness. Then I drove her all the way across the metro (at the beginning of rush hour) to drop her off at my cousin's house for and undetermined amount of time. LOL She might come home on Sunday, or next Wednesday... Or she may take up residence with my foster parents for a few days... Not really sure? I have a bazillion family members in that area, so she won't be homeless. LOL

Then I drove home - during the heat of rush hour - that was fun. Actually, I don't mind it... But I did reflect and enjoy the fact that my commute is usually 12 stairs and about 25 steps. I am very lucky. ::yes::

So, Josh and I are officially "childless" for the duration... It's pretty quiet here. :scratchin The dogs will probably be sick of me by the end of the day... ::yes::

I plan to do my heavy lifting today - provided my back is feeling OK, I will test it out with a lighter load to start off with and see how it goes. Otherwise, I may go for a run - I haven't run since Monday (I think?).

I will work this morning and run to town later... I am out of fruits and veggies... I need to stock up for the weekend.

I also plan to start and a surprise bag for V for our trip... I am pretty excited about this one... It's also one she has been begging for, for many trips... I hope to have it done, to surprise her when she comes home. :lovestruc Hopefully, I have enough time to get it done. ::yes::

I hope you all have a great Friday and an awesome weekend! :lovestruc

o, Josh and I are officially "childless" for the duration... It's pretty quiet here. :scratchin The dogs will probably be sick of me by the end of the day... ::yes::
The biggest difference to having Victoria gone for awhile might be that you aren't driving so much. ;)

I also plan to start and a surprise bag for V for our trip... I am pretty excited about this one... It's also one she has been begging for, for many trips... I hope to have it done, to surprise her when she comes home. :lovestruc Hopefully, I have enough time to get it done. ::yes::
That will be so much fun to make. It is nice when your kids like what you make. I made quilts for all my kids and they loved them. They even took them to college. My son ended up with two quilts, since his first one fell apart by the time we went to college, and he still uses his second quilt in his family room of his house. :)

I hope you all have a great Friday and an awesome weekend! :lovestruc
As you know, we are remodeling our kitchen. But we are also doing the bathroom, too. I need to spend the weekend searching for good ideas for the shower. I am most excited to get a new tile shower. I only have a fiberglass stall right now.
I meant to ask you if you have a spiralizer? I got one for about $40 on Amazon. I had not used it much, but oh my gosh, I will be using it pretty often now. We decided to spiralize some large zucchini from Aldis. We then added grape tomatoes some chopped onion and bell pepper and Italian dressing to make a "pasta" salad with no pasta. It turned out great! Although we will cook the zucchini noodles next time to see if the texture is more like noodles. But you can make your own Italian dressing to your specs if you don't want to use pre-made...otherwise it was a very healthy salad option!
Thank you - I am trying. :) It hasn't been easy - but it hasn't been too hard either. I totally understand the premise behind the 21 day fix and changing habits - it's a great segway into future life changes. ::yes:: I am glad to hear that you've found something that works for you. :)
Don't worry I wasn't trying to sell you anything. I was trying to make the point that you do really well with your disney budget by breaking it up into small parts. That you need to cheer your small successes on in your healthy lifestyle. One day at a time mama. At least that is what I tell myself

Thanks... I have not tried plyometrics... I do get some of it with a few of my videos I do - but I have to be incredibly cautious, as I have bad knees. ::yes:: . LOL
Sorry I forgot that. I just find it more fun that just running.

Hope the back cooperated this morning. You are smart to start out slow. I have finally been a good girl this week and have done my workout everyday even when it is gross hot and humid at 5am. I am definetly watching my form so I don;'t reaggrivate my back and my shoulder is feeling good also.

God bless you with that tram incident. I don't know what I would have done.... besides freak out of course. ;-) Have a great weekend. It is supposed to be HOT here.
I got behind a week--still trying to catch up on home stuff and all after being on vacation. I can't even imagine all the up and down emotions you've been feeling while your daughter has been gone on her trip!!! I was feeling them just reading about it!! How amazing for Allison that she was able to go to Disneyland Paris after all!!! That's just incredible :) So sweet when she was falling asleep with Junior. And how incredibly nervewrecking when she was trying to make her way back home late at night. AAAAAhhhh!!!

Can't believe the trip is half over already!
I am glad to hear you had a calmer day!
I have a bazillion family members in that area, so she won't be homeless
What a blessing to have family relatively close by! And people that V enjoys spending time with- not all teens want to spend time with extended family, so they must be pretty great!

So, Josh and I are officially "childless" for the duration... It's pretty quiet here
Enjoy your time together!

I also plan to start and a surprise bag for V for our trip... I am pretty excited about this one... It's also one she has been begging for, for many trips... I hope to have it done, to surprise her when she comes home
Yay for a new bag! I hope you'll share it with us- I can't wait to see what it will be!?

I do know that red card holders get free shipping all the time + 5% off... So that's a nice perk. ::yes:: I have a Target debit card, so it comes right out of my checking account... No interest - so I still save the 5%, but never pay interest. I love it! If that's an option for you - I think you can apply for the debit card right online too?
Oooh! I didn't realize it came with free shipping! If I can convince my husband that it is secure, the debit card may be the way to go...hmmm- this could be dangerous, Lol!

How did Emma do... I assume she did well and made it to school OK? Was it her first day? Hopefully you were able to get her signed up for Bible School?
We only went to new student orientation for Emma. We walked the route to see how long it would take, and it took us about 20 minutes. We did get her signed up for Bible School, so that starts next week and then school starts on the 29th. We are trying to decide whether or not to get her a simple flip phone to call us in case anything happens on the way to or from school because there is a gate about 500 feet from the end of our street. Heaven forbid that she goes out the gate (by choice or coercion), but if she didn't call by school start time, we would know something isn't right. Either way, I think one of us will walk with her for the first week or so.

I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
The biggest difference to having Victoria gone for awhile might be that you aren't driving so much. ;)

That will be so much fun to make. It is nice when your kids like what you make. I made quilts for all my kids and they loved them. They even took them to college. My son ended up with two quilts, since his first one fell apart by the time we went to college, and he still uses his second quilt in his family room of his house. :)

As you know, we are remodeling our kitchen. But we are also doing the bathroom, too. I need to spend the weekend searching for good ideas for the shower. I am most excited to get a new tile shower. I only have a fiberglass stall right now.

LOL - hopefully... That would be nice. But then maybe I'll drive more, because I'll need to go find people to be social with? LOL

That is awesome!!! I so wish I could quilt... Well - I probably could, but I just hate wrestling with all of that fabric - baby quilts are enough for me. ::yes::

Have fun!!! I love choosing all of that stuff... I have ours chosen for our bathroom - when we get to doing that. I am excited/not excited. LOL

I meant to ask you if you have a spiralizer? I got one for about $40 on Amazon. I had not used it much, but oh my gosh, I will be using it pretty often now. We decided to spiralize some large zucchini from Aldis. We then added grape tomatoes some chopped onion and bell pepper and Italian dressing to make a "pasta" salad with no pasta. It turned out great! Although we will cook the zucchini noodles next time to see if the texture is more like noodles. But you can make your own Italian dressing to your specs if you don't want to use pre-made...otherwise it was a very healthy salad option!

I do have a spiralizer, but I rarely use it - I don't think it's a good one, so it just leads to me swearing more than anything. LOL I should think about investing in a better one. ::yes::

I am here reading just not posting too often this week.

Hugs my friend. :hug:

Don't worry I wasn't trying to sell you anything. I was trying to make the point that you do really well with your disney budget by breaking it up into small parts. That you need to cheer your small successes on in your healthy lifestyle. One day at a time mama. At least that is what I tell myself

Sorry I forgot that. I just find it more fun that just running.

Hope the back cooperated this morning. You are smart to start out slow. I have finally been a good girl this week and have done my workout everyday even when it is gross hot and humid at 5am. I am definetly watching my form so I don;'t reaggrivate my back and my shoulder is feeling good also.

God bless you with that tram incident. I don't know what I would have done.... besides freak out of course. ;-) Have a great weekend. It is supposed to be HOT here.

Hahaha - no worries! I hope I didn't come across as thinking that? LOL But yes - I do need to cheer my small successes... The problem I am having now, is that there really aren't any... Except that I am consistently journaling and staying under my calorie goal... I guess I better cheer that. LOL ::yes:: You are so right - one day at a time Momma. :lovestruc Cute!

No worries - LOL... I don't expect you all to remember everything - as long as I don't have to remember everything about you all. LOL I am lucky if I can remember names. :lmao:

My back was OK - my motivation was less so. LOL I did lift - and I did end up lifting to my full weight, but my heart wasn't in it. Even if my heart wasn't in it - my thighs were... I can feel it this morning. LOL I am glad you are being cautious with your lifting... I sometimes forget and that's where injury happens. ::yes:

I know - right. Allison scolded me yesterday morning on Skype... I told her I was proud of her - and she said "Mom, you didn't help anything!" What? I didn't? But how do you mean??? LOL She said - I could tell you were freaking out... Prove it child. LOL Hehehehe.... I'll never admit it.

I hope you have a great weekend too!

I got behind a week--still trying to catch up on home stuff and all after being on vacation. I can't even imagine all the up and down emotions you've been feeling while your daughter has been gone on her trip!!! I was feeling them just reading about it!! How amazing for Allison that she was able to go to Disneyland Paris after all!!! That's just incredible :) So sweet when she was falling asleep with Junior. And how incredibly nervewrecking when she was trying to make her way back home late at night. AAAAAhhhh!!!

Can't believe the trip is half over already!

No worries - it looks like you guys had a great time!!!

Yes - it's a constant roller coaster, I think. And it's hard. But we will get through... We are almost past the half way point. Lots and lots of emotions though - and that's the hardest part.

I am glad to hear you had a calmer day!

What a blessing to have family relatively close by! And people that V enjoys spending time with- not all teens want to spend time with extended family, so they must be pretty great!

Enjoy your time together!

Yay for a new bag! I hope you'll share it with us- I can't wait to see what it will be!?

Oooh! I didn't realize it came with free shipping! If I can convince my husband that it is secure, the debit card may be the way to go...hmmm- this could be dangerous, Lol!

We only went to new student orientation for Emma. We walked the route to see how long it would take, and it took us about 20 minutes. We did get her signed up for Bible School, so that starts next week and then school starts on the 29th. We are trying to decide whether or not to get her a simple flip phone to call us in case anything happens on the way to or from school because there is a gate about 500 feet from the end of our street. Heaven forbid that she goes out the gate (by choice or coercion), but if she didn't call by school start time, we would know something isn't right. Either way, I think one of us will walk with her for the first week or so.

I hope you have a fantastic weekend!

Yes! LOL I enjoy the calmer days!

Well - our family isn't too close, but they aren't far either... If we meet in the middle - it's about a 2 hour drive for each of us. I am lucky that most of my family and my foster family all live very close to each other... When my girls go to stay with someone - there's always someone else who wants them to stay too... So, they usually bounce around for a few weeks from relative to relative. It works out, and they have a lot of fun. :lovestruc

I will definitely share V's surprise bag here... I started on it last night - and I am really excited about it - the applique is turning out very nicely. I hope she is excited, because this is also a theme she has been asking for, for several trips - and it isn't a theme that I particularly enjoy doing - as one of the characters is difficult - so I always put her off. I hope she is so excited when she finally gets this bag. ::yes::

I've had my Target debit card since they were first introduced in 2007... I've never had any issues with it at all. It has a pin #, just like your debit card from the bank, and it's hooked directly to your same checking account... So, you just use the Target debit card in place of your regular debit card at Target only - and you get the extra 5% off. I really love it. Most people don't think it's been around that long - as they didn't start advertising it until the recent few years... But I've had it for almost 10 years now without any issues, and believe me when I say, I use it SEVERAL times per week - sometimes several times per day. :scratchin

I will say that life was so much easier once my girls had phones of their own... Making it through the sea of middle school dismissal alone made the phones worth it. But each family must decide what is best for them. ::yes:: Good luck!!!

I hope you have a great weekend too! :lovestruc

How great that V is able to visit family. I hope she has a great time :)

Thank you - I am sure she is having a blast. LOL She always does. :lovestruc


I had a nice day yesterday... I did lift and it was a good lift, even though my heart wasn't into it. My thighs feel it this morning - so it must not have been too bad. ::yes::

Then I worked all morning... Ran errands at lunch time... Then I started on V's surprise bag when I got home... I made a huge dent in it and I am super excited to work on it again today. I love how the applique is turning out! :woohoo:

I have to run to the meat market this morning though - before they close for the weekend and I also have to run to Aldi's to get some fruits/veggies - as I never made it there yesterday.

I hope you all have a great weekend! :lovestruc

I hope you have a great day today :hug:

Thanks Lillian! Same to you! :lovestruc


I had a really great day yesterday...

I went to town early to grab some groceries before it got busy.

I was home in time to have an early lunch, and then I went upstairs to work on V's surprise bag. I am sooooo happy with the applique on this one - I even let a few tears escape, because the applique reminds me of the relationship my girls often have - I would never tell them this though. :scratchin I was able to finish everything on the bag that I could do without the interior fabric - which I am still waiting on. Once that comes, I will be able to finish the bag. I am very excited! :woohoo: I hope she loves it!

Josh went into work yesterday, as well - so I was able to get a glimpse of what my "empty nest" will look like... Let's just say - if I thought I was busy before - I will purposefully keep myself busy during this time... It's too quiet and too sad to think of this house so empty.

Josh and I went out for dinner last night - to Chipotle... It was delicious, as usual. ::yes::

Then we went to see the new Jason Bourne movie... It was excellent! I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to follow the story line, since I did not see the last one... but each movie sort-of stands on it's own too - so no problems there. ::yes:: And it was good enough to keep me awake, considering we'd gone to the 7:30 show. That says something. LOL

And that was our day. ::yes::

Today... I don't even have a clue what I am doing?

I did not go for a run yesterday - and I haven't been out on a run since Monday... So, I think I will try for one this morning. :scratchin

And then I think I will start a bag for myself. The only new bag I've done, for this upcoming trip, is my Halloween bag... Oooh - speaking of which... I happened to find a purple tee shirt at Target the other day - on clearance... I purchased it in a size bigger than what I am wearing, in the hope that it will cover my behind while wearing leggings... It just barely does - it could be a smidge longer... Wish I could remember which store I found it at, because I could buy a second one and just add length to this one with a band of some sort at the bottom. :scratchin Anyways... I took a picture of my MNSSHP outfit, as it stands right now... The bag is made by me, of course, the headband I found on Etsy last year (I couldn't even tell you who made it... It was just a single item I'd stumbled on), and the bling is from Erin, I'd ordered it from her last year, before she closed her business... I am so thankful I thought ahead and ordered this set. I've decided, I also have several orange tunic length tees/tanks - so if I decide to wear my Halloween gear twice, I'll do orange the 2nd time. ::yes::


As for the bag for myself... I am not sure which theme I am doing for that one yet? I've been tossing around a few ideas... I do know - at some point, I'd really like to retire my Donald bag and just do a regular UPB for him... I also know, I am ready to retire my Minnie bag... So, I'd like to do a Mickey/Minnie combo bag set - so I can still wear all of my gear, but also transfer to a UPB style in that one. Once I do that - I'd have UPBs for Mickey/Minnie, Donald & Goofy... I would just need one for Pluto - if I wanted to do the Fab 5? I dunno... I've just really enjoyed the fact that I have several themes that I can really wear any day into any park - it's been fun to "go with the flow", so to speak. I am also wanting to retire my Toy Story bag... I would continue using the TS theme, but I really want to do a Mr./Mrs. Potato head theme... Still not sure on this one - because I adore the fabric combo of the bandana and cow prints - it is my all time favorite... I will see what inspires me when I go upstairs today and what I feel like working on. ::yes::

Allison took all of the kids out on a photo shoot yesterday... Machteld texted me this picture of Allison working... I love seeing this - this right here, is good for her soul. :lovestruc


And then a few pictures of V having fun with her Aunts and cousins... The first photo is of her and her Godmother Tonya (my cousin - who is much like a sister to me, as I lived with her family for several years when I was young)... And the 2nd picture is of V and her Aunt - one of Tonya's younger sisters... The 3rd picture is of V and both of her Aunts, plus Tonya's oldest dd - who graduated this year. Did you keep all of that straight? V is having a great time - she is bouncing around from house to house... Aunts, uncles, cousins, grand parents... At this point - I think she will be gone until, at least, Wednesday. LOL




Hmmm... What else can I bore you all with? :lmao:

Ooooh... I went through my trip budget, with a fine tooth comb, the other day... I just really wanted to see where I was sitting and how much work I still needed to do to make my budget. I was a bit shocked and surprised to find out that with what I've earned so far, and what I have scheduled to be set aside in the next few months - I have no more extra work that i need to do for this trip! :woohoo: This is SO exciting for me... As most of you know - typically, I am working double over-time right up until I leave on trips, just to make enough $$ to pay for it all. I was totally shocked to find out, as of right now, I am DONE! Which means - I am free to be creative and work on our own stuff for this trip... And since V actually enjoys carrying my bags - I am having a blast making things for her too. :lovestruc I am a little taken off guard by this realization - and my idle hands are not sure what to do with themselves. LOL It does make me very excited too though... And then I keep going back to the WDW website to see if there are any other ADRs we want... LOL - Just so I have something else to work towards, but I am not seeing anything that catches my interest, as of yet. :scratchin

That's about all! I hope all of you are having a nice weekend! :lovestruc Sending prayers and Pixie Dust out to all! :hug:

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When you get an empty nest you can start to do things you always wanted to but which wasn't possible because of the kids. I'm sure you will come up with something fun to spend your time on.

I'm glad to hear you had a great day yesterday.

How great that you have time to make yourself some bags. I'm sure you will come up with a great theme for your bag because you always come up with great themes for every bag you make :)

I'm glad to see Allison had a photo shoot yesterday with the kids. Hopefully she didn't feel to homesick while she was busy taking photos.

Looks like V is having a great time with family. It's great that she has the opportunity to visit family.

Now that you have the money you need for your trip budget you can start saving for souvenir money. :woohoo:

I hope you have a great day today and I can't wait to see more of your bags.


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